#also sorry for For Honor posting in 2022 lmao
the-punforgiven · 2 years
Man fighting a For Honor knight would be so funny imagine getting into a fight with a massive sexy halberd-wielding dude in big heavy armor and halfway into the fight he just throws a hand grenade at your feet
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neo-neos · 2 years
Getting to know your BL mutuals - 2022 Edition
Simple, answer the questions. @ some people. Include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answers!
tagged by the lovely @chimerasinourskyline - and @aleng-neng and @dont---just-dont Thank you so much for this <3 It's my first time really interacting with the community in this way and I feel legit honored <3
DISCLAIMER -> I started watching BL literally last month, I am fully 110% new and have been literally binging everything I can get my hands on to get on everyones level of knowledge and passion. If I fuck up a date (aka: came out last year or something) pls do not lynch me it is hard to keep up. I also have not seen everything yet, I am trying to keep up but I can only watch so much in a day. Okay thank you &lt;;3
What has been the BL that took you by surprise this year?
To be fair, ChocoMilkShake -> (I am aware it is still airing but I am pretty sure it will finish airing before the year is over) When I heard the concept I was kinda like ???? Dog??? Cat??? BL???? But I was so happily surprised omg.
What has been the BL that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
To be very very honest... And hear me out here... Big Dragon -> The first episode I was like: OH SHIT LET'S GO??? The spice, the drama the bdsm... but then I was like... Where...Where did that go? I LOVE the couple, like MosBank are hawt... But I feel like MosBank has more chemistry than MangkornYai does and... Idk? Season 2 redemption????? Idk
Cutie Pie -> was a little hard to get through for me at times... Sorry? The couple is great, the story wasn't my fav
The rest of the slightly more disappointing shows are from before 2022 so I won't go on a rant lmfao
What has been your favourite BL this year?
KINNPORSCHE -> Oh my god, this show changed me... Like, I can't even explain in words how... But I literally consume every piece of content I can about the cast because I cannot get enough. I'm gonna rewatch it another 10 times probably?
Love in the Air -> I don't even know how to explain this one tbh, I just love the cast, the characters, the storyline didn't even matter that much to me as long as I got to see them doing their thing.. It had some deeper messages here and there too which I loved.
Blueming -> Do I need to explain this one?
Semantic error -> My first BL, again do I need to explain this one?
(I know it's not done airing but...) Between Us -> as long as it does not take some really hectic turns... It's def a fav for this year at least!
Favourite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
MileApo, Payurain, Prapaisky, WinTeam... I am not really big on remembering ship names yet.. I am trying but I legit forget names in daily life too, and then having to remember IN SHOW ship names and then they also come up with REAL NAME ship names and I have 2 working braincells pls do not do this to me lmfao
If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
(This didn't have to be 2022 right??? I'm just going to go with no)
Kinnporsche -> this one is mainly a little selfish because I just want more people to see it so I can make more friends lmfao
Not me -> I mean come on... That shit was a masterpiece
Blueming -> Good story fr fr fr
Life - Love on the Line -> Look I loved this so much and I kinda related a lot to this show and that shit HURT but also brought so much comfort????
My beautiful man -> Same as above really lmao
Bad buddy -> I mean it's just good
What's your non-BL favourite for this year?
OH MY GOD this show has me in a fucking chokehold and I want to consume everything that has even a VAGUE mention to this show
It is so insanely good
It has some bromance going on so not fully "non-bl" but still.
AnYWAY any questions about this feel free to hit up my askbox or the comments to this thing. Again excuse the noob mistakes if there are any, feel free to point them out kindly to teach me because I love to learn but pls don't come for my throat lmao &lt;;3
I would like to tag: @sunf10wer8 @irishtwinmags @keithblguy
(If ^^^^ any of you already did this and I missed it, I am very sorry, feel free to @ me on the post so I can see it! <3)
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mcrcki · 2 years
@mvsicinthedvrk​ said : this is going to end up being like 5 asks long so sorry in advance, but: i’m legitimately getting emotional just thinking about being here for another anniversary of this group. i’ve never stayed with a group so long (because either its fallen apart or there’s too much ooc drama or people get cliquey, etc). but HW has been NOTHING but welcoming and inclusive and encouraging of anything we want to try with our characters. the work you all put into the events and the tasks, and coming up with new ways of keeping it fresh and cool and fun, i just can’t believe. i ALSO want to tell you (which, i may have said before, and if have, i’ll go ahead and say it again) that i am consistently appreciative of the diversity embraced by this group! like when people ask the main for fc suggestions and you are all always invested in offering ethnicity-correct suggestions for characters of color and you’re also conscious of offering fc suggestions of color for characters that are canonically white. the rpc as a whole is very white/western-centric in certain corners but i really feel like here diversity is not only respected but embraced, which is !!!! and gender diversity as well, which is also incredible. makes me emotional. anyway. that’s all of the general stuff, now to the MAIG-SPECIFIC stuff-- i’m grateful to have gotten the opportunity to interact more with your characters over the last year, especially sophie & leia & omega. you have a collection of incredible muses who all have such striking personalities, and there are some where every meme day comes around and i’m like “HOW can i send a meme that would let me interact with some of these people” and the character pairings i hope for don’t always make sense so usually i don’t send them lol but please believe i always think about it. lin and emma are both on my wishlist, i’m sure i’ll figure out a useful meme to send to one of them eventually. ha. anyway. i greatly appreciate the opportunity to write with you (and experience a rush of excitement when you post all your drafts on the dash at once, lmao), and thank you for always being down to plot and figure out connections between characters outside your muses’ fandoms, and FINALLY and most importantly: thank you for just being a kind and sweet and lovely person in general. the end! most sincerely, oliver. ✌️
hidden’s positivity day 2022
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no like actually im fucking sobbing ????????? i shared the first few messages with the admin chat and we were all in tears. in terms of the admin thanks, we are truly so blessed to be able to bring that kind of environment to all of you. we put so much work into creating that kind of inclusive space so that all of you can flourish and feel seen and just have that representation that is so lacking in other forms of media. you have no idea how much it means to me, and to the team to know that that work is being seen. and on to the maig and ollie specific things, THROW ALL OF YOUR MEMES AT ME BESTIE PLEASE, i will literally lose my mind getting to write more with you !!!! you never have to worry about if it makes sense or not because i will 100% make it work!!!! please emma and lin would love to meet you and your characters ;) you’re so genuinely incredible and such a fucking joy to have around ollie, i am so honored to have you here and to get to write in the same space as you
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