#all i know is i miss doing public rp and i am very selective about who i'll rp with in private spaces these days
the urge to make a multi-muse LL rp blog even though i will probably not do much with it and have mostly sworn off tumblr rp
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weapvnized · 3 years
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*falls out of the dumpster behind your local Denny’s* Howdy, everyone! I’m Kip and we’re just not going to talk about how late I am to the party and just jump right into my intro that definitely got out of hand because yours truly is way to excited for this rp!
What’s that scent? The smell of BLOOD SPILT AGAINST COLD METAL, which would explain the appearance of JAVIER CRUZ. Continental records indicate they are  known as PHANTOM, a THIRTY year old SPECIALIST. They have the unique ability of INTANGIBILITY.  They were specifically selected for enrollment for the ASSASSINATION OF GRANT ANDERSON, where they ASSASSNITED A HIGH RANKING PUBLIC OFFICIAL IN A SUPPOSED SECURE LOCATION WITHOUT ANY SIGNS OF FORCED ENTRY, LEAVING MOST OF THE PUBLIC TO BUY INTO THE CONSPIRACY OF IT BEING AN INSIDE JOB. They can be VOLATILE and CYNICAL, but also ADAPTABLE and DAUNTLESS. We wish them well in their business to come.
BACKSTORY ! (death tw, murder tw, & car accident tw)
The first six years of Javier’s life were about as close to perfect as life could get — raised in a warm home by two doting parents that provided their son with all the love and care in the world. It’s clear his life would’ve been completely different had tragedy not struck. While at home, safe and sound, going on make believe adventures with his babysitter, his parents were killed in a car accident.
With no one to take him in and no place to stay after that night, Javier was placed into foster care. Still trying to process and understand his own grief, he found the transition difficult and behavioral issues began to arise in the young boy. Soon after his behavioral problems popped up, he found himself getting bounced from home to home — never finding the perfect fit. 
Unsure of what else to do with him, Javier was moved into a group home when he was fourteen. He initially hated it there, but his opinion changed ever so slightly when he started to bond with two other boys there. As it turned out, the trio had a few similarities to bond over  — all three were superhumans that had been juggled and mismanaged in the system from their early childhoods due to behavioral issues and all three of them were overall fed up with it.
Despite trouble brewing, the staff didn’t see Javier bonding with the other two as problematic. In fact, it looked like an improvement for him —like he was finally coming out of his shell and forming meaningful connections for the first time since his parents’ deaths. They didn’t overhear the lengthy conversations where the boys expressed their dissatisfaction with their lives in comparison to the well-off and completely intolerable peers they had at school. And they certainly weren’t aware that Javier was beginning to use his intangibility to sneak the three of them out at night.
Their night’s spent out started as a way to blow off steam — damage a little public property and run off laughing into the night. Slowly, Dustin — the eldest of the trio and unofficial leader of the group — came to the conclusion that there was so much more the boys could do with their powers. It all started with pure intentions — steal from businesses that could afford it and stage the stolen items as anonymous and generous gifts made to the group home. Naturally things started to escalate and they found themselves stealing from wealthy individuals as well — acting as a modern version of Robinhood and his band of merry men. 
With the exception of a few close calls, their actions went largely unnoticed until one fateful night. Unbeknownst to the trio, the owner of the estate they were robbing was home and quietly watching the amateur heist take place. Impressed with how well they worked together and used their abilities, the man didn’t report them to the police and instead made plans to adopt the two that hadn’t aged out of the system yet. 
Javier and the boy closer to his age were soon adopted seemingly out of nowhere and Dustin was even offered a place to stay with them by the man they stole from. Perhaps this should’ve raised some sort of alarms, but all three were all too delighted to have a place where it felt like they were finally wanted and cared for to pay attention to any red flags.
Shortly after, they started training more rigorously and eventually started participating in more largescale crimes. All the while they were treated like family — never suspecting that they were really nothing more than tools to the person who took them in. It wasn’t until later when Javier was injured in a training mishap and pushed to continue, that Dustin became suspicious of why they were really there.
There was little time to process all this though, as they were quickly dispatched to take care of a job for a “trusted contact.” It was, of course, a setup to get rid of the boys who would become a problem should they turn against the man that took them in. In all the chaos, betrayal, and confusion that came with this job, Dustin was killed while the other two were able to make it back home — only to face more betrayal. The pair managed to escape death for the second time that night, but not without Javier taking a bullet to his shoulder from his adoptive father.
After getting Javier proper medical attention, the pair decided it was for the best that they part ways in hopes that it’d make them harder to track down. Once he fully recovered, he went back to criminal work, this time working independently as a hitman in hopes to better hone his skills so he can absolutely wreck his adoptive father’s shit one day 😌
Forgive and forget? Absolutely not! Javier is very much the resent and remember type. Screw him over at any point and he’ll be hellbent on getting even. Like even over little things — he can be extremely petty.
Very hotheaded — it doesn’t take a lot to get under his skin. And while it is something he’s sort of working on...it’s not uncommon to find him in the middle of a heated argument over something stupid or caught up in a bar brawl.
Is the type to take jobs very seriously and expects the people working with him to do the same. While he’s not going to call you out right then and there for a mistake, you can bet your ass he’ll have a lot to say once the job is over and will be brutally honest about it. 
Teamwork is really hit or miss with him. He has experience at working well as a team and should in theory be better at it because of it, but his general distrust for others can get in the way and make things not go quite as smooth as they need to. Despite all his distrust, he is someone who can be relied on in the field and does make it a priority to make sure everyone involved gets out in one piece so there’s that.
Generally prefers to work alone or at least in some sort of leadership role, but he can adapt and take direction well if need be. And while he would prefer missions to go exactly as planned, realistically he knows that’s probably not going to happen and can quickly adjust.
It’s not easy to gain his trust or friendship, but once you do he’s very ride or die (unless you epically screw up and manage to lose his trust). 
Not to call him out or anything, but he’s had very few meaningful or significant relationships of any type with other people so he’s lowkey lonely. Of course, he’d never admit it, but yeah definitely lonely.
His sense of humor, when present, is usually sarcastic and dry.
Can frequently be seen rolling his eyes, facepalming, and sporting an annoyed expression.
Immediate death glare to anyone who calls him Javi (if they’re not close).
The first vine that pops into my head when I think about Javier is the one where the dude is hanging off his bed and goes, “Alright, let’s tell each other a secret about ourselves. I’m going to go first, I hate you.”
Wanted Connections/Plot Ideas || Stats || Powers Page || Playlist || Pinterest (blood & images of weapons tw in the aesthetic section!!)
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diveronarpg · 4 years
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Congratulations, RACH You’ve been accepted for the role of TAMORA. Admin Rosey: You’d think that a person wouldn’t REALLY be charmed by Trinity. I mean, why would they? She’s terrifying and otherworldly. I don’t know how you managed to do it, Rach, but in that interview you had me completely and utterly charmed by Trinity -- her voice, her mannerisms, everything about her had me sighing in total infatuation. But then you reminded me of who she was -- a beautiful, terrifying monster. Shaped by tragedy, but still learning and evolving. I am so incredibly happy to finally say this: everybody, welcome Trinnity Zakarian onto the dash! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Rach
Age | 20
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her
Activity Level | 8.5 ; These quarantimes are doing  wonders for my activity levels.
Timezone | PST
How did you find the rp?  | See below!
Current/Past RP Accounts | I play Jules over at @julianaxcapulet ;)
Character | Tamora; Trinity Khalida Zakarian 
Trinity - “Triad”
Khalida - “Deathless”
Zakarian - “God has remembered”
What drew you to this character? |
If I were to compare Trinity to Juliana at face value, I’m not sure that I could select two more different characters, but I suppose that is part of what draws me to Trinity. She is so different from what I typically look for in a character and there’s something deeply and darkly alluring about her character. There’s a certain cleverness, a certain craftiness that I sensed in her bio that initially drew me toward her. Despite her inability to feel emotion, I think she has a surprisingly strong grasp of the human condition. She has a unique perspective and furthermore, a unique understanding of people, one I think does her both a great service and disservice in the land of Verona.  
I think time and time again I am drawn to characters who experience this very quintessential loneliness, but when it comes to Trinity, there’s a distinct lack of longing for companionship which intrigues me. Here is a woman that has only ever come close to loving one thing, a son that was stolen away from her in the wake of the greatest betrayal. Her story is so tragic but clearly unfinished. I love the idea that the loss of the thing she held dearest is what marks the beginning of her story, rather than the end. If death is the beginning of Trinity’s story, then perhaps life is the end and I am extremely excited to see how that could possibly play out. 
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? | 
Full disclosure, Titus Andronicus is one of my favorite tragedies but I find myself thoroughly interested in where Trinity’s story departs from (or rather begins at the end of) her namesake’s story. As mentioned in what I wrote about what drew me to Trinity, I am fascinated by how her character blurs the line between beginnings and endings. Her character stands to exist so non-linearly in such a forward-moving world. Shakespeare’s Tamora, Queen of the Goths, is driven entirely by revenge, but Trinity is a character who has had her revenge without facing the same untimely fate or consequences of her namesake. So how does Trinity exist beyond the fulfilment of her revenge? The Montagues have given her a place to plant her roots, but where and how does she grow from there? There is a ghostly quality to her presence, but it is an enduring one and I want to explore how Trinity’s spirit endures. She has already begun to develop a legacy, one written by outsiders and onlookers to her life, but what does Trinity want the world to remember of her? How does she honor her son’s memory? Is it through big, public acts or rather, through smaller, everyday actions? 
