#alex høgh andersen x ofc
After the battle - Ivar the Boneless x Reader
Warnings: mentions of death and war and blood and yknow it’s vikings.
The war was close to being won, but the battles didn’t stop. The rivers flowed red with the blood of the dead saxons and vikings, corpses littering the battlefields. So far you had managed to stay out of the worst, only losing your brother to the horrors of war. Sometimes, being an unmarried maiden had its perks, especially when you witnessed the widows crying over their dead husbands.
As the rivers started to flow clear again, you dared to take a step outside of your home again. The cold winds blew through your hair, making you shiver as you walked along the path leading to your favorite spot. An open spot in the woods where your favorite flowers were growing, helping you to extend your knowledge and collection of herbs, flowers and even more. Sometimes you’d even be lucky enough to spot a deer in those parts.
But this time felt different. With every step you had the feeling you were walking on dead men’s bodies, stepping into blood even though it was only the mud. Your racing thoughts came to a halt when you heard some soft whimpering close by. A hurt animal? No, no, an animal sounded different. Animals made noises when they were afraid of death, those noises sounded…too human. Ways too human.
You decided to follow the noises, leading you into thick boskage. Careful not to injure yourself, you walked and walked…until a small pool of blood caught your attention. Not wasting a second more you ran over there. “Hello? Is anyone there?”, you called out, to which another grunt made you look around. And there was someone lying! Hidden under a layer of dirt and leaves, you spotted this half dead man, almost making the mistake of stepping on him and adding insult to injury. Oh my, you had to help him… but would you be able to trust him?
Bringing him back to your hut had been more of a challenge than you previously anticipated. Turns out this man’s legs were Fucked with a capital F. Was he injured in battle or what was going on with him?
You managed to place him on your bed, finally able to take a good hard look at him. “What happened to you, stranger?”, you muttered while using a wet cloth to get some of the grime off his body. How long had he been laying in the dirt and mud? Was he fighting alone, or did his comrades leave him for dead?
You got rid of his leather armor and what was left of the blood soaked linen he had been wearing. Thankfully the wounds on his chest and the surrounding area were shallow - but bad enough to be a pain in the ass. But thanks to your knowledge of herbs and plants and everything related, you knew just what to do. Somewhere in your hut, you had a paste of chamomile around, something your mother had taught you to make. Grabbing the bottle it was in, the man managed to open his eyes just this tiny bit. Just enough to catch a blurred glimpse of the maiden who had somehow dragged him out of the woods.
“Thank you”, he croaked out. Oh! He probably hadn’t drank for days! He must be close to dying of thirst! Those thoughts shot through your mind when you heard his raspy voice, alarming every part of your body. Still, his survival was miraculous within itself, and miracles called for celebration. Luckily, your mother had just helped you bottle a fresh batch of mead, prepared with the flowers from the spot you found him in. The stranger gulped the mead down, saving him from his dying breath. The mead filled his starving belly for now, which he only realized now was begging for food. “Don’t drink too much at once or you’ll vomit.”, you quietly scolded the man as you finished putting the paste all over his badly healing wounds. Once they were a bit more open, you could clean them and re-apply the paste.
“Wouldn’t be good.”, this time, the stranger’s voice sounded less rough, the water had coated his dry throat, slowly absorbing the desperately needed hydration. This man had been on Death’s doorstep for too long, but not even Death wanted to take him in, so you did. A mystery, this viking in front of you. The cloth on your bed slowly turned into a dark red shade as his wounds were slowly opened back up by you. Too much dirt could halt the healing process and give him more worries in the future. By now you hadn’t even touched his legs, only had taken his pants off, but from what you had seen there, those were beyond any kind of salvation.
“Why are you doing this?”, the man managed to sit up a little bit, causing you to promptly press him back down into the bed. “You nearly died. Thank me later. You need sleep.”, you said, putting a bit of pressure on a stronger bleeding wound - it wasn’t fatal, but bad enough to let the blood trickle down his abdomen.
“Sleep…yes, sleep sounds good.”, his head hit the small pillow you liked to cuddle again, eyes closing as he took a long and deep breath.
“Before you fall asleep, stranger, tell me…what’s your name?”
“My name is Ivar.”
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Unraveling at the Seams Master List
Unraveling at the Seams Master List
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thank you @flowers-in-your-hayr​ for the header 
Henry is the past. Alex is the present. And the future is slowly unraveling at the seams.
Part 1
Part 2 
Part 3 
Part 4
Part 5 
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8 
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16 
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
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Associated Fics and Drabbles
Unraveling by Touch
Unraveling in the Heat
Unraveling Inside
Unraveling the Cape
Unraveling in the Sheets
Unraveling at the Alter
Unraveling the Years
Unraveling Over the Holidays
Unraveling the Mystery
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the-girl-in-the-box · 3 years
Not Today- XXXIV
A/N: Aaand, another late chapter, oops! I had a bit of a crazy week, finishing preparations for an audition I had Wednesday for a music program at my university, then passing the audition, scrambling to get my schedule sorted on Thursday, attending my first day of classes Friday, and making up any work I missed Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. YIKES! 😅 But, I’m very happy in this program, and I can tell I’m finally right where I’m meant to be. Unfortunately, all that did lead to another late chapter, but I have made it an extra thousand words- hopefully that makes up for the lateness!! A trigger warning for child abuse toward the end (canon typical), but enjoy the chapter! Even bigger things are coming soon 👀 Skål!
Summary: When Ivar takes the throne of Kattegat, Lagertha flees to Wessex along with Björn, Ubbe, Torvi, and the Bishop Heahmund. There, they seek the aid of King Alfred. This aid comes in the form of his sister, Aethelind, who agrees to travel to Kattegat and try to reason Ivar, who she spent some time with during their youth, when her grandfather King Ecbert hosted Ragnar Lothbrok in their castle. Now, she is the only hope for Lagertha and her supporters to retake Kattegat from Ivar the Boneless.
Ivar was woken first by the light streaming in through their window, and he shifted slightly as if he could avoid it. He felt Asta shifting with him, though far more subtly, as she moved only to press her back closer to his side. He smiled a little, turning his head toward her, and then he shifted once more. Rolling up onto his side, he let one of his arms drape over her waist, and then pulled her tightly against his chest, burying his face in her hair. He found it blocked the sun out perfectly, and so he let out a contented sigh. Yes, he could get used to this.
She rolled over, and he chuckled a bit to himself as he felt her turning back towards him, her arms wrapping around him and head tucking up under his chin.  He adjusted his grip to hold her more securely, his hand resting against her upper back as he pulled her under his arm. There was a greater intimacy between them now, he realized, than there had been before. All the nights they’d slept at each other’s sides, he had still held her then, but it hadn’t been the same as this. Whatever wall she had put up between them had finally cracked that night. With it, Ivar’s insecurities about her had as well.
Now, as he pulled back just a bit to look down at her, he smiled softly. The early morning light was reflecting gently off her skin, making her almost seem to glow in it, contrasting with the thick, dark waves which stretched out behind her. Truly, he would believe she was a goddess, if he was told it was so. As it stood, he believed with all his heart she truly was a Prophet.
“Your blood is fated together.”
The words entered his mind in the Seer’s voice, and when Ivar lifted his eyes, he saw him, sitting somewhere just behind her. But it wasn’t his own voice he heard reply, it was hers.
“Our blood?” she asked. “How can our blood be fated together?”
“In the blood of your fathers,” the Seer answered, no less frustratingly vague than he had been in life. “In the blood of your sons. King begets King, Priest begets Princess, and blood is fated to blood. The darkness grows as the light stays by his side. The tides are pulled by command of the moon.”
“What do you mean by that? What moon, and what tides?” she questioned.
“You are surrounded by the tides, Prophet. But they do not darken your light. You remain. You are all that remains. Wake, and drown in them.”
Asta’s eyes opened suddenly, taking a deep breath as she looked up at Ivar. He found himself blinking a few times, and… he smiled. Even though he knew she had rather mundane ways of making her prophecies, he had no doubt she was somehow truly a Prophet. If the Seer were here, were still alive, and could somehow speak with her, he would say the same. Ivar was sure of it.
Confusion crossed his face as he saw it grow in her, and she even sat up a bit, took a little bit of a look around. “Was there a man in here?” she asked, looking back to Ivar now with her brows drawn. He shook his head.
“None that I’m aware of,” he said. If there had been one, he’d snuck in while they’d slept. But Ivar couldn’t recall anyone but himself and Asta. “Did you hear something?”
“A man’s voice,” she answered. “He spoke to me. You’re sure you heard nothing?”
“I heard nothing,” he answered her honestly. “I have only been awake a few moments, but I think I would have noticed. Did you dream it?”
“They say the Seer has appeared in dreams to people,” he told her. “I have not seen him since his death, but I know I have heard it said.”
Asta hummed, growing more thoughtful at this response from Ivar. “Was he a strangely cryptic man?” Ivar chuckled.
“There was nothing he said which made any sense until you saw it played out in your life,” he replied, which in turn made her chuckle as well. “What did the man in your dream say, hmm?”
To Ivar, it was beginning to sound as if the Seer had come to Asta in a dream, which was only serving to further convince him she was truly a Prophet. If the Seer gave her a prophecy, could that be how she knew to say some of what she did? Things such as her various warnings to Oleg? That would certainly make sense.
“He told me the tides would be pulled at the command of the moon.”
Ivar froze.
He’d heard those words, once before, when the very same prophecy had been given to him. Many times, he’d reflected on it as he watched Asta, and as he found himself doing whatever it was she needed. Even now, as he had proposed marriage to her, not only to ensure he never loses her, but also for her own security in Wessex, he was doing all he could for her. He couldn’t remember the last time another person had had such influence over him.
Well, there was Freydis. And, had Asta not stayed so steadfastly by his side, he might have questioned her in the aftermath of Freydis’s betrayal.  But as it was, he found that he trusted her. He wanted to trust her. He didn’t know if he would be able to take her betrayal, not so shortly after Freydis’s. He needed her, and so he was pulled at her command. Ivar the Boneless would always be pulled at the command of Asta the Prophet.
He hummed, and brought a hand up to push her hair behind her ear. “What do you think it means, hmm?”
“I don’t know,” Asta replied. She leaned into Ivar’s touch, the way he brushed her hair back, and gave a sigh. “He said many other things, but nothing I could pick any meaning out of.”
“Try not to worry too much then, my love,” he said. “Just take some time to rest, instead.”
Asta nodded a little, taking in a deep breath and letting it out in a long exhale. “You’re right,” she said. “Yes, I’ll just…” She paused as she looked up at him, and cupped his jaw with her hand. “I’ll focus on you instead.”
Ivar smiled and nodded. “And I will focus on you,” he promised. He let his hand move from her hair to her back, pulling her closer as he leaned down to press his lips to hers. The little hum she gave, a sound of contentment he had learned to recognize from her the night before, made warmth spread through his chest. Indeed, if he could wake up with her like this every morning, he would die a happy man.
Unfortunately, as with all things, their morning together eventually came to an end, and Ivar and Asta had to get up and prepare for their day. Their routine was well established by now, and they moved around their chambers as if they’d been practicing this all their lives- stopping to help the other as needed, and finding the other there almost before the request was made.
If nothing else, they were nearly perfectly attuned to the other. Ivar would take a different breath when he was about to speak, and if he was sitting on the bed without his braces, then Asta knew what he wanted before he had even voiced it. She’d easily go to get his braces, and bring them to him, helping him to get them on his legs without being asked. 
Likewise, she would give a very particular huff when she was struggling with her hair, and so Ivar would call her over before she even requested he help her with it. A perfect team was what they had become, and when the time came for them to take Igor to the market, both were prepared simultaneously, and ready to start their day. It was all terribly convenient, and gave them a sense of domesticity with the other about which they’d never complain.
Igor was already prepared to leave when they arrived at his chambers, and today, he’d clearly decided to bring along his puppet. Asta had smiled when she saw this, and chuckled softly.
“Ah, the King will be joining us today, then?” she asked him teasingly, and Igor grinned and nodded.
“He has decided he wants to get out,” he replied. “See his Kingdom.”
“Is that so, your Majesty?” Ivar asked the puppet.
Taking on a voice as if the puppet were speaking, Igor answered, “It is. I want to see my people, and how they are doing.”
The three went into the marketplace as they had planned, walking about and looking at different things for sale, laughing at a hat Asta tried on which didn’t suit her at all, and Ivar even bought a necklace for her, which did rather well suit her. It was a silver pendant, in which was carved the Triskele, a symbol of growth and change. The symbol seemed rather fitting, and so when she took to it, he gifted it to her. She’d grinned and hugged him happily, kissed his cheek, and asked him to put it around her neck. Seeing her so happy with the little gift had warmed Ivar’s heart.
Later, sometime that afternoon, a man approached Ivar while Asta was off at another booth, entertaining the boy with something. The message was something Ivar wasn’t overly fond of hearing, but accepted, and went to Asta and Igor with. “We must go,” he explained, and Asta sighed softly.
“Can I assume that…?” she began, and he gave a nod. This only caused her to let out an irritated huff. “He can’t even give us a day, can he? One day, just to do whatever we feel like?”
Ivar chuckled softly, and shook his head. “Apparently, he cannot,” he said. “Come.”
Asta rolled her eyes again, and turned to Igor. “Well?” she asked the boy. “Are you coming?”
“Where are we going?” he questioned, though he did follow Asta and Ivar as they started back toward the palace.
The latter of them answered, “To see Uncle Oleg.”
Igor wasn’t happy with this answer, and so decided to entertain himself by speaking once more through his puppet. “About what?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” Ivar replied. “Oleg is… an enigma.”
“What’s an ‘igma’?” Igor asked then, confused enough at the word to drop the puppet voice and look up at Ivar. Asta chuckled softly, and corrected him.
“An enigma,” she said.
“What’s an enigma?”
Ivar chuckled softly, and shook his head. “I’ve no idea,” he replied.
“An enigma is something that cannot be understood,” Asta explained to them both. “And… a very fitting description for Oleg.”
Igor had stopped paying so much attention to what Asta and Ivar were saying, wondering to himself what it might be that his uncle wanted with them that was so important he had to interrupt their day out. “Perhaps Uncle Oleg wants to give me a present,” he suggested somewhat hopefully.
“Perhaps he does,” Asta agreed. She rather doubted it.
But, it was enough for Igor, who smiled and said, “Perhaps he wants to give me half of the sky.”
Ivar and Asta shared a brief look. The sky did not belong to Oleg, and so to hear Igor speak as though it did, even after the talks they’d had with him, was concerning to say the least. Ivar stopped, putting a hand on Igor’s shoulder as he turned to him.
“He cannot give you something that is already yours,” he told the boy seriously. “Remember that, hmm?”
Asta looked up, back toward the palace, where she found Oleg watching them from the balcony just above the door. He turned and went inside.
The trio soon found their way back into the palace, and into the main dining hall, where Oleg was already waiting for them, sitting at the head of the table as he did so. Katia sat to his right, and Asta swallowed slightly at the sight. Something didn’t sit right with her about this, though she wasn’t sure just what it was.
“Prince Igor,” she greeted, smiling at the sight of him. “And Ivar the Boneless and Asta the Prophet. How very lovely.” She smiled as well at the Vikings. “Will you have some tea?”
Oleg patted the place to his left as the Princess stood, gesturing for Igor to come and sit there, and the boy did so eagerly. Asta, still more than a touch suspicious, lifted her brow as she watched Katia go for the pot.
“Tea?” she questioned.
As opposed to answering, Katia simply repeated, “Tea,” with a warm smile.
Asta hummed and sat down, as Ivar asked, “What is tea?”
“A plant, from Asia,” Katia replied.
Of course, she answers him, Asta thought a bit bitterly.
As Ivar sat down beside her, Katia knelt to pour him a cup of tea, holding eye contact with him for far longer than necessary. She repeated this exactly with Asta, who looked up into her eyes with a silent question behind them. What are you playing at? they almost seemed to ask.
Katia’s seemed to answer, Trust me.
Asta blinked a few times, confusion crossing her face. Something in Katia’s expression made the Shieldmaiden want to do exactly that, though realistically she knew doing so would likely be a horrible decision. But what if it wasn’t? What if trusting Katia was something she was meant to do? What if nothing was as it seemed here in Kiev, and Katia was not doing as she seemed to be?
Oleg spoke again, pulling Asta’s attention away from the Rus Princess with his anxious tone as he suggested, of what tea was, that it was, “Medicine, perhaps,” and chuckled shortly after.  So, Katia’s behavior was unsettling? Asta’s attention immediately returned to her, as Oleg began to try and move things along. “I thought you might be interested in the further plans for the invasion of your countries,” he said. “I mean, of course, our countries.”
A telling, “Hmm,” from Katia, who finished pouring the tea, and returned to her place at Oleg’s side.
Ivar replied, “Of course,” but Asta was now unable to stop thinking.
There was a message in Katia’s little hum, something about what Oleg had just said. What had he just said? The invasion of your countries. I mean, of course, our countries… Had that been a slip of the tongue, or of the subconscious? What was he saying through that?
She began to pay more attention as he explained, “As you know, we cannot put our plan into operation until next spring,” wanting to see if she could pick up on anything else out of the ordinary. “However,” he continued, “it seems to me it would be ill-advised to commit such huge forces into many unknown…”
At this time, Igor began to play with the puppet again, bored of the conversation regarding so much plotting and planning. He was still a child, after all, and what child wanted to plan the invasion of another country? Oleg noticed this, and gave a small sigh as he finished, “...theatres of war.”
Igor got up then, carrying the puppet around behind Oleg to go and sit beside Katia, who wrapped an arm around him and began to tend him much as a mother would. Oleg ignored this, and continued to speak.
“I know you can advise us on what we are likely to encounter,” he said to Ivar and Asta, “but I feel as though we need a more current and a much broader knowledge of those countries…” He became distracted by Igor pretending to feed the puppet, watching him for a few moments before continuing with a groan, “we plan to attack.”
Ivar could see the irritation beginning to grow in Oleg, and it occurred to him that if the man’s attention was not pulled away from the boy once more, he may lose his temper. That was something no one there, he didn’t doubt, would want to see. “Strategy and planning are everything,” he agreed as means of doing exactly this, and tapped the side of his head for emphasis. “The mind is a far better battlefield than the sword.”
“My intention is to send small raiding parties,” Oleg explained. Ivar’s plan had worked, then. “To take prisoners, from whom further information can be gleaned.”
Igor again got up, and moved to sit just to Ivar’s right, as if having been reminded by the Viking speaking up that he was there, and could indeed be sat with. Said Viking answered Oleg, “I agree, that is very sensible.”
“And, perhaps you would even consider appointing us to lead a couple of these raiding parties?” Asta suggested. 
Oleg looked to her, as if a bit surprised she would make this suggestion. But, he smiled falsely at her, and replied insincerely, “I will definitely take your request into consideration. Although, Katia and I both enjoy your… intimate company.”
Asta wasn’t surprised he was already wanting to turn this down. After all, the entire reason she did want to go was to see if she could run into Hvitserk, or perhaps Torvi, Ubbe, even Björn… There was still a horrible feeling in her gut when she thought of Lagertha, of the nightmare she’d had concerning the older Shieldmaiden, and if she could just make contact with one of her old friends, without alerting them to Ivar’s location… she thought she might be able to find something out, and set her mind at ease.
