#also i ran track in high school but u can bet i’d walk now
i just know eddie munson walked the mile in p.e.
(& stared at steve’s little jock ass in his green short-shorts while doing it)
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shybunnystudios · 7 years
waiting for superman | h.h. bh6
Hey :3 I’m gonna post some old Hiro fics I have on my Wattpad, I hope you guys like it. This was actually the first fanfiction I ever posted in my life hahah
I recommend you to listen to the song by Daughtry that has the same name as this one shot while reading it, enjoy!
P.s: I’m sorry if your name is Laura, it was the first name that came to my mind. You can pretend it’s another name you make up with.
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~ gif is not mine ~
Hiro X Reader | songfic - fluff w/ a bit of angst
Word count: +3k (yeah, this one is pretty long)
"Hey (Y/N)! It's me, Laura!"
"Oh... hey Laura, what's up?"
"I'm throwing a party at my place today-"
"Forget it, I'm not going."
"Let me finish! It will be just me, you and the rest of the gang, no strangers I promise."
You were being cold with your friends lately, since the time you talked to them about dating and stuff like that. They made fun of you because you're waiting for the right person while they're out there hanging out with the wrong people and doing other things you wish they never said anything about.
They changed a lot the past few years, you're being pushed away because of this 'way of life' of theirs. It was the total opposite of you, but you still did love them like they still were those pubescent weirdos you used to hang out with in high school... So you gave in just to make them happy, because that's how you are.
"Fine... I'll be there in 30 minutes."
You put on a Marvel shirt, a pair of jeans, red sneakers and go out for the first time in...You don't remember the last time you went outside.
She's watching the taxi driver, he pulls away
She's been locked up inside her apartment a 100 days
When you finally made it to Laura's you were welcomed with puns about how long your friends haven't seen you mixed with puns about the characters in your shirt. Calm down (Y/N), that's how they are, let them speak and just swallow, it hurts but you can't disappoint them so force a laugh.
"Finally! I haven't seen you in ages!"
"I started to think I'd have to get inside a movie to take you and drag you here."
"Geez... You're still addicted to this stuff?"
"Is this a... superhero or something like that? It's hard to assume."
"Talking about superheroes, I bet she didn't find one for herself yet. Did you, (Y/N)?"
Yeah. No strangers, right? These guys are totally strangers now. You were about to cry, tears coming up your frown as you took a deep breath. Just tonight, you can do this.
"Hey guys, why don't we turn music up and start this party already?" You said with a fake smile in your face ignoring all the questions they did, this night will be long, but it would be even longer if you answered them.
They agreed and the party started, you wished you weren't listening to the lyrics of this song. Urgh, disgusting. But again, you were dancing for your 'friends' to be happy.
When you went back home you ran to the bathroom and cried out all you were holding back and swallowing the whole night.
It was almost 12am and the only sound that could be heard was your hiccups echoing on the bathroom walls and your knees falling on the ground with a thud, sniffs joined as you felt your heart burn in your chest making it feels like your own inside hell. You couldn't take this anymore.
So you got up, looked at the mirror and told the girl looking back that it's over. You had enough, from now on you'll only take care of yourself and screw what people think or say. Time to live for yourself and be happy.
Then you took a bath and put your pajamas on to get more comfortable, being back to your own world with your fandom stuff made you smile. Your life is 'back to normal.' Or at least that's what you thought.
You walked to the balcony in your room and stared at the bright lights of San Fransokyo. You didn't know how but the brightness of the city makes you feel like you're safe, as if the lights were spotlights illuminating you and suddenly you feel like you could do anything. But you wished you had someone to make you feel that way and also feel this amazing feeling with you.
She says
"Yeah, he's still coming, just a little bit late
he got stuck at the laundromat washing his cape"
You were snapped out of your thoughts by a loud sound of metal falling on the concrete coming from the alley beside the building you lived.
"Damn it Baymax! We sure need to hurry up we also need to be quiet." A male voice whisper shouted.
Curiosity took over you and you leaned in the rail to see a skinny guy with black messy fluffy hair dressed in a red shirt with a robot on it, dark blue hoodie, beige pants and brown converse. With him a big marshmallow looking like robot, you looked more carefully and when you saw the guy's brown eyes you didn't know if you could tell which one of them were cuter.
