#also for the record asim and gayesha had babies earlier this year
exsgttibbs · 2 years
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Saturday, November 5 ~~ Family Ties One-Shot
September, 2018
Tibbs wasn’t sure why he had suggested it. He tried not to go home if he could help it - that house never changed, not once in 40 years, at least not to his knowledge. The house stood still whilst the world changed around it, the flowers withering and being replanted in the beds beneath the bay window, the colour of the fence fading and being repainted, summer after summer. The inside of the house was like stepping through a wormhole to the early 80s. And the longer Tibbs stayed away from home, the more his memories of it seemed to come into focus - how domineering and downright cruel his father had been sometimes, how subdued and quiet his mother had been. How his childhood had been largely lonely in the way all childhoods were when your father kept you on a short leash.
Maybe he just didn’t want to subject his daughter to that. They’d visit home, some time. But for now, the zoo seemed a better option.
They had decided to meet next to the tigers, just inside the park. He probably should’ve just arranged to meet his mother and his Aunt Winona at the entrance, because it took a good fifteen minutes to drag Tibby away from the gorillas on their way further into the zoo; Tibbs gave his mother an apologetic smile as they approached. 
“Oh my god!” Tibby yelled, all but pressing her nose up against the glass. “Look at him!”
There was a tiger right in front of them, on a log in the middle of a lake. Its tail lashed the water, flickering back and forth. 
“That’s a girl, actually.” Aunt Winnie pointed out. “Her name is Gaysha.”
“How do you know?” Tibby asked, not looking away from the tiger, though her head tilted as she tried to look for the differences. 
“Her front paws are smaller.” Winnie said. “Look - they’re dainty. Her tail, too. The boys have big, stupid looking paws. To match their big, stupid looking heads.”
“Tabitha,” Tibbs interrupted. “This is your Aunt Winona. And your, um–”
“My name’s Lydia.” His mother interrupted, stepping forward until she was almost as close to the glass as Tabitha was. “But you can call me Granny, if you like.”
Tibby did look away, then. She looked from her grandmother to her father and back again. “Can I stick with Lydia for now?”
“Of course you can.” His mother nodded. She didn’t seem hurt, or offended, which Tibbs was glad of; the last thing he wanted was anyone getting upset. Partly why he’d chosen a public place - no one wanted to make a scene. Well. His mother would never dream of it. Tabitha, on the other hand... “That’s the male there now, look.” Lydia said, pointing to a tiger as it creeped through the reeds by the lake. “His name is Asim.”
Aunt Winnie had stepped back, giving Lydia and Tabitha some space. She looked him up and down for a moment, the lines around her mouth furrowing deeper as she pursed her lips.
“You’ve gained weight.” She said.
“I was recently paralysed from the waist down.” He reminded her. “It’ll do that to you.”
“Pfft,” Winnie smacked him gently on the shoulder. “That was years ago. You’re fine now! And anyways, I never said it was a bad thing; you used to look like a strong breeze would blow you over.”
“Can we go see the tapirs now?" Tibby asked, turning around to look at her father. "I really wanna go see the tapirs. They have a baby one! Did you know the baby ones are stripy?"
"I didn't know that." Tibbs told her. Did he even know what a tapir was? "Come on, then."
He hung back, letting his mother and his daughter walk a few steps ahead. “You know, your father hasn’t told me much about you.” Lydia said, looking down at Tabitha. 
“Well, he’s not very talkative,” Tibby pointed out, eyebrows arching. She looked so much like Ambrosia when she did that. “You should’ve been in the car on the way over, the guy on the radio said more than he did.”
Winnie snorted softly. “Not much changed there, then.”
“My name is Tabitha,” Tibby began. “But pretty much everyone calls me Tibby. I’m ten, and I’ve got an older brother, a younger brother, and a younger sister. I’m the oldest girl, though. I want to be an astronaut when I’m older.”
“An astronaut,” Lydia said softly, eyebrows arching.
“Yeah. Well, maybe. Or a zoo keeper. Something cool, anyways.”
“Not a doctor, like your dad?” Winnie asked. 
Tibby shrugged her shoulders, glancing back at Tibbs again. “Maybe if he told me about it more I’d be more interested.”
“It’s not child-friendly.” He reminded her.
“I’m not a child!” She huffed.
“He’ll tell you everything when you’re older, I’m sure,” Lydia interjected, calming the situation as she so often did. 
Not that it mattered; Tabitha spotted the baby tapir up ahead and ran off, ignoring her father’s pleas for her to stay where he could see her. They went from the tapirs to the llamas, and then to the coatis, the lions, the servals. The hippos were a big hit - they stood there for a full twenty minutes, watching their stubby legs kick beneath the surface of the water, Winnie trying to get across to Tabitha that they were terifying predators, not just funny big round things. 
"How do you know all this?" Tibby asked, looking up at Winnie.
"I used to work here." Winona said. "As a keeper." She lowered her voice, glancing around furtively. "I used to sneak your dad in here all the time."
“Woah.” Tibby murmured. Tibbs, admittedly, had forgotten all about it until Winona reminded him of it - it was a lot different to the zoo now, of course, but he could still see it in his mind. Guy the Gorilla, sitting in his enclosure, pounding his chest when anyone got too close to the glass; the bears scratching their backs against the trees in their enclosure before lumbering off in search of a nap; and his auntie, in overalls that smelled distinctly of straw and animal fur, sneaking him in through the staff entrance and telling him to meet her by the elephant enclosure in forty five minutes, so they could go and get lunch together on her break. Tibbs might’ve been kept on a short leash when he was a boy, but every so often he managed to wriggle out of it.
They left the hippos after that, making their way to the monkey enclosure.
"She's wonderful," Lydia said, bringing Tibbs back to the present. 
Tibbs looked at his mother. She smiled softly. "Nothing like you at that age, of course - you were so serious all of the time. Barely a child at all. I used to worry about you, you know."
"I know." He murmured.
Lydia patted his arm gently. "She looks a lot like you, though. Goodness, that hair."
"She gets that from you." He pointed out. His mothers hair had long since faded to grey, but he remembered when she was younger, the warmth of her red hair. He had never been able to lose her - he just looked in the crowd for the shock of bright summer sunset against the crowd and he knew where to run to. 
"Is she staying the weekend with you?” 
“No, she’s going home tonight,” Tibbs said. He only had her for the day - he had to be back at work tomorrow.
“Oh,” Lydia murmured. “So you’ll not be staying for dinner, then.”
Tibbs felt a pang of guilt. He didn’t see his mother as often as he should, he knew that, and since his father died she spent a lot of time on her own. Aunt Winnie spent a fair bit of time there since she retired, but Tibbs knew he should see his mother more often than he did. 
“I have her in three weeks time, for the whole weekend. You could… come over. Stay as well. There’s room.”
There wasn’t. He would need to sleep on the sofa, but that was fine. He would cope. When he looked at his mother again her eyes had a sheen to them, tears threatening to spill over even as she smiled. 
“I would like that.” She nodded.
“I’ll be collecting Tibby anyways,” He said. “I could pick you up.”
Lydia twined her arm around his, patting his forearm gently. “I would appreciate that.”
“Woah–” Tibby’s voice cut across them. “Are they doing what I think they’re doing?”
“If the zoo announces a new baby lemur in four months time just remember, you saw it first.” Winnie snickered. 
Lydia looked at Tibbs, eyebrows arching. “Lunchtime?”
“I think so.” He agreed, putting a hand on Tibby’s shoulder to lead her towards the café.
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