She stopped staring Oleg down as Katia spoke up, seeming to agree with her husband. “You are both… very intriguing,” she said. “Some of the things you say surprise me, and I never know what you will say next. You claim there is a connection between us, which I cannot fully understand…”
Ivar smiled tightly at her, and Asta hummed. “I wish I could understand it,” she said. “You aren’t alone in that lack of understanding. In fact, I find it likely that only the gods know.”
Katia hummed, but before she could answer Asta, Igor began to beat the hand of the puppet on the table, as if the puppet were demanding everyone’s attention. Oleg glared irritatedly, but Ivar took a different approach, looking instead to appease the boy.
“What do you say, Prince Igor?” he asked. “Do you want to come with us on a raiding party?”
“I must consult the King,” Igor said, and Ivar acquiesced with a hum, and a gesture to the puppet which clearly encouraged Igor to do so. Taking on the puppet’s ‘voice’ once again, Igor said, “I think you should make your own decisions!”
Oleg cracked.
“What are you doing, huh?!” he demanded, almost launching himself to his feet and storming around the table toward Igor. He pulled the boy up to his feet, and yelled, “Are you crazy?” before throwing him back down again.
Asta gasped, but before she could get up to push Oleg away from Igor, Igor himself stood, and putting the puppet between himself and Oleg, speaking once more through it, he shouted back, “I am not crazy! I am the King and I own everything! This table, this room, this palace! I own the land and the sky!”
Ivar watched, almost as if enthralled or entranced, as Igor finally stood up for himself. It was a far cry from the anxious expression his ‘wife’ wore, and her hand closed around his arm tightly. Oh yes, she was anxious indeed.
And, she was right to be, as Oleg then screamed, and snatched the puppet away from Igor, throwing it to the ground and stomping on it, shredding it until it was nothing more than chips of wood. When Igor tried to run, Oleg grabbed him by the back of his collar, and threw him down as if he weighed no more than the puppet. He got down into Igor’s face, and snapped, “Don’t do that anymore! Don’t be stupid. You are not the King, you are my ward. I am responsible for you, and without you, you are nothing. Do you understand?” Igor tried to look away from him, and Oleg grabbed his jaw, forcing the boy’s attention back. “Don’t ever try to make fun of me again, or I’ll cut out your tongue and feed your liver to my dogs.”
Finally released, Igor jumped to his feet, and fled the room. 
Asta, horrified, turned to watch Oleg as he stood, straightened his coat, and returned to sit beside Katia once more- though, the Princess seemed to, at the least, be judging Oleg’s actions quite harshly in her head. “He’s a good boy,” Oleg said. “He just needs to be controlled.”
Katia took a sip of her tea.
When the room remained silent, Oleg again spoke. “You had a child once, didn’t you, Ivar?”
Asta’s eyes hardened, and she glared daggers at Oleg, sensing how Ivar tensed up beside her in a highly uncomfortable way. He gave Oleg a tight smile, took his crutch, and stood. “Forgive me,” he said. “I’ve had enough to eat.” The way he picked up the shattered puppet, and carried it from the room, revealed that was far from the true problem.
Asta took a deep breath, closing her eyes briefly as she stood, and looked down at Oleg. His eyes met hers once more, preparing for another battle of will with her, but today, she wasn’t playing. She spoke one sentence. “The gods will judge you harshly, Prince Oleg.” One sentence, and she left.
Ivar and Asta had eventually found Igor up in the nest in his room, and both had managed the climb up in there to sit with him. The boy now rested against Ivar, who held him tightly, with Asta’s arms wrapped around them both. 
“Do not weep, dear Igor,” Ivar said softly, and pressed a soothing kiss to the top of his head. “Sweet child, do not weep. We are here, now.”
Asta knew Igor likely didn’t realize the full meaning of Ivar’s words. But she did, and she agreed with him wholeheartedly. She and Ivar had become fiercely protective of Igor, in their time in Kiev, and now that they were there, they weren’t going to let Oleg get away with treating him like this. No, on the contrary.
They were going to make him pay.
Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius, @katfett, @sylki-simp, @heavenly1927, @pomegranates-and-blood, @kingniazx, @dekusdante
If you want to be added to the taglist, feel free to reach out either by commenting, reblogging, DMing me, or sending an ask, and I’ll be more than happy to add you!
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jacksonroseroth · 6 years
Just Don’t Tell Them?
Sequel series to the Sleepover One Shot- Fluffy, smutty Ivar cuteness and sass
Warnings: Smut
Words: 3,920
The next morning, Ivar and Tora were surprised to find they were the first ones up, even as it was almost noon. But as they went down the stairs, smiling and chuckling to themselves, they stopped and Ivar pushed her away, gently, as they saw Ubbe and Hvitserk chatting away on the couches. Tora stumbled a little, stunned and worried and unprepared for the sudden distance, and it made them look up.
“Hey. Where are you coming from, Ivar?” Ubbe asked, raising an eyebrow. Thankfully, Tora had the thought to pull on a tank top instead of coming down in her bralette, so it would seem less suspicious than it already was.
“Uh, the guest room.” He said. Hvitserk glanced over at Ubbe who was grinning, knowing Ivar was a sack of shit.
“Really.” Ubbe said. Hvitserk snickered and turned back to them as they each sat in an armchair across from them. “You know there are three guest rooms down here, right?”
“Do you think I’m that stupid?” Ivar asked with a smirk. Before he could continue, both Ubbe and Hvitserk, in unison, said, “Yes.”
Tora bit her lip and giggled, watching the back and forth between them. Ivar cracked and laughed along with his brothers, shaking his head before continuing, “It was hot. Tora said the top rooms were cooler cause they had some shitty vents down here.”
“We were perfectly fine down here.” Hvitserk said, holding out his hands, indicating the room.
“Yeah. You two were also passed out drunk. Of course, you were perfectly fine.” Ivar said. Ubbe and Hvitserk exchanged glances before they both looked at him and said, “So?”
Ivar rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Whatever, man. I just know I win, because I didn't wake up with a hangover.” Ivar said, flipping them both off with both hands as he went to the kitchen.
As the boys helped clean up the house, after getting up and getting dressed, chowing down on the leftover pizza, Tora told Torvi she was going to strip the beds, save her parents room, and wash all the sheets. Torvi offered to help but Tora told her Ivar already agreed to help. Torvi was, of course, suspicious about it, but had other things to worry about like getting Bjorn and Ubbe to clean out the pool and Hvitserk to help with the trash. Tora and Ivar took their time going from room to room, stealing many kisses and lots of teasing gropes. Tora and Ivar finally made it down to the laundry room and started a load before Tora hopped onto the dryer and Ivar slowly made his way to her, smirking. Tora giggled as he inserted himself between her legs and held her waist. She sighed and rested her hand on his shoulders with a soft smile.
“Ivar, I think we should talk?” Tora said. Ivar raised an eyebrow and gave a soft chuckle.
“About what? Last night?” He asked. Tora nodded.
“Yeah. It-It was great, don’t get me wrong.” Tora said, unable to resist him and slid her hands down his chest then back up and through his hair. “But...I know you had a bit to drink yesterday and..I just...I dunno...I guess I just-”
“You want to know if I meant what I said and did?” Ivar guessed. Tora blushed and nodded, biting her lip and hoping he wouldn’t hate her. Ivar chuckled and kissed her slowly, tugging her closer until she was pressed against him. Tora giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, keeping his face close to her, even when he broke the kiss. Ivar smiled and rubbed his nose to hers. “I might have been drinking, but I wasn’t so far gone I didn't realize what I was doing. You’re not that kind of girl for me to just fuck you and leave you...Mostly cause Torvi would have my balls on display in her apartment…”
Tora threw her head back and laughed. Ivar chuckled and buried his face in her neck, sliding a hand up her back. He placed gentle kisses down her neck until her laughter had ceased and she looked at him. Tora giggled and kissed him softly.
“So...I mean, I kind of don’t want to give Bjorn and Torvi the satisfaction of knowing they were right...But...I also want to be with you.” Tora said. A wicked smirk crossed Ivar’s face as he looked her over, slipping his fingers under her shirt.
“Well, you know...We could always just...Not tell them?” Ivar suggested. Tora gave him a look and a sly smirk.
“Are you asking me to sneak around with you like some hussy?” She teased. Ivar smirked and tried to nip at her, but Tora giggled and pushed at his face. “You’re serious, though? You want to date and just...Not tell them?”
Ivar shrugged and smirked. “Why not?” He asked. He leaned in and placed a light and delicate, yet sexually suggestive kiss near her ear. “Kind of thrilling isn’t it?”
He leaned in on the other side and nipped at her earlobe, gently, making her shiver.
“Sneaking around. Trying not to get caught. Doing bad things in the dark?” He said, wiggling his eyebrows and going to the other side once more and nipping just behind her ear, followed by a light kiss. The nip made her let out a soft whimper, but his words registered and made her blink then laugh, gently encasing the sides of his head before sliding her hands through his hair as he lifted his head to kiss her, slowly. Tora sighed as she broke the kiss, turning her head, eyes still closed, and letting him kiss a trail across her cheek and down her neck once more. Tora giggled and pressed her cheek against his.
“I dunno...I’ve been told before I’m a horrible liar.” Tora whispered into his ear, causing a deep, guttural growl from Ivar as he bit her neck, lightly, trying not to leave a mark. Ivar had constantly teased her about being a horrible liar and that’s why it lead to so many times that her parents almost found out about quite a number of things when they were in school, the biggest one being her smoking weed.
Ivar smirked and trailed his cheek over her skin as he lifted his head to face her. He chuckled and kissed her again. “So was that a yes?” He asked, breaking the kiss and speaking against her lips. Tora’s lips spread into a smile and she nodded.
“Yes.” Tora whispered. Ivar chuckled and kissed her again, hungrily, making Tora lean back as she clung to him. Tora let out a gasp that broke their kiss as she felt a gush between her thighs. Ivar smirked and slid his hands over her sides, pushing up her shirt.
“How long do you think we have until they come looking for us?” Ivar asked, his voice dropping low and sensual. Tora bit her lip as she arched into him, slightly. She sighed with a soft moan and said, “I dunno. Probably not long.”
A sly and mischievous smile spread across his face. “The basement is soundproof, right?” He asked. Tora nodded as she stared into his bright blue eyes that seemed to get brighter as his foul and dirty little mind worked. When she nodded yes to his question, Tora swear she saw his eyes glitter as he asked, “Would they get freaked out if I locked the door?”
Tora smirked and shook her head. “It gets stuck all the time...And if anything, Torvi can just text me and I’ll tell her I’m doing laundry.” Tora said.
“And if my brothers leave without me?” Ivar asked. Tora smirked and tugged him closer, saying, “I’ll tell her I’ll take you home later.”
Tora kissed him, roughly, wanting and needing him right now. She hadn’t noticed, as he hypnotized her with his baby blues, that her shirt was nearly off, Ivar having slid his hands up and up as he spoke. Tora ripped the shirt off and pulled him closer again to kiss him as he tugged at his shirt, tugging it over his head. Tora leaned back as his fingers dug into her shorts and panties, and she lifted up as he yanked them down and let them drop. Tora giggled as he slid his hands up her thighs and up her sides, holding her close. He claimed her lips again, wrapping an arm around her waist and setting the other on her thigh, letting his thumb wrap around her inner thigh, rubbing gently. Tora sighed and arched against him, ready for every glorious inch of him to just be inside her already. Ivar chuckled and shook his head.
“It’s just about you, right now, kitten.” He purred. Tora smirked and said, “I’ve been on the pill for two years. I didn't want to get stuck with Olin’s fucking kids, the bastard.”
Ivar rolled his eyes. “He was an ass and never treated you right.” Ivar said, kissing down her neck and letting her hands drift down his chest to his waistband. Tora giggled.
“Ooh, was that jealousy I heard?” She teased, biting his bottom lip gently. Ivar smirked.
“Watch yourself, Tora. I know you found my stash...You know what I can do to you.” Ivar said in a teasing threat. Tora smirked. “You sure you’re on the pill?”
Tora nodded. “My period is like...2 weeks away.” She said. “We’re good for now, Ivar. Please...You started this, now finish it.”
Ivar smirked and kissed her, deeply, tugging at her bralette as Tora pushed down his sweats and boxer shorts. Tora sighed and let Ivar tear the bralette up and over her head to toss it aside, then pulled her closer to kiss down her neck.
“Talk to me, kitten…” Ivar growled in her ear as his hands slid inside her and danced around. Tora whimpered and bit her lip, trying desperately to move her hips along with his fingers.
“Oh, fuck, Ivar…” Tora moaned, tilting her head back and letting a slow sigh escape from her lips. Ivar smirked and kissed down her neck to her breasts, closing his lips around a nipple and sucking gently. Tora curled her fingers around his hair as she braced her other hand behind her on the dryer to get a better angle to move her hips.
“Tell me what you want, my little dove.” Ivar cooed against her breast. Tora whimpered and said, “I want you in me now.” Ivar snickered and looked up at her.
“That’s all I wanted to hear.” He said. His head shot up to her, sealing his lips over hers as he pulled his fingers away, pushing her legs open a little more and sliding into her sex, slowly, making Tora twitch with each inch. She whimpered and whined as glanced down between their bodies before tilting her head back in a moan where his name tumbled down from her lips. Once he seated himself inside her, he gave Tora a moment to breathe and adjust to his size. Both of them breathing hard, they stared at each other for a moment before they both let out a soft laugh and kissed, slowly, as Ivar began to move. Tora whimpered into the kiss and broke it, tilting her head back as she slowly rolled her hips in time with his. Ivar groaned as he buried his face into her neck, nipping and kissing as he sped up.
“Ivar…” Tora moaned, softly, spreading her fingers through his hair as she clung to him. Ivar panted against her skin as he gripped the edge of the dryer to thrust in and out of her, faster and faster. Tora released his head and let herself fall back, his hand cradling her back, gently, and gripped the machine, exposing herself fully to him. Ivar chuckled and kissed and licked his way down her body, stopping to give each breast equal attention, letting one hand fly up to caress each one. Tora whimpered as she felt her walls clench, hard, around him, almost willing her climax to slam into her. Which it did, but not before one final ‘Ivar’, said so soft and so light it drove Ivar into complete overdrive as his orgasm slammed violently into him. He groaned, loud, pressing his face between her breasts to silence it as best he could. Tora whimpered and clawed at his back and tugged his hair as she rode with him as they tumbled through the pleasure that throbbed through them. Slowly, Ivar’s thrusts came to a stop and they both went limp on top of the machine, breathing heavily, with a few scattered giggles here and there. Tora tossed her hair out of her face and looked down at Ivar’s mop of a head laying on her chest, breathing hard. She smiled and giggled, pushing her hands through her hair to push it back as he looked up at her, smirking.
“You exhaust me, woman.” He growled. Tora giggled as he kissed his way back up to her and kissed her, deep and slow. Tora sighed into the kiss, her body itching for more of him, but knowing they were pushing it by doing it while everyone was upstairs. Tora sighed and rested her head back, closing her eyes. Ivar chuckled and kissed her cheek, nuzzling it. “But you’re so sweet to me, my dove.”
Tora smirked and said, “I try my best.”
She laughed and looked at him, kissing him one last time before pushing him off so they could both wipe down before getting dressed and climbing up the stairs as if nothing happened.
With it being a success, keeping Ivar’s brothers and Torvi in the dark about what happened that night, and the next day, Ivar and Tora grew much closer, sneaking off with each other and secretly dating. The thrill of it was what made them keep it up for so long. 6 months to be exact, Tora gave excuses to her parents and Torvi before sneaking off or meeting Ivar in the backwoods behind the college. Ivar’s brothers knew something was up, always coming home happy as can be, excited when he got texts. They weren’t stupid, they knew he had a girlfriend, it was just a matter of them trying to get it out of him who this mystery girl was.
Tora took a huge hit and let it all out as she slowly sat back, passing the joint off to Ivar, who snickered and took it from her, kissing her cheek as she settled herself against him. Ivar was the only one in the house, Ubbe was working and Hvitserk was out with his friends, playing football or basketball at the park down the street, while Bjorn flew down to London for the week for work. Once both brothers had left, he immediately text Tora and she quickly made an excuse to leave home and drove over. In the stifling heat of the summer, unusual for Danish weather, it made the perfect excuse for Ivar to lay around in his room in just his boxer shorts, the fan blasting at him. Once Tora arrived, she stripped off her shirt, thankful for the decision to wear her short shorts, and cozied up to Ivar in just her bra. They laughed and talked for a few hours before Tora pulled out her bag and rolled a joint.
“Do you think we should tell them?” Tora asked as Ivar slipped an arm around her neck and huffed out the cloud of smoke. Ivar sighed and shrugged.
“Do you want to?” He asked, looking at her. Tora looked up at him and shrugged as well.
“Torvi probably already knows...Bjorn won’t really care...Ubbe and Hvitserk will be happy for us.” Tora said with a chuckle. Ivar smirked and nodded.
“Yeah, but now you and Torvi will be dating two Lothbroks...Are you ready for those kind of parties?” Ivar teased. Tora giggled and took the joint from his fingers, taking the last few puffs before stamping it out in the ashtray on the nightstand. Tora shifted and rested her head on his chest, slipping her fingers over the ridges of his abs.
“I don’t mind. Besides, virtually nothing will change, except we’re dating.” Tora said. Ivar nodded and closed his eyes.
“True.” He said. “So...Do you think we should tell them?”
Tora slowly looked up at him, smirking as his eyes stayed closed, knowing full well he was intending to be a snarky little shit. Tora smacked his chest, making him jump and open his eyes as he laughed. He looked at her and chuckled, wrapping both his arms around her and kissing her temple. Tora giggled and slipped her arms around his waist, snuggling into his neck. Ivar kissed her hair and rested his head on top of hers, both of them closing their eyes and sitting in silence. After a while, Ivar became a touch restless and reached over to grab Tora’s bag off the nightstand and pull out another joint, sparking up. He took a hit and laid back, still keeping Tora close. He closed his eyes as he took another hit. Loud voices outside caught his attention and made him lift open his eyes, only slightly. He heard the front door and gave a soft ‘Hmm’ before closing them again.
“Mmm, what was that noise?” Tora asked. Ivar heard the footsteps start to climb the stairs as he said, “Probably Hvitt. Home from the park.”
Tora gave her own little ‘Hmm’, the two of them falling silent again. It took a few more seconds before they both jumped up.
“He’s home?!” Tora whispered harshly. She scrambled off the bed and looked around for her tank top as Ivar stamped out the joint and grabbed at his shorts.
“*Hey, Ivar, do you want to-*” Hivtserk opened and door and stopped; Ivar with only one foot in his shorts and Tora frozen with one of Ivar’s shirts wrapped around her. The silence hung thick in the room as they all stared at each other, frozen. Finally, Hvitserk cleared his throat and said, “Um...I’ll...Just...Be…Uh-”
He rubbed the back of his neck and quickly turned and walked out, closing the door behind him. Tora sighed and dropped Ivar’s shirt, finding her own under it and tugged it on. Ivar sighed and tugged his shorts on and retied his hair as he went to the door and opened it to reveal a very stunned Hvitserk, chewing his nail and pacing the hall. Hvitserk stopped and looked at his little brother, trying not to look into his room and look around, not entirely sure he really saw Tora, frozen in place. Ivar leaned his forearm against the doorframe and sighed.
