#also.....the fact that if aymeric had listened when everyone told him his plan sucked....haurchefant would still be alive
the-rogue-mockingjay ยท 9 months
ohh um. let's go with some ishgardians, how about haurche and aymeric?
I totally didn't have to Google what bbg means djskdsjjs
Starting with Haurche!
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HE FASCINATES ME. He has so much anger, mostly righteous anger, and he could've taken the easy route and been bitter and cold but NO he CHOSE to be kind!!!!! He chose to be a light in the darkness!!!! He was like the sun!!!!!!! He's everything to me!!!!
Also I'd swear he has ADHD lol. I love that his organizational skills were garbage and that his preferred method of dealing with paperwork was to just stuff it in a drawer somewhere ๐Ÿ˜‚ ah I love him, he was the best he was EVERYTHING, the one person who was happy to help you and didn't ask for a million favors first even when you were a stranger ๐Ÿ˜ญ I am thinking of him always.
"Who else could I love but you?"
When Edmont said "Know that wheresoever you may go, my son's spirit goes with you", he was completely correct, no exaggeration!!!!! He is with you every step of the way!!!!
Okay, now for my blue knight!!!
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Look it's easy to dismiss him as a pretty face + paragon of virtue too perfect mf but LISTEN!!!!! He's so much more than that!!!! He is the loneliest person in Ishgard, no competition!!! He holds himself to absurd standards, he holds himself responsible for the choices + future of an ENTIRE NATION, he is so full of self-loathing, the only person that has a bigger guilt complex than him is the Warrior of Light themselves!!!!!
He's the only person in the game who asks WoL what they want for themselves, outside of their duties as a Scion. Like Haurche, he's one of the few who always sees WoL as a person!!! He never sees you as a weapon, never takes advantage of you, he lights up like a damn puppy dog when he sees you and he worries about you ๐Ÿ˜ญ he left Ghimlyt and went home to Ishgard and stayed there exactly long enough to see you wake up and to know you'd be okay T^T
Also I've been thinking for days about the parallels between WoL, Aymeric, and Hien, and the way that they can understand WoL's struggles; there aren't many who can, I think. Just them and Estinien really (off the top of my head anyway dsdjsjdks, though there's also an argument to be made for G'raha). Anyway long story short, I think Aymeric and Hien should be friends and we were robbed that they never interact in-game ๐Ÿ˜” and I still laugh when I remember how gobsmacked Aymeric was at Hien's grand entrance to the battle for Ala Mhigo.
Fjskdjsjdj I could write so many essays abt him but this is the tl;dr of it ๐Ÿ˜‚ I care abt him so much!!!!! Give him a break, squenix!!!!! More than anything I want to get one of those weird dungeons with him like the one with Nanamo and Mount Rokkon with Hancock. Please!! I want to adventure with him!!!
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