My suspicion? It’s a combination of both.
I am intrigued by how Trinity is a character that simultaneously manages to be wholly content and entirely discontent at the same time. It’s a strange line to walk. She wants for nothing, but is solely driven by this constant yearning to feel. Trinity is such a stranger to the hungry ambition that seems to drive so many of Verona’s people that I would like to see her have a taste of what really drives her new city. I would like to see Trinity put in a situation where some form of ambition is encouraged, if not required of her. Perhaps, the Montagues task her to further develop her ties to the Russians elite, or better yet, encourage her to further integrate herself into Verona’s high society, where she cannot merely slide by on the nobility of her last name. Trinity is well acquainted with the art of acting, of maintaining a presence, but what happens when what is required of her is something that must come from deep within? How does she adapt? Are her suspicions confirmed that all tasks and ventures are equally empty? Or better yet, does she find an additional avenue of finding that warmth she aches for? Does she find a new way to slow her brutal decay?
This may sound strange, but Trinity’s connection to Mona was one that managed to surprise me, to catch me off guard (in the most pleasant way, of course). The notion of envy from a character that is so intrinsically distant from emotion adds this wonderful nuance to her character. It’s this wonderfully humanizing quality that somehow manages to still feel characteristic and honest of Trinity. There are hints of this passion throughout Trinity’s bio-- the spark she feels when her son is born, the desperation in her bones when she stabs her wife. I love the idea of such grievous, deplorable emotions being the tipping point for her, which is why I would really love to explore what else within Verona can ignite such fury, such wrath from detached being like herself. Besides Mona, I would love to explore the different emotions that can be pulled from Trinity through her different connections. Conversely, there’s a part of me that wants to see Trinity become attached to something, to someone, especially because I know it’s something she would be resistant to, something she may not even recognize within herself. I think there’s a lot of potential ways that it can be taken (maybe with Grace?), but I would be very excited to explore how that might unfold.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Always
Please choose between the interview or the para sample (or both, if you like!)
Tw: murder, death, blood, torture (kind of)
What is your favorite place in Verona? | 
To have a favorite, is to have attachment, Trinity thinks. She is keenly aware that an attachment is not something she possesses within the confines of Verona borders, or perhaps, possesses at all. In truth, she does not particularly care for Verona. Faron had promised her that the warmth of Italian summers was incomparable, though she’s been rather underwhelmed by the mellowness of the Veronian sun. Every now and then she finds herself longing for the endless, Russian winters which were at least bitter enough to send a chill through her bones. 
“The Lamberti Tower.”
“Why?” the interviewer presses further, as if intrigued by her lack of elaboration. His reaction alone alerts her to the nature of his being-- he’s the typical journalist type, addicted to the thrill of uncovering secrets and stories. He’s eager and objectively handsome enough to make something of himself, but perhaps too curious, too invested in his art for his own good. She thinks she might see something in him but she’s not sure what. 
She contorts her lips into what passes for a pleased smile, though the creases beside her eyes fail to form, “I like the view from the top.”
The interviewer pries no further and Trinity decides he may actually possess enough self-control to go far in life. 
What does your typical day look like?
Trinity takes in the question, absorbing it before formulating a calculated response in her head. It’s a much preferred question to the previous one and it’s one Trinity supposes she can humor for the time being-- no revealing of attachments, no nostalgia or falsified wistfulness. 
Since the passing of her son, her days have begun to blur together-- only identified today, tomorrow, yesterday. She puts no faith in the distant future that she does not know, for she sees her life in two acts: before her son and after her son is born. Alexei’s death marks the end of her life, as he takes her heart with him to the grave. It’s a morbid finale followed by a somber epilogue, in which she must continue living. 
“The day begins in the early hours of the morning, when my sleep breaks,” Trinity begins as though she is narrating a story known well by her missing heart. 
“And then there are the meetings and of course, more meetings…” she draws on with the tilt of her head, as if to highlight the fact that they are engaged in some sort of meeting right now. She recounts the numerous times those around her have complained of their lengthy meetings and in truth, Tamora doesn’t really care. She has no particular affinity for small talk nor discussions of projected growth, but there was something to be said for the time that they managed to fill. What else was she to do with her countless hours of the day? There was nothing leisurely about her life, no excitement to be captured from the monotonous joys her brethren seemed to so easily delight in. She could feign delight and desire with a flawless accuracy, but it did little to hide the ultimate truth that there was no spark to be found behind those hollow eyes. 
“Meetings can be so dull,” she adds for good measure, leaning in towards the interviewer, as if to confess something honest. Really, it’s just an easy lie, one with a dangerous relatability that manages to produce a nod of agreement and knowing smile from the young man she sits with. He’s charmed now, confident that he’s managed to peer into her mind, elicit some great secret from a locked vault. Little did he know that if he were to truly see inside the woman before him, he would be consumed whole by a dark and tormentful emptiness, a ceaseless, gruesome night with no end in sight.
“After finishing up my personal work, I like to return home and unwind...perhaps even watch a movie. I’ve always been partial to films ever since I was a child.”.  
“Oh, I wasn’t aware that you liked movies, Miss Zakarian,” the interviewer notes, with mild interest scribbling something down on his notepad for the first time during the duration of their entire interview. 
“Doesn’t everyone like a little escapism?” she replies, actively curling the edges of her lips into an easy smile, an expression so well-practiced it seemed as though it was the most natural response in the world. 
This time Trinity had afforded him a half-truth, for indeed she did occupy her time with the occasional movie, though never with the intentions of escape (she had long known of their ineffectiveness). Rather, there was something educational to be taken from films, to absorb the mechanics at which actors expressed themselves so convincingly. Films were like holy scriptures to her, unflinching in their portrayal of the human psyche, even if not always intentional. There were lessons to be learned from even from the worst actors, just as there were lessons to be learned from the worst kind of people.
What has been your biggest mistake thus far? 
The ghost of her smile fades just as quickly as it had formed itself upon Trinity’s face. Mistakes were certainly treacherous territory. 
The answer seems increasingly unclear to Trinity as she sees herself gazing into her wife’s eyes one final time, as she plunges a knife into her lover’s heart, over and over again. Her eyes are dry, for she cannot yet weep for the child she has lost at the hands of a woman she had sworn her life to. She had sealed her wife’s fate without a moment’s hesitation and made her pay for her wretched crime, in the only way she knew how. Trinity had watched the life fade away from her wife slowly, her eyes glazed over, devoid of sentiment, ensuring her beloved knew that the price of her betrayal was her life. Only when they are both truly gone, does she finally dissolve. For one brief, shining moment, her grief manifests in a tidal wave of anger, sorrow, rage, and tears and it is the last time she ever comes close to touching life. Alone in her cursed home she falls apart, clinging the body of her dead son tightly against his chest as his blood pools around her, drenching her dress in an unsightly crimson.
When Trinity finally leaves her home she never returns, nor does her heart. It’s remains had been left behind to turn to ash, along with everything else she had ever loved.
She attempts to discern what marked the beginning of the end, what had set the stage for such tragedy and betrayal but she finds herself largely unsuccessful. Each moment was interwoven within the next, each choice could be traced back further and further until her memory turned to oblivion. 
“Identifying one’s biggest mistake is a futile endeavor,” Trinity replies aloofly, her counterfeit charm giving way to something far more harrowing. If the young man before her was so eager to peer behind her mask, then she supposed she ought to offer him a glance. “Every mistake is merely a summation of what has come before it.”
“So, your biggest mistake is being born?” the interviewer frowns, attempting to gather whatever scraps he can from her cryptic response. His tone suggests confusion but there’s something that resembles intrigue that forms upon his well-sculpted features. 
Trinity presses her lips together firmly but does not correct his assumption.
What has been the most difficult task asked of you? 
“Tasks implies a sense of duty...” Trinity replies pointedly. The very notion of a task seemed to involve some sort of great undertaking, which much like sentimentality, was not something Trinity had ever associated with. She makes a conscious effort to lace her cool fingers together in her lap. If the young man were to shake her hand now, he was sure to be frightened by the chillness of her touch. 
“And you do not possess a sense of duty?” the interviewer prods, though this time he’s managed to more effectively mask his surprise at her response. He seems more engaged now, fascinated by the woman that sits before him, desperate to unearth more of her secrets.
“I did, once,” Trinity nods, affirmatively and she sees her young son’s face in the corner of the room. He’s looking at her imploringly, with bright eyes and she sees the only spark of life she’s ever known. “But I am no longer beholden to that duty.” 
“Why not? Did you succeed? Did you fail?” 
“Success and failure are not metrics of difficulty,” she answers, “Just as some people fail at easy tasks, others succeed at difficult tasks.”
“And you?”