“So…Are you guys…?” Hvitserk started.
“Fucking? No. We weren’t, not that it was any of your business.” Ivar said, shifting to cross his arms. A pair of balled up socks bounced off Ivar’s head, making him snicker and glance back at Tora, who huffed at him as she shoved her lighters and grinder back into her bag and zipped it up. Ivar smirked and turned back to his brother.
“How long have you guys been...Doing...Whatever it is you’re doing?” Hvitserk asked, still uncomfortable and awkward.
“Dating?” Ivar offered and stated all in the same breath. “Since Torvi’s party.”
“For six months?!” Hvitserk shouted. Ivar smirked and snickered, nodding his head like an idiot at his little joke. Hvitserk sighed and shook his head. “Why wouldn’t you tell us something like that, man?”
Ivar sighed, as his laughter ended and he looked at his brother. He shrugged and said, “I dunno. We just...Wanted it to be a secret for a while.”
Tora slipped her bag over her shoulder as she walked over to Ivar.
“I should probably get going.” She said, glancing at Hvitserk before turning to Ivar. He looked down at her and pouted.
“Already?” He asked. Tora smirked and nodded.
“I told my parents 3 hours I’d be with Helga and it’s been nearly 4. I’ve got to head back before they get suspicious.” Tora said. Ivar sighed and nodded, giving a small smile as Tora lifted up to kiss him, softly. Ivar kissed her back and smiled, letting a hand brush over her arm as she awkwardly squeezed by Hvitserk and went down the stairs, out the door. Hvitserk watched her leave in shock, then turned to his brother.
“So...Ubbe and Bjorn don’t know, I’m assuming?” He asked. Ivar shook his head.
“Nope. And they’re not going to find out.” Ivar said, giving Hvitserk a look as he passed him, going down to the kitchen as the munchies set in. Hvitserk rolled his eyes and followed him, asking, “And how is that going to happen?”
Ivar looked at him and said, “Just...Don’t tell them?”
Hvitserk crossed his arms. “Right. And when Ubbe starts in with your ‘mystery girlfriend’ I’m supposed to lie to his face?” He asked. Ivar smirked.
“No. Just keep your whore mouth shut and we won’t have any problems.” Ivar chirped. Hvitserk snorted.
“You’re just as big a whore as me!” He shouted. Ivar laughed.
“Right. And...Just how many girls have you shared with our dear brother Ubbe?” Ivar asked, raising his eyebrow as he gave Hvitserk a look. Hvitserk snapped his mouth shut and looked away. “Mhm. Exactly.”
Ivar kicked the fridge door shut and waltzed out of the kitchen carrying leftover nachos and tacos from the night before and 3 cans of Sprite up to his room, stopping to grab the last bag of Doritos from the pantry. Hvitserk sighed and followed him.
“Why don’t you want them to know anyway?” Hvitserk asked as Ivar set out his spread on his bed. He groaned and let his head fall back.
“Because, Hvitty-” Ivar looked at him. “They don’t need to know. Plus I don’t want Bjorn to win the bet, so there’s that.”
“Whoa, whoa. Hang on…” Hvitserk said, stepping closer and waving his hands around before holding them out in front of him. “There’s a bet? He bet you two would be fucking in secret?!”
Ivar snorted and laughed. “No. Him and Torvi have a bet on who will make the first move; Me or Tora.”
“And Bjorn bet against you?” Hvitserk offered.
“Doesn’t he always?” Ivar asked with a chuckle. “And Tora doesn’t need you dirty bastards teasing her about it. She’s my girl and I won’t let you.”
“Who says we’re gonna tease her about it? Fuck, you two have been hot for each other for years! It was bound to happen!” Hvitserk said.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you need to go around telling them. Hvitt, just...Just don’t tell them, okay?” Ivar asked. “When Tora is ready, then we’ll handle it. Just keep your trap shut.”
Hvitserk rolled his eyes and shook his head, turning to leave the room. “Whatever, man. It’s your funeral.” Hvitserk called. Ivar blinked and called back, “And what’s that supposed to mean?!”
He heard Hvitserk’s laugh as he walked down the stairs, calling up, “You really don’t think Torvi will cut off your dick and your balls for fucking her little sister in secret for 6 months?!”
Hvitserk’s cackle echoed through the house as Ivar shook his head and ripped into his food.
Hope you liked it! If you want to be tagged in future fics/chapters, let me know!
@tephi101 @shieldmaiden25 @hail-kattegat @ivarslittlebadgirl @titty-teetee @badwolf-in-the-impala @tgrrose @irishhiggins @xivarx @captstefanbrandt
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tgrrose · 3 years
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Porn Star Ivar (Ivar Lothbrok x F!Reader) - Part 1 & 2
I think I accidentally deleted the 1st part of the fanfic so here are both parts again! pls enjoy! i am trying to use as less details as possible for the girlie too tho.
Warnings: smut, masturbation, Ivar’s moods
‘Casting Call - Girly for my next shot wanted’
When she read those words on his website, she didn’t think too much of them - yet they were burnt into her brain. Not admitting to them. But she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t thought about them the following night and at work. Of course, this man was in her thoughts all the time. Clothed, unclothed. It didn’t matter.
Her fingers trembled as she hovered them above the screen, ready to click on the button. It’d take her to the casting call, to the specific requests he had for his girlies. From his continent. He wouldn’t spend his time flying in ladies from buttfuck nowhere if the girls close by are just as sweet. Well, one point for her. Not too big, not too small. The fuck did he mean with that?
The guy asked for a few pictures of the girlies. Everything would be handled under highest discretion and the pictures would be deleted after a few months. What he’d do with the pictures in the meanwhile? Well, a picture of her tits was out there thanks to her ex, so it wouldn’t be the worst thing ever. Pictures of her clothed, in her favourite lingerie and of her bare breasts. Guess this man was a tits man after all, just how she had suspected it.
Let’s sleep over it for another night, she thought as she put her phone away for the night. As her mind started to wander to what would happen once she submitted her casting call, an oh so familiar notification sound ripped her straight out of it. He had uploaded another set to his profile, and she couldn’t wait to see it.
‘Hey guys! this weeks photoshoot has a special meaning to me. my ancestors were vikings and this photoshoot was done to...honour them ;) enjoy!’
He was wrapped in furs and had some fake blood smeared on his upper body. His tattooed arms and chest poked out of the furs along with his hard cock. Oh fuck, she thought to herself, hopefully his ancestors are looking down from Valhalla and are proud of him now.
Screw sleep. Ever since this man started his onlyfans, her nights were spent thinking of what he could do to her, how he would feast on her pussy like a starving man. So many thoughts, not enough orgasms to calm her hunger. Nothing could keep her hands on top of the sheets at this point.
As her hands wandered down to her clothed sex, she swore she could taste him already. He’d taste of cigarettes and whiskey and testosterone. Fingers gazing over her clit, making her body vibrate in excitement. In the second picture, his whole body was exposed, his hard cock in his hand. He wasn’t a small man by any means, but his hands seemed to pale compared to his large cock. A drop of pre cum glistered on his tip, daring to drip down. She wondered how his cum would taste.
Her orgasm came hard and fast. After spending most of her day with slick thighs, thinking of so many ‘what ifs’, What if he chooses her. What if he takes her with him. What if he takes her right then and there? Her legs trembled as she imagined his cock inside of her instead of her bad dragon, curing the aching emptiness inside of herself.
On the following day, she took the pictures necessary for the submission. After about 200 pictures and having to choose only three good looking ones, her fingers hovered over a button again. But this time, this press could change her life. One, two, three, you can do this, she whispered as she closed her eyes and hit ‘send’.
She just successfully submitted her tits to Ivar Lothbrok, one of the top content creators on onlyfans.
“What do you think, Ivar? This girlie looks nice.”, Hvitserk said as he scrolled through the countless submission with his younger brother. Hundreds of women saw their chance to get into bed with their favourite porn star. The submissions ranged from barely legal 18 years old to MILFS (oh, how Ivar enjoyed their tits!), the occasional guy was present too.
Hvitserk turned the laptop into Ivar’s direction who was currently busy hitting up some lady in DMS. He placed his phone on the side for a moment, eyeing the submission. Black hair, pale skin. Eyes as blue as the ocean, something to match his own. Just the right size for his likeness, with a pair of boobs he could grab without troubles. Ivar nodded as he grabbed his phone once more, “Put her on the list. I will get over the best in a short while. If you excuse me now, a hot chick wants to see my dick.”
The mail with all the useful information hit her like a train. Having forgotten about submitting her information and pictures to her favourite porn star for a moment, she didn’t even think he (or his management) would come back at her, not even for a ‘sorry you didn’t make it’. Every word knocked more air out of her lungs as she held her phone with shaking hands.
“My dearest,
After seeing so many beautiful women over the past few days, making a decision was hard. I’d love to invite each and every single one to spend a few days with me, to show her what pleasure really means.
But you are the lucky one.”
She swallowed dry as the words seemed to overcrowd her brain, not letting her process anything she had just read. Over and over again. She was the chosen one? With her lightly saggy tits, her uneven eyebrow game and the not so white teeth? For real?
“I’d love to meet you next month. We can discuss further arrangements via mail, please let me know when you can fly in to me. Of course, hotel and flight will be paid by me.
Please reply to this mail asap :)
Ivar Lothbrok”
Ivar scrolled through his phone again when the notification for a new mail piqued his interest. It was the girlie he had chosen. Well, not he alone. Hvitserk had some saying in it too - “make her be one of the ‘normal’ ones, then they will think they have a chance with you. And you know what that means? More cash for us.”
Hvitserk might not be the brightest light bulb in the lamp but he sure had his good moments. Ivar had chosen her in the end, maybe it was morbid curiosity, maybe she had actually peaked his interest too. He was tired of all the supermodels who are starfishes in bed. For his future content, he needed a freak.
And she just gave him these vibes.
Part 2:
Hvitserk had the task of picking her up at the airport. The ticket wasn’t terribly expensive, and Ivar couldn’t wait to spend some time with his new...friend. She flew in on Wednesday and would stay until Monday, just enough time to get comfortable with each other and fuck. If it were to Ivar’s liking, they’d already fuck on Wednesday on the way home, but even the most impressive cock had its social standards to uphold.
The sign he drew for her was simple - her name and a few hearts on it. Knowing they’d spent most of their days in his house, either fucking or sleep, he had to make a good first impression. And Hvitserk was always a good first impression.
“You must be (Y/N), right?”, Hvitserk called out at the airport when he spotted her. With a big smile, she nodded, recognizing the man instantly. After he had shown up on Ivar’s instagram so often, she felt like she had met his family already, just a step away from the engagement ring. “Come on, Ivar is already waiting for us. Do you need anything for your stay? We can make a quick stop at a grocery store.”
After buying her body weight in different snacks and drinks, Hvitserk and her headed to the place Ivar was staying. It was a bit outside of the town, on top of a small hill. The house was inhabited by Ivar and Hvitserk most of the time, sometimes their girlies of the week too. But who was she to judge, if she could, she’d move there in a heartbeat.
The car ride was filled with some sweet chatter, feeling as if Hvitserk had been her friend for years. Sharing stories of the plane ride and what had happened to her. Thankfully no crying child was in front of her this time and no school class on their way to their language trip around. She’d even call it peaceful, as peaceful as being 10,000 feet above any kind of solid ground could be.
As the two pulled into the driveaway, Hvitserk stopped the car but didn’t unlock the doors just yet. “Just you know”, he said as he turned towards her, a small frown on his forehead, “Ivar can be moody sometimes. A real grump. A dick, I’d even call him. But don’t let this imitate you. He is still a human being after all this time and your consent is the most important thing. Fuck, if you think he is a fuckface, I can drive you back to the airport in an hour too.”, and all she could do was nod. The whole idea was still insane to her and honestly, she still couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. Knowing that there was someone around to catch her in case she’d fall was comforting.
By the time Hvitserk unlocked the doors, Ivar was standing in the door, waving them over. “Hey! You gotta be (Y/N)! Welcome to your new home!”, he smiled. Once she reached him, Ivar kissed her cheek left and right to greet her, a habit he had picked up on one of his many travels all around the globe. “Come inside, will you? Well, at least you can do that now, later it’s going to be my turn.”
Oh my.
The room she had gotten in the villa was bigger than her flat at home. Even with her own bathroom, the view reaching far, over the city to the mountains so many miles away. From her own, the reach was down to her neighbour’s garden where the old grump likes to sunbathe naked. She couldn’t tell how many times she had accidentally flashed by him when she just wanted to water her plants.
The view took her breath away, so much that she didn’t realize Ivar had entered the room. His eyes wandered over the open suitcase placed on the bed, filled with what she needed for the trip. Clothes, hygiene products…but what he was interested in was the lingerie placed neatly on top of the mountain of clothes.
“How do you know that black lingerie is my favourite?”, Ivar smirked as he picked one bra up, twirling it around with his finger. She turned around to look at the Dane, giving him a smile too. “You said it before in a video.” “Ah ah, got a very careful listener there, don’t I? I think you’ll do good in the videos. I can feel it in my bones.”
Ivar’s moodiness started to show during dinner. The two knuckleheads, as she had jokingly called them, had ordered dinner in, some chinese food, enough to feed an army and a half. It wasn’t even a big thing. The delivery guy had mixed up two bags, and instead of one order of noodles with chicken, they got noodles with vegetables.
But Ivar? For him, it was as if the world was ending. “Those useless bastards can’t do anything right! Complaining about not getting enough money and then can’t even tell two bags apart! Fuck them all!”, with those words, he got up from his seat, his chair falling down behind him. Not caring about a single thing in the world, he grabbed his bag and stormed out of the dining hall before Hvitserk or her could stop him.
Silence laid over the two for minutes, the rice and chicken steaming in front of them. “I am sorry.”, Hvitserk was the one to break the quietness, their eyes locking. “It is not only about the food, trust me. But don’t take it too close to your heart. It is not about you. It is just…Ivar.”
Once they finished eating, she decided to call it a day. Passing by Ivar’s room, she could hear whimpers coming from the inside. What was actually going on with him?
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Unraveling at the Seams Pt 17
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen/OFC, Henry Cavill/OFC Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendo, Possible NSFW Rating: M Length: Multi Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: Again, fuck you tumblr and not tagging people. 
On the other side of things, I uh...well read and see. I make no apologies😏 
Also, because this is what kept going through my mind, as I wrote, I felt rude not sharing 
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That is all from me. Carry on now. 
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thank you @flowers-in-your-hayr​​ for the header
Catch Up Here
In Love.
The idea was preposterous. Nell sat at the small table, her work bag on the floor beside her, shaking her head and grumbling as she stitched a small rip in a costume for a rambunctious little girl. Her fingers worked along the tear, the thread and needle moving with ease.
First Alex had accused her of being in love with Henry. Then Ivan had backed them into a corner. What next? Was she going to walk in and find Henry down on one knee, again, a black box in hand asking her to marry him. A slight nauseous feeling fluttered through her stomach.  
Henry had grown, a lot, since those days. Ever the hopeless romantic, Nell would never doubt that he would try. If he thought the feelings were there and the time was right.
“Oh god, no.” Nell muttered to herself.
Over thinking was one of Nell's many superpowers, this was an exceptional example of that superpower. Henry had better things to do than sit around and pine for her. Nell had better things to do than sit around and pine for him, too.
Tears mended, she smiled at her handy work. Another job well done on the fly.
One thing Henry had been right about, she loved her job, and the details. What were the chances she could sneak some Viking stitch work into Geralt? Or perhaps a few tiny pieces of the Tudors period? From the bits and  pieces she'd been privy to, Nell was relieved that Henry looked fantastic in black.
Holed up in a room somewhere for hours creating the perfect look excited Nell. Bringing in a look from scratch, being allowed to shape and mold what would be a center staple to such a venture. Henry had been taking a risk asking her and she had fought him every step of the way, but Nell knew it would be worth it.
“We finished here?” Rayna's head poked around the door, a smile on her face. The poor woman had been working flat out, as were many, to finish this project on time. Nell nodded, holding up the skirt. “You're a legend, Nelly.”
“Thank you, thank you.” Nell feigned a bow, tossing the skirt to Rayna. “Is that all or did I have anything else coming in?”
Rayna pursed her lips, shaking her head, mentally scrolling the list of things left to do for the evening. “No, I think we're good. If you don't mind giving a clean up, you can go. Tell Ivan I said hello and I'm going to miss him.”
“Absolutely, I am going to try and get him over before he has to leave.” Nell's smile was soft, her eyes glassy. In the last two days, whenever she thought of Ivan moving, “she had to urge the few tears that pooled in the corner of her eyes not to fall.
“Good, I wouldn't mind seeing him.” The other woman smiled wide, “Right, I have to get this back. See you tomorrow, Nelly.”
“See ya,” Nell's voice floated through the hall after Rayna.
Picking up her bits and pieces, she tucked them into her bag. A short clean up and she was back home to pack. Ivan had his last football match this evening, one she had to miss because of work, which meant ice cream and pizza after the game. Henry would be out of the house, dealing with that for a few hours at least allowing Nell to sneak in and pack for a little bit uninterrupted.
Closing the door behind her, Nell turned to make sure it had latched. Damn thing had been sticking and began to get caught, whenever there was a breeze. Flapping the door around like a rag doll. Door secure, she turned again, this time walking a few feet before being plowed into.
“Shit.” Nell cursed, stumbling backwards, nearly losing balance. Losing her bag and jacket instead.
“Nell.” Alex stopped, lifting his head from his phone. “I'm sorry, I didn't see you.”
“It's fine,” Nell grunted bending to pick up her jacket. “No worries.”
“Are you okay? I didn't hurt you?” Alex reached out to gently pat her arms, looking for any bumps or grazes. “Shit, you must think I'm a real dick.”
Shaking her head, Nell gave him a soft smile.
“I don't think that. You know, I don't know what I think, but I don't have any ill feelings toward you.” Alex blinked, confused. “You're free to feel however you want, but I don't hate you and I know this shit is awkward as fuck.”
“A little, yeah.” Alex agreed. More than a little. Standing outside the door, he shifted from one foot to the other, resisting the urge to reach out and tuck the stray piece of hair behind her ear.
“It's okay, it was an accident. I'm fine. You're fine?”
Alex nodded. Aside from wanting to crawl under a rock and die, he was fine.
“Good,” Shouldering her bag, Nell gripped the strap tightly. “I should let you get back to work.”
“Before you do,” Clenching his fingers tight around his phone, Alex took a slow deep breath. “Would it be okay if we grabbed a drink? Before you leave? As friends? We could invite others, too.”
“Alex,” a gentle sigh told him everything he needed to know about what was coming next.
“I get it, it's fucked and I have no right to ask.”
“It's not that I don't want to, I don't want you or anybody else getting the wrong ideas.”
“Henry?” Alex licked his lips, his soft blue eyes wanting to look anywhere but Nell's face.
Shaking her head, Nell's shoulders stiffened. “He and I are not in love.”
Was she trying to convince Alex or herself by that admission?
“Okay, but that doesn't answer my question.” Laughing, Alex tried to play it off. “It could be sort of a last drink together, a small everything coming to an end and we won't see one another until who knows when.”
