#also like no one else wore 80s outfits than Buck and Eddie anyway lol
daisysmalia · 27 days
Because I’ve seen it said so many times to suggest BuckTommy are not compatible. Tommy not dressing up and Buck being a bit down trodden and annoyed about it was the point and part of the reason why Tommy turning up at the end like he did worked!
He put himself out above and beyond by the end because he promised he would- Buck didn’t expect him to because we haven’t really seen anyone romantically do that before for him. But Tommy did, he arrived after a hellish 18 hour shift, tired and dirty but he made Evan a promise that he would be his date and he showed up! Something much more important than the fact he wore a Henley to the Bachelor party.
And that’s why he calls him a beast, that’s why he’s giddy and can’t stop smiling and why he kisses him like he does in almost gratitude and lust at everything.
(Also worth stating from Buck’s side I think his arc in the ep was about letting go and not needing everything to be ‘perfect’ too. The letting go happens when he parties. Then after he sees his sister and friends wedding not turn out how it planned but to them it was still perfect. His bf arrived late but it was perfect and he didn’t come out in the ‘perfect’ , planned, dance together at a wedding way but he came out in the most Buck way possible- the perfect way for him).
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