#also given that yamaki and funaki were in the same KSS gen; you could possibly compare them to rimone and aaeru?
arbitrarygreay · 2 years
Okay, so in my compilation, one could argue that I cheated a few cases by including younger girls who physically matured early. (In fact, I cut some selections that would have featured Rikako and Kassa for this reason.) To balance, here's Country Girls with their total babyfaces in Yanafuna (but also next to Ozeki, who is the same age but not a babyface), doing a set where the joke is that these babyface younguns are performing songs about being an adult. In the first song, the ages of the performers involved are 18, 14, and 14. In the second song, ages are 18, 16, and 14. In the final song, ages are 24, 14, 14, and 14. If you want to see what the younguns looked like at 13, you can look at their debut MV Boogie Woogie Love.
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