“Nice poem,”
“I thought it added a certain charm,” His smile was infectious. “Seriously, think it over. Let me know.”
“I'll get back to you, but if I don't then -” “I'll understand.” Alex cut her off, a wide smile crinkling the corner of his eyes.
“Thank you,” Nell stepped forward wrapping an arm around his neck, trying to balance her bag and jacket in the other hand. Awkwardly hugging him with one arm. Alex went stiff for a second, before wrapping his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly. “I'm sorry, Alex.” she whispered, her head tucked into the crook of his neck.
“It's water under the bridge. It was only friends, right.”
Saying good night to Alex before she hurried off, Nell felt a rock in the pit of her stomach. Alex was a sweet guy, here she was some kind of monster that ruined what could have been something nice. Despite what Henry tried to tell her, there was always something she did to ruin any relationship she'd ever had.
One didn't have to be Sherlock to see that Nell was stuck in a pattern. She would get comfortable, then blow it all to hell.
Quietly opening the front door, Nell expected a quiet serene atmosphere. Walking in to find Kal lazed on the cool floor, watching Henry pack a large cardboard boxes in the middle of the house. Grunting as he bent to lift the box on the floor, Henry stacked it in the corner along with a few other boxes that had appeared since Nell was here last.
“Wow, I am impressed.” Nell whistled once the box was safely out of Henry's grasp. A jump in Henry's back muscles gave away that he'd been startled.
“We've been busy.” He grinned, lifting his well loved Kansas City Chiefs ball cap to wipe his forearm across his forehead. A curl escaping it's confines stuck against his damp skin, peeking out from under the black hat.
Setting her bag down, Nell kicked off her shoes, stepped into the living room to inspect the work that had taken place in her absence. Each box properly labeled and taped, a neater system than Henry's usual stick in all in gym bags and suitcases, things will be fine.
The first time she had moved with Henry had been a slight nightmare. Neither one wanting to relinquish their packing style or listen to the other. Packing up the small bachelor apartments had taken longer than needed, by the end they were both so worn out they had no energy left to bicker. Nell had passed out against the wall and Henry had laid out on the floor.
“Thank you, for all the work.” Extending on her toes, Nell kissed his cheek. “It's been a huge help.”
“No need to thank me, my darling. The wild boy and I are perfectly capable of packing.” Henry loosely slung his arm around her shoulder.
“Speaking of, I thought he had a game this evening.”
“Ah, yes.” Eyes lighting up, Henry's smile grew. “They won, by six points. I've loads of photos and videos for you. Leo asked if Ivan could spend the night at his house, his dad said it was fine and I agreed. They've been taking this rather hard.” His smile dimmed.
“I figured this would happen, which is why I decided to let him move with you. If it were on me, he'd be in a screaming fit every night and nothing would be accomplished.” Rolling her eyes, Nell sighed. “I'm glad they won, though.”
“Me, too. I think he needed that.” Henry nodded, letting go of Nell to resume his packing. “He's been in a rather  peculiar mood.”
“What's up with Ivan and all of his questions lately?” Picking up a dismantled box, Nell began to assemble it. If she got the boxes ready, Henry could go along behind and fill them.
“Those,” Henry puffed out a breath, running his hands over his head shifting his hat back and forth, “came out of nowhere a few days ago. He woke up asking about love and marriage. I guess he thinks I'm secretly lonely or need to join tinder. I'm not quite sure.”
“And what have you been telling him?” Brows raised, Nell briefly paused from the boxes. Hands on her hips, she tilted her head to the side.
“He asked if we loved one another. I told him that I love you, of course. He asked if we'd ever get married, I handled it.”
“Henry,” Nell groaned, her eyes shut biting her bottom lip. “Why did you do that?”
“Then what the fuck do you want me to do, Nelly? Hmm? I'm trying.” Scowling, Henry rolled his eyes. “He's my son, he had a question. What was I supposed to do? It's not like I told him we were getting married or that you outright refused me, when I did ask.”
Huffing Nell pouted, her brow creased, her hand on her hip. Henry was doing the best he could in the situations he had been dealt. It's not as if she had ever told him what she wanted him to say, if Ivan should ever ask such questions.
Eventually they would have to prepare for the difficult topic of life. Ivan was growing and he was bound to be curious. They should have seen this coming, despite all the things Ivan had wondered over the years, neither one had expected this situation. Rather they had been avoiding it like a plague.
Henry wrapped a lamp, gently placing it in the box, picking up the partner to wrap and stow away. Nell quietly sat in the corner, a box in her hand. Neither one daring the bring up what was on their mind. Kal sighed, licking his lips, before flopping over onto his side with a loud yawn. The air in the room stiff as the only two people in it got lost in a sinking feeling.
“I'm sorry,” Henry spoke. Nell barely lifted her head to look at him. “I shouldn't speak to you in that way.”
Waving her hand, Nell dismissed any grievances. He deserved to say that and more to her, yet he never did. Chin tucked into her chest, Nell cleared her throat, sniffling quietly. Blinking hard, she leaned forward her elbows resting on her knees.
“Nell? My darling,” Henry knelt down, “what is it?”
“I know he's smart, but I worry that he will hate me when he's older. I worry that he doesn't understand why we live this way.”
“Hmm.” Nell nodded, wiping the back of her hand across her cheeks. “I worry that he's going to blame me and he should, but what do I say? What do I do? Oh god, I'm a terrible mother.”
“You're a good mum. He will never hate you for any of this. How could he? You've given him the best life. Often times I think about how lucky I am, to have you as his mother. You put up with whatever insanity I bring and you manage to keep us both alive.” Henry nudged her with a gentle smile.
“Don't sugar coat it. I know that you have your issues with me, too. It's fine. I deserve it.”
Shifting to sit comfortably beside Nell; Henry's hand gently rubbed up and down her back. “There are things I have questions to, but I don't have issues with you. Janelle, things were complicated and I have accepted that along time ago.”
“I'm not easy to live with I know that.” Nell apologized. “I get scared and I say mean things, but you still come back. Why?”
“Honestly?” Henry asked, tucking his finger under her chin lifting her face to look at him. “You want my honest answer to that? Oh my darling.”
Ivan. The answer was cut and dry. As simple as. He would never leave his son in a bad situation. Nell knew the answer, already. She blinked back more tears, nodding. Yes, she wanted to know. She had to hear him confirm what she knew.
On the floor, surrounded by boxes, overwhelmed and crying was never how Nell had pictured this conversation to go. The moment she'd imagined had came with far more yelling and frustration. Henry was being far too sweet about this. Holding her face, his thumb lightly stroked her cheek drying the tears that stained her skin.
“I love you, Janelle. Not only as the mother of my son, but as a person. You were by far the most amazing partner and you have so much to give.”
“Smooth.” Her shocked response had came out a little more critical than she'd hoped.
“It's the truth, laugh if you must.”
“After all this time?”
“Of course. There is something about you, it drives me mad. You really piss me off at times, but then my frustrations of the moment pass and there I am, back to loving you. For some reason, you still hold a fairly large portion of my heart, outside of Ivan. Your failures and triumphs, I want to share them all. I want nothing but the best for you and I never know how to tell you.”
“I love you.” The words echoed in her ears, more tears welling up.
“Really?” This was news to Henry. Nell could say she loved him, in a moment to humour Ivan, but to hear her say it in a moment like this was - - Henry wouldn't get his hopes up. There was loving somebody and there was being in love with somebody.
“I do. I guess I never stopped. I've told myself it's for Ivan, but I don't think it is. Not all of it.” She stammered over her reason. As if there had to be a reason. Surely he had said he loved her to make her feel better, perhaps she had said it only to stop her thoughts? Nell licked her lips, nodding gently. “I don't know how I feel, but I know that as much as I push you away, I do it because I love you.”
On the floor, surrounded by boxes, his heart in his throat is not how Henry had expected this conversation to go. Here they were now, in the silence of the room, you could have heard a pin drop. Leaning over, he did the only thing he could think to do.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Unraveling at the Seams Pt 16
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen/OFC, Henry Cavill/OFC Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendo, Possible NSFW Rating: M Length: Multi Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: fingers crossed all the tags work today. 
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thank you @flowers-in-your-hayr​​​​ for the header :D
Catch Up Here
Packing up their life had come with frustration and tears, in the past. Mostly from Nell, a few from Ivan, and then there was Henry. This time the only tears, so far, had come from the amounts of laughter that Ivan would induce. Once his room was nearly ready to go, the essentials remaining, Henry had convinced his son to help him start on the rest of the house. Nell had enough on her plate, packing was the least they could do.
Hour three of their morning packing, Kal and Ivan were growing restless. A sign that they needed to get out and have a good run around. A trip to the park allowing both of them to enjoy the sun was exactly the cure.
A few kids climbed on the play structure, shouting and calling to one another. Ivan recognized one or two kids from his soon to be previous school, though he didn't bother to play with them. Keeping to his dad and Kal. He'd spent time with his friends, the ones who mattered, when Henry had allowed him another sleepover with Leo and Sam.
Stoic in his actions, Ivan had thought he'd hid his tears well. Racing up the stairs and hiding in his room when his friends had gone home. Henry had done his best to hold it all together, reassuring Ivan that things would be fine and once they got settled, they would video chat his friends as much as possible.
Waving at a girl, a few inches taller and probably a year or two older, Ivan blushed and turned back to throw the ball for Kal. His actions not going unnoticed by Henry, who had been in the middle of sending Nell a photo of Ivan and Kal.
“A friend from school?” Henry stood a few feet from Ivan, waiting to intercept the ball from Kal. He'd noticed Ivan shyly letting the same girl pet Kal a few days ago.
“Uh, no. Not really. She was a peer monitor, in my class, for reading.” Ivan explained.
“Why don't you go over and say hello?”
“Nah, it's okay. She's with Kayla and I don't want to.” Shaking his head, Ivan frowned when Kal blew by him with the ball still in his mouth. “Kal, drop it. Kal!” he clapped calling the dog.  Trying to use the same deep tone his dad would. Useless.
Henry rolled his eyes, kids.
“Kal,” Henry whistled, lowering his voice to show Kal it was time to knock it off and bring the back the ball.
Ivan sighed, rubbing his hands on his shorts. Maybe nobody saw that. Silly dog.
“Dad, what do you do when you like a girl?”
A knowing smirk, Henry checked to make sure the path was clear before launching the ball and telling Kal to go get it. “What do I do? Or in general?”
“Well, if it were me, I'd walk over and say hi. Ask how her day was. If she had a good summer, compliment her dress. Maybe tell her a joke.” Groaning, Ivan made a suddenly disgusted face. “What is it?”
“Dad, please, never tell a girl a joke. Your jokes are terrible.”
“Hey, I will have you know my jokes are fine. It worked when I asked your mum out.”
“Mum's jokes are bad, too.” Ivan laughed at the shocked expression on his dad's face. “Jordan said Alex pestered mum until she agreed. I pester her, but she always tells me no.” He frowned.
“I don't think the pestering was the same type.”
“I guess that makes sense.” Scratching his head, Ivan let go of the dating topic. Kal slid to a stop at Ivan's side, dropping his ball and panting. Flopping to the cool grass, the big dog yawned and rested his head on his paws. “I think Kal wants to go home.”
Kal had impeccable timing, for which Henry had never been more thankful.
“I think we've worn him out, haven't we bear?” Henry stooped to collect the ball and give Kal a well deserved scratch under the chin. “He'll have loads of time to rest, once we get moved.”
“Do you think Kal would want to live with mum?”
“What do you mean?”
“She's going to be alone, maybe he could live with her? I think she'd like it,” Ivan lowered his voice, leaning in to his dad,  “and he would keep her safe.”
“I think your mum can keep herself fairly safe, but it is awfully generous of you to offer her company.” Henry ran his hand over the back of his neck, “Kal is an awful lot of work.”
Ivan shrugged, “So am I. Ms. Inglewood said so, but mum keeps me.”
“Let me talk to your mum about it, but I think Kal will probably come with us.” Henry smiled giving Kal another scratch as he leaned down to put on the dog's leash. “Speaking of mum, we need to stop in and pick up her gift.”
After days of agonizing searches, according to Ivan, they had found the perfect gift for his mum. He was proud of his purchase and couldn't wait to give it to her. Henry had told him that she was coming over this afternoon to help pack, the perfect time to give her the special present.
Unknowingly, Nell had picked her own present. She was going to be shocked, Ivan hoped she would love it.
Taking the morning to organize and rearrange a few things in the studio, per request, Nell was happy to go home. Even if it meant more packing. Since she hadn't been on set, she hadn't saw Alex in the last two days. Odd not having somebody interrupting her day, while she tried to work. Well, it was what it. Whatever it was, it was over and they were both free to move on and do as they pleased.
Armed with her favourite coffee,  two okay three brownie cookies– thank you Sophie, along enough tape and paper to wrap a life time of items Nell headed to her room to begin purging and packing her closet. Henry had neatly packed his things this morning to keep them from getting in the mess that would be tossed around the room by dinner time.
Thankful for his initiative. Nell pulled out a large suitcase, and a handful of hangers getting to work. Thirty or forty minutes in felt like a lifetime, keep on the bed. Discard on the floor by the black dresser. Packing the suitcase with some winter clothing, Nell groaned when her phone rang.
“Hi, mom.” She answered with a grunt.
“Are you okay?”
“Fine, I'm fine. What's new?”
Pleasantries and informal community gossip, from both ends, out of the way Evelyn began to dive into the finer details of life. Nell listened as her mother went on about this and that, bringing her up to date with the family. Stuffing the last item into the large suitcase, Nell huffed in triumph.
“Sadie and Dave are expecting, again.” Evelyn delivered the joyful news. Her oldest daughter had so much on the go, if it was up to Sadie the baby would be two and she'd still never get around to telling her little sister.
“Oh, wow.” Nell furrowed her brow, tongue between her teeth, trying to zip her suitcase.
Ivan would be a wreck the next few months, stressing whether his new cousin would dethrone him as the only boy. He took his place with great pride.
“Is that all you have to say?” Evelyn chastised her youngest daughter. “I tell you some good news and all I get from you is sarcasm?”
Short of sitting on the suitcase, Nell sighed, shifting her phone and rolling her eyes. “No, mom. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I meant oh! Wow! Good for them! Yay, they must be so excited.” She lifted her voice, faking her best enthusiasm.
“Really, Janelle. You're incorrigible.”  
“I'm sorry, really, but Sadie having another baby isn't on my list of priorities right now.” Rubbing her hand against her forehead, Nell braced herself for the lecture.
The sigh on the other end of the phone told her it was coming. 5. she waited, 4. Nell shook her head 3...2 -
“I know that you have a lot going on.” 1. “It wouldn't kill you to think of somebody else's happiness for two seconds. I expect you to at least send her a nice card. One that you've put some thought into.”
“She's my sister, of course I'll send her a nice card. I was planning to send her a nice gift too, or would that be too much like being nice?” Nell scoffed, “Mom, I'm happy for her. Really, I am. It's just...” she pinched the bridge  of her nose. “Ivan's moving in with Henry and I'm heading to Hungary to work. We're trying to find our own balance and things here are crazy.”
Silence, followed by a slight hitch in Evelyn's breath. Nell sat on the side of the bed, glaring at the offending suitcase. She would conquer that beast.
“Ivan is moving in with Henry, when? Why?”
So Henry hadn't said anything. For once he had left something for Nell to report to her mother. There was a first time for everything.
“They're leaving next week. I decided that it would be best, if Ivan was with Henry for a while. It may make moving easier. You know how he hates to move.”
“What about the new job Henry's taking? He won't have time for Ivan, too. Are you sure this is the right thing, Nelly?”
“Yes, I am.” Sitting straighter, Nell lifted her chin in confidence. “Henry and Ivan are on board, it's good to go. I'll be there, too. Well, not there there, but I'll be in Budapest if they need me and it's only as long as Ivan wants. He's free to move houses however he pleases.”
“You took the job with Henry, then?”
“I never said anything about my new job,” Nell frowned. Fucking Henry.
“Henry mentioned it, back when he told me that he was going there to work. He asked if it would be too overbearing and desperate, if he offered you the job. He said he wanted the best person for the job and you were the only person he could think of. I told him to go with his gut. Nothing more.” Evelyn's tone was softer, as she explained her role in all of this. “I'm happy that you took it. It's a great job and I know you'll so, so well.”
Biting her bottom lip, Nell sat silent for a moment. As much as she wanted to be mad at Henry for giving away her news, how could she argue with a compliment like that?
“Thanks, mom.”
Inhaling deeply, Nell could practically hear her mother smile. “Your father and I have never been to Hungary. We did France, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland one year though. It was right before we found out we were having your brother and sister. Gorgeous countries.”
“Once we're settled and things are running smooth, I am sure Henry and Ivan would love to have you.”
“I'm sure they would, but what about you?”
“Not that I don't want you, but I suspect Henry will have a bigger space. I mean, he's got Ivan and Kal. Plus I'm just the lady making sure he's dressed on screen. I'll be lucky to get a one room with a cupboard to stick Ivan in when he comes over.” Nell smirked, laughing slightly.
“Go on with ya, Nelly. Sticking that poor boy in the cupboard.” Evelyn laughed along with her daughter.
“Yeah, you're right. He's nearly too tall.”
“We miss him, you know. We miss you, too. Once things are settled, I do want to come see you. I know it's hard to get home right now.” Evelyn settled the jokes, turning on her serious mothering side.
“I'm going to try and come home for Christmas. I don't know what Ivan will want to do, but you could always come over for his birthday. He'd love that.”
“I'll talk to your father and maybe we will come surprise him. As for Christmas, we'll talk about that when it gets closer.” Evelyn concluded, telling Nell that she would talk with her later. Sending her love and to make sure Ivan gave her a call, sometimes soon.
Packing and purging, Nell was into a rhythm by the time Henry showed up. In the bedroom, Nell was placed in the middle of the floor, a box on one side and items to be packed on the other. Her closet nearly empty, she had a large pile of clothing by the dresser ready to be sent off to good will. Boxes and two suitcases sitting in the closet, where there had once been hanging clothes.
“Wow, you have a lot packed.” Henry whistled taking a look around the room. “I'm impressed.”
“No sense wasting time.” Nell shrugged tucking another wrapped trinket in the box. She'd made the decision to ship and store most of their belongings in London. She had a storage locker there, which would soon be restocked and left while she and Ivan went on their next adventure.
“I couldn't agree more, but you could have waited. I don't mind helping.” Henry grabbed the roll of paper, cutting off a few pieces to help pack.
“Ah well, I decided that I needed to do something, keep my mind busy.”
“How so?” Henry sat on his knees, taking a pause from his new job.
“Life. Things.” Shrugging, Nell took the next item to be wrapped from the pile. “I talked to my mom, this afternoon.”
“How are things with your parents?” Henry hadn't spoke to them, beyond asking Walt for help with dinner.
“My sister is having another baby,” Nell made conversation.
“Huh, good for them.”
“I suppose.” Nell shrugged. “Mom and dad want to come over for Ivan's birthday, as well.”
“That would be fantastic. I was thinking of asking mum and dad to come visit around then.”
“We could have a small birthday for him. He'd like that. Of course grandparents aren't the same as kids, but it will be nice.”