She gazes through the young man before her and her eyes settle on the wall behind him, as through she could see straight through his skull. He looks nothing like her Alexei, but she finally understands what she’s recognized in him the moment they met. His eyes are so bright, so full of promise, that she’d like to sink her cold thumbs into the sockets of each eye and push harder and harder until she felt that warmth, that brightness, even if only for a few solemn moments. 
 “Success, task, failure, difficult-- they’re all just words, маленький, empty words. It would serve you well to learn that.”
What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?
Arguably, Trinity's loyalty to the Montagues likely failed to constitute loyalty at all. It was merely a convenience, if that. 
“Where do your loyalties lie?” she asks, turning the question back towards him. 
“I’m journalist, Miss Zakarian...I’m loyal to the truth,” he says, and Trinity cannot help but grit her teeth slightly, a rare reaction from the otherwise largely unresponsive woman. What could this man possibly know of the truth? 
“So you truly possess no ties to the Montagues, then?” Trinity clarifies, as she stands from her chair stepping closer to the young man, cupping his face, her icy fingers searing into the warmth of his skin as she examines his every feature.
“No...no,” he replies, his eagerness mounting as his own hands settle upon her waist, gazing at her with a hunger she cannot possibly begin to relate to. “Honestly, they would probably prefer if I wasn’t around. They don’t really like independence around these parts...but you do, right? You’re really not like the rest of them are you?”
“No, I am not,” comes from the lips of the corpse-like woman and it’s the first truly honest admission she’s made through the entire interview. She looks at him vacantly as her fingers slowly slide from his jaw to his throat until they settle firmly around his neck and begin to squeeze.
She looks on as his expression morphs from excitement to confusion to desperation which manages to send a single tingle running down her spine. He attempts to struggle but her grasp is too tight and by the time he’s realized his fate it’s too late. His body releases one final shudder before eventually falling limp below her. With two fingers, she drags his eyelids shut with mild satisfaction as she has finally managed to extinguish the light.
She exits the room silently and glides to the hallway void of any emotion. When they eventually ask who finally took care of that terribly nosy young journalist, she’ll collect her payment but not before her lips curl into that well-practiced and reply, “A ghost.”
Mock Blog 
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matched-roleplay · 4 years
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--THE OLD FLAME-- “In another life I would be your girl, we’d keep all our promises--be us against the world.”
YOU ARE MATCHED WITH: [The Ex] SKELETON BLURB: You are no stranger to serious relationships. In fact you once had a long and meaningful relationship in the past and were very in love at one point. You, however, ended the relationship and you knew the break-up cut deeply for your ex. Although you had some lingering feelings for some time after, eventually, you moved on with your life seeking distractions, dabbling in hobbies and casually dating others for some time. It was nice for a while but lately you’ve wanted to take a plunge back into serious dating again. Simultaneously, you have been buckling down on your work life. Learning of Matched couldn’t have come at a better time and after signing up and carefully selecting your answers in the interview process, you have been selected. Unbeknownst to you, the Matched algorithm has you paired with your old love.
CHARACTER NAME: Talia 'Tali' Parker Kelly
AGE | DOB: 32 | February 19, 1988
OCCUPATION: Designer (suggested specifics: Fashion Designer, Interior Designer, Graphic Designer, Web Designer, etc.)
RP CONNECTIONS: The Boss & The Perfectionist
--Interview Questions & Answers--
-TELL US 3 OF YOUR POSITIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: i like to think I have a pretty good sense of humor. I’m all about working the crowd and getting people to laugh especially if I know they’re having a crappy day which I almost always know. I’m pretty intuitive like that. Oh that’s another trait! I’m going to cheat and include that with the funny trait. I’m creative! My mom would always joke that I can make a home out of a van and now that that’s an actual thing, look who’s laughing! I’m compassionate. It’s always weird to say this about myself because I don’t want to sound like I’m stroking my ego. I guess this ties in with my intuition. I’m usually very in tune with mine and other’s feelings so I try my best to do right by everyone. -TELL US 3 OF YOUR NEGATIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: I’m scattered brained. For someone who prides herself on being so neat, I truly live in mental chaos. You do not want to know what goes on in that mind of mine. Unless of course you’re my match then haaayyy. So the funny thing? I guess it can be a negative too. I’m so non-confrontational that I tend to turn everything into a joke. I’ve been working on that more now but I was a nightmare in my younger years. I’m notoriously late for like…everything. Fashionably late, of course. -ARE YOU CURRENTLY EMPLOYED? IF SO, WHAT DO YOU DO? I am! I’m an interior designer which is fancy for I get the keys to your house and splash color all over it.  My Tik Tok has over a million followers now after I turned a a few school buses into actual homes! So business is finally booming after being stuck for a couple of years. Follow me at talidesignsurabode! -WHEREABOUTS IN PORTLAND ARE YOU LIVING? Goose Hollow. I just closed on an apartment there and I’m really excited about living in my own space and not in my office. long story. -DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A PEOPLE PERSON? absolutely. In this industry you sort of have to be you know? -DO YOU ENJOY ANIMALS/PETS? I do and I wish I could have 9 dogs and all but I can barely keep a fish alive. I’m constantly running around but that doesn’t mean I’m not ready now. Don’t make me get soft but the idea of just hanging out in front of a fireplace with a couple of fur babies and bae sounds really nice right about now. -IF YOU AREN’T ALREADY, DO YOU SEE YOURSELF BECOMING A PARENT SOMEDAY? This was a sensitive topic for me once upon a time. I wasn’t sure I’d ever be a good mom because well, lots of personal reasons. However, that’s changed drastically. I guess you can say I have baby fever or just kid fever in general. I’d love to be a mother someday. -WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO FOR FUN? Paint. Not on walls but actual canvas. My Etsy shop gets little love from me lately but I miss painting so much. Also, good ol’ Karaoke and eating. I am your number 1 foodie. -WHAT 5 TRAITS OR CHARACTERISTICS ARE MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU IN A ROMANTIC PARTNER?
Good sense of humor
Loves kids
Wants to settle down.
-DESCRIBE YOUR IDEAL FIRST DATE WITH YOUR MATCH: Anything that gives us the chance to talk. Movies and even public dinners are just too much sometimes, you know? At least for a first date. This is probably going to make me sound like a Hallmark movie fan but for the season? I’d say going out to pick a tree or ornament making? Like, one of those cute pottery classes? Or we can make a class of our own and cause a giant mess. -FINALLY, IF YOU COULD GO ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD FOR 1 WEEK, WHERE WOULD YOU GO? Greece because come on, it’s gorgeous and it’s always been on my list. Maybe someday.
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keyburns · 4 years
» ! if you’re under 18, please do not follow me ! i am 31 and prefer to roleplay with people above 25. however, if you’re over 21, you can follow me and i’ll certainly still rp with you! but if you’re under 18, please don’t.
» ! triggers ! this canon and character are very heavy. the storyline generally includes content involving suicide ideation, suicide attempts, character death, successful suicide attempts, medicine abuse, alcohol abuse, physical abuse, abusive parents, and more. yoongi is suicidal in canon, so expect this to crop up from time to time, though i will not be romanticizing mental illness and suicide and nor will i use it for angst purposes. i’ll be tagging triggering content, to the best of my ability, but i recommend avoiding this blog if these topics are particularly triggering for you. otherwise, please tell me if you’d rather avoid suicidal ideation thoughts / suicide references when we rp or if you have specific tagging needs! i can make sure to avoid that subject when rping with you! also, i will likely have verses where it won’t be as present, so once those are up, feel free to request those!
» i can do para or multi para, texting, one liners. anything goes, depends on the mood and how involved a thread is! i am multiship and multiverse as well, and love love ships but i enjoy platonic relationships too. i prefer shipping characters who have chemistry, and building up to something from the start, but am open to ideas at all times. for nsfw rp/smut, i’d rather we have rped with each other a little while first, and for it to feel natural for our characters. i’m also fine with fading to black and just discussing what happened off screen, or writing that somewhere less public. i’m definitely not looking for nsfw rp or anything, but if it happens i don’t mind!!
» if you have a problem with a reply, a prompt, or the direction a thread is taking, please please let me know! i am super flexible and open and prefer for both partners to enjoy what’s being written; even if it means starting over.
» i have a fulltime job and about a dozen hobbies, so sometimes rp sits on the back burner. i might also be more selective some days than others. please don’t take this personally! if it looks like i missed your reply, feel free to give me a nudge. i’ll tell you what’s up and will be honest -- if i’m not feeling a thread anymore, i won’t run you around promising i’ll reply soon, but instead ask to do something else!
» please don’t interact with me if you’re a dickhead about minorities (racist, terf, homophobic, lesbophobic, biphobic, transphobic, etc). i have zero tolerance and WILL block you. i’m also not interested in rping with deceased fcs or anyone involved in assault / sexual assault / rape scandals (whether it be in south korea with the burning sun scandal or american celebs).
» if you’re interacting with yoongi or me on this blog i assume you’ve read these guidelines.
0 notes
phaniecastello-blog · 7 years
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Practice Challenge 2
(( I thought I won’t be able to finish this, but tada! Thank you to @clove-teasdale @ladyallegrahannon and @claraeclair ! for the RP <3 I hope you like the edit I made, guys. Well, that’s all))
From cold to perfect. 
