#also yes bless keith le/ak jr 🥺🥺
shaymiens · 4 years
Sohinki just talked about r/aub without naming him but said that he had a fever of 101 during summer camp and was worried about a bad reaction to his meds, which is why he left early. Once he left SMOSH, r/aub kept showing people the video of him leaving early to say that sohinki wasn’t a team player. He also has big love for all of the cast (named everyone except i/an and r/aub 👀) but mentioned that they’re in a tough spot since they’re still in that environment and tacitly supporting... (1)
(2) But it’s also their livelihood. But he also said some amazing things about Keith specifically and how he’s like pure positivity and hilarious. He said when you see Keith you can’t help but smile 🥺❤️
oh thank you for sharing what happened in his stream, i had classes going on :o wow hearing that, i can see what boze meant when she said matt just didn't like sohin :/ and i totally get what sohin's saying about supporting and loving the cast while also feeling conflicted about who/what they're associated with. i really respect sohin for acknowledging the complexity of the situation, he really didn't need to do that but he did and i– 🥺
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