You watch them as they ran to the backyard of the laundromat just across the street and after a little while they were inside it, this is how far you go when you know how to hack a security system. The black haired boy looked around and put a weird black outfit with some red little details on the knees and elbows, at least that's what you could figure out from the distance you were.
Time passed by and when the weird outfit was clean and ready, the guy and the robot got out the same way they got in and swiftly faded away running down the street.
She's just watching the clouds roll by
And they spell her name
Like Lois Lane
You didn't exactly knew what just happened but well, now you can go to sleep smiling and knowing you saw something you can't see everyday. And you loved when it happens.
And she smiles
Oh! The way she smiles
In the middle of the night, you woke up with a loud thud coming from outside. There was a loud conversation followed by another thud, so you decided to go to your balcony and just like a some hours ago you kept watching the event that was happening from there.
"Oh! It's those superheros again..."
She's talking to angels, counting the stars,
Making a wish on a passing car
As the fight between the heros and the bad guy went by something happened really fast that you couldn't keep track of it, so out of nowhere everything went silent and you couldn't tell why. You turned around to get inside only to end up bumping on something, better, someone.
She's dancing with strangers
She's falling apart
The person put a finger on your mouth while looking deep into your eyes, his eyes clearly telling you to keep quiet as if both your lives depended on it. Which it did, because when you glanced the guy from head to toe you realized he was the leader of the superheros, which means that the bad guy is after him. WHICH MEANS THAT THE BAD GUY CAN APPEAR AT YOUR BALCONY ANYTIME NOW!
Waiting for superman to pick her up
In his arms, yeah
You both heard a sound coming from the side of the building just above your window and in the next moment the superhero took you by your waist and dragged you inside your apartment to hide.
He was now beside your curtains shielding you against the wall waiting for the villain outside to go away, you were so terrified that you didn't even notice you weren't breathing. And also you had a guy's body pressed against yours, even through the armor you could tell it had some results of 'hero's duties' hidden in there, if you know what I mean.
The shadow of the villain faded, and when the man in front of you had sure the bad guy was gone he sighed and looked in your eyes once more.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded slowly as he held your shoulders.
"I'm sorry for the invasion and such." He said letting go of you while sketching the back of his neck.
"Nah, it's okay. We could've died if you haven't done anything so... Thanks."
He breathed loudly looking at you, only on your pjs, for a moment then one side of his lips lifted a little with a chuckle.
"It's my pleasure, young lady."
You smiled shyly, all this time neither of you left the sigh of each other's eyes. It was dark but you could see his brown orbs perfectly, they were the only thing you could actually see of his face through his helmet's glass. And they were breathtaking.
After a moment of silence he spoke.
"I-I... I better get going now."
"O-oh... Okay."
Suddenly he took your hand, getting you by surprise.
"Will I see you again?"
He was about to get out your window, the moonlight shining made you notice his black with red details outfit under his armor. Wait... you've seen it before. But you looked up back at his eyes, you were hypnotized again.
"U-uh... I-I... I don't know, maybe?"
He smiled and you could see a gap between his two front teeth, after that he winked at you and in a blink of an eye he was gone.
In his arms, yeah
Waiting for superman
The next day you suddenly decided you wanted to eat somewhere around the city. So you threw on a pair of black leggings, a long sleeved light blue dress with a black belt around your waist, a furry boot and your purse and walked out. You easily found a simple café at the end of the street, perfect.
You never felt so light, the place was simple and really welcoming. The smell of the pastries warmed you up inside as a beautiful lady came up to you with a sympathetic smile in her face.
"Hello young lady, may I help you?" Her soft voice and warm eyes made you ask yourself why you've never came here before.
"Sure! Thank you. I would like a piece of strawberry pie and some hot chocolate, please."
The woman's smile got wider then she said you could choose a seat and she'd bring you your order in some minutes, you thanked her and headed to a table in the back of the café beside a huge window.
You looked outside thinking about everything that happened last night: the party, the boy and the robot at the laundromat and the invasion of a superhero.
Somehow you felt like they were all connected, as if you shouldn't care anymore about those who once were your friends and move ahead with your own life, start your own adventure. And you knew how to begin.
She's out on the corner trying to catch a glimpse
Nothing's making sense
That nice woman came with your order and with that beautiful smile on her face once again, you already loved her. You smiled back while thanking her and her smile got even wider if it was possible.
