midoristeashop · 6 months
have you ever drawn Pitch before? i think you’ve drawn every character outside of him and North? i’m so curious on how they’d look like in your style!! (ps your style is so cool?! underated!)
Every drawing I have of pitch I’ve kept and buried since he is one of the few I feel I cannot get to look right 😭
Here are a couple I did a while ago!! I can never get to my clean lineart stage with him but here we are (also I’ve always loved concept art pitch so that’s where the sillies came from)
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As for north, I always draw him silly ( but I promise to do something cooler cuz duh it’s NORTH) have a silly north
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Thank u for your ask! <3
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tatakaeeren · 1 year
BFHDSJKFD TYTY i am a proud resident of procrastination nation 🙏🙏🙏 aaaaa i'm not done yet but i only have one more exam left !!! and it's on friday so two days from now *sweats* i think it should be fine tho !!!! *fingers crossed indeed*
YAYY i'm glad !!! brazil sounds like a really cool place to visit o: i have a lot of friends from there so i'd like to go some day for sure !!! wow experiencing the world cup in brazil must be on another level omg HFSDJKHFJD I CAN ONLY IMAGINE !!! that sounds so fun !!! looks like u got to eat a lot of amazing foods omg im glad <33 AAHAHA money well spent i'd say !!! i' love to see pics if u ever decide to share MWAHAHA thank u sm for the positive vibes !!! right back at u !!!! how are u doing now back at home ?? hope everything is going well !!!
-- your animanga secret santa <33
khdkahdkah 🤣🤣🤣 procrastinator an proud :') i love it hahaha. How did it go?? your last one was today so AAHHHH I really hope it went well and that now you are finally free to breathe, relax and enjoy the holidays! 🥰☃🎄🎅
Oh really?! that it is niceee!! I also have many mutuals here that are also From Brazil, but sadly since it was a "business trip" my free time was reduced and unplanned so I couldn't meet with my friends :'( . But I really hope I can go back there and fully enjoy it this time. the food is the best, well the people and the food 💖 hehehe money on husbandos' merch is ALWAYS money well spent (>᎑<๑)/♡ Who are your faves? I'm curious!
now that you exams are finally over my dear Ani-San, I really hope you have time for yourself, to relax and do whatever you want to do, all your hard work will pay off 💪 *hugs*
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS episode 4 commentary (Kakeru)
Ahhhh.... finally seeing this episode again after a long time was really good. You may think I’m just being over-dramatic, but I honestly think I felt normal again for the first time since seeing SSS Part 4 while I was watching the stream with you guys. Like halfway through I was like WOAH IM SMILING... ahah....... ha......... Part 4 messed me up even more than I thought holy s--
Thanks for always coming to the streams! And thank you Kakeru, for reminding me about love.....
*deep breath* Now, let’s get to it...
So like I mentioned last time, we’re now on what I know as the “Part 2″ episodes.
 My experience seeing Part 2 in the theater was like night and day compared to seeing Part 1. For Part 1 I got to go to the midnight showing, and it was super emotional and exciting seeing it with an entire theater-worth of people also seeing it for the first time. 
But for Part 2 I had to work until 1am and thus couldn’t make the midnight showing. Instead I slept for about 2-3 hours, went all the way to Nagoya, saw this at 8am, went all the way home, and went back to bed before waking up again to go to work at 4pm wondering if it was all a weird dream. So needless to say I was super out of it. I got about two minutes into Kakeru’s episode when I was like... wha... huh..... wait wha....... and comical sweat-beads started rolling down my forehead when I realized I had NO idea what was going on. I felt like the entire theater was just as out of it as I was since they were really quiet. Probably because most of them went to the midnight showing and got just about as much sleep as I did....
The whole what is going onnnnnnnn feeling never quite left me. Especially with this episode in particular. But.  
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My favorite feature of Kakeru has always been his eyes....
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So seeing him go through 8 stages of acceptance in this opening always gives me chills....
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OH MY FUCKING G..............
So in the past I have railed on Crunchyroll for their wonky wording, but this is the first outright mistranslation I think. (Unless “solid style” wasn’t on purpose, but that one was so ridiculous I kinda feel like it may have been....)
If you have seen Pride the Hero, you’ll know Kakeru doesn’t leak the Prism System to his friends. He leaks it to the Itsutomo Group. 
To be fair Sadana doesn’t say Itsutomo Group here. Just Itsutomo. But still, what did the translator think the “Itsu” part meant? They leave so many things as-is, but this... THIS they decide to attempt to translate into something. 
Okay. OKAY...................................
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I really, really like Kakeru’s dad. But not for anything he does in the movies/anime. He’s a super boring pushover here. But if you take Young of Prism and layer it on top of all that..... he’s fucking great. 