*Plop* The sound of my notebook against the carpeted floor of my room, made me startle in my light sleep. I opened my eyes remembering I was working on a sketch before snoozing, sitting on my bed. I took my cellphone from the night table next to me and checked the time: 7:13 am. I had slept exactly, 1 hour. 5 hours before my nerves didn’t let me sleep, so, instead of start tossing and turning all over the bed, I had decided to draw until dawn. The random strokes made with charcoal pencil were slowly taking the form of a blurry but beautiful flower.
I lay my head back on my smooth pillow. This probably was the first time I had been awake this early without the need of, at least, 3 alarms on my phone. It surely was because the big day had finally arrived. In a few hours I had to be in Likely to meet 3 of the selected, from the neighbouring provinces. Allegra, Clove, Clara  I repeated on my head, staring at the white big ceiling of my room, just to be sure I hadn’t forgot any of them.
Despite the very few hours of sleep I felt full of energy. I was happy to had the opportunity to meet new people, genuine people... hopefully; and it was a matter of hours until I meet Prince Nathaniel in person. I pictured his face in my mind and it put a smile on my face almost unconsciously, hoping he turn out to be the humble, nice and funny person he had always seemed to be on TV.
...But what will he think of me?  
A little question mark of worry began to tingle in my stomach. I started wondering if he knew me. I was a two, but I was a model, not everyone is that interested in fashion. What really was worrying me was that his father had ever mentioned my mom’s name to him, that certainly would be unfortunate. I massaged my temples and shook the negative thoughts out of my head, there was still a small chance that he had heard my middle name before; but the queen…
Queen Aubrey! She is going to hate me…
I run one hand over my face. Whichever was the case it was too late for regrets, the only thing I could do is made my best to be myself and to made a great impression, there.
I was about to get up when someone knocked on my door.  “Wake up, miss, you have to get ready to go” I heard Camila talking from the other side of the door.
“I’m up, Cam, thank you” I shouted
“You are?” She asked surprised.
“Yeeees” I chuckled at her disbelief tone “I will be down in 10 min”
After a quick shower I went down the stairs wearing the white t-shirt and black pants every selected were supposed to wear. I entered to the dining room and noticed there was just one place settled on the large, marble table.
“Miss, you should turn on the TV, they are streaming your speech, again!” Said Camila entering the room carrying a silver platter with my breakfast.
“Camila, you have watched that video thousands of times this week, I don’t know why they keep showing that on TV, it wasn’t even a good speech, besides, the people keep complaining about me for not speaking in front of all the citizens” I acknowledge, taking my place by the table.
Mayor Rossell wanted to do a public farewell event for me downton, so everyone could assist, but Loretta rejected his offer, without even consulting me and she invited him to our after runway private party to make his speech in front of the cameras, and of course after that I had had to say some words too. I was unprepared and nervous, but I finally managed to be short and concise. I thank everyone for their support
...In case there was someone supporting me, someone besides my mom.
And I promised to represent our province with pride and dignity; which, based on the comments I saw on TV, they didn’t believe.
They were all concerned that another Castello was going to represent the province; and honestly, I couldn't blame them, since Loretta wasn’t  what they expected, the last selection, but I was determined to show them I was nothing like her.
Speaking of which …
“Cam, where’s Loretta?” I asked knowing the answer, already.
“She left early this morning, she said she had a meeting with her publishers, but promised to be here before you leave”
“Huh” I scoffed biting my avocado toast.
After breakfast I went back upstairs to finish packing my sketch notebook, my drawing pencils and some personal stuff; after that I find myself letting the time pass on purpose, just in case my mom was delayed by something else at work, but Peter was waiting for me outside to drive me to Calgary’s airport and there a private jet waiting for me to take me to Likely, where I would met the rest of the ladies who would be also waiting for me; I just couldn’t be more late.
Downstairs the service staff was waiting in line by the door to say goodbye. I shook their hands and they all wished me luck. Camila was carrying Moe for me to say goodbye to him with a tight hug and a kiss; when I raised my gaze back to her, she was looking at me with pity, and I understood it was because Loretta wasn’t there to say goodbye, but I was used to it. My mom had always prefered her work over me, it had happened thousands of times, so it wasn’t a tragedy for me anymore. That’s what I told myself.
On my way to the airport I received a text message
“The meeting extended. Go win that thing! Remember your promise”
I pressed the reply button and tap “... I love you” knowing if I would had send it, I wouldn’t got a reply.
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As I descended from the jet I could felt I wasn’t in Calgary anymore; even when the sun was hiding behind the hundreds of clouds, the weather was so much warmer than the one of my city. I took out my sweater and checked the time on my phone; I was only 10 minutes late, but I quickened my step as I entered to the airport looking for the correct gate. When I finally found it I could see two ladies wearing white and black as I was, chatting and eating cookies, I searched for the third girl with my eyes, but if she had arrived, already she wasn’t anywhere near to be seen. When I got closer, I was able to identify them. The one with black curly hair was Clove and the blonde, holding the big plate of cookies was Clara.
“Hey! Sorry I’m a little late. Have you been waiting long for me? I asked them, although I instantly regret having interrupted their conversation in such a disrespectful way
“...took a gap year. And hi! Would you like a cookie.....Stephanie?” I was surprised by her offer, feeling ashamed for not bringing anything for them. I was not a big fan of sweets but the cookies had a good aspect, also I they still smell like they were baked minutes ago.
“Sure, thank you” I took one and gave it a small bite “mmhm! they are good!” And it was quite unique. Those cookies could have made me a sugar lover.
“Thank you! What do you do for work? Clove and I were just talking about that, she's taken a gap year.” I guessed Clove noticed I was still chewing because she waved at me and answered Clara’s question.
“Now I'm taking a break from my gap year. Really hard work.”
“Oh! … so you are taking time to make a good choice, I guess.” I felt slightly jealous of her being able to have a brake to clear her mind. In my case, even if the castes didn’t exist I wouldn’t have much of a choice, since I have been a model since I was 5 years old.
“Speaking of choices, why did you both apply for this anyways?” Clara asked, again
I was carefully thinking on my answer when Clove reply almost automatically “Haven't been in the palace for a while... thought I might as well apply for the experience of it” I raised my elbows in surprise.
She had been in the palace before!
Clara seemed to be as surprised as me “You've been before?”
“Wow, I wasn’t expecting that!” I explained. I can’t help but wonder if she was friends with Nate and his siblings.
“Oh.. yeah, well, my dad gets to go there a lot so..” I was about to asked about his dad profession when the fourth lady finally arrived.
“Good morning. I’m Allegra”. A white skinned girl greeted us. Clara offered her a cookie smiling.
We spent more time chatting about how good we all were at baking and Clara was the clear winner; she promised to give us classes some time.  I felt relieved and happy to be surrounded by these three girls, all nice in their own way.
As soon as we boarded the plane, each one of us picked a place by one window. Clove was sitting at my right hand looking outside with her headphones on, sometimes she moved her feet  instinctively to the rhythm. Clara sit behind me and I could see Allegra behind Clove’s seat, reading a novel that, judging by her expression, was really interesting. I was focused on finishing the flower drawing I had started a night before, when insomnia decided to make me a visit.
Suddenly the voice of the pilot made us all, focus on fasten our seatbelts and to prepare ourselves for the takeoff.
“Are you okay?” I turned to figured out who was Clove talking to and gasped when I noticed Clara has a frightened face almost pale.
“What’s wrong? It was my turn to ask
“Is everything alright?” Allegra joined our concerned
“I've just never been on a plane before…  I’m a little nervous” Clara finally answered. I didn’t know what to do, I had forgotten that not all of us had been able to travel by plane, so, the first thing that came to my mind was trying to get some help or maybe some medicine for her, but Clove was sure that what she needed was to calm down.
“No no, I'm sure it'll be fine. It’s just a little … well, a lot of air that we'll be above in a nice tin.” Clara said nervously.
“Would you like some water maybe?” Allegra suggested.
“I'll just eat a cookie. I'm sure the sugar will help me calm down.” She assured us, like it had helped her before.
“This is a nicer tin can than you think, don't worry too much about it. Think of it as a means of transport said Clove as she took a cookie for herself and leaned on her chair. “Like a car per say. You're not scared of cars, are you?... Sure, things can go wrong in both, but the probabilities of that are slim, so you don't worry about it when you get on a car. Why should you worry about it on a plane?”
“I'm sure it is. One of us could possibly be the queen one day, I’m sure they wouldn’t put us in a poorly made flying container. And you're right I did occasionally get in cars and though they were scary at first they aren't anymore. There's nothing to actually worry about here” Clara said, looking so much calmer. Color have returned to her cheeks and her muscles were noticeably more relaxed.
“It's always hard the first time, but then you will like to go everywhere by plane” I joked winking at her. Clove nodded in agreement and bite her cookie again.
“That’s crazy to think isn’t it? There are 31 other girls but one of us could be the future queen” Allegra added suddenly changing the subject. The thought of it gave me chills, not sure if it was excitement or concerning.