“I'm sure he'll have some new mates in no time. We can have a Sunday tea for family. Maybe a Saturday afternoon for friends?”
“Sounds great.”
Reaching for the tape, Nell held the box shut, while Henry laid a few strips of the packing tape across the top. Since he had briefly chatted with her earlier in the day, her mood had shifted.
“Mom said that you told her about the job. How you wanted to ask me.”
“I did,” Henry confessed. “I wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy in asking.”
“Why did you really ask me, Henry?” Staring at the tape in her hands, Nell blinked hard.
Sitting back, Henry rubbed his chin, a light stubble beginning to grow. “I wanted the best person for the job. I know that you won't admit it, but you're every bit the geek I am and I wanted someone who I could trust to get every detail right.”
Rolling her eyes, Nell cleared her throat, the tape still the most fascinating thing in the world. “Projects like this have insane resources, I doubt you needed me.”
“Maybe I wanted you?” Henry cocked his head, his brow knit as he searched for some kind of justification. “Nell, I have told you before, you are the right person for the job. No hidden agenda. You're good at what you do, I can trust you, and this has potential to be more than one job. What is so wrong, with surrounding myself in people who are excellent at what they do?”
Shifting around, Nell swung her legs out from under her, extending the distance between her and Henry. Curling her toes, she looked at the pale pink polish. Wiggling her toes at Henry, she smirked.
“I can't believe you asked my mom.”
“I happen to respect her opinion.” Henry grinned. Tapping the top of her right foot, he moved to sit cross legged on the floor. A nearly impossible feat given how big his damn legs were. “More than once I have asked your mother for advice.”
“She is good at giving it straight and she does adore you.” Nell moved her foot away from Henry, his fingers absentmindedly stroking over the top, lightly up her ankle.
“Are you happy?” Turning to look at Nell face on, Henry asked the question.
“Why wouldn't I be happy? I mean, there isn't anything for me to be unhappy about.”  Nell sat on the floor, scanning the things that still needed to be boxed and ready to move. A break wouldn't hurt. “Are you happy?”
“Sometimes.” Henry confessed. “Do you ever wonder, if we'd stayed...”
“Don't. No. Please, don't do that.” Nell shook her head. She was not in the right frame of mind to play this game. Henry turned his head, blinking a few times, he scrunched up his face. “I think about it more than I should and we don't need to argue, not today.”
“That is a fair point.” Henry agreed. Blowing out a breath, he puffed out his cheeks, tapping his thighs in an anxious manner.
“If it makes any difference,” Nell paused, picking up a photo frame to wrap, “I have a failed relationship because  of us.”
Henry had several. It wasn't a competition.
“Alex thought that, never mind.”
“Was Alex really a relationship?” Arching his brow, Henry pursed his lips. “I mean, it wasn't nothing, but was it really all that?”
“Yes. Maybe. I don't know.” Nell's shoulders sagged in defeat. “Part of his reason for it being over, was because he thinks you and I are still in love.” She laughed lightly. “How insane does that sound?”
“Huh,” followed by a subdued laugh, Henry reached for the next empty box dragging it closer.
Wrapping and packing this and that, Henry didn't continue the conversation. Silently, he did his job, allowing himself to process whatever other issues would have risen, if they had continued.
Some day they would sit and have a very long, very tough, very emotion filled discussion. Today was not that day.
“When we're done here, Ivan has something he wants you to see. By the way. He and Kal went over to hang out with Sophie.” Henry broke the silence after several moments of packing without a word.
“Why don't you run over and get them, I can finish this.” Nell smiled weakly.
The air in the room was lifted, the unspoken thoughts and feelings vanished with Henry. Cleaning up the pile of boxes, tape, and various packing materials Nell dusted her hands off on her pants. She hadn't noticed the time, sending Henry to collect Ivan and Kal had been a better idea than known.
A short visit with Ivan and Nell would be off to her hotel, surely Henry and Ivan would want her to stay for dinner, which is why she had come up with the excuse that she had some work to do and wanted to get back before it was too late.
Downstairs the door opened and chaos entered.
“Mum, momma, mum.” Ivan chanted rushing into the house.
“I'm coming,” Nell called from the stairs.
Barely off the bottom step, Ivan rushed her.
“Hi.” he wrapped his arms around Nell's waist.
“Well hello, Wild boy.” Nell smiled hugging him to her side. “How was your day?”
“It was good. Dad and I went to the park and then we went to get this,” Ivan took the bag Henry had been holding. Fishing out the neatly wrapped box, he extended it to his mother.
“This is from you?” Raising her brow, Nell took the box from Ivan, who was nodding eagerly.
“I picked it myself. In case you miss me. I didn't want you to be sad. Open it.”
Nell was going to miss the whirlwind of energy that her son brought everywhere. Thankfully they would be in the same city and she could see him, whenever she wanted.
“Aren't you sweet? Okay,” Nell smiled, gently pulling the bow off of the brightly coloured box. “Ivan.” she cooed, revealing the horizontal hanging bar necklace. The same one she had mentioned liking shortly before her birthday, then again before Mother's Day.
“Read it, read it.” Ivan urged.
“Love, Ivan.” Nell read the words engraved across the front of the white gold bar.
“I wrote that and then the lady put it on the necklace.” He bounced in place, like a rocket ship ready to launch. “Do you like it?”
“I love it, wild boy.”
“I wanted to get you a car, but dad said you didn't need an Aston Martin. So we got you this.”
“Thank you and your dad is absolutely right, I love this way more than a car.” Nell kissed the top of his head. “I love you, way more than anything.”
“Dad, too?” Ivan wiggled his way out of his mother's hug. Looking up, blinking at his mom, he looked quickly to Henry.
A deer in the headlights, Henry shook his head.
“Dad and Kal, both.”
Glancing over his shoulder at Henry, Ivan smiled, his eyes bright. His silent “told ya so.” more than evident.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Unraveling at the Seams Pt 13
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen/OFC, Henry Cavill/OFC Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendo, Possible NSFW Rating: M Length: Multi Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: Again, Tumblr has been a dick about tagging people. Apologies. 
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thank you @flowers-in-your-hayr​ for the header :D
Catch Up Here
After Alex left, Nell had been the last person in the condo, until Marco had come back yesterday. Alex had gone through the place a few times making sure it was tidy, not too much dust had settled, and they had fresh groceries. A bottle of Jameson tucked into the supplies for dinner, Alex was set whenever Nell showed up.
Showering and changing his clothes twice, he had worked himself up over this more than the first time he'd gone out with her. That night he'd changed four times, couldn't decide what to do with his mess of hair, and nearly vomited twice before Marco shoved him out the door and told him to fucking relax. Tonight was a strong contender for a repeat.
Pacing, rearranging the cushions on the couch, and nervously drumming his fingers on the counter top Alex checked the clock on the wall for what felt like the millionth time in – only twenty minutes? Fuck this was excruciating.
“Calm the fuck down, dude.” Marco grumbled from the kitchen counter. Alex wanted to make pizza, too bad he was absolutely useless making dough. Swooping in to save the day, Marco kneaded the dough, before dropping in in the bowl to rise.
“I can't.”
“Why? It's not like this is the first date or some shit. Fuck, dude, you've seen her naked.” Snorting, Marco's eyes glinted with mischief. “You've also saw her ex naked. By now I assumed you'd have a handle on this.”
Death glaring at his roommate, Alex snorted. “I thought we agreed to never talk about that, again.”
“You may have agreed to that, I did not. Honestly, there are worse things. So what, you saw another guy's dick.”
“Can you not?”
“Think of it this way, you've second hand fucked Superman.” Laughing at his own joke, Marco snorted. He would never grow tired of this. Ever.
“Why are we friends? Why? I would never do this to you.” Alex pointed his finger at Marco, making an emphasis. Lies. All lies. If the tables were turned, he would be all over tormenting Marco about it.  “Jeg hader dig.”
“Det er ikke nogen stor sag,” Marco shrugged and wiped his hands on a dish towel. “She was practically living here before you went home.”
Rolling his eyes, Alex sighed, “Alright, fine.” conceding with his hands held in the air.
Cleaning up his work space, Marco watched Alex. Worked up, over nothing, Alex stood in the shared living space. Scratching his head and sighing heavily for what felt like the hundredth time in a handful of seconds. Wiping the counter down, Marco tried to be the supportive friend.
“You're going to have dinner, you're welcome by the way, and then what? Watch a movie? Make out? Discuss world politics? How bad can this be?”
“I'm breaking it off with her.”
“Oh.” The word formed on Marco's lips. His eyes wide in surprise. “Wait, are you sure?”
Any answer would have been accepted, except that. Marco eyed Alex curiously. Was he sure about this? Alex had worked his ass off  trying to impress this woman, he was going to let her go just like that?
“Yes.” Alex nodded, his eyes downcast. “It's not the right time, besides she really isn't that into it.”
“Then why not try to work it out?” Marco leaned against the center counter.
There were more ways around this than simply breaking it off. Alex Høgh Andersen didn't give up easily, so what gave?
“There's no sense. She isn't into it, she isn't into it. I jumped the gun and I guess what I wanted isn't as great as what I got. Dude, can't you see it? She still fucking loves him.” Alex groaned, his hands sliding down the sides of his face.
Fuck. He had been foolish. He should have left well enough alone and not even bothered.
“They have a kid together, of course she's going to love him.” What did Alex expect?  Marco felt that was pretty standard, especially if two people had a child together and were amicable.
“It's more than that,” Alex shrugged, he had made up his mind. He wanted out, while things were still clean. He would not be the reason holding somebody back. “I think he loves her, too. I am not being the guy who gets in the way of that.”
Scratching the bit of light stubble on his chin, Marco sniffed and pursed his lips - all things he did in thought, Alex waited for his friend to give him a pile of useless wisdom.
Alex had made up his mind, while visiting home. It wasn't a decision that he had come up with over night. The choice had taken time, one small step led to another, landing him here. Nell's feelings to Henry weren't the only deciding factor in this, though they had greatly helped.
“Is that what you're going to tell her? You're breaking up, because you don't want to stand in her way of fucking her ex -” Marco paused. “Is he her ex husband? No?”
“No, they were never married. She turned him down when he asked.”
“Poor Superman.” Marco shrugged it off. Returning to his original questions, “what are you going to tell her? She's going to want an answer.”
“Hadn't really thought about it.” Frowning, Alex knew Marco was right. Nell would want an answer.
Rolling his eyes and shaking his head, Marco groaned. “You're shit at this. Do you need me to stay and hold your hand?”
“No, you can leave.” In no way did he need Marco there to hold his hand. “Are you and Gee still going for drinks?” he tried to change the subject.
“Yeah, though now I may see if Henry wants to come. Ask him whether or not he loves his ex. Hold off on breaking up, you may not need to.”
“Fuck you.”
“You're really not my type, I don't like blue eyes.” Marco laughed throwing the dish towel at Alex. “Seriously, think of what you're going to tell her. Make it good. Make it sincere. And if you need to cry about it, you know where your room is.”
“You are truly an asshole.” Alex threw the towel back.
Catching the flying dish towel, Marco smiled and laughed. “At least I have enough balls to try and keep what I want.”
“Really? This is how you choose to be supportive?”
“You're my best friend, I love you man, but you're in over your head and not thinking clearly. Do whatever you want, but remember that you don't have to come to an end all be all. She may have feelings for the father of her child, but what are the chances she's going to act on it? What are the chances he will act on it?”
When did Marco suddenly get so damn smart?
“Besides, from what our friend Google tells us, Superman has a girlfriend and he isn't the cheating kind.”
“You Googled him?”
“You didn't?”
“No. Why would I do that?”
“Uh, because you're dating, I used the term loosely, the mother of his child. It's good to know your opponent. He seems like a chill guy, but you may not have to worry about him wanting to throw her over his shoulder and...”
“I am going to stop you there.” Alex held up a finger, to indicate this was the end of that sentence. “When are you leaving to meet Gee?”
Glancing at the clock, Marco shrugged. “Another hour.”
“Good, then why don't you go shower. Jerk off. Do your hair. Whatever it is you need to do before going out. Nell will be here in a few minutes.”
“Sure, sure, get rid of me.” Marco held up his hands, retreating from the kitchen. “But talk to her, before you break it all off and blow this to hell.”
Biting his bottom lip, Alex winced, biting down a little too hard on the flesh. Running his tongue over the small bite mark, he took a moment to let Marco's findings sink in. Perhaps he should have asked Marco where, exactly, he had found these claims.
Was it Alex's business what Henry did?
If he looked, it was only because he cared for Nell. Alex wanted what was best for her, even if he did plan to break it off. She was a fantastic person, a huge heart, and didn't deserve to be embarrassed by him asking her about her ex's relationships.
Alex would sweep it under the rug, surely Nell would be privy to that type of information. Not knowing Henry well, Alex did know that Ivan was a high priority, by way of that so was Nell.
Fucking Marco getting into his head.
Almost time for Nell, checking the clock again, Alex did one last sweep to make sure the condo was tidy. Dinner was prepped, all they had to do was assemble the pizzas and bake. Dough was happily resting, waiting until they were ready to use it. Hawaiian pizza wasn't Alex's first choice, though it apparently paired well with Jameson. He'd even remembered to get anchovies, again not his first choice, though Nell swore by them on any pizza.
The things you did when you wanted to impress a woman.
All day and last night, Nell had spent a portion of time intermittently wondering what Alex wanted. He didn't sound like his usual happy to see her, puppy dog like self. His mood placid. A hint of melancholy in his tone as he'd spoke.  Conceivably she could be over reacting. She'd been tired when he'd called, she could have easily taken it in a way it wasn't meant to be.
No, there was an off feeling.
She'd felt it then and as she made her way to his place.
A knot in her gut tightened, growing closer to the condo. Alex was out of sorts and here she was, going into this with an intention of leaving unattached. Was she a horrible person, by not wanting to continue seeing him, all because she was moving?
In her head she reran every situation that she had deemed possible. Alex would possibly be upset, which she would reassure him it was all on her. Nothing to do with him, cliche, but honest.
What if he wanted to break it off with her? That one she liked. Getting a way out with no hard feelings, because they both wanted the same thing.
Then there was the part where they would have to work together, for a short while, before she moved. How awkward would that be? Did she drag this on, leading him to a dead end, allowing him to think things were fine between them only to break it off last minute?
Nell hated herself for all of these situations.
If he tried to talk her out of it, then she would have to be firm. No amount of reconsidering saw her leaving Dublin attached, especially not to Alex.
Mustering the courage, she rang the buzzer, the door unlocked and she was inside. A pause by the elevator, to collect herself. Walking in there with this cloud hanging over head would ruin the evening entirely. Touching up her lipstick and taking a calming breath, she stepped into the elevator and pressed the button. A forced smile on her face, walking down the short hall way to the door Nell told herself she was ready for whatever laid on the other side.
Inside Alex jumped when the buzzer had gone off. Closing his eyes, taking a deep breath, he did what he could to relax. Nell was at the front door at what felt like rocket speed. Lingering in the open door, Alex watched down the hall, catching sight of her. She looked relaxed – more than could be said for him.
“Hey.” He greeted her, a quick kiss on the cheek, allowing her to walk in ahead of him. “Glad you could make it.”
“Of course,” Nell returned the quick peck to the cheek. Wiping her lipstick off of his cheek, she smiled. “I'm sorry that I didn't get the first few calls, my damn phone was dead and I didn't think to charge it before I left.”
“No, no don't worry. It's all good,” Alex brushed it off, taking her bag and setting it on the stand beside the door. “Come on, sit. We have dinner to make and things to catch up on.”
The once cozy and welcoming space began to feel – frigid? No. Chaotic? No. Forced. Yes.
At the counter, Nell took a seat on one of the sleek bar stools. Alex had his back turned, busying himself with gathering all the things they would need to finish making their dinner. First things first, a drink. On the rocks for him and neat for Nell. Sliding her the glass of whiskey, he smiled and held up his glass.
“To coming together.” He shrugged, “and to Marco, because without him we wouldn't have dinner.”
“Coming together and to Marco.” Nell giggled softly, allowing Alex to nudge his glass against hers. Would it be rude to down this in one gulp?
“Did I hear my name?” Marco shouted from down the hall. Peeking around the corner, the black towel secured around his hips. Hair wet and trailing down his back, he skittered barefoot across the tile flooring to the kitchen. Holding his towel, just in case.
“I was telling her if she gets food poisoning, you made the dough.” Alex smirked, giving Marco a glass of the whiskey. It's what he was looking for, any how.
“Ah, well, I promise you will not die from my pizza dough.” Marco smirked, lifting his glass, “I will not promise that you won't get hooked though. Nell, this is the best, the very best pizza dough you will ever have. It's my mother's own recipe.”
“I will take your word for it.” Nell laughed, adverting her eyes, when Marco took the seat beside her, his towel perhaps not covering everything he wanted it to when he sat. “Have you been back long?”
“Nah, I got here yesterday.” Marco shook his head, the ends of his wet hair dripping on the floor. “How's your break been going? Do anything fun?”
Mid drink, Nell shook her head. Placing her nearly empty glass on the counter top, she answered. “I've got some work caught up around the house. Most of my downtime has been hanging out with Ivan and Henry. Nothing special.”
“Ah,” Marco gave Alex a look.
“So, uh, have you decided on that um.” Alex paused, taking a drink. Thinking better of his actions. “Sorry, it's not my business.”
“Oh, you mean the job?” Nell picked up on the tension in the question. “I was going to wait until we got settled here, but I've decided to take it.”
“Hey! That's wonderful!” Marco raised his glass, along with his voice. “What job?”
“Henry wants to contract my work, for his new project. Possibly more to follow. I don't have all the details, yet.”
So Alex hadn't told Marco? Interesting, considering how those two were together all the time, sharing a brain some days. Nell gently wiggled her glass, Alex dutifully poured her more.
“Well, you're a fucking genius. If anyone can get the job done, it's you.” Marco complimented, gently patting Nell on the back. “So, if you are working with Henry, then Ivan must be thrilled.”
“He's beyond thrilled. He gets to live with his dad, what could be better?”
“You're moving in with Henry?” Alex's brow creased, his dinner forgotten. Dough spread on the pan, the production halting there.
“No, but Ivan is.”
“Huh, everybody wins.” Marco finished his drink, stepping down from the stool. “Henry's girlfriend is cool with his kid moving in? That is a good woman.”
Wide eyed, Alex wanted to strangle Marco. No, no why would he do this?
“Henry doesn't have a girlfriend,” Nell laughed, draining her glass and licking her lips. “He hasn't for two years.”
“I saw online, it said,” Marco scrambled to find his iPad. Sitting on the coffee table in the middle of the open living room.
“You shouldn't believe everything online.” Following Marco with her eyes, Nell was taking great amusement in this. Marco scrolled along, trying to find where he'd seen the photo.
“But it says,” Marco pointed to the screen, handing Alex the iPad to confirm what they were seeing, “right here. It's none of my business, but there is a photo.”
“Is it a photo of him with a woman in a red coat with black pants? All you can see is the back of her head?” Nell sighed, rubbing her hand over her forehead. “Look at the woman, take a close look. See anything you recognize?”
“Uh.” Alex squinted at the photo, trying to make sense of what Marco had just done.
This was a can of worms which he wished they could close and walk away from. Why was his best friend such a moron? Was this Marco's way of trying to suss out Nell's feelings?
