#also christian should've won
comediakaidanovsky · 1 year
man, i’m still kinda in awe of how mid DoN was, and how much the audience sucked
(though still have to give them some cred for coming alive for jade v taya v kris, and the turtleneck chants)
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Bracket A Round 1 First Half Results!!!
This first wave of polls has been chaotic and filled with propaganda, even from unexpected sources (Thank you everyone who drew fanart of any of the characters!!!) but unfortunately, it has come to an end! You could simply check the bracket, or even look up the polls for the results, but where would be the fun in that?
Poll 1
Nova Williams the alien child won against Baz the kitten brainworm with a 74% to 26%!!! guess they didn't succeed in spreading enough brainworms
Poll 2
Cat against rat! Cat Hax the cat robot managed to catch Snoodle Rattigan the rat priest with 59% to his 41%!! May he end up in rat heaven.
Poll 3
Spaventapasseri the hot pathetic dilf completely SWEPT the Scientist with nearly 75% of votes! Did he have the support of the hero commission? who knows!
Poll 4
Joan Church managed to beat Starus the epic :3 with 60% of votes against his nearly 40% with the power of christian trauma (and this cool armour) !!!
Poll 5
Friendships have been forged, alliances nearly made, but, in the end, Max didn't manage to tie with Nigel Nigel, who won with nearly 53% of the votes against her 47%! However, these two guitar players have finished the closest to one another out of all the brackets, with only a 6% difference - not even 21 votes!! In the spirit of the crossover art, I am offering them the choice of a team up!! @spw-art @bjursta do you want to start a band?
Poll 6
Jasper the buggirl has won against Soso the plant zombie with 65% of votes! Soso should've brought a pesticide :(
Poll 7
Despite enormous amounts of propaganda, Cal the cat mcr stan has lost against Destruction the robot nurse with not even 40% of votes against her 60%! The support for girls who assist in medical malpractice was just too strong <3
Poll 8
Theodore Aphelion III couldn't get the percentage of votes to his favourite number (57) and lost against Celiry Stik! I am giving him an orange so he doesn't feel so sad that he only got 35% of votes
Poll 9
Valentine the genderweird werewolf musician won against Pup the genderfluid demon with 70% of the votes! This fight was very gender I want what both of them have.
Poll 10
Mic Michaelson the evil game show host managed to beat Avery the pathetic wet godfather! What can I say, 58% of people love mushrooms and only 42% of people love depressed parental figures
Poll 11
Sister Virtue - Theophania managed to exorcise the lovecore demon Amadeo Kenzie despite the protection provided by A Lot of propaganda and gained 64% of the votes! This poll got the most votes out of all the polls (614!!!) which is almost double the average (a little above 300)
Poll 12
Garner - Caelum the demigod antihero won against Allara Foln! I suppose it is harder to beat a demigod than ancient robots, but she still managed to get more than 32% of the votes!
Poll 13
Stephanie Silvers the he/him lesbian beat BOB the KILLER-REMEMBER with 69(nice)% of the votes!!! The beauty of a pink stick figure apparently didn't win our voters over :(
Poll 14
The large amount of propaganda worked for Kirk "Chinook" Raymond, as he beat Madea Whitewistle with over 73% of the votes! I would also like to apologize to Madea for misspelling her name multiple times, even though I have always managed to catch it in time.
Poll 15
In a battle of cute creachers, only one can win, and this time it was Valrik the living stuffed animal! He beat (night)Core the Halloween spirit with over 55% of votes!
Poll 16
Neither the power of religious trauma nor propaganda worked for Mattias Bishop, who lost against Black the furry wolf boy with not even 45% votes :(
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Ummmm I'm reading through your asks, yes I do that a lot, and I just have to ask what do you mean some would say that Lewis Hamilton has won 8 TIMES I thought it was 7, I've doubled tripled checked that, DANI WHAT DOES THIS MEAN???
Also I saw a post that said 44-> 4+4= 8 times world champion and I strongly feel that he deserves it. I mean he is the GOAT himself, he should beat Schumacher's record before even thinking of stopping.
Also I lowkey don't want to see season 4 because I know that Verstappen won and Lewis came second and I just know that Christian and Max will be insufferable (even more than usual)🙄
Quick question: Didn't redbull want to make Max the youngest world champion? (Joke's on them)
I can't seem to stop sending you asks today 😂🌷
Short answer: You will understand the answer to your question better if you watch Season 4. I'd recommend you to watch it. Trigger warning for cunty behavior from Redbull.