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I was so out of it when I first saw this the entire natural gas plot went over my head. I was just like “Episode 5: Kakeru goes to Madagascar. Does a prism show. Then he comes back for some reason. The end?????” 
I also missed the earlier reference as well. To think when Kakeru looks at the newspaper in episode 1 and is like “Natural gas is expensive!!” that was foreshadowing ahah. 
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So this is the most controversial part of the episode I think. Globalization/colonization/industrialism has done damage lot of nations which were just fine beforehand, and I think paving over all of Africa’s natural habitats would likely cause.... various problems. 
Do I really have any right to be commentating on this? No. But I don’t think King of Prism does either. I just don’t think it’s really the time/place for it. 
But all-in-all I suppose Merina’s opinion isn’t too unusual for someone who works for Juuouin Group. I just wish they made it more clearer that his opinion and not the general opinion of Madagascar. 
But then again what do I know. I really don’t even want to be talking about this!! It was just such a weird choice to take this episode to Madagascar at all. 
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This brought me so much joy. Please go read Young of Prism if you haven’t yet. 
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NNghkdhgkdhg baby Kakeru................. face......... uuuUUUgfh and his cute little voice...........
I also often wonder what Kakeru was doing in Kodama’s office in the first place. He’s not actually his uncle I believe.
My headcanon is that his mother dropped him off there one day when she was busy with something and needed someone to watch him quickly, then Kodama-san’s office just gradually became Kakeru’s daycare. 
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In cheering people will point up one concert light shaking with increasing intensity. Usually orange because nobody knows what other color to use. 
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.......GGDGDGDGdksl;fl;sgs.......... AHHHHHHHHHH.....HHH........hhhhhhhhh.. K.....
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Crunchyroll agrees with me that Kakeru’s father is “Momojiro”. I know that’s the most likely reading, I’m just really bothered and concerned that there is just no furigana for it anywhere.
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And behold, my favorite Kakeru face of all time. 
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh poor baby you were so pure back then
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And behold my second favorite Kakeru face of all time aahaha
Okay now is as good a time as ever to bring it up, but. 
I’m a bit disappointed that young Kakeru doesn’t wear glasses. 
Because most kids get glasses before middle school if they are going to get them, don’t they? It makes me worry Kakeru’s glasses are just an image thing. 
I mean he’s certainly frikkin adorable without them, but I dunno.... It made me weirdly happy to learn that Hiro wears contacts in episode 1. 
I just want visually impaired comrades in my anime I guess!!!
Or maybe he just went without for longer than he should have by memorizing the eye test by listening to the kid in front of him like I did. 
Kakeru can you see I’m worried about you.
Okay I’ll move on......
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So someone pointed this out in the stream, but he doesn’t really say “mood” here. He says “kao iro” which would translate more into like... health? I don’t know. I honestly have no idea what he was getting at and it’s always puzzled me. 
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Oh the controversy.....
Okay so, that whole non-issue aside. About the rest of this scene. 
I am not particularly offended by it for two reasons. 
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Kakeru’s grandfather is giving him important life advice while his face is IN A BOOB
King of Prism has a tenancy to pair serious moments with ridiculous visuals that nearly ruin them on purpose and it’s a whole other level of humor ahah. There is an even better example of this in the next episode.......
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In the theater people hold up two light blue lights as soon as she rises up and then go nuts. It’s the best. 
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While most of the other characters were inspired by watching male prism stars like Hijiri or Rei, Kakeru watched mostly the girls and I get a kick out of that. We have already known he’s their fan for a while due to his Blowin’ in the Mind ringtone and side materials saying he has their magazines in his room, etc. 
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“What” - cheering audience
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So if you look up “kakeru” in a Japanese-English dictionary, you’ll know it has.... a lot of meanings. And since they always write the boys’ names in katakana (to make it ambiguous I guess) you can never know for sure. 
Here we confirmed for the first time it is intended to be 翔 = to fly/soar
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This is a theme throughout SSS. How much Shin changed things for everyone............(I’ll come back to this)............
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So I guess when Kakeru got back from Madagascar Leo was like “So what do you want for your Prism One outfit?” and he was like “Make me a flamingo” and Leo was like “......You got it.”
Or maybe Leo was already like half done with Kakeru’s outfit and then he just burst in the door like “LEO I NEED TO BE A FLAMINGO--” 
I only have one bad thing to say about Kakeru’s prism show and it has nothing to do with Kakeru’s prism show. I noticed that his legwork is really similar to Taiga’s, which was when I realized for the first time that it’s the same person doing all the motion capture. So that kind of brought me back to reality a little bit. But oh well. That person is really fucking talented. 