“It was me.” Nell glanced at the photo  Alex handed over.  “And when you find the one about the weekend rendezvous, during the Durrell last year,” Nell smirked, “remember the lemur story?”  
“Lemur?” Marco scratched his chin.
“Never mind,” Alex shook his head at his roommate.
“So, he doesn't have a girlfriend?”
“No.” Nell laughed at the look on Marco's face. Confusion and embarrassment all wrapped into one adorable, chubby cheeked package. “So, Ivan moving in is not a problem. The woman in the photo, is fine with it. It was her idea.” she winked.
“Okay, well. Now I feel foolish. Apologies.” Marco took his iPad, bowing out of this conversation. Patting Alex on the shoulder, as he went. His friend may want to worry about those feelings, after all.  “You two crazy kids have a good night. I need to get dressed, Gee is going to be waiting.”
Smooth exit.
At the counter, his cheeks red, and his courage waning, Alex didn't know what to do next. Busying his hands making dinner, he felt like a fool. A deer in the headlights, waiting for the truck to pound over him, leaving him a mess in the road.
Shifting on her stool, Nell sat quietly tracing the rim of her glass with her finger tip. The glitter on the tips of her light gray nails catching the light with the movement, sparkling at Alex like tiny a tiny mocking jury. A quick shout broke the silence, along with a door thudding close, gave way to Marco marking his exit. Neither person in the kitchen moved, outside of their previous task.
A stark contrast to how things had been prior to Alex's departure.
He'd liked the way Nell would stand along side of him, her fingers threading in his hair, while he tired to do a task. Or the way she would lean against him, watching him cook. Her head on his back, resting comfortably while they laughed and chatted. Alex frowned, spreading cheese on the pizza, he should have kept his agitation in check.
“How are your parents and sister?” Nell broke the silence, tapping her fingers on the counter top.
“They're well. Busy. It was nice to see them.” Alex masked his emotions, forcing a smile. In the pit of his stomach, he knew that Nell knew, something was off. “I was sad they called me to come back early, but that's work.”
“Hmm,” Nell hummed. “But you'll get to see them, soon.”
“I suppose.” Alex nodded, pausing to make the next selection of toppings. “Ham or onion next?”
“Whatever you want, I'm not fussy.” Nell forced her own smile. “I see you got anchovies. Brave of you, to try.”
“I'll try any food once,”
“That's the spirit. You know, yesterday, Ivan almost made me gag. I've never met anybody who eats wasabi like my kid.” She feigned a gagging motion. “My kid's taste buds are broken.”
“Did you ask him why? Oh god, I couldn't imagine that.” Alex laughed at the thought of Ivan shoveling in the green paste.
“He said he likes it.”
“You can't get him to eat cake, but he eats wasabi.” Alex laughed at Nell's facial expressions. Cake was one of the most disgusting textures, according to Nell. A muffin was fine, so long as it wasn't fluffy and crumbly like a cake. One trait to tick in the Nell box, Ivan was the same way. Clearly not getting Henry's indulgence.
“We're currently trying to sort out who his real parents are,” the joke made Alex smile. “Seriously, I don't know why. I guess we all have weird things we like.”
“Weird, yes.” Alex agreed. Putting the thin sliced ham on top of the onions, pizzas were almost ready for the oven. “I don't have words for you guys and your food preferences.” Pulling open the oven door, Alex retrieved a pan from the counter. In went the first part of dinner. Wiping his hands on a towel, he stood opposite of Nell. Another drink of whiskey, he licked his lips. “So, did you spend a lot of time with Ivan and Henry?”
Nell sipped her drink, eyes narrowing. Was that a hint of jealousy she detected? No, surely Alex wouldn't be that petty.
“I spent a bit of time with them, yeah. Yesterday we did some museums and had dinner.” She clarified. “Last week Henry let Ivan have a sleepover. He got to meet Christina.”
Wide eyed, Alex snorted. The woman was infamous.
“Jordan has competition. But, I think she'd forget about him, if she saw Henry with his full beard. That thing is a life of it's own.” Nell snorted in laughter.
Rubbing his cheeks, Alex went along with it. A devilish smirk crossing his smooth features. “I think beards are overrated, who needs a face rug, when you have a jaw like this.” He tilted his head for maximum effect.
“You've got a point there,” Nell winked. “Some guys do fine without the help of a beard.”
If they were in a romantic comedy, this would be the scene here the pizza would be forgotten. Favouring other activities over eating. Since this wasn't a romance dictated by screenwriters, things didn't a drastic turn and dinner made it out of the oven on time. Amid small chatter and no real conversation. The quiet was deafening and welcoming. Less spoken the better.
Despite having Marco do the hard part, Alex was proud oh himself for being able to assemble and cook such a glorious master piece. Hot, cheesy, and the right amount of salty and sweet. It was perfect. Alex would have made a joke about how he too was hot, cheesy, salty and sweet – wisely he went against the idea.
“Dinner is served.” He proudly announced, setting two plates on the counter, the pizza in the middle.
“Compliments to the chef, and his dough maker.” Nell smiled for the first time in nearly half an hour.
Cold wasn't her intentions.
Alex hadn't been all that chatty himself, despite having come up with a great deal of the conversation.
The end was nigh.
Dramatic. A touch.
“This is good,” Nell complimented.
The shift in the room once Marco had left wasn't unnoticed. A few brief moments of warmth and they were back to being strangers. Talking out of politeness and necessity.
“It's really good.” Alex nodded in agreement. What he wouldn't give to rewind this evening. To rewind the last few months.
“So, when do you go back to shoot?”
“Uh, two days.” Alex wiped the cheese and sauce that had dropped on his chin. “Are you back with us?”
Nell shook her head, trying to avoid wearing the dripping sauce. “Celine and Rayna will be. I won't be back for a few days.”
“Going to be different being the big shot, huh?”
“I guess.” Nell shrugged, picking a piece of ham from the edge of her crust to savour. Making a joke, “Not sure how much power Henry will let me wield.”
“I'm sure you'll do great.”
“Thank you, I hope so.” Sighing, Nell gently pushed a stray piece of onion around her plate. “I mean, I don't think I would be agreeing if I didn't think I could do some justice.”
“Are you going to miss Ireland?”
“I will, Ivan definitely will.” There was no need to reexplain that that moving with Henry would be good for him; Alex got that the first time around.
"Hypothetically, after you leave where do we go?" Alex sat with his elbows resting on the counter top.
He hated this part. This was the part where two people attempted to decide fate. Did you engage in a long distance relationship? Did you give up now? Maybe they would decide to keep it casual. Seeing each other when they could until one day they realized they were never meant to be.
"Do we continue or was this a fun while it lasted?"
"Would you hate me if I say that I think it's best if we didn't follow through?" She thought it would be cut and dry. End it and move on. Reaching for a napkin, she tugged at the corners.
"I would never hate you." Alex rubbed his chin in thought.
Clasping her hand in her lap, Nell sat straight, her gaze passing Alex but never landing on him. Inhaling deeply, she slowly let the air out of her lungs. This had to be done. Rip the bandage off fast, though it would sting the hurt would be brief.
“Alex, you're lovely.”
"I understand, I get it. You don't have to bother giving me an excuse."
"And what excuse is that?" Nell huffed.
Alex sighed, staring at the half eaten pizza on his plate as if it would give him some sort of wisdom. He was foolish to let it go this far. Anyone could look at them and see it. Playing with the cigarette package on the counter, he traced his fingers along the dimpled lettering.
"Henry. It's obvious the two of you have something."
"Ivan, we have Ivan."
"Right and I think, despite what you tell me, you love him. I think you always have."
“Bold of you to assume such things.”
“Is it?”
“He's my son's father. Yes, there are some feelings.  We're still friends and he is an important part of my life. Yes, there have been times when I lost all judgment and we've had sex. Only twice, but it happened.” Why was she telling him all of this? None of this was his business. “If somebody can't accept that Henry is around, then that is not my problem. What else do you want me to say?”
“No, it's fine. I get it. I'm not exactly committed and this is only casual. Right? Just a bit of fun, while it lasted.”
@shannygoatgruff​ @funmadnessandbadassvikings​ @kawennote09​ @smutgoblin​  @nickysurfer28​ @igetcarriedawaywithyou​ @lif3snotouttogetyou​@akamaiden​ @angelaiswriting​ @peaceisadirtyword​ @titty-teetee​ @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly​ @ilvebeenabad​ @naaladareia​ @tephi101​ @sdcyumyum​ @unacceptabletatertots​ @imgoldielikehawn​  @smolasianwinterbean​  @capitanostella​  @bloodyivar​   @normanallthewayforever​   @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme​  @imyourliquor-youremypoison​ @nikky-the-writer​   @seremedyxiii​ @laketaj24​  @deleteidentity​ @tornupandbored​  @hoeghfabulous​  @ateliefloresdaprimavera​ @mydarlingwhim​   @kenzieam​   @captstefanbrandt​ @jar-of-love​ @angelswannawearmyredshooz​ @manuugxlvis​   @lostinmythoughs​  @ivars-snowflake​   @lisinfleur​  @nothingeverdies​ @fumblingthroughchaos​ @pebblesz892​  @nelson-and-murdock​   @bluearchersstuff​  @itsspecial-itsnotforeveryone​  @ivarlothbroks​ @badassbaker​ @cris101071​ @fucktrucks​ @ohjules​  @angelic-kisses13​ @marthasantos95​  @hows-my-hair​ @omgshuddupmeg​ @moviegirl50​ @havenoffandoms​ @gearhead66​ @happydaysandersen​ @rekdreams-fandom​ @lovemylife2618  @mrsadrianraines​ @supernaturalvikingwhore​ @heavenly1927​ @zoe-rachel-crisp​ @blogandreea11 @shileen91​ @geekandbooknerd​ @mzliterarydreamer​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @ainatirb-j​ @carlya65​ @sawendel​ @sinflowersugar​ @magic-and-the-macabre​ @artemiseamoon​ @vicmackeybullshxt​ @flowerthug​ @henchry​  @littlefreya​ @mitzwinchester​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​ @h-e-a-v-y-l-e-a-t-h-e-r​ @dogshemp​  @mytbel0st​ @peakygroupie​ @magdelen69​ @s-ravenall​  @viking-raider​ @sciapod​ @intototaloblivion​ @hcfavoritegal​ @didiintheblog​ @daniig95​ @badwolf-in-the-impala​ @mariahill2001​ @charlieferret​ @michelle-1185​ @henryfanfics101​ @agniavateira​ @oqueequesentes-borboletas​ @mis-lil-red​ @anndreaae​ @dearlybelovedluke​ @p3nny4urth0ught5​ @tinychemicals​ @mary-ann84​ @townmoondaltwistle​ @buckysgoldenheart​ @thethirstyarchive​ @meowpurrbooks​  @hell1129-blog​ @onceiwasanun​ @vikingsbifrost​ @comboboo​ @onlyhenrys​ @obsessedwithcavill​ @hnryycvll​ @lebguardians​​ @newfanhasenteredthechat​​ @leilabeaux​
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Unraveling at the Seams
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen/OFC, Henry Cavill/OFC Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendo, Possible NSFW Rating: M Length: Multi Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: I started this two years ago, found it again, and decided to make something of it. 
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thank you @flowers-in-your-hayr for the header :D 
Catch Up Here
Wednesdays for the last month and a half had been absolute hell, nearly twenty hour days, non stop costume changes and repairs, a steady flood of people coming and going out of the mid sized trailer serving as a dressing room on wheels. Nell Stewart had become accustom to the chaos and frantic pace that her job provided each and every day, grabbing a cloak from the rack labeled “Ubbe” she held the soft fur in her hands, marching it to the man who would display the glorious piece on screen.
“Thanks, Nell.” the smooth mix of Scotland and Australia met her head on.
“No problem,” Nell smirked “and Jordan, this time, don't drop it until after the shoot.”
“I make no promises.” Jordan chuckled, glancing down at the woman who fastened the broach on the grey and tan fur.
“All set, go on with ya.” Nell waved the actor out of her “office du jour”.
Next up to dress would be “Ivar” - the name always made her smile thinking of her son's not so far off name of Ivan. Ivar was undoubtedly one of the best characters to create, and one of the most annoying actors on set. Nell sighed, fingering through the pages on the cupboard before her. One last glance over the costume that she would be putting on the young Danish man.
Alex tried, he really did, yet somehow he always ended up offending the woman. How was he to sit there while she dressed and prepped him, and not want to talk to her? He had watched her with the other actors and crew, she was obviously sweet and a gentle soul. Somehow every time he got close to Nell, she ended up looking like she wanted to beat him with whatever heavy object was closest.
Taking his chances, Alex cautiously stepped into the costume trailer. He had been here seven hours and had another ten to go. Such was life, for anyone who thought acting was glamorous, fools. Whistling a merry tune with a pep in his step despite the hours he had spent crawling around in the mud on set, Alex was determined to make today different.
This was going to be the day that he got Nell to laugh with him, not at him, or worse stand stone faced while he attempted to make jokes.
“Hey, Ne...” He was met with a glare from the costume designer, her phone to her ear. “Sorry.” he muttered softly standing by the door, not daring to step any further with the mud on his costume. He had been lectured before about dragging mud through the trailer.
This woman treated him like he was her son, not somebody she worked with. A disappointing scenario.
“Are you still there, Janelle?” The man on the phone called her attention. She hated when he called her by her full name, more so she hated the feeling of electricity it sent racing through her.
Nell glanced at Alex, lowering her eyes and voice. Her private business didn't need to be aired through the entire lot.
“I can't talk right now, I'm at work.”
“I will only a take a moment, I promise. Is Ivan with you?”
“No, he's at school. Why?” She found the pants, cloak, and jerkin she would need in order to dress the man waiting for her. Handing them to Alex, she motioned for him to use the space on the left. It was the easiest room to clean later. “And don't get mud on the new costume.”
“Excuse me?”
“Sorry. Continue.” She returned to her call.
“I only wanted to speak with him, see how he is doing. How's school, the usual. I don't want to take your time, but I wanted to let you know that I have a bit of time off and...”
“And you wanted to see him?” Her ex had a habit of doing this to her. It was always the same story, they would go months upon months without seeing him, then he would call her and ask for a visit. In truth, she couldn't really complain about a man making an effort to see his son, but it would be nicer if it wasn't a once a year thing.
“If I could, yes. He can come to me, or I can come to you. Whichever works. Think on it and let me know.”
Nell tried her best to hide the sigh.
“Send me the dates. I don't want him missing school.”
“It would be next month. I believe he is on holiday then. I will have the dates sent and we can discuss it, when we're not sneaking away to take calls at work. Chat soon?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Freshly dressed from his base layer to the hooded wool cloak, Alex emerged after giving her a breath or two alone to regroup, her call hadn't sounded pleasant. He didn't want to pry, yet he felt sorry for the single mother. Alex knew her son, the bundle of energy that would sometimes tear through the trailer, accompanying his mother to work. Ivan's dark curls were as wild as he was. Alex liked the kid, he was funny.
“Alright, what do we need to adjust?” Nell turned to Alex, her phone in her pocket and her mind somewhat on work.
“It feels good.” Alex raised his arms, bending at the waist, and moving about to prove his point. “The boots, tough.”
Nell nodded. “What about them?”
More than once she had accidentally pulled the wrong boots, trying to fit Alex's feet into a pair meant for someone else.
“I can never get these done up, can you?” Alex blushed at the confession. The boots were double laced and the laces in the back were his kryptonite. Nell instructed him to sit and keeled down to assist. As a mother dressing someone was a second nature.
“You know,” Alex glanced down as she fitted his boots. “We've worked together for almost two years, I know nothing about you.”
“Oh yeah?” Her focus was on the laces of the knee high boots.
“Mmm.” He nodded, his dark hair escaping his pony tail. “Let's play a game. Three things about our self. I'll go first,” Alex made his suggestion. She was shocked he could put his phone down long enough to chat. “When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a doctor. I love anything to do with Space, and my best memory is a family trip to the beach, when I was eight.”
“Such detail.” She mocked, a smirk gracing her lips.
“I reached deep for those,” Alex nudged her with his foot. “Your turn.”
“Fine.” She huffed, sitting back on her heels. The second boot could wait, while she found three things to shut him up. “I have worked in costume design for four years full time, I hate small talk and nosy people, and I hate cake.”
“You hate cake!” Alex exclaimed wide eyed with disbelief. “What? What do you have on your birthday?”
“Pie.” Her answer was flat.
“Huh.” Alex mused, he couldn't get over the last statement. “Do you at least make cakes? You know, for when your family or friends want a birthday cake?”
“Never?” She shook her head. Alex huffed. “Not even when your son asks?”
“He doesn't like cake either.” Her voice softened.
“He doesn't like it, or you don't let him have it?” It was Alex's turn to smirk. “You know, since you hate it and all.”
“You're annoying.”
“When's his birthday? I'm going to buy him a cake, a big one! Loaded with frosting and chocolate, sprinkles galore.” Alex continued his chatter. Mainly to hear himself speak.
“Look,” She sighed, finishing up the boot lace. “I enjoy working with you and I like my job, but can we leave my son out of this? Please.”
“O-Okay.” Alex frowned. “I'm sorry.”
“It's just...it's complicated and the last thing he needs right now is...forget it.” Nell rocked back on her heels. Admiring her handy work with the costume.
“I'm sorry, truly.”
“It's fine. I've just...never mind. You're good to go.” Nell stood up, wiping her hands on her pants out of instinct.
Alex sat for a heartbeat, trying to find another way to express his apology. The crease and frown on Nell's face told him to quit while he was ahead. He could take a hint. Rising to his feet, he cleared his throat and thanked Nell for helping.
Alone with her thoughts for a moment, Nell rubbed the heels of her hands across her eyes. It would be another late night. The push to get these scenes filmed in the last season, in order for the cast and crew of Vikings to take their short term summer break. Her initial plans for the few weeks off was to pack up Ivan and take off for a vacation home.
A few weeks visiting her parents and the rest of her family, back in Canada would be ideal. She hadn't been back since Easter, when Ivan had gone to spend time with his father's family, and she wanted her son to visit his grandparents. So much for that plan, after the phone call from his father; Ivan wouldn't want to do anything other than visit his father for a few weeks.
Despite the unconventional relationship, her son idolized his father. As a boy should.
Why did he make everything complicated? This man's name came up and as if by some curse everything in Nell's world would begin to fall apart, all over again.
“I see your boyfriend was in.” Nell pushed her hair out of her eyes and slowly looked up at her co-worker. She hadn't heard Rayna come in.
Rolling her eyes, she shook her head at the teasing. “He's not. He is however annoying.”
“Aww, he's just trying to get your attention. Come on, Nelly, throw the kid a bone.” the seasoned designer laughed, handing Nell a cup of shitty set coffee.
“He's too young.”
“You're not exactly an old maid.” Rayna continued to laugh.
Nell shook her head, daily she endured a teasing from the other woman, among others on set. Alex Høgh Andersen turned into an absolute fool and a puppy around the costume designer, everybody but Nell seemed to notice his affection. What she passed off as annoying banter, was the Dane's way of flirting. A skill he needed to work on, with women who were immune to actor's charms, and on older women in general.
Thirty was far from old. So Nell was constantly told.