After she left, you drove deep in your thoughts once again as you eat and drink, the guy at the laundromat washed a weird black outfit with red details. The same one the superhero who invaded your room was wearing under his armor, cloud they be...
“There's only one way to find out (Y/N).” You said to yourself when you finished your meal. You got up and as you headed to pay you saw some movement through the glass door on the inside corner of the café, a boy and a robot coming down the stairs.
You paid your meal and then you realized: Wait! A boy and a robot? Here?!
She's been chasing an answer
A sign lost in the abyss
This Metropolis
Once you left the café you tried to find out where those two went, you needed to know who they are.
As you just thought it, you felt something flying above your head, people around you cheered and when you looked up...
"It's him." The invasor from last night, but this time you had the opportunity to look closely at the huge member of the group. It had a familiar face, white with two black spheres and a black line connecting both of them. It's the marshmallow looking like robot. You knew it!
But well, you still had no concrete proofs. You decided to take a walk while they don't come back.
After some time you ended giving up for today cause you got tired of waiting. As you headed back home you passed through a store, those typical you-find-in-every-street five & dime. And with no purpose you simply take a look at it. Oh! You stop on your tracks.
The boy. The robot. There they are.
She says
"Yeah, he's still coming, just a little bit late,
he got stuck at the Five and Dime saving the day"
You couldn't move, so you stayed there staring... creepy. You knew, but you had no choice cause you were paralyzed. The guy turned around to leave the store but stopped when he saw you.
These brown eyes, there's no way this can't be him. He took a deep breath and did the unexpected, he ran away.
And you were paralyzed so you didn't do anything at all, just watched him and his robot fading away down the street just like they did last night. But this time you saw him entering the café, and you knew now that he lives there.
Something wasn't right, he asked you if he would see you again, right? So why did he run away when he saw you? A tear rolled down your cheek, what's going on?
She says
If life was a movie, then it wouldn't end like this
Left without a kiss
But well, you were a new you now. Whatever it takes, you'd keep your head held high as if the San Fransokyo night lights were lighting you up all the time. Or at least try, so you wipe away that tear and head back home.
Still, she smiles
Oh! The way she smiles, yeah
After you ate something and took a bath you decided to go to the balcony again. It used to wash your 'bad' thoughts away but it only reminded you of last night, still you stayed there supporting yourself in the rail.
She's talking to angels, she's counting the stars
Making a wish on a passing car
She's dancing with strangers
She's falling apart
Waiting for superman to pick her up
"I knew you'd be here" you gasp and turn to your left to see the superhero and the robot, aka IRON MArshmallow, floating beside your balcony. You couldn't say anything.
"I'm not a stalker or something like that, don't be scared. But sometimes when I'm on battle or something else and I pass through here... I see you. Peaceful as an angel looking at this wild city."
He says climbing down off the back of the robot and gesturing to your view of San Fransokyo you loved so much. "I just wonder how you do that. Some things happened to me and I've been searching for peace for a long time now."
You didn't know how to keep going with this conversation so you stayed silent and gave him a confused look, he continued.
"I just... I need to know what I should do to feel like this, and somehow something inside me keep telling me that you're the only one who can help me."
"So why did you run away from me earlier?" You finally managed to say.
"At the five and dime, I know it was you. Why did you run?"
"H-how do y-you know it was me?"
"Your eyes," your cheeks never been redder. "I would've recognize them anywhere."
He gasped at your words and now it was his turn to be speechless, he opened his mouth just to close it again and bow his head. Then the robot suddenly spoke.
"I don't think I have introduced myself properly. I am Baymax, I'm a personal health care companion and according to my diagnosis, Hiro's emotional state has been damaged by a personal lost and I assume that spending some time with you will make him feel better."
Hiro? So that's his name.
"With me? Why?"
"My scanner results show that he feels affection for you-"
"Baymax!" Hiro shouted.
"His heart rate has increased by your presence, this proofs that my treatment might be working."
You stared a him for some silent minutes until he lifted his gaze to your eyes, a hopeful yet sad look in his face. After taking a deep breath you finally spoke.
"I-I'm not really sure about that."
"What? Why?" Hiro said confused.
"You barely know me! For you to know I just come here in the balcony to wash my thoughts away, I've been through a lot of things lately. Last night before you saved me I was crying out loud at the bathroom. I'm not a peaceful person, I'm sorry. I'm trying to change."