“Clove would make an excellent queen, she’s so level headed, and Allegra you just look so regal, and Stephanie you're sweet enough all of the people would love you.” I was impressed by Clara’s words, I didn’t understand how could she make all those conclusions in just a few hours of meeting us; clearly she was the sweetest one because nobody had ever said those things about me and made them sound so genuine. 
I’m sure there’s people out there who might like me, but I could also think about many more who didn’t “If you only knew” I said, not knowing if I had really say it or it was part of my thoughts. “...but thanks” I added. Suddenly I understood that they not knowing who my mother was and all the mean things the press had always published about me, was an excellent opportunity for me to start from the beginning and not being hunted by Loretta’s shadow.
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Angeles’ weather had always been the most perfect one of the whole country; not cold, sunny but not  overwhelming and despite of being a city, it has fresh air.
When we get off the plane, thousands of people were waiting for us, to greet us and take some pictures; not to mentioned the cameras that had been following us since we left our houses. I waved at the crowd from far away and as we approached the airport’s door, we stopped for time to time to shake hands and sign autographs.
We got in the government car that was waiting for us and in a few minutes we were at the Angele’s Palace. I had visited it thousands of times, I even remembered taking pictures of the amazing architecture, but I had never entered.
There weren’t much time to admire the glory of it because as soon as we got inside a woman took us to a room called by her as the “women’s room”. When I heard the name of it, I remembered my mom had mentioned it, before.
“... and the nerdy ones, who couldn’t stop pretending to be refined, used to spend all day at the women’s room drinking tea and reading books”
But the room didn’t seemed to me like a place where you can read. There were a lot of people walking from one place to another with all kind of beauty accessories; it was an exciting flurry of activity that runs through each selected, stylist, makeup artist and the ones in charge of the dresses.. It reminds me of the backstage just before the runway. I smiled at the familiarity I was feeling.
The same tall and sophisticated woman, made each one of us sit in a different chair, and every chair was in front of a big mirror and a table full of makeup stuff. Seriously, between that scenario and the backstage runway was only one difference; it seemed like every movement was just in time, no one was stressed and no one was rushing.
“...When they told me I was going to do Stephanie Castello’s makeover, I just couldn’t believe it!” I looked for the man’s face in the mirror and I found a not so short man with a extravagant hairstyle coming towards me with two ladies at his right. I just could smile at them.
“Hi, I’m Tiziano” he grinned as if he was about to say some kind of secret “And I used to work for Loretta Castello, years ago”
There it is
“Oh, whatever she did to you, I apologize” I said almost joking, but not really. My mom wasn’t the most lovable and comprehensive mom.
He laughed “No, no, no. I quit because the government offered me a job, and here I am, but I know what you meant” He said moving his hands with every word he said, as it was a rehearsed choreography. “Just please don’t tell her you saw me here” he said laughing
Joking, but not really.
“I won’t say anything, I promise” I said raising my hand.
“You are a sweetheart. These ladies are going to do your makeup and nails and I’m in charge of the hair, okay?” I nodded “Okay… “ He continued examining my each one of my curls.
“You are thinking in get rid of the curls, don’t you?” I said in a worried tone
He looked at my face in the mirror and nodded biting his lip as if he was worried too “Don’t you worry,  piccola Castellonie, it will be temporary, I promise to bring them back to you whenever you want” He promised giving me his business card.
“Alright then…” I said shrugging “...do what you want with it” I ruffled my curls and he winked at me.
The makeovers took some time, while Tiziano and the ladies worked on me, I decided to scroll on my phone to pass the time; also I was constantly turning my head to see how the ladies were going. I had Allegra on my left and Clara on my right; every time I turned to see them, there was something different on their looks. When makeup and hair was done they took us to a improvised dressing room. My dress was beautiful, I felt the smooth silk between my fingers and stare at the amazing design; I can’t help but wonder who was involved in such an impeccable and unique piece. I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. My image made my heart skip a bit. It wasn’t the dress, or the perfect makeup, or the missing curls; it was because I had just realized the selection was really happening and I was in it.
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easytrusted · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse?:  lip / happiness . lip / peace nd good things , lip/speirs (i knOW yall saw it comiNG)
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?:  anything my partner is comfortable with tbh 
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?: anything underage. even a two year age gap can make me icky if the younger is below 18. pls miss me w that shit. however , aside from that, age gaps are a bit of a tricky subject for me. i easily get uncomfortable with them, but the older the muses are, the bigger the gap can be without me feeling Icky about it? e.g. a 10 year gap feels icky if the younger muse is in their early 20s, but I don't mind it if they’re idk 30+, u feelin me ??? i tOLD u it’s a tricky subject yall. 
Are you selective when shipping?: ?? a little maybe ? i’m really open to plotting nd developing relationships, especially with muses like carwood who just Deserve the World. 
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?:  my general take on it is anything i wouldn’t want someone reading over my shoulder goes under read-more, just to be considerate to the dash and people who might be in public or something jaskfljasflkjaf. 
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?: asklfjalösfj i’m not a subtle person so i think everyone has realized at this point that lip/speirs is the air in my lungs
Does one have to ask to ship with you?: tbh i enjoy plotting and talking about ships, talking to me ooc is probably the #1 way to get me Very Invested (TM) in our ship lmao. like who doesn’t enjoy capslocking abt ships why would u pass that up yALL.
How often do you like to ship?: i lov ships i’m a deadass weak binch 4 that Peak Ship Shit ok, angst nd fluff nd cute romantic shit is my Jam. idk if this answers the question but lmao 
Are you multiship?: y A.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?: idk what ‘ship more -or-less’ is supposed to mean but lmao i ship when there’s chemistry ?? i’m rly shit at picking up hints tho lmao so being straight forward with me is probably gonna savE A LOT OF TIME,,
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?: ,,yo , ,, all of them . 
Finally, how does one ship with you?: u interact w me nd if u Feel Them Ship Vibes u im me like ‘dang i think they might b cute 2gether’ nd i’ll probably go ‘ya lmao’ nd send some lemme smash memes. i am not a complicated person.
TAGGED BY: @hctchered
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Rules of the Account
I apologize sincerely ahead of time for the length but I want to get EVERYTHING out of the way so there are no problems or drama in the future. I want to get every contention down long before it has a chance to become a problem so as to avoid being swept up in some flame war. Please do not be intimidated I’m actually significantly more lenient than it might seem I just want to try and make sure nothing ever explodes into drama wars, I hate drama, love people, and like civil discussion. I also do not assume prior roleplay experience so there’s a handful of details you probably already know, sorry about that. Thank you so much for your time, it is the most valuable thing and I am so grateful you are spending it on me. I look forward to our interactions.
Basic Outline of the Account
I am willing to see if absolutely any character what so ever will work. I am multiverse, multistory, and, as incredibly uncommon as it is to actually succeed in someone achieving this with Ganondorf, multiship. This means that any events in one roleplay or story will have no direct affect on another beyond if it influences the perception of the admin on how to roleplay Ganondorf. As I will go into in more detail later this is not an account where I tag triggers unless to a far extreme in specific areas, namely incest or rape (there may still be implication or reference to events of these things that go untagged but if going into any sort of detail beyond a general inference I will tag it), and as such take this as your warning, Ganondorf is a very violent character when he is set to the situation and I feel that if I tag acts of violence it would damage the portrayal as well as that I would have a tendency to forget to tag them, further studies have shown trigger warnings have been more harmful than helpful to those with actual mental scars in the healing process so I just don’t agree with them. I do not require full out careful writing to the quality of Lovecraft or Shakespeare, I do, however, need something of substance and decent detail usually. I am willing to help any newbies though and I can help with some pointers. Do note the quality and effort of my roleplays usually depends at least somewhat on how much detail I am given and the quality of my partner so the more you put in the better I can put out, after all roleplaying is a partnership and a bit like improvising so we all rely on one another in it. Absolutely anyone can send me any memes from any account, though if we haven’t interacted before and it deals with me judging a character expect me to pop up in messaging before I properly answer, especially so if it’s not a Legend of Zelda profile. Similarly any roleplayer at all can approach me with an idea and I am fully open to discuss anything in messaging for any possible setup for a roleplay. PLEASE feel completely free to contact me through messaging for any clarifications or anything, my messaging is public for a reason. Every meme I’ve ever posted is always open for anyone to send at any point and just about any serious question can be sent to messaging or askbox, just be sure to tell me which one it was if it’s an old one and preferably send me a link, messaging is fine for the link. I am happy to receive constructive criticism and I do not at all mind reminders as Tumblr might have eaten the notification or I may have forgotten as I do not have the most pristine memory. If I seem to be avoiding yours I either missed it or need some extra time to consider how to answer it, sometimes the ones in my drafts the longest are the ones I most care about, sometimes I just need a spark to really piece together my answer.
I take magic anons though may be fairly selective on which I will actually RP and won’t play them to be constant through some period of time but more so reliant on the RPs and interaction based around the M/A.
Note: I will never show private messages, even if we have a complete fall out and hate one another you are free to message me anything but porn, slander, or call out requests and I will gladly listen and converse. I despise call out culture and the mob mentality that it comes with. I am not vengeful so feel free to speak openly. I am also not a person who will block anyone without exhausting every other option, I want to solve things and improve.