So. Basically. 2021. Lewis was fighting for his 8th word championship and Max was fighting for his 1st. And it was one of the most competitive seasons ever and IT REALLY CAME DOWN TO THE LAST RACE. It hardly ever happens because as you know drivers dominate the season and but in 2021 both Max and Lewis really put up a good fight and it came down to the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix (the last race). This meant that whoever won (or got higher points) in that particular race won the fucking championship. THIS IS LIKE A MOVIE.
And even that race wasn't easy. THEY FOUGHT SO SO HARD. And then...then THIS happened. In the LAST FEW MINUTES OF THE RACE the FIA (the governing body) FUCKING CHANGED THE RULES AND LET MAX WIN.
You can find out what happened here (context) and you can watch what happened here (the race). And Lewis' reaction after this whole clusterfuck. To this day, I can't fathom how they let this happen. Like wtf even. Ugh.
Some people say it was not wrong to do that BUT MOST PEOPLE AGREE Lewis was wronged and he should've won the championship. Because what happened was HIGHLY unusual and they've never done it before.
PS - I would love to hear your thoughts on this :)
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Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog (798): Thu 23rd May 2024
Checked out last night's Dynamite. The opening match was a very entertaining encounter between Will Ospreay / Orange Cassidy vs Trent Beretta / Roderick Strong. I know WWE do a lot of matches featuring two people involved in separate feuds teaming up to face their opponents but there's a reason: it adds intrigue to a feud (as Ospreay/Cassidy vs Beretta/Strong proved) and in my opinion AEW needs to start doing them more. During the Bryan Danielson vs Satnam Singh match Sonjay Dutt went to clear the announce table so that Satnam could slam Bryan through it but he accidentally caused the table to fall to bits and I'm sure at this moment Maffew from Botchamania's eyes lit up as he knew he'd have guaranteed material for the next installment. Never thought I'd say this but Satnam Singh put in a good showing against Danielson. He can't do that much but he's more agile than most giants. I think they should book him like WWE booked Braun Strowman during his crazed monster phase The 3 way match between Hook / Shibata / Keith was good but the crowd was dead mainly because there wasn't an ounce of build so they didn't care. Also what was with that finish? Hook had Bryan Keith in RedRum while Shibata had Keith in a figure four which caused the ref to declare Hook and Shibata co-winners. Surely the ref should've asked Keith whose submission was hurting him more and he should've won. We got a match between Konosuke Takeshita and Matt Sydal where Sydal didn't even get an entrance. They could've justified this by having Sydal protest Christopher Daniels' firing and the Bucks respond by taking away his entrances. Afterwards Jon Moxley came down and hit Takeshita with the microphone to build heat for their up coming IWGP Title eliminator match. After Mox hit Takeshita they should've had Takeshita assault and bloody Wheeler Yuta or intimidate Rene backstage to add some extra heat for their match at Double Or Nothing. Good match between Black and O'Reilly but again crowd was dead because there was no hype. What made it worse was the guy in the crowd trying to start a "This Is Awesome" chant out of the dead silence. The blood at the end of Black v O'Reilly was cool but the crowd was dead because there was no build. They should've had Black cut a promo in the barbed wire cage then get drenched in blood & then have Black challenge O'Reilly to a match on Collision to exact revenge. After the match Black was stood alone in the ring and was drenched in a stream of blood from the ceiling. This is actually how Taz has his fake tan applied. We got a segment where Christian tried to escape from Swerve in a car but was blocked by a returning Prince Nana which was magic. Hopefully Tony is starting to realise that you can't expect to grow an audience with JUST great match after great match, you need to have this extra stuff too. Also the recurring story throughout the night should've been Swerve taking out each member of The Embassy and The Patriarchy before his match with Nick Wayne in the main event…instead of just him having a match in the middle of the card like he has since becoming champ. I still don't get why Tony Khan is being portrayed as the face in this AEW vs Bucks storyline. Surely the story should be the Bucks & the AEW originals are angry at Tony for bending over for CM Punk and Tony should be going "Punk & the ex WWE guys are money not you!"
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If you could travel to the past or to the future, which would you do? I'd go to the past so that I could find a way of rigging fixing the Tony's, making falsettos win best musical so that way deh fans can eAT THEIR HEARTS OUT
Yeah you kinda answered it cuz same
Also this is funny i literally just had a conversation with someone on Instagram about how much i hate the 2017 tonys
Also it's not that deh or hello dolly are bad (i haven't even seen hello dolly) but falsettos didn't win ANYTHING. And in my personal very subjective opinion while both Marvin and Evan are complicated morally questionable difficult to play emotionally characters, I do think Christian should've won over Ben Platt. And Andrew Rannells should've won just for the fact that he got robbed in 2011 too (well and for how PHENOMENAL he was as Whizzer Brown obviously holly shit he put his everything into that role)
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