Baymax got into the conversation once again.
"Scan complete. Name: (Y/F/N). Female/male. (Blood/type). Allergic to (---). There's no physical injuries, however, your emotional state is damaged which can take you to a possible depression in a near future. I suggest you to interact with people and make friends as a treatment."
"See? I'm not what you thought I'd be." You said gesturing to the robot. Hiro's lips lift up a little.
"(Y/N)... What a gorgeous name."
"Are you paying attention? What I mean is: how will I help you to find peace if I can't even find it to myself?"
He didn't say anything, he just walked closer to you, his eyes never leaving yours. “Urgh these eyes again…” You thought. He lifted your chin with his right hand, you felt a weird feeling inside your belly as he did so, your cheeks started getting red and a shiver ran down your spine.
"Let's find it together then."
"How?" the corner of your lips lifted up a little as you breathed out a small nervous laugh.
"Follow me." Hiro answered walking of to climb up Baymax's back. "You coming?" He looked back at you.
You slowly walked near them while looking down at the street, your balcony never seemed so high.
"Hey! Don't look down, trust me... I'll never let you fall." He said calmly extending his hand out to you, you took a deep breath and gave him your hand.
In his arms, yeah
Oh, in his arms, yeah
In the next moment he already had pulled you up, he wrapped his arm around your waist protectively pulling you even closer to him.
"Where are we going?" You asked.
"I was thinking about the bridge, what do you say?"
"Yeah... Okay." You've never been so nervous.
"Okay then, you ready?"
"I-I think so."
"It's scary just in the first 3 seconds, don't worry. And as I said... I'm not letting you fall." Hiro’s grip on your waist got ever tighter, you nodded and in a blink of an eye you were flying.
Waiting for superman
To lift her up, and take her anywhere
Show her love, flying through the air
And you thought the view of your balcony was beautiful, this is gorgeous! As you admired the beauty of the city the guy holding you admired yours.
The way your hair fly in the wind and the shine in your eyes showing happiness made him feel like he could do anything, he felt unstoppable with you around. That's how he wanted to feel all the time. He also would do anything for you to feel like that too, with him, he needed you. Your dreams were coming true.
"I knew you'd love it, hold on... We're landing."
Save her now, before it's too late tonight
Oh, at the speed of light
You landed, but “wait...how will we get dow-”
Hiro interrupted your thoughts by picking you up bridal style and jumping off of Baymax, he put you on the ground and asked smiling.
"So... How was it?"
"It was awesome! I never felt so free! And the view was breathtaking! It made me feel like I could do anything I want, just like when I look at the view of my balcony but a thousand times better! I guess it's because..." You started talking slower and lower. "I was... with..." Hiro approached you, you looked into his eyes and this time was like you could almost see his soul "... you."
He laughed and slowly brought his hands to his head taking off his helmet. Now that you could see his face properly and his fluffy hair you smiled as wider as you could.
"It may sound cliché but I felt exactly the same way... looks like the lady ended up saving the hero." The boy approached you even more letting his helmet fall in the process. You giggled.
"No... you saved me, believe me."
"So I guess we saved each other then." He smirked.
And she smiles
"Yeah... we did." You said and sighed.
You both inches away from each other, his left hand found it's way up to your jawline sliding back a bit to cup the back of your head behind your ear. His other hand finding it's way to your waist, your left hand as well find his chest and the right one grips the left side of his torso.
All of this very slowly, almost like slow motion. And after that he closed the gap between your lips, kissing you passionately and carefully. You both melted into the kiss showing all your love to each other with such gesture.
She's talking to angels, she's counting the stars
Making a wish on a passing car
She's dancing with strangers, she's falling apart
Waiting for superman to pick her up
in his arms, yeah
Oh, in his arms, yeah
She's waiting for superman
To lift her up, and take her anywhere
Show her love, flying through the air
Save her now, before it's too late tonight
After a while your lips let go of each other's, but you didn't move at all. He glued your foreheads together as your left hand slid up to his neck and jawline up and down slowly, his hands also caressing your waist and cheek. Both of you with your eyes closed treasuring the moment. You can tell that Baymax is talking about something related to what just happened but neither of you were paying attention.
"Sorry for keep you waiting for me all this time, (Y/N)."
"Don't be, you're here now and that's all that matters."
With that you shared another sweet and full of love kiss.
She's waiting for superman.
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