#also me: actually gets kind of invested in the idea of wwx at the academy
aeipathic · 2 years
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@endlesscacophony​ says: 🎰 kicks down ur door
    meme || accepting
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[carefully reattaches the door] manners, lyn, honestly,
for funsies i went beyond fe3h and included all of your muses that i know and many of my muses that you know just to see what would happen >:)
1. xie lian & hilda — me crying with laughter already. if hilda tried to manipulate xie lian into things for her he absolutely would, but he’d be so sincere and kind about it that she’d feel a little bad. but also she’d quickly realize that he’s so prone to bad luck that it’s honestly easier to do things herself because he’s just as likely to accidentally trip into a mud puddle halfway through as anything
2. aizawa & dorothea — idek what to say about this one, except that the idea of an au where aizawa is a professor at garreg mach is actually kind of amazing, and i think he would consider dorothea one of his less irritating students
3. wei wuxian & ashe — ONCE AGAIN this is just inciting “wei wuxian teaches at garreg mach” as an au possibility, though also, “15-year-old wei wuxian is a student at the academy” is actually equally viable and potentially more hilarious. he’d be a golden deer i think. WAIT HE AND ASHE HANDSHAKE ON “WAS A KID ON THE STREETS WHO WAS ADOPTED BY AN INFLUENCIAL NOBLE”? they’d be friends actually,
4. lysithea & lambert — hello?? father figure for lysithea??? i know she has an actual living father but like. never stop at just one am i right. 
5. hilda & dimitri — listen i honestly don’t know WHAT their friendship would look like but i’m here for it. i think hilda would think dimitri is much too Serious and needs to lighten up mostly bc his intensity about things makes her uncomfortable and a little inferior:tm: but also. she thinks he’s a good guy
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