It had to do with having a son at twenty three. She had grown old and boring faster than she had ever wanted. Another resentment that Nell held toward her ex, he had gotten to go off and do whatever he pleased, while she had raised their son. Whoever said older men were more mature was full of shit.
“Whatever, we have work to do. I need to finish mending those dresses for next week. I don't think our extras want to come in and be naked all day.”
“Some of them might.” Rayna joked, sitting her coffee down and grabbing her sewing kit.
Throughout the day Nell continued to dress cast, principal and extra alike. She enjoyed her job, the creativity and the structure. The pride and joy when a new costume was put together, nothing beat seeing her work on the screen and in the media.
She'd once been asked why she wanted to design costumes, simple. Without a good costume, nothing would ever be accomplished. There would be no life or charisma to a story being told on the screen. Costumes had been a last resort once, when she'd auditioned for a school play and was rejected for a role on stage. Even the chorus didn't want her, leaving her to help the costume department.  Nell got hooked.
Alex had gone out to set, coming back only twice that Nell had been in the trailer. He tried his hardest to strike up another conversation, but the two times they were in the same proximity, Nell was too busy to chat. He felt horrible for making her feel like he was prying earlier and needed to tell her.
Wisely, advised against it, Alex kept his head low. For now.
Knocking off nearly twenty one hours after arriving at work, Nell stretched her arms and groaned. Tomorrow was a later start for her, which meant she would be able to walk Ivan to school and spend a little time with him. He was in bed when she'd left and would be in bed when she arrived home.
Thank god for their Bridie. Nell would be lost without the saint of a woman.
Dropping her keys on the stand inside the door, her bag was next. Letting go of the bag felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from her body. The house was quiet and smelled delicious. Bridie was in the kitchen, tidying up when Nell poked her head in.
“He's in bed, has been since eight.” the well put together blonde woman smiled affectionately.  She looked like she should be a CEO or investment banker, not a full time live out Nanny.  “Long day?”
“Extremely. I am going to run up quick. Thank you!” Nell held her hands together as if in prayer and smiled.
Tiptoeing up the short flight of stairs she followed the path to her son's room. Her bedroom at the other end of the seven foot hallway beckoned her. Not yet. Soon, bed, soon. As expected, Ivan was sleeping soundly, a Captain Underpants book fallen open on the floor and his blankets half tossed off. Her son slept like whirl wind.
Picking up the blanket and draping it over her son, Nell smiled. Dark curls sprung across his head and his tiny arms were wrapped around his pillow, snoring away somewhere in dreamland. As adorable as he looked, it hurt her heart to be gone all day. Since the final season had been announced to the cast and crew, the days at work had become longer and the time for anything else seemed nearly impossible.
Only a few more weeks and Nell would be home for a break. Except...She wanted to groan, instead opted for an eye roll.
Ivan stirred, shifting around in his bed but not waking. Tucked in and kissed by mom, he was good to resume his slumber uninterrupted.  Slumber. In the hall, Nell heard her bed calling once again. A loud Siren Song.
Downstairs a cup of tea waited on the counter, while Bridie fished around for a plate to put the freshly made sandwich on. Nell's heart swelled and her shoulders sagged, overwhelmed by the gesture. Bridie was here to look after Ivan, bless her for always watching out for Nell, too.
“I know you're going to say you've had dinner, but you need something hearty.”
“Actually, I missed dinner. I had a fruit bar and an orange that one of the lighting guys shared with me.” Nell slid onto the stool at the breakfast nook, accepting the peppermint tea and chicken sandwich. Not at all embarrassed by the moan when she took the first bite, causing Bridie to laugh.
“Pleased that you like it.” Bridie winked. “There are some muffins in the container next to the toaster, blueberry. I made his lunch up, and yours, for tomorrow. Left over shepherd's pie.” She listed off a few other details from the day. “When should I return?”
“I don't go in until eleven, I'll need you to pick him up then you can bring him to me. I'm in the office studio all day tomorrow.” Nell instructed. “Thank you, for all of this.”
“You know I love doing it.” Bridie gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder.
“I know and I love you for loving it.” Nell chuckled. Tucking her hair behind her ears, “Oh, Ivan doesn't know, but in a few weeks his father wants to visit him. I'll let you know when he has the dates sent. I think it will be while we were supposed to be gone, anyway.”
“That sounds...” Bridie paused, watching Nell's face to gauge the reaction.
“It's a good thing.” Nell tried to assure her nanny and herself. “It will be good.”
Fingers crossed.
“Well, if you need me for anything you know how to find me.” Bridie would help hide a body, no questions asked. Nell was certain of it.
“Thank you, but I think we'll be okay.” Nell stood to hug the older woman. “Now, go home. I am sure Joe is missing you like crazy. Tell him that you're his for most of the day tomorrow.”
“Good night, Nell.” Bridie waved disappearing toward the door. Nell heard the final click of the lock, signaling that she was on her own until Ivan woke for school.
Dirty plate in the sink, resting until Nell had the energy to do something about it, the cup of peppermint tea joined Nell on her way to bed. Too tired to shower or move, she kicked off her clothes and reached for an old tshirt to wear. The weather was growing warmer as summer approached Ireland.
Summer in Ireland was majestic, really any season in Ireland was majestic. Nell thought as she crawled into her bed. She had decided that the first year she had come here to be an intern. How giddy and naive she had been back then. How different life had been in 2007. How different Nell had been in 2007.
Something about Ireland and that majesty.
Phone down to charge and her alarm set, she was ready for sleep. Slipping under her duvet, she barely had time to get comfortable before sleep over took her.
@funmadnessandbadassvikings , @kawennote09, @smutgoblin , @nickysurfer28 , @peaceisadirtyword, @igetcarriedawaywithyou , @lif3snotouttogetyou, @akamaiden @angelaiswriting, @neeadinghugs, @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly, @ilvebeenabad , @naaladareia, @imgoldielikehawn @tephi101, @sdcyumyum @unacceptabletatertots, @sparklemichele , @titty-teetee , @smolasianwinterbean , @capitanostella , @captstefanbrandt @bloodyivar  , @normanallthewayforever  , @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme , @imyourliquor-youremypoison , @nikky-the-writer  , @seremedyxiii , @laketaj24 , @deleteidentity , @tornupandbored , @hoeghfabulous , @ateliefloresdaprimavera  , @mydarlingwhim , @kenzieam , @jar-of-love ,  @angelswannawearmyredshooz , @manuugxlvis , @lizency , @lost-in-my-thoughs , @ivars-snowflake , @lisinfleur , @fumblingthroughchaos @pebblesz892 , @angelaiswriting , @nelson-and-murdock , @nothingeverdies, @bluearchersstuff  @itsspecial-itsnotforeveryone, @ivarlothbroks, @badassbaker  @cris101071 @fucktrucks @ohjules @mrsadrianraines  @angelic-kisses13 @marthasantos95 @atlanticowe @hows-my-hair @omgshuddupmeg @moviegirl50 @havenoffandoms @gearhead66​ @happydaysandersen​ @rekdreams-fandom​ @lovemylife2618​ @supernaturalvikingwhore​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @geekandbooknerd​ @carlya65​
148 notes · View notes
oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Unraveling at the Seams Pt 10
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen/OFC, Henry Cavill/OFC Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendo, Possible NSFW Rating: M Length: Multi Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: Again, I want to thank everyone of you for reading this and the feedback. muah muah *kiss kiss*
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thank you @flowers-in-your-hayr​ for the header :D
Catch Up Here
Going to bed angry wasn't a habit that Nell ever wanted to get into, which is why she did her best to never go to sleep while angry at someone. Until last night. She'd gone to be angry with Henry and his stupid suggestions. How dare he want to willingly put their son into that kind of pressure. Ivan was smart and far too old for his age, but he was still a child.
A parent was supposed to protect their child, not feed them to the media wolves.
She'd gone to bed ahead of Alex, telling him that she needed to clear her mind and spend a little bit of time trying to sort through her thoughts and feelings. Like a fool, Alex had let her go.
He should have followed her, despite her words, he should have asked her what was on her mind. Coaxed her until she told him everything. It's what you did with someone you cared about, especially when you were supposed to be their partner. Of course that was the problem, daily Alex was feeling less like a partner and more like a coping mechanism.
By the time he returned, Henry would be ready to leave, Alex was feeling encouraged by that. Henry gone there was a possibility that the Nell he had met and fallen for would come back. She had been hesitant, but there had been that spark. It was undeniable. Alex had felt it the night he'd taken her out for a drink – even more so the first time they'd had sex.
God she drove him crazy.
Quiet, he laid in bed watching her sleep. His alarm was set to go off in half an hour, he had four hours until his flight and wanted to be ready to roll when the cab showed up. He had it all rehearsed in his mind, collecting his bags leaving Nell with a kiss and a promise to see her when he came back.
She'd been asleep when he came to bed, fitful and anxious through the night, he had dodged her elbow at least twice to save from getting a black eye. Laying with his right arm around her, holding her to his chest, Alex kissed the top of her head gently. Wanting to see her before he left and wanting her to rest, he felt torn.
Oh how he wanted to wake her. To hold her and feel her warm body against his. Foolish boy. It would never be more than a wistful hope. For now she was his. In his bed. In his arms. And he was going to enjoy it.
Nell snuffled and frowned in her sleep, bringing her hand up to brush away whatever was tickling the back of her neck. Grumbling and shivering at the air blowing against her skin. Alex snickered, gently blowing against her neck, his fingers edging down the collar of her shirt.
Nell whimpered trying to hide her head.
“Morning sleepy head.” Alex laughed when she pulled the pillow from under her head, swinging it aimlessly in any direction trying to hit him.
“I hate you.” Nell reached to find the thrown pillow. Whatever, she'd use her arm instead. Tucking her left arm up under her head, she yawned and sighed. “Aren't you supposed to be getting ready?”
“I have a few hours, yet.” Alex leaned over her, his weight pushing her into the soft mattress. His bed was like a cloud. She would miss this bed, once she took up temporary residence in a hotel.
“Mmm, then we should sleep.” Nell snuggled down under the blanket, resting her head against Alex's smooth chest. He wanted to wake her up, he was her pillow now. “Sleep is amazing.”
“I won't argue, but I should really get a start on the day.” Alex leaned over, kissing her cheek. The only time Nell ever seemed to kiss him properly was when Henry was around. Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Alex checked the attitude. He was not starting his day and his vacation home while annoyed. “You can stay in bed, I need to shower.”
“You do that, I will be here.” Nell didn't even bother to lift her head or open her eyes, when he untangled himself from her to leave the bed.
Fresh from the shower, a towel around his hips, Alex sauntered into the bedroom. He had three hours until he left, checking the clock on the bedside table. His hair damp, he moved it off of his shoulders pulling it into a bun. Still in bed, Nell hadn't moved an inch. Her chest rose and fell with steady breaths and a light snore.
Suitcase packed and ready, Alex could get his clothes for the day out of his closet later. Towel barely hanging on, he opted to get back in bed. Sure would be nice to see Nell awake before he left. Sitting for a few minutes, watching her sleep, he suppressed a groan.
“I didn't hear you come back in.” Nell mumbled, her face squished against her arm. “Have a good shower?”
“Better had it not been a solo event.” Alex teased, resting against the headboard. His eyes closed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “So, do I get a chance to say a proper goodbye?”
“Depends.” Nell shifted around, rolling over to look up at him.
“I was thinking maybe I would get dressed, we could grab a cup of coffee and something to eat. Wait until the cab arrives?”
Not at all the proper goodbye that Nell had been expecting.
Crawling out from under the covers, she scratched the back of her head, squinting against the light in the room. Still groggy. Resting next to Alex against the headboard, she gave him a faint smile.
“I'm sorry I was asleep last night and that I was so upset.”
Alex shook his head, his blue eyes soft. “No need. You're allowed to be upset.”
“And so are you. I know that you had plans last night and I ruined those.” Nell bit her bottom lip. If he wanted to spend time with her that badly, he could have joined her for dinner. Some comments were best left unsaid.
“It's fine.” Alex smiled, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. “How was Ivan?”
“He's good. Energetic and off the cuff, as usual. Honestly, my son is a handful at times.” Nell sighed. “He's too much like his father. He has the same lack of filter that Henry used to have. It's a curse sometimes.”
Alex hummed. Did he dare ask about Henry?
Did he care about Henry?
No. He did care about Nell. To care about Nell would mean having to care about Henry, from time to time. Alex still wanted to wrap his hands around Henry's neck and...no. He would not go there.
“You never did tell me, did you work out Henry's offer?”
Foot meet mouth.
Words that felt like an intentional argument. Words that meant nothing more than curiosity. Nobody knew when or where they would have their next job, Nell was ahead of the curve. She had the perfect job laid in her lap. Alex wished she would take it, he wasn't hung up on her being with Henry all the time, but a job was a job. It wouldn't be all bad. This job had a few good points, one being that Ivan would benefit more than anybody.
A job like this meant security. A steady pay and not worrying about whether or not you would have to give up a career, landing your next job at McDonald's. Hell, if Alex could sew, he'd consider asking for the position.
“I know they say not to make plans when you're in bed, or something about that, but you should take that job.” He turned to look at her, his eyes gentle and his smile soft. “It's a great job.”  
“Excuse me?” Shock was written all over her gorgeous features. Nell hadn't expected Alex to be on board so easily.
“It's none of my business, I'm sorry.” Alex leaned over placing a kiss on her shoulder. “But I have been giving it thought and it's a huge opportunity.”
“Where do you get off telling me what I should do?”
“Hear me out,” His voice was patient. “I'm saying this, because how amazing would it be for Ivan to see his dad practically every day? Hungary is a nice place to live, not too far of a flight from Denmark.” He winked. “You'd head a steady job, no worries, and you're amazing at what you do. They'd be lucky to have you.”
“I don't want to talk about this. You have no right talking about this.” Nell frowned deeply. “I'm sleeping with you, it doesn't mean you can run my life.”
“I know.” Alex sat, his back straight and his hand sliding out of Nell's. “I'm sorry, I only brought it up because I want to think it's something that will make you happy.”
“What will make me happy is everybody keeping their opinion to themselves.” She pushed her hand through he hair and groaned. “I need a shower.”
This conversation was over.
Distance was her go to when things got scary, rocky, or rough. Without another word, Nell made her way to the shower. The hot water felt calming as it beat down, allowing her to escape. A job offer should not cause that much angst and frustration, Alex was right. It was a good job and Nell was foolish to think otherwise.
Secretly she had been indulging herself in the works of Sapkowski, since finding out the name of the project. Evidently her task would be to help Henry bring Geralt of Rivia to life through his clothing and tiny details. A daunting task, as this character had a conception and fans would pick him apart every chance they got. If the fans liked the way a beloved character looked, when brought to the screen, it made a job like Nell's even sweeter. The stories were entertaining, the character someone she would love to explore, and yet the whole thing made her nerves go haywire and made her want to vomit.
Lingering in the hot water longer than usual, she was doing a pretty good job of purposely avoiding Alex. Unfair and even a little cruel. Shampooing her hair, taking extra time moving at a sloth's pace to scrub her body, and wash her face. He would only have an hour left until he left, when she joined him in the kitchen. Once he was gone, she'd collect her things and check into her hotel for the rest of Henry's stay.
Leaning her forehead against the cool tiles, Nell inhaled deeply. What was wrong with her? Alex was trying to help. An apology was in order.  Once in her hotel and comfortable, she would begin a little soul searching, perhaps.
Morning started like every other, Ivan woke Henry by diving into the bed. Kal wiggled his way into bed in the aftermath, trying to avoid the initial chaos. Good lord, Henry would never get used to that wake up call. A child body slamming into the bed was actually a little terrifying. According to Nell this was only something Ivan did to Henry. The worst she got was a poke in the forehead and a complaint about whatever his daily drama was.
Shocked, but awake, Henry instructed Ivan to go get dressed so they could take Kal out for his walk. A quick walk, breakfast, and then the day was theirs to do whatever they pleased.
“Are you and mum angry at each other?” Ivan lazily kicked a pebble along the sidewalk. He'd heard them arguing last night, right before his mother had come in to say goodnight.
“Of course not.” Henry denied the twitch of annoyance. Annoyance wasn't anger.
Perhaps he had been out of line. Ivan was still a child and Nell had given him a valid point. If he hadn't been prompted by somebody else, Henry would never ask her to put Ivan on public display. Although he had, covertly. A few times. Telling a story here or there, leaving out names and claiming it was a nephew. His son could be a riot and Henry loved him dearly, there was a few stories that were too good not to share.
“Your mum and I had a few things to talk about, nothing for you to worry over. I promise.”
“Okay.” Ivan shrugged it off. Following his dad and Kal down the walkway.
Each morning they took the same route, a walk around the block, allowing Kal his morning bathroom break. It was short, but enough to get the blood flowing and it set the tone for the day. Ivan would linger a little behind thinking about – whatever it was that went on in his mind. Henry was often scared to ask. If it was something Ivan wanted to share, then he did. Henry would casually keep an eye out for any potential issues. He was growing frustrated with the unknown.
Some mornings Ivan would wave or stop to have a chat with various neighbours. He seemed to know everybody on the block. Henry was not the least bit surprised by that, his son was a social butterfly. People were naturally drawn to his cheeky smile and charm. Henry's mother often said it was the same way for Henry at that age. He could have the whole world wrapped around his finger in seconds, Ivan was the exact same way. Albeit Ivan was much more confident than Henry had ever been.
This morning Ivan waved at a lady down the street, but didn't stop for his usual chat. He kept his head down, for a good portion of the walk. His thoughts lingering on his parents. Eves dropping was impolite, he had always been taught not to snoop and not to listen in when he wasn't part of a conversation.
Ivan found those things hard not to do. Curious by nature, he wanted to know what was going on around him. He'd been playing his game when he went to the kitchen for a drink, outside the screen door and open windows he could hear his mum and dad. Henry telling Nell about the things they had been doing and his worries.
Drink in hand, he lingered, warning Kal to be quiet. A finger to his lips. Kal licked his lips and sat beside Ivan, scratching his ear with his back foot. Not a care in the world for what was happening outside. Henry and Nell were of no importance, when the miniature Henry was in the same room as all of the food.
Walking along, Ivan tried to make sense of it all. He didn't hear too much after that, only raised voices. This morning was sunny, bright, he was hanging out with his dad, and it should be lifting his spirits.
The day was warm already, Henry was regretting his long sleeves. Before they did anything today, he was going to make sure they were dressed comfortably and Kal had lots of shade. Maybe a day by the ocean by called for. Kal and Ivan could run in and out of the waves and Henry could find some sanity in the sea air and sand.
This morning they walked along, Kal sniffing whatever caught his fancy. The three of them in no hurry to get anywhere. Henry enjoyed this.
“Should we go swimming?” Henry tested his idea out loud. Ivan's questions about his parents arguing lingered, though Henry was confident that they would be put to rest shortly and his son would move on to more exciting things to talk about.
“I guess.” Ivan didn't seem sold by the idea. Odd. He loved the beach. Swimming was one of his favourite things to do.
“Was there something else you wanted to do?”
“No, swimming is fine.” Ivan smiled briefly, sighing. “But I don't want to go back to the pool.”
“Why is that?”
“I heard you telling mum about those people.” His confession was shortened by his next statement. “I like the pool, but there is a lot of strangers there.”
