#also the s/hrek 4 thing was kind of???? a joke??? cuz its obviously pretty different but. that movie is what inspired all this tbh
tuff-and-fluff-archives ยท 3 years
Everybody better watch the FUCK out because I am seriously about to steal the plot of Shrek 4 to create an AU with my ship with Junkrat ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ’–
YES I AM FUCKING SERIOUS BECAUSE LISTEN TO ME: The plot of Shrek 4 is Shrek wanting his old life back even if just for a day BUT that day is the day he was born so he ends up never having met Fiona or Donkey and there's so much that goes wrong without him and- wait okay I'm realizing as I'm typing this that this would also basically be an "It's A Wonderful Life AU" bUT MY AU IS MORE SIMILAR TO THE SHREK PLOT SO SHUT UP HERE'S THE AU:
So maybe on a boring, mundane day, Jamie starts getting a bit irritable and missing when he could just do whatever he wanted and cause mayhem and take no shit from no one, but now his life with his wife and child (me and Olivia) seems boring in comparison, and maybe me and him end up arguing and he accidentally says that he wishes he had his life back before he met me and OOF OUCH THAT HURTS but in the moment he's too angry to take it back so maybe he would storm out of the house angrily and go on a drive to be alone for a while but WHOOPS, he doesn't rly know how to drive so he ends up crashing
So the rest of the AU could be explained as a "life flashing before his eyes" hallucination where Jamie basically enters purgatory and is met with his "guardian angel" who would be Mercy (remember its a hallucination lmaoooo) and he's like "I want my old life back!" SO he's brought to present day if he had never met me, and immediately things are. Crazy
The present day that he's brought to is him and Roadhog in the middle of a heist that's gone wrong and turned into a shootout with police, and at first Jamie is having the time of his goddamn life being able to go crazy with his explosives again, but when the two escape the shootout and get to somewhere safe, Jamie realizes that some things are... different. First of all he's missing his other leg and even an eye, and once they're safe Mako nearly beats the shit out of him and yells at him for being a "huge idiot" and getting them in danger yet again because he just couldn't "stick to the plan", and when Jamie tells him to calm down he says that he's been putting up with Junkrat's reckless bullshit for the past three years and he's constantly one step away from snapping and letting him die, so thats the first hint to Junkrat that maybe meeting me did improve his life a bit, but eh whatever maybe if he goes and blows up more stuff he'll feel better!
But wuh-oh it turns out being at large for three years without ever cooling down means that you piss off a LOT of people and the two basically have nowhere safe to go without someone being after their head, and at first Jamie loves having the thrill of being on the run back but after a few DAYS it gets. Kinda tiring, so Jamie suggests going back to Australia but Mako "reminds" him that that's the most dangerous place they could possibly go because basically everybody in the Outback wants them dead after Jamie apparently tried (and almost succeeded) to blow up Junkertown and ended up hurting a lotta people.
So yeah, shit sucks right now. A lot. But maybe he can still find me and go back to the way things were! Yes that sounds insane but this is Junkrat we're talking about. So he at least figures out that the home we built together doesn't exist, but at the least he knows where my apartment is, but wuh oh I'm not theeeere, so he asks (threatens) the person who does live there now to tell him where the previous tenant lives and it's revealed that I moved back home to California after I couldn't become successful as a journalist, so of course he wants to travel there to get to me but Mako is finally fed the fuck up and thinks that Jamie's finally gone over the edge, so he actually tells him he's on his own. They part ways for the first time since they met.
Of course that hurt. A lot. But Jamie thinks that if he can just get back to me and find me again, then it will all be worth it. So he somehow does make it to California (he may have hijacked a plane at one point) and finds me in San Diego, working as a manager of a grocery store and living in an apartment with two other people whose lives also went wrong.....
Okay this is getting really long so I think I'm going to make a part 2 to this post, so stay tuned
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