#also this is only for ppl who love roy and feel the same '😭' about this i do if you genuinely hate/dislike him dni this isn't for you
elloras · 9 months
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lunar-years · 6 months
I wish ppl could just say ‘I don’t like this ship and don’t want them together’ or ‘I’m obsessed with this ship and wished it worked out’ without these crazy reasonings
Tale as old as fandom time i guess 😔
And I can’t say I’ve never done the same because when stranger things was airing i was posting up a storm about why i hate st-ncy so 🤪 I think for me it boils down to like, I get wanting to talk about why you dislike a ship and prefer your own ship! I can talk all day about why I prefer ot3 to any of the individual pairing alone, for example. I simply dislike when it is accompanied by extremely biased analysis where one character is being “bashed” in order to act like another is flawless when they canonically are not!!
Obviously i love Roy & Jamie immensely, but often the next line from the “Keeley is so terrible for Roy, actually” crowd is “but Roy and Jamie understand each other perfectly <3” which just like. Is categorically untrue? Lmao. I could also spin everything Roy and Jamie do negatively if I wanted to argue they were terrible for one another, and that’s after their mutually hating-each-other-and-beating-each-other-up-in-the-locker-room phase, lol. For instance: Roy holds onto the feud/grudge long after Jamie has looked past it, time and time again. Roy hits Jamie even after knowing about his Dad, he also refers to Jamie as a fragile little bitch, a line that is very similar to what James says to Jamie at Wembley. He uses Jamie as a punching bag in Amsterdam when he’s trying to avoid facing his own problems. He won’t admit they’re even friends, let alone best friends, even though they clearly are, which probably hurt Jamie’s feelings. He uses Jamie’s desire to be his friend as a pathway for demanding the man step down from pursuing Keeley. He laughs when he thinks his own training tactic just tore Jamie’s dick off, which is very terrible coaching and emphasizes the unequal power dynamic between them.
I can say all of that, which are in fact all things that DO happen in canon, and have a layer of truth to them, and then I can conclude “Roy is terrible for Jamie and Jamie deserves wayyyyy better than someone who would treat him like that.”
…Do I actually think this?? Of course not, I think that’s an absolutely crazy CRAZY way to look at it that deliberately ignores a bunch of nuance about both characters!! Placing those scenes beside one another and looking at them only from that ONE angle feels like a very disingenuous way to interpret their friendship/relationship. But that is literally how some of these Roy/Keeley posts be sounding to me lately like 😭 WHAT are y’all talking about?
If we can understand why Roy behaves that way with Jamie why can’t we understand why Roy and Keeley behave in the ways that they do and make the mistakes that they do? Why are we giving some characters grace but not others?
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