He didn't want his dad feeling bad, because people were watching him. People got excited about his dad, it happened a lot.
“I was thinking we could go to the beach. We can take Kal for a swim.”
“Really?” The light in Ivan's eyes lit and his smile grew, this time not disappearing.
“Of course. But, I need to ask something,” Henry stopped for Kal. Ivan stopping short of running into his father. “Ivan, this is a bit of a serious question,” he let Kal to the end of the leash, to sniff the lamp pole they were next to.
“Hit me, big guy.” Ivan adjusted his England Rugby ball cap. He was such a card. His discontent nearly forgotten.
“When we're out and people stop us. How does that make you feel? Does it bother you? Are you scared? Nervous? Is it something that you understand?” No point in wasting time. Kal tugged at the leash, guiding Henry forward a step.
“Well,” Ivan drug out the word, liking his lips and cocking his brow. God he was like a small clone. “People do it, because you're Superman. I know that you're not really Superman and it's only pretend, but maybe they don't. Superman makes people happy and I think seeing you makes them happy.”
“Are you sure you're only seven?”
“Almost eight.” Ivan quickly reminded.
Henry nodded, of course. “But how does it make you feel when they do that?”
“I don't know. Sometimes it's weird, adults are always weird,” Scrunching his nose, Ivan shrugged, scuffing his shoes on the sidewalk. “It doesn't make me scared. People are nice to me.”
“I'm proud of you, did you know that?” Henry held out his fist.
Bumping his fist against his dad's, Ivan nodded slowly. “I am pretty awesome.”
No ego in that kid at all.
“Hey, dad. I'm proud of you.”
“And why is that?” Henry stopped, giving Kal a light tug to fetch him up.
“Because I love you. It makes me proud of you.”
So this is what a proud parent moment was? He'd had many moments where he'd been proud of Ivan, but this was a new level.
“You, my wild boy, I love more than anything else.” Wrapping his arm around Ivan's shoulder, Henry laughed.
Kal was tugging on his leash, eager to get back and have his breakfast. Not to ruin the moment, but he was hungry and through with sniffing along the street like some uncultured stray.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Unraveling at the Seams Pt 7
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen/OFC, Henry Cavill/OFC Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendo, Possible NSFW Rating: M Length: Multi Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: I have to admit, part of this is one of my favourite moments in all of this. 
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thank you @flowers-in-your-hayr​ for the header :D
Catch Up Here
The evening had began to clear up, the rain from the last two days coming to an end, giving way to a spectacular sunset. Nell had been in the small garden in the back, watching Kal run around in circles barking and pouncing at Ivan and Jordan while they attempted to play basketball. The dog barked and chased the players, creating his own game. Once he learned Jordan posed no threat to Ivan and Nell, he rolled over to accept any form of scratches the bearded stranger had to offer.
Sophie sat on the small deck beside Nell, watching the dog and the game. Henry had retired to take some calls and work on a bit of last minute business, before his actual vacation kicked in. The usual four suspects, plus Kal,  went about their evening routine.
“How long is he here?” Sophie asked shielding her eyes from the sun.
“Originally two weeks. Maybe three or four now.” Nell shrugged.
“Is it weird? Letting him live with you?” Nell shook her head. They had lived together before, this was nothing new. If anything it was nicer, Nell had someone else to help with Ivan and their daily routine. “I don't think I could let my ex stay. Not if he looked like that.”
Leave it to Sophie to openly admit such a thing, in front of her current boyfriend. Jordan was doing an excellent job at pretending not to hear.
“Old news. Sure he looks good, but that is all.”
“Surely you at least tried to sneak a peek?" Sophie winked, teasing both Nell and Jordan now.
"No, not really."
"Jesus woman. Have you saw that man? If I were you, ex or not, I'd have to take him for a spin just to run my nails all over those hard..."
"Please stop. Really, stop." Nell snorted in laughter. “Jordan is going to hear you. Henry is already concerned about the tall man across the way growling at him.”
Jordan, hearing the conversation shrugged and chuckled. Henry had been coming in from his morning run with Kal, when he'd met Jordan in the courtyard. Sizing up the Brit, Jordan had sniffed and greeting him with a growl before getting in the car.
Outside, the sun began to sink, deeper in the sky. Ivan and Jordan had abandoned their game in favour of chasing Kal around. Tiring out the dog and the boy. Nell and Sophie continued their idle chatter, while Henry remained absent.
Checking her phone, Nell frowned. She'd sent Alex a text earlier, asking if he would like to join them,  still no reply. Jordan concluded that he was probably working and didn't have his phone handy. Nell hadn't counted on the Dane making a surprise visit.
Alex knocked on the door, the rattle it made indicated it was unlocked. The car was in the small car park beside the townhouse and a light was on inside the door. Nell was probably upstairs, no harm in letting himself in, she wouldn't mind. There was no barking, meaning he wouldn't be dinner for the infamous Kal.
The house was quiet, the radio in the kitchen was on, and the smell of fresh laundry lingered through out. Ivan was probably out with Henry, which meant there would be no interruption. Poising to call her name, Alex smirked hearing the shower at the top of the stairs.
Taking the stairs two at a time, he shed his tshirt in the hall, unbuckling his jeans he pushed into the bathroom, ready to pounce when he came to a sliding halt. Through the frosted shower glass, the tall, muscular, dark hair was not what he was expecting to find.
“What was that?”  Jordan perked up, Kal as well.
“What was what?” Nell strained to hear.
“That? Someone screaming. I swear, I heard a scream.” Jordan humphed. “Stay here.” He urged, he'd go forth to check on the situation.
He had been wrestling with Ivan and Kal, when he heard shouting and screaming. How Sophie and Nell hadn't heard the noise was a mystery. Saving time he rushed through the back door of Nell's townhouse, hearing a loud thumping and shouting. The noise had came from inside?
“Hello?” He shouted through the house. “Henry?” The guy was big, if anything he could look threatening while Jordan took care of the situation.
“Jordan? Fuck man.” Alex huffed from the bottom of the stairs. His hair messed and his shirt in his hands. Jordan noticed the unbuckled belt and jeans undone. “Where's Nell?”
“She's outside, what's going on, mate?” Jordan cocked his brow, his beard hiding the smile that began to stretch across his face. His body shook with an internal laugh.
“Don't want to talk about it.” Alex shook his head, pulling his shirt on and storming for the kitchen.
“Nell!” Henry bellowed from the top of the stairs, his towel clutched around his waist and his face red. “Janelle!”
“She's outside, mate.” Jordan called back, trying his best not to let the other man hear him wheeze with laughter.
Alex looked traumatized standing in the kitchen, his arms folded and head hung.
Quickly, Sophie had suggested that she and Ivan go across to their house and get some ice cream. Ivan was on board, anything to stay up longer. Jordan followed, no help to the situation with his imagination running wild over what had happened.  
Henry stood, his eyes fixed on his feet. Unable to look at the other man.
Sitting on a stool at the counter, Nell tried her best not to laugh every time she thought of Alex trying to climb into the shower with Henry. She had invited Alex over to hang out, because she wanted them to meet, this was far better than a lame handshake and the beer she had in mind. Oh, she was never going to let them live this down. Wait until Marco heard about this! Wait until Henry's brothers heard about this!
Kal made the first move. Sitting in the living room, upset to end his game of chase. The fact he had stayed with Ivan, despite hearing Henry's shouting had impressed Henry greatly. Sniffing the floor he casually made his way towards Nell, there was an obvious tension in the air and she felt safe right now. Passing Alex, he paused to look at the stranger.
“You must be Kal.” Alex held out his hand for the giant dog. Nell had downplayed his size. The big brown eyes hidden by by the slight white eyebrows and black face. Kal licked his lips and sniffed in Alex's direction. His shoulders raised and his head alert, his subtle tail wag gave him away.
“Careful, Kal doesn't like strangers.” Henry warned, holding out a hand to caution. “He can be aggressive.”
“Oh.” Alex held still, allowing the mass of fluff to approach at his own leisure. Sniffing Alex's hand, Kal sneezed and opened his mouth as if to smile. Moving forward to accept a pat. “He seems friendly.”
“He is, usually.” Nell reached over to scratch the dog's behind. “You're a lover, right Kal.”
“He's a really nice dog.” Alex barely glanced at Henry. Still unable to make full eye contact. Henry hummed in agreement.
Kal had a smile, enjoying the attention. First he abandoned Henry for Nell, spending his time following her around, going as far as sleeping in bed with her.  But now he was being buddy buddy with a complete stranger. It hurt a little. Kal was going too far.
“So,” Nell made an attempt to break the awkwardness. “You wrapped for the week?”
Alex shook his head. “No, I have a few scenes tomorrow and then I am done for the week. A full day next week and I am done until August.  Are you in tomorrow?”
Nell nodded. “For a few hours and then I guess I'll have to find something to do.”
“You can come with Ivan and I.” Henry had no idea what they were going to do, yet, but Nell was welcome. His eyes still landing anywhere in the room, except on the man who had moments ago saw everything.
“I don't want to intrude.” Nell smiled, scratching Kal. “Maybe I will catch up on work or head out to the markets. I am sure there is lots to do. Would either of you be interested in having dinner tomorrow night? We can invite Jordan and Sophie, Marco, Rayna, Bridie and Joe. Is Katheryn still in town? Henry you know Katheryn.”
Henry knew that Nell knew he knew half of the people she and Alex currently worked with. Still, he nodded.
Despite his lack of desire to be surrounded by people, making idle chatter, Henry wasn't about to deny Nell anything she wanted. Alex on the other hand wasn't going to be so gallant. Henry wanted to shake his hand and thank him, when Alex frowned and confessed that he'd wanted to take Nell out.
“Oh, well we can do that.” Nell agreed, smiling sweetly at Alex.
Henry had saw that smile before. The one where the doe eyes came out and she was about to get whatever she wanted. She'd used it on him enough.
“We can do dinner here another time. Yeah, let's go out tomorrow night.” Nell nodded eagerly. Quickly releasing her joy in having alone time with Alex, she sighed. “And I have been thinking, Henry. I'm going to go ahead and book a room tomorrow. It's not fair to you and Ivan, if I am here and...”
“You could stay with us.” Alex interjected. “Marco won't mind. He's not going to be around anyway, until we go back to work.”
Marco was heading off to film another project, leaving Alex alone for a week or two in their shared condo. Nell staying over would give him a reason to stay in more. Not to mention it would be less weird than having the large space to himself.
“If you want to.” He added quickly.
“Uh,” Nell was caught between thoughts. “Well, Um.”
“If you don't want to, then I won't be offended.” Alex wanted her to stay, though he understood if she didn't want to.
Alex's reaction to Nell's indecisiveness was akin to Henry's own blundering and blubbering. It had taken Henry a while to speak to her properly and ask her out. A man never felt good enough to talk to a woman like her. Even now there were times when Henry struggled to talk to her, like the last few days he had been struggling to bring up and discuss a few things he had on his mind.
He would find the right time.
“I want to. Thank you.” Nell kissed his cheek. “I uh, I'll come over tomorrow?”
“Or you could come tonight.” Alex's smile was suddenly bigger than his face.
Henry felt like an intruder, standing here, listening to their plans. Not having any idea what to do with himself, he stood leaning on the counter wishing for Ivan to burst back through the door. Or for the floor to open up and swallow him whole. Anything to get out of this moment. He didn't need to witness Nell and her lovey dovey boy-toy. Friend? Lover? The entire Alex thing made him feel weird.
“I could, but Ivan.”
“What about him?” Henry stepped into the conversation. “I'll go over and get him, you can say good night and he'll be fine. You're going across town, not the world. Even then, he would be fine with me.”
“Are you sure? You don't mind?”
If he didn't want to spend time with his son, he wouldn't have come. What kind of question was that? Letting it go, Henry smiled. Had Alex not been here, this would have been the perfect moment to unload everything on his mind. Breathing deeply, he nodded instead. The smile still on his face.
“The plan was for me to stay here, we're still on plan. Now go. Have fun. Ivan and I will be fine.” Henry assured her. “Come on Kal, let's go get the wild boy.”
Alex rocked back and forth on his heels. Eager to take Nell home, once Ivan came back.
“So, is Marco going to mind?” Nell voiced her thoughts.
“He won't care. He's probably not there anyway. Besides, I can just hide you in my room until he leaves.”
Intruding on Alex and Marco had been easier than Nell had anticipated. Marco didn't seem to care that she was there, what he wanted to know was the details of Alex and Henry's first meeting. Jordan had relayed the news almost immediately and Marco was dying to know all the details.
Huffing, Alex refused to relive the moment. Nell could at least give the finer points of the aftermath. She and Marco laughing like fools at the misfortune.
“It could be worse.” Nell snickered. “It could have been my mom.”
Seeing another man naked wasn't the problem Alex was having. The issue he has trying to overcome, was that Nell had once been all over that. He didn't look like that, he would never look like that. Did she miss that? They had great sex, but damn how did he compete with...fuck it.
“Alright laugh it up.” Alex conceded. “But the next time either of you do something stupid, I get to harass you.”
“Oh, Alex.” Marco faked a pout. “We torment you, because we love you. And because this is hilarious.”
“Honestly. I think it embarrassed Henry more. He can hardly look at you and that is not him. If it makes you feel better, I fully plan on telling each of his brothers.” Nell nudged him in the side. Wrapping her arm around Alex's neck, she gave in a little. “Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else after that. If it helps, I can go get in the shower and let you see me naked.”
“Okay,” Marco slapped his knees, standing up. “I'm out.”
“Really?” Alex glanced at Nell, wiggling his brows. “You'd do that for me?”
“Of course, but we should probably wait until Marco is gone or asleep at least. We don't need to give him anything else to torment you over.”
“He goes to bed around 10:30.”
Nell didn't take long, after the first night to settle in with Alex and Marco. She had been there three days, when Marco left for his next project. Alex was easy to get along with, he didn't seem to bothered by a new person in his house and took care to make sure Nell was comfortable. It wouldn't be long before he flew home for a few weeks, which led him to offer Nell the condo while he and Marco were away.
Hotels booked and paid for, she thanked him, but would be fine.
In the mean time, Alex took every advantage. Late nights chatting, early mornings waking up to coffee and breakfast. Nell liked having somebody there to care for her. Ivan was wonderful, being his mom was amazing, but she liked having someone look after her for a change. Henry had been an excellent house guest, taking care of everything, but it was different having time to herself without Ivan rolling in with his whirlwind energy.
It was quiet here.  It was odd, but enjoyable.
Alex enjoyed it. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
At work they were still aloof, Nell telling him that she didn't want their relationship – so now they had a relationship? To interfere with work. At work they were to remain professional. Oddly enough, since seeing her more at home, Alex hung around her less at work. Nell had never been able to get so much done in such short amount of time.
Jordan came in for his last day, before break, bringing news of Nell's house.
He'd invited Henry and Ivan over to watch the game on Sunday. The father and son had gladly accepted, agreeing it sounded like a great afternoon. Ivan explained that it was something he and Nell did often, enough to convince Henry they needed to go.
Nell had been talking to Ivan daily, on the phone, seeing him once since she had left to stay with Alex. Henry and Alex hadn't saw one another since their first meeting. Alex was fine with that. Henry was in agreement, there was no hurt feelings in not seeing Alex.
Alex was no doubt lovely, Ivan seemed to really like him – Kal too. Henry didn't need to know him, unless for some reason Nell decided that he was going to be around longer than the next few months. He had always been open with Nell about seeing people, but never introduced her to the other women. It was never serious enough for her or Ivan to meet them.
A smile and being polite was all that would be required, when the two men were in the presence of one another.
There was a tension, when Nell mentioned going home before going over to Jordan and Sophie's. She didn't ask Alex to come along, the afflicted expression said it all. A breath of relief when she kissed his cheek and sent him on his was, across the courtyard promising to meet up with him shortly.
Opening the front door, Nell laughed at the chaos of barking and happy shouting. Ivan was chasing Kal around, trying to get the toy from the dog. Good luck little buddy.
Henry was cleaning the lunch mess from the kitchen counter, when Kal changed from barking at Ivan to barking at the potential intruder. “Kal.” Nell scolded the dog. “It's me.”
“Mum, mum.” Ivan barreled to the door, rushing his mother.
“You need to slow down, wild boy.” Nell intercepted the flying boy. He was wired.
“Mum, mum.” Ivan bounced excitedly from one foot to the other. “Guess what dad let me do, last night.”
Henry was sheepish about telling Nell their previous evening's ventures. She would never let him have Ivan on his own, again.
“What? What?” Nell matched Ivan's excitement.
“We made chip butties for dinner and I taught dad how to make poutine, then we hooked up dad's laptop. I didn't go to bed until...”
“Okay, alright. We don't need to tell mum everything we do.” Henry stepped in, derailing the story. Nell didn't need to know that their son was up until well after 3am. Or that he'd ate his own weight in candy and junk food. Before long Ivan would crash and Henry could get him back on routine.
“Why don't you go outside and run around with Kal?” Nell pushed for the over excited, sugar filled child to do something other than potentially destroy her house. “Get some fresh air and take a shower, before we go to Jordan's.”
Flying through the house to the back door, Ivan and Kal rushed outside into the sunshine. It would do them some good and with luck he would crash halfway through the game. Henry would get his lecture first.
“You.” Nell jabbed Henry in the chest with her finger. “What are you thinking?”
“Is something the matter, my darling?” Henry leaned over to kiss her cheek, his eyes dancing. Smooth.
Nell paused hearing the term of endearment. It had been Henry's favourite  pet name for her, though he rarely used it after the split. The last time she could remember hearing it they were soaked in post sex sweat, sprawled across the bed in a Jersey hotel.
“Oh Henry.” Nell sighed, shaking her head. Turning her attention back to her attempted lecture. “Why do you let him do these things?”
“He's a boy. There is nothing wrong with allowing him to stay up late, playing a game. Kids need that sort of thing.” Henry defended his choice as casually as possible. It wasn't as if Ivan did this sort of thing daily, or even weekly. This was the sort of thing their son only did with his father. “It's...our thing.” Henry shrugged.
“When he vomits or refuses to sleep for the next week, because he's over tired and wired. It's you dealing with it.”
“Of course.”
“And make sure he eats at least one vegetable this week.” Nell instructed with a snort. “You, too.”
“Not a problem, tomorrow night is grilled salmon with roasted vegetables. Ivan's choice of dinner.” Henry smirked. “Thank god he had a better sense than I do, because if we kept going that hard, I would be living in the gym until I was 40.”
“Right, well, if you wanted to head over I can wait with Ivan.” Nell was impressed with the state of her house. Henry wasn't by any means a clean freak, but the house was cleaner than when she'd left.
“I can wait. You go ahead,” Henry offered.
He was in no rush.
“Okay. Well, you know the way. Oh, when we're done, I thought I'd come over and help put Ivan to bed. I'm kind of missing him.”
It wasn't often that Nell was away from Ivan, it took a toll on her. Henry nodded, he understood. He hated it being away from Ivan.
“Sure. Okay. He'll like that.” Henry felt himself wanting to get on with it. Ask her what he'd been wanting to and get it out. “Oh Nell.”
“Never mind.” Henry shook his head. “It can wait, not important. Go on.”
He had been trying to find the right time to talk to her, about life and the direction it was moving. Perhaps now wasn't the best moment, they had time, it could wait.
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