#all of this isn't even to mention the part of the arc where tris's fusion with the life force of the planet
vipier · 2 months
tristan healing his deeply fragmented connection with the force because it’s either that or die, essentially. shedding both the inquisitor and jedi titles and starting from scratch. living deep in the forest of a remote planet strong with the force which cass specifically picked for them before the end of the war, far enough from the settlement to remain unbothered but close enough to fetch supplies when needed. initially intimidated by trying to rebuild the connection because of how close it came to killing him when he nearly fell to the dark side but gradually taking longer and longer walks into the nature surrounding them every day. it starts as rehab because he struggles to walk properly for a while after his release from medbay at the rebel base and he needs to try daily to recover. as he becomes more mobile again, it turns into exploring. swimming in the nearby lake in the morning. venturing out into the bioluminescent forest at night and returning with the bioluminescence clinging to his skin a bit, making him softly glow. ( something something bioluminescence doesn’t work that way but force shit, and it eventually becomes semi-permanent at night while he's on-planet and only fades when he sleeps. ) finding himself yearning for that reconnection eventually instead of dreading or feeling uncertain because he feels so grounded in the nature around him and wants to make himself a part of it through the force. him realizing pretty early on that there are parts of the darkness he was steeped in for two decades that he will never be able to fully get rid of and that terrifying him for quite a while before eventually realizing he can balance it with everything else and thus embrace it as part of his new self. him tapping into such exceptional power on this planet and using it to essentially fuse with the nature there such that he starts to feel drained if he leaves it for more than a week or two — but that’s okay, because he and cass are old and tired and never planned to leave again. actors in the new republic coming to them with questions and the occasional hope that they might choose to come help rebuild, which is rebuked more gently by tristan and less gently by cass. old friends from the wars paying them visits in their little hamlet, including tristan's old clone commanders specs and kilo, with whom he's made peace after the trauma of o66. the community on the planet embracing that they're there ( even if they mostly leave them alone ) because tristan's force fusion with the planet's flora and fauna has vastly improved farming, logging, and animal husbandry. force devotees hearing about the planet's ecosystem basically flourishing under tristan's care and making pilgrimages there on occasion, which tris mostly avoids because he's not here to be revered as some sort of a deity, which is what most pilgrims want to do, but making exceptions to speak to some force learners on occasion. finding peace after a lifetime of war and torture and anguish and grief through embracing his force abilities like never before and finally being with ( and marrying ) the person he’s loved for 30-35 years of his life, who is himself seeing the force through new eyes. finally feeling fully safe for the first time in his life, barefoot in the grass of a planet — unselfishly chosen by that love of his life — that has essentially welcomed him home, mind, body, and soul.
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How would you rank the protags and the series from worst to best?
Sooo, I haven't seen all of the series (one day maybe but that day isn't today) so we'll just go by the ones I've seen.
Which are GX, Arc V and some of 5ds and even less of og Yugioh unless you count the Abridged series.
I don't think my answers will suprise many people who have seen my posts 😅 again these are just my opinions. And I wanna preface this as well by saying I don't hate any of the protags or series I'm mentioning.
They all mean something different to me, some I like better than others of course but I don't hate them.
Protags Ranking:
1st. Judai Yuki
... who saw that coming?
Judai is someone that's impacted on me more than any of the other protags here have. I've seen his journey, I've watched him break and fall and seen myself in him. I've also watched him get back up and grow.
I've shed many a tear over him.
Judai is just like a childhood friend, you watch them grow up alongside you and change but still retain who they fundamentally are. He's grown the most I believe from the others and I've loved seeing it even if it hurts.
I also love his deck, his personality and well he's a mini me.
2nd. Yuya Sakaki
People say the good hearted protag is cliche but I love it. I love Yuya, I love that he tries so hard to be kind when the world is far to cruel and he's thrown into a war. He's just a simple, kind soul and he stays true to himself throughout it.
I love watching him dual, I feel like I'm right in the audience cheering him on. And seeing him fall is just so sad because I feel for him and seeing him return was this big relief.
I smile everytime I see a Happy Hippo grace the screen.
3rd. Yusei Fudo
Yusei is someone who says so much without even needing to. His actions speak so loud for him, he was supposed to be the lowest of the low and he keeps soaring.
His connection to others and wanting to help rebuild the bridge between where he is and the tops is a dream and I love seeing the steps he makes to get there.
4th. Yugi Mouto
I don't have much of an opinion on Yugi, in the nicest way possibly, Yugi is kinda... Pretty generic as far as protagonists go. Same with the Pharaoh, they are cool and they've shaped their universes but maybe it's cos I don't have that nostalgia with og Yugioh or something but I don't really connect with or care very much for him as a protag.
He's cool, very polite and but yeah he paced the way for the rest and I like seeing him a mentor but yeah... 😅.
Series rankings
1st. GX
It means a lot to me, I love the goofyness, the chaos and the heart it has. Its something I can and have talked about for hours, Season 3 I could rewatch anytime it just hits right there in my heart and I love the characters, the setting, the fact that they just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.
It has some of the most heavy scenes and I can talk about my favourite parts for hours because of how they make me feel. Early GX even is fun and you need that fun... So you can fall apart later 😂.
That isn't to say this thing doesn't have its faults, season 4 I love but it doesn't hold a candle to season 3 to me and it was very rushed. And the way the cast was used, wasn't always good and how season 2 was a big ol infodump.
But I think people focus on its faults a lot more than what it does right and even with them I still absolutely adore it.
2nd. Arc V
I will never ever... Rewatch this series and the ending is dead to me. Literally I think I blocked it out of my mind like the existence of the Cursed Child.
I do not see it. It doesn't exist.
... But I love Arc V, I love how it portrays its characters and the war there all in. Everyone has a different stake in this thing and seeing them all come together with the mysteries of the other dimensions is cool.
And honestly up until they enter the Fusion Dimension it was really solid, after that they er... Kinda lost me.
Like I don't know how we got here at all. I still enjoyed it but not the same way? I guess? I dunno, but I do really love Arc V. I could talk about the set ups in the duals, and my Zarc AU and how much I like the world it made.
I just think at times they had a lot of main characters like Yuri and Yugo and the bracelet girls, Zarc, Ray and didn't know how to use them?
OG Yugioh is at the bottom, I haven't seen much of if other than the Abridged series. I like it for what is but it was pretty slow and I got bored pretty easily so i can't say much.
As for 5ds, I'm not ranking it because I haven't seen it all, I don't remember it that well other than the characters and I'd rather watch it before ranking it.
Give it a fair place and statement but for now it's 3rd by default.
Maybe after rewatch it and finish it this time, I'll talk about how I feel about it but yeah that's all for now.
I hope this answered that 😅
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