Oh also my writing style is heavily inspired by Lovecraft so there might occasionally be some antediluvian words in there. If you have an issue and want me to avoid words like squamous and gibbous just send me a message. They have a certain impact and tone, an ancient air to them that I like to use for Ganondorf but I completely understand not wanting to deal with such an old diction. If you need some clarification on a word rather than full aversion just message me about that word.
General Rules of the Account, Interaction and General Behavior
2: Do not feel uncomfortable to message me unless you are coming purely to insult me constantly. NOTE: CRITICISM DOES NOT EQUAL INSULT, I REALLY LIKE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM BECAUSE IT MAKES ME BETTER FROM THAT POINT ON. I HAVE IMPROVED IMMENSELY DUE TO IT. LET ME KNOW WHEN I SCREW UP. I am always open to talk about any problems you are having, anything wrong with myself, and I will try to be as accommodating as I can without compromising my own enjoyment.
3: This is only a rule because many people do it on this site and it got to the point I was getting stressed out, angry, and hostile on an account that is meant for entertainment, relaxation, and socializing purposes after making my views known just once. Sorry if this comes out as a bit of a rant, I just want to avoid all of the drama that it caused, that’s pretty much why half of these rules exist. Please do not just come here to belittle and contort my opinions, to conflate my views with things I do not agree with at all, or to twist how I portray Ganondorf into something that is somehow related to looking down on real life people especially when it’s canon parts of the Gerudo culture and for using multiple other cultures as inspiration in my portrayal of a fictional society. If you want to talk my character, my headcanons, even politics or anything else in a respectful way or have rational criticism of it I am always open to such discussion through private messaging system, I probably greatly disagree with you in many areas but even on extreme accusations if approached respectfully I’ll talk on it. Try to be tolerant of people with reasonable but differing views. I’m a debater by nature and I enjoy such talk, but if all you want is to be disrespectful, insulting, and condescending then please do leave. I hold strongly to principles of individual rights and the principle of free speech and try to be as welcoming as I can without hurting my own enjoyment and violating my values. I ask for simple decency and hold strong to the idea all people of all ideologies, no matter how stupid or intelligent, are free to speak their opinion, including to hate and belittle me. I just don’t have to listen and mockery is just as free game. This will only be brought up when absolutely necessary due to the context of something sent to me or in the comments of a post dealing with these topics, I will not actively post anything political anywhere on here. Also do not think disagreements mean that a friendship is impossible. I can be friends with people of most opinions and views even if directly conflicted on some very serious personal values.
4: Do not insult me behind my back please. Seriously, don’t do it. If you are going to insult me, at least have the courage to do it in front of me and give me that decency. I truly despise being talked about behind my back and it instantly destroys any trust I have if I find out, this relates to something that happened back when I was about 13 or 14 that was rather dramatic and very painful in my life. It is something that crushes every a single bit of trust I have. I work to not do it to anyone so please don’t do it to me, it will likely destroy the possibility of anything more than distant acquaintance if I learn about it. If you have a problem, again, just say so to me and I will seek ways to improve.
5: I’m truly and honestly sorry, I apologize, but due to religious and personal reasons I am not able to call someone by anything other than he or she in my discussions. I can learn your name and always use that instead if preferred. It just feels completely contrary to my beliefs, my religious faith, and it makes me feel like I’m dehumanizing a person because it feels like I’m describing an object and that makes me feel absolutely horrible in my gut. I think of everyone, the worst and best of humanity, is made of the same flesh and blood as me no matter. They are all human beings and should be thought of as such, not faceless monsters but humans, the worst are not worth the effort of hating, but pity, for they are truly pitiful people. That is a policy I have and I will respect your beliefs in this, please respect mine. I have respect of whatever you want to be identified as and believe even if I disagree, just have respect of what I want and believe as well. Call it selfish if you wish but I can’t bring myself to do it and feel right about it. It’s a mental tick that grates really badly on my conscience. I can refer to you by name however and avoid pronouns altogether.
6: If you have any general problems with me, my portrayal, or anything at all discuss it in messaging and I will gladly talk it out. I am an adult, I can handle complaints like an adult, and if they are legitimate complaints I will change accordingly. Again, make it a PRIVATE conversation. There is no point in dragging these things out into the public, I won’t do it to you, don’t do it to me. It just makes the problem worse for everyone. I know I keep bringing it up but it’s important above all else in my rules.
7: I don’t use trigger warnings on violence or gore unless it is a graphic picture, which I have never posted, though sexual writing will usually be tagged NSFW. My account will have descriptive gore in its writing, it will describe mangled bodies and twisted corpses. Violence in my writing will not have trigger warnings, so take this as your warning. I do not back away from depicting gore and actually enjoy describing a bloody mess, even if in real life I can barely look at other people’s blood without entering a bit of a panic. If you find things like this hard to read that’s fine but this may not be the right blog for you. I tackle many dark themes. Extremely sexual things such as actual intercourse, however, will almost always have a read more break and an NSFW tag if I even post anything of the sort (I’m not a fan of detailed sex). Descriptive, gory violence occurs suddenly and without warning at times with this portrayal. This is your warning for the profile, I won’t warn you of when Ganondorf is about to tear something apart beyond maybe some plotting if necessary, he simply will do it. I would feel like I was discrediting him otherwise as it’s important in writing to get the full impact of what he is doing. Passing mentions of other seriously dark issues will not be tagged, but anything detailed that is sent in detailing subjects similar to rape, incest, or other similar actions will be tagged and likely beneath a cut. Note: My characters do not ever engage in any of those types of actions.
8: There be spoilers here, there’s not a whole lot to spoil in Zelda as most twists are really obvious but if you want to avoid them then you may want to seek another. I personally rarely give a shit about spoilers. Also I swear pretty passively when relaxed and not around family so be aware of that if you haven’.t noticed yet
9: Do not use art I create without giving credit, I would also appreciate you confirming that it is okay with me first though if you’re using any of it, though I really doubt I will ever need to enact this rule.
10: Recognize that my character and myself are two separate entities, just because I write something does not mean I approve of it. I have written things that disgust me, but I write them because they are part of the story. Writing about the snapping of bones actually does create some kind of cringe reaction in me, something about compound fractures makes me react even in written form, but I’ll still write it because I want to be descriptive and I do enjoy writing gore, even though if I see another person’s injury I can barely stand the sight of it in person.
11: While I do care about others I do not want other people demanding I change how I speak and act. Come courteously and I will gladly and calmly talk it out. Follow my rules.
12: Every time something happens that causes a rift, I will want to discuss it before actions are taken. I can get passionate about things especially when I’m distressed, agitated, and have been going without sleep. It’s a flaw, I know, and I cannot possibly express how sincerely sorry I am for it in words. I want to work things out with everyone as much as possible. Please, I want to be understanding and empathetic, but that goes two ways, I’m not perfect as shown by some of the other rules so please be a bit understanding here. I fail, I break, and I do stupid shit that gets me in trouble, just give me an opportunity to make it up and get better if I ever do.
Roleplay Specific
1: If you are going to drop an RP with me please let me know so that I don’t keep bothering you trying to ensure we are still in contact or looking back at it. Send me a message notifying me that you are dropping the RP. I’m a person who thinks about RPs between turns and tries to get a general outline for the next one so the sooner I know it’s dropped the better. So many people have broke this rule.
2: If you have an idea for a full and proper roleplay setup it’s best to contact me before sending me an RP. I will accept RPs without the discussion if they are well made and make sense for Ganondorf but I like to be able to talk things out a bit and know you are going to be making an RP with me before you create it. Make sure it works for my character and such so that it’s worked out before posting.
3: I am unlikely to RP situations that Ganondorf would never be in nor will I generally RP with people who do not have enough detail. Now that is not saying I’m snobbish just basic detail. For example, I’ve had people go essentially “I dodge and stab you to death” without any explanation, any chance to respond, or even having any of the proper tools to actually harm Ganondorf. I’m much less likely to want to RP with people who go “I attack” but anyone of any level can approach, just expect similar quality or asks for clarifications and the very possible drop if it simply becomes too arbitrary, though I will talk in messaging with you before hand.
4: Do not tell me how to run my character. If you have a disagreement with me on my portrayal feel free to discuss it with me in chat but don’t demand me to change my ideas and my opinions. This is a heavily personalized take on the character focusing on a realistic portrayal based on the psyches and justifications of historical figures both horrible and great, building a uniquely Ganondorf psyche inspired by them while remaining loyal to the version given by Legend of Zelda. If you see an issue with my portrayal please do tell me, I like constructive criticism, but don’t demand it.
5: Romance can occur but it will rely on some at the very least basic chemistry and Ganondorf is a man who is not very sexually active and is extremely picky, do not expect if you try to approach Ganondorf as a date that he will even consider you worth his time to speak with. Do not expect Ganondorf to be kind and caring about your character. Do not expect Ganondorf to like your character or engage in anything with it. He is not your friend. He is not your buddy. He is Ganondorf and he has no hesitations about breaking your bones if you push too far. He will behave as he behaves in my portrayal not as you want him to behave. I’ve made occasional AUs to work with good friends that adjust his personality but this is very rare and very specific. I don’t do ships often and only in the most specific circumstances, it has to come naturally and it has to fit Ganondorf’s character at least roughly, and though I’ve made some exceptions those are very rare and usually in PM variants of RP, it is a very difficult task to meet. Even then, he’s not the most affectionate of lovers, he’s distant, possessive, and aggressive. His main reason for a relationship is children rather than any partnership so it will not often be a merry match made in heaven. For romantic RP no one under 18 please. No minors. Feel free to RP anything with me but romantic stuff if you’re a minor. It’s just uncomfortable for everyone and can cause legal problems.