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They have been talking about Kakeru doing a prism jump where he’s naked with a pile of money for YEARS. HE DID IT. I’ve seen it in manga, I’ve seen it on Prism Rush... BUT THIS
Also how similar this is to the Prism Rush version amazes me...
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.....So I guess the translators haven’t watched PriPara either huh.
Wait is this even supposed to be for “Cyalume Change” because the subtitle is at such weird timing. 
Also I felt bad afterwards about putting “CYALUME CHANGE” as one of my shitty out of context spoilers ahah. I hope I didn’t ruin it for anyone. At least I didn’t say what episode it was. My hope is that anyone who read it has been waiting to be blindsided by CYALUME CHANGE and it came at the best possible moment. 
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The first couple times I saw this episode I really wondered how cheering would go since so much of this episode is just business mumbo jumbo and if a lot of people would even show up for Part 2 cheering at all. 
But then after about a week in I found myself waiting in the lobby before a sold out cheering show and saw a girl whip out a giant pink feathery fan. 
Then the girl next to her was like hold my beer and took out a giant (fake) money fan. 
Never underestimate Kakeru fangirls is a lesson I have learned over and over and over again. 
A lot of people will also have three or four pink concert lights in one hand and an orange one or a color changing one in the other for this part ahah. 
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(The lyrics to this song are nonsense. But it’s Kakeru, you can’t expect anything less.)
Prism shows with jungle animals are always a good time. (I can’t help but think of Shi Yoon.) 
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And there you have it, Kakeru saved the entire country of Madagascar.... with his prism show........ let’s not..... let’s not think too hard about this........
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I suppose there are multiple ways this could be true so I shouldn’t be thinking too hard about this either. But. 
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The debut of the Leo pigtails. 
Well actually I think he had them earlier in the episode too, but this was the first time I noticed. 
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Nothing warms my heart more than the few times Taiga throws Kakeru a bone by showing him the tiniest bit of affection. Even if it’s tsundere. Look at him. He’s just so happy. Aw Kakeru. Good for you.  
I think this moment was kinda ruined by the new ending music though. In the theater it’s more quiet. 
So I have always kinda felt like the Part 2 episodes are a bit weak compared with Part 1 and Part 3, but that’s probably a bit unfair considering how I experienced them. All of them grew on me more with time. It was also kind of hard coming down off of Taiga’s episode. After Taiga’s was so high tension I kinda expected the same for Kakeru too, but they went in a totally different direction. It was nothing like I thought it would be.
Before it aired I wondered if it would be about Kakeru trying to decide if spending his life in the Juuouin Group was right for him or not. And he did question it at one point when he was younger, but unless I misinterpreted it this episode was more about him loosing what he had and trying to get it back? He had doubts in his mind at one time about whether love exists, but he already came to believe it does before the events of this episode. So I guess Kakeru really has no doubt in his mind about what he wants for his future. You know, I think I like that better. I worry about him burning out with all the stuff he does, but it really does seem to be his true calling.  
I find it rather sad that the Edel Rose boys never found out Kakeru’s backstory though. Instead he shares it with Merina. He couldn’t even tell them he was leaving. But then again, Minato quickly interpreted that it was probably too difficult for him, I’m sure he was right. The other boys seemed to understand and support him regardless. Kakeruuuuuuuuu...............
In side materials it’s kinda of hinted at here and there that Kakeru really wants to be more like Minato. He wants to be someone strong who supports everyone. He also really seems to not want to show any weakness to anyone, especially his friends....? (As I’m typing this I’m thinking back to the White Day event on Prism Rush when he was trying so hard to organize everything while also trying his hardest to hide that he was falling apart......) I guess he picked this up in the business world as well. Because of this I still feel there is a lot to Kakeru we still don’t know. 
Well. Since I remembered this time and I liked this one: The special video for this episode that they show in the theaters has a voice over describing Kakeru’s  intense schedule on a normal day. 
But apparently on weekends he does no work at all. He gets caught up on manga and then plays with his friends. They showed a lot of stills of him hanging out with the Edel Rose boys, but my favorite and the one I remember the most was him playing arcade games with Shin (on a mysteriously PriPara-looking cabinet.... I think it was a fighting game though?)
Also Kakeru has a secret trunk in his room which must never be opened. 
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lucidlucy · 7 years
dude dude guess who had a WHOLE WEEK without having to write a paper !!!! like, i have one over the weekend but that's fine. also i only have one full week of classes next week then two weeks of finals (a paper a debate and two exams) and then im done with my first semester of college !!!! -J
Aahaha CONGRATULATIONS! That’s awesome
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