6: If we go into a serious combat RP I usually expect some basic understanding of how weapons and armor work and a basic grasp of military strategy. Not mastery or having read through all of The War As I Knew It or anything just some basic knowledge on the purpose and operation of the weapon your character uses and how it reacts and how armor behaves in actual combat. This isn’t a big rule it’s just a pet peeve of mine.
7: Please, no godmodding, powerplaying, auto-hitting (do not decide for me what strikes me, I will decide how my character reacts and how it strikes, if you feel I am being unfair contact me), auto-dodging (you can’t just go “I dodge” forever and ignore every attack unless there is a good lore reason for it), metagaming, or retconning. These are standard rules of roleplay that most accounts include in one way or another, often not even bothering to label them and are better described in the attached graphic. If you made a mistake and want to take something back I’m perfectly open to discussing it but don’t get upset if I say no, I have never actually said no but don’t get angry about any disagreements.
Tumblr media
Primary roleplay linguistics used by this account: (may vary if requested by partner)
(Post number in the RP for keeping track of order if one wishes to go back)
Partner’s writing
This is my primary character speaking
“This is someone other than my primary character speaking”
This is either a phrase being emphasized while it is being spoken or it is something written down.
This is a thought or occasionally an emphasized action, use context
This is an action, contextual information, anything not previously mentioned within the RP
[[This is the admin speaking, all of these linguistics come from my origin as an RPer on another site where this was the standard. If you have issues with my linguistics I am willing to alter them]]
I do not have a password, I trust you to have read this. Thank you very much and have fun. I anticipate your interaction, I’m almost always hungry for more activity. I wish you only the best and look forward to good interactions and pleasant discussions.
Sincerely, Jacob “Puncledorf”
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windhowls-blog · 6 years
l a w -
Here's a run down of the rules that apply to this blog. If you actually take the time to read these, then thank you.
» This means I have the right to refuse roleplays or to refuse to answer certain asks. I run another blog, so having things like this in place makes two blogs easier to manage. I'm sorry I can't get around to writing with all of my followers, but I simply don't have the time.
» This also means I CANNOT follow everyone back. I am highly selective of who I follow, that meaning that if I do follow you, I fully intend on coming to you to write something. If you follow me and don't get a follow back within a day or so, feel free to message me in the IM with a plot idea. If I like this idea, I may follow you so we can get to writing it. Sometimes I don't see all of the people that follow me and cannot check all of their about/rules so like I say I can sometimes miss people out.
» Again, this means that I will not answer memes sent in from non-mutuals. However, if you have a question about my theme/my edits/or anything you're generally interested in OOC, I will likely post it publically in case other people have the same question. RP wise though, no I will not be responding.
» When it comes to OCs I am willing to follow them. They must have an in depth about page and a rules page for me to consider doing that, though.
» I tend to unfollow people for posting OOC content far too much. I don't mind the odd text post and photo/gif sets about your character but if you're frequently posing things that are irrelevant to your blog then I will be unfollowing you. I don't like my dash to be cluttered too much.
» If you're foreceful about replies. If I take a day or two to respond, that likely means I'm either at college and swamped with work, or I'm on my other blog. If you're going to nag me constantly for replies I'm going to drop the thread and outright unfollow you. I find it extremely rude and annoying when people prod at me, so don't do it. That being said, if it has been a few days I MIGHT HAVE FORGOTTEN. So PLEASE feel free to shoot me a message, POLITELY asking me to reply because I can assure you I will probably gladly respond if you do that.
» Constant smutting that is very explicit and not under a 'read more'. I'm not saying don't smut, but I'm saying that if I see it TOO MUCH and if it's not under a read more then bye bye. I just don't want to see that on my dashboard, especially not when I am around family quite a lot of the time.
» If you are involved in any kind of drama I will be unfollowing you, maybe even blocking you depending on the severity. I've had my fill of drama on Tumblr and honestly I'm sick of it. This blog is a total drama free zone and I will not tolerate it on my dashboard. That being said, I will NOT be responding to hate anons. They will be deleted and if I do recieve any my anon feature will be turned off.
» I usually don't seek people out to be exclusive with, but if I enjoy your writing so much and I know that you're active I might ask you if you want to be my exclusive for that character - meaning I won't follow or interact with a duplicate of your muse.
» I currently do not have any exclusives but I will put a link in here as soon as I do.
» Strictly single ship.
0 notes
mas-idayu-blog · 7 years
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blainemoriarty · 7 years
Hi! I'd like to try rping with you but the rules/bio pages are incompatibke with either my phone or my my app. Would you be a dear and copy/paste them here so I can know if we are rp compatible please? Much appreciated! @cameron-allen
Of course!! Sorry about that–
** Also, if you have any other questions regarding either my rules or Blaine’s storyline, feel free to ask!
Just some basic stuff:
Blaine is gay. I will not ship him with women, or put him in any sexual/romantic situation with a woman (unless we discussed something otherwise). Don’t let that scare you off from plotting with me, though! I’m more than happy to roleplay with female muses, and even if they are in to him, that could make for an incredibly interesting plot. Blaine just won’t be attracted to them in return.
This is a semi-selective roleplay blog. I reserve the right to choose who I roleplay with and when I answer.
I’m open to roleplay with OCs or characters from different fandoms. This is a crossover account, after all, and Blaine is so out-of-character that he might as well be an OC himself.
I’m not very picky with who I ship Blaine with, when it comes to male characters. The relationships themselves can be as unhealthy and toxic as you please. Also, age-differences are irrelevant.
NSFW will be tagged. I’ll do my best to tag triggers, as well, but please let me know if I miss anything.
Blaine is a male prostitute. This should be a trigger warning in itself, I think.
Both the mun and muse are of legal age. I will roleplay with underage muns, but I would rather not roleplay smut with you if you are under eighteen. The reason for this should be clear enough.
I’m fine with doing threads in which our muses already know each other. I know how awkward it can be when you send an ask that’s replied to with “Who on earth are you?” That won’t happen here. Unless you wanted to.
The mun reserves her literacy for threads, for the most part. If we chat ooc (which would be awesome) be warned that I tend tO TALK TO U IN ALL CAPS LIKE THIS !!!
I tend to post a lot ooc, since this is my only platform to do so, and also may reblog stuff that isn’t particularly relevant to my muse. Please respect that. All of my ooc stuff will be tagged if it bothers you, and if I share anything that you find triggering or just don’t like, simply shoot me an ask and I’ll tag it for you so you can blacklist it. Easy-peasy.
I will automatically attempt to turn answered memes into threads, whether I’m the one who answered them or you are. Keep this in mind! If you don’t want something to be turned into a thread for whatever reason, don’t be afraid to let me know!
I don’t use small or formatted text in my replies, because that’s a lot of work (especially since I’m on mobile most of the time) and I think that the quality of the writing itself is much more important than how pretty it looks. So naturally, the same standards apply to my partners. Format your replies however you like, or don’t format them at all - I’m much more concerned about the content itself.
Icons are very rarely used on my part - mostly because I don’t have many and I’m on mobile most of the time. If you want to use icons, that’s fine - let me know when you send an ask. If you answer my ask using an icon, or tag me in a starter using an icon, then most of the time I will wait until I have access to a computer to reply. That means the time between my replies will be longer. Rarely, I might reply to an icon thread without an icon, in which case I will try to make up for it by writing oodles of text. This is either because I’ve been on mobile for a while and am anxious about making you wait, or have a lot of muse for that thread and want to reply already!
Name: Blaine Anderson
Age: 24
Place of Birth: Ohio, USA
Current Residence: London, U.K
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Occupation: Male prostitute
Family: Daniel Anderson (Father, deceased), Gabrielle Anderson (Mother, deceased), Cooper Anderson (brother, estranged)
And now…
   Daniel Anderson was the youngest of six children born into a wealthy Irish family, moved to the United States in his twenties to set up his own life and escape the suffocating atmosphere of his old household (while still making use of his share of his parent’s money, of course). He was a very devoted Catholic, and wrote mystery novels with his free time - they never did make it to publication. He came across as cold and unapproachable, caused both by his own, personal, emotional issues, and a deep, internalized idea of what a man should be that was far heavier than the weight of the Anderson family’s legacy. He married young, to the youngest daughter of another rich family, Amara Canton. They didn’t like each other at all, despite having a son together, and argued constantly until they finally divorced. Daniel met his second and last wife about a year later, and together they had another child.
  Gabrielle Mendoza was a third generation Filipino-Americam who had music running through her veins. She had the voice of an angel, and taught Blaine every instrument he knows how to play. She met Blaine’s father when she was twenty-seven and he was thirty-four; he’d recently divorced a woman whom he’d married solely for his family’s benefit and with whom he already had a five year old son, Cooper. Daniel fell in love with Gabrielle almost immediately. She was unconditionally kind and caring, even when Daniel seemed stiff and cold. She did what no other person had ever managed to do for him - she made him softer.
 They were married in little less than a year of meeting each other, and Blaine was born within another.
  Blaine was born on April 15th, 1992. His mother had always described him as ‘a tiny man with big dreams’ - tiny, meaning a five year old boy in a ridiculous bow-tie, dancing with his mom in the warm sitting room that served as their ballroom. Music was always something that he loved, and came as naturally to him as breathing. Of course, his father had certain opinions about his son’s passion, but Gabrielle would never let him rob Blaine of the one thing in the world that never failed to make him happy. (Besides, his father loved seeing him that way)
  Trouble came to Blaine in the form of his brother. Cooper didn’t like Blaine, and he despised Gabrielle. He even held a particular distaste toward their shared father, a remarkable amount of anger for a ten year old boy. The adults tried not to take it personally, and blamed it on grief - his mother had died, after all, not long after divorcing his father. It was understandable that he would be bitter over someone else’s happiness during such a dark part of his life. Blaine, however, couldn’t have understood that, and couldn’t help but think that he’d - at three years old - done something horribly wrong to ruin Cooper’s life.
 It wasn’t difficult to see why Blaine would believe such a thing. Cooper was mean - he was unjustly cruel and clever enough to disguise it. He bullied Blaine in secret for most of their young lives, knowing exactly how to manipulate his little brother into believing that it wasn’t really bullying, Cooper was just teaching him a lesson, Cooper was just making him a stronger person, Cooper was just punishing him for messing up that one dance move that he should’ve gotten right on the first try-
Blaine quickly began to hold resentment toward something that he’d once been passionate about. Nothing he did seemed to be right, or good enough, and the stressful need to be perfect trumped his enjoyment. Pleasure had turned into a source of distress - and it would stay that way for a long time.
 There was a short period of freedom when Cooper went off to college - if it could be called freedom. The derogatory thoughts about himself that had been drilled into him still haunted Blaine, but he could focus his perfectionism on other things, now. With Cooper out of the picture, at least, Blaine had some control over his own life.
  That all ended once Blaine turned fifteen and Cooper returned home. Blaine was at the peak of puberty and his body had a mind of it’s own. Cooper, being the kind of person that he was, took advantage of this. Blaine saw it as Cooper finally liking him - or, hopefully, loving him. For Blaine, the unhealthy charade between them was him finally being accepted and wanted by his big brother.
  For Cooper, it was the perfect way to hurt his little brother.
Their ‘relationship’ was a one-sided attraction laced with manipulation and abuse - both physical and emotional. Cooper hated Blaine; in his eyes, Blaine was symbolic of everything that had ever gone wrong in his life, and the perfect means-to-an-end of his lifelong, misguided quest for vengeance.
 Very simply, Cooper wanted to hurt Blaine. And that’s exactly what he did.
Blaine’s parents were both murdered a year after Blaine and Cooper’s relationship began. Cooper had left (he was always leaving for extended periods of time, during which Blaine’s mood usually took a turn for the worse. That was probably why) and the next time Blaine saw him, he was standing over their parents’ bodies. He didn’t know it was Cooper, of course. Not until much later on.
 After their deaths, Cooper left, and never contacted Blaine again.
 Blaine’s last year of high school was a blur. His family’s now-empty house was suffocating him. His country was suffocating him. He needed to get out, and college was his opportunity to do just that. Luckily, his stressful but successful high school career paid off, and he was accepted to a prestigious art school in London. He lasted there for less than two years before dropping out.
 Grief was a difficult thing to work with. Mixed with trauma of every shape and size, Blaine was barely able to function at all.
 How Moriarty became interested in him, Blaine would never figure out. At the time, he was just a whore. A resourceful whore, who knew how to get what he wanted, but anyone could
 Nonetheless, Blaine was contacted on his website (which he still refuses to discuss, because it contains some very old, very exposing photos of his barely nineteen-year old self) by the king of crime, looking for a whore.
 Foolishly, Blaine agreed to meet with him.
Surprisingly enough, Blaine wasn’t contacted just to be fucked - at least, not just by Moriarty. He proved himself to be a useful tool when it came to getting information out of people, without the mess that forcing it out of them would result in.
But why had he chosen Blaine? There were plenty of other sex workers throughout London, more talented and popular and charming than he was…
 Inevitably, Blaine stopped torturing himself over such things. Instead, he did something even worse to himself - he fell in love.
Jim Moriarty was, arguably, one of the most dangerous men in the world. Falling in love with him was probably the most idiotic thing Blaine had ever done. At the same time, what little seemingly-genuine affection that was given to him was also more than anything he’d ever experienced before. Perhaps it was all part of Moriarty’s ‘plan’, or maybe it was his own mistake (doubtfully), or maybe he the feelings he showed were genuine (even less likely), but whatever it was, it worked. Blaine was hooked.
Of course, that meant he was loyal to a fault. Especially since, alongside his romantic feelings, Blaine had quite a bit of fear. Once again, Moriarty was one of the most dangerous people in the world, and his violent outbursts made no exceptions for Blaine if he was irritated or not.
 Whatever there was between them, it was made very clear that Blaine was expendable.
 That was no surprise.
Aaaand also a crap ton of demon!Blaine stuff in case he interests you as well–
Incubi (Mun’s Interpretation):
Succubi and incubi are demons that feed off of orgasmic energy, created soley to please other demons, although it isn’t uncommon for them to feed off of humans as well. It’s rumored that the first succubae and incubi were fallen angels or nephilim, but only the more superstitious of the bunch (like Blaine) believe in this.
According to most sources, any succubus demon is also an incubus demon, and vice versa. Their title depends strictly on which gender they present as. An incubus demon would only “become” a succubus demon if they wanted to reproduce (which, thanks to handy demonologists like Sebastien Michaelis, I get to give you a ridiculously detailed step-by-step guide for.) In their succubus form, they would “collect” (ewugh) a human man’s sperm, and in their incubus form would “transfer” that sperm to a human female and impregnate her. Most sources agree with this, although a few mention that an incubus and succubus can also have a child together. Either way, the child produced is called a Cambion. There’s not much information on them, so let’s just say that they’re baby demons that later become either an inbcubus or succubus, determining their presenting gender once they’re of age and their “powers” appear.
Since incubi are also sometimes referred to as ‘fauns’, their demonic forms most likely have goat or deer aspects, such as horns or antlers, and equine legs. Rarely, they may also take the form of a ball of light (very similar to a will o’ the wisp). This only happens if an incubus desperately needs to burn off extra energy or needs to lure in new sources of it, and not all incubi know how to assume this form. Blaine doesn’t.
Sex demons feed off of the sexual energy of other people, but they don’t need to orgasm in order to feed. The process doesn’t harm other demons, but can harm humans, but this heavily depends on the demon that is feeding off of them. More powerful demons can feed off of humans in their dreams, but this is a rare talent.
An incubus’ body or form changes depending on how much energy they’ve consumed. As mentioned earlier, some can turn into a ball of light, but the body of every incubus and succubus has its temperature change. To put it simply, an excess of energy makes their body cold, while a lack of it makes their body warm, in order to be either alluring or repelling. If an incubus has too much or too little energy, their bodies can turn into dust, and they die. The obvious solution to a lack of energy is by feeding off of someone’s energy, but to cope with too much of it, most incubi will find another incubus or succubus to have sex with. Since they can’t produce energy on their own, feeding off of each others acquired energy evens everything out. This would suck if two of them wanted to be in a relationship, but their biological needs make monogamy nearly impossible, and none of them really have a desire for that kind of relationship. Often, outside of the harems kept by Hell’s royalty, incubi and succubae prefer polyamorous relationships instead.
Blaine presents primarily as an incubus, and rarely takes on his succubus form. He doesn’t really need or want to (he has no desire to reproduce, at all). He’s not the most powerful incubus, but he does have more status than some of the strongest, since he’s got two masters, one of which is the king of Hell (not necessarily Supernatural’s Crowley, but it can be) and another who is stronger than all of Hell’s heirarchy put together (my confusing au Jim Moriarty).
Blaine was born as a Cambion, the offspring of an unknown demon parent and his unknowing human mother, Gabrielle. He was raised as a boy because of mankind’s gender-binary thing (this is the case with a lot of Cambion children), and that stuck with him even after he discovered that he was a demon, when he turned eighteen and Moriarty sought after him. That was a long time ago, and he’s still very comfortable in his incubus form. In a way, he got lucky.
Despite his weakness as a demon, Blaine is still much stronger than any human, and smarter than most demons, which makes him an excellent spy. That’s the purpose he serves for Moriarty, who he considers his true master, and he’s unconditionally loyal. Blaine practically worships him, despite not being able to be intimate with him, since his power is so much that Blaine would turn into dust by even being too close to him during sex. As for Crowley, Blaine doesn’t mind him much, even if he feigns dislike towards him to please his true master; he’s not a terrible owner. A bit sadistic, unsurprisingly, but not terrible. (Or maybe Blaine is just very easily wooed)
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