#although for real I think Ale and Alex just fought about Preacher for a while
auspicioustidings · 7 months
Lost Boys Part 5
Summary: Preacher gets needy and Alejandro offers his help.
If you're new here this is my very self-indulgent Lost Boys AU with CoD characters fic. It's all very dark and broody and everyone is looking to bang the mc :)
Words: 1.7k
CW: Smut, dubcon
Preacher threw herself hard into work. She had to really because anytime she let her mind drift she could hear Rudy’s words in her ear, feel König's hard length at her stomach, fucking taste Johnny. Had it been that long since she had been laid that one good fuck had turned her into a mess? Well it was possible, her last 6 months on Coney Island anyone she flirted with seemed to back off before it went anywhere. Keegan had been sympathetic at least, well as sympathetic as she could ever expect from him. Here meaning he told her he'd get her off if she begged real pretty. She had told him to fuck off, although if she had stayed there much longer she suspected he might have gotten what he wanted. 
What she needed she thought was a non-threatening casual fuck buddy to get over it. Maybe. Best to hold off and see if she could fix this little problem herself first. Right now that meant focusing on work until she could sneak away on her break and relieve some tension in the nearest dinghy bathroom. 
So that is what she did. She taught kids how to catch the brass rings for a free ride ticket, she held back a laugh at a teenage boy's attempt to flirt with her after his friends had goaded him into it, she was all in all a model employee who bantered away with customers. And then Alex popped in to give her a 15 minute break and she mumbled a thank you and excused herself to the bathroom.
It wasn't the worst bathroom she had ever been in to be totally fair, but it was pretty dire. Three stalls, all empty because she imagined people would rather just eat at one of the restaurants further down the boardwalk to have access to a clean and decent bathroom. Suited her just fine, meant she could lock herself into the stall that seemed least like a biohazard and lean her head against the coolness of the door while a hand snaked under the waistband of her jeans to slide experimentally against her clit.
Already she was sighing in relief, knowing that this was going to get rid of that roiling tension that had been just under the surface the whole morning after Rudy had whispered those words to her. Probably wouldn't be the best orgasm in the world, but sometimes quick and dirty was what needed to be done and she closed her eyes, one forearm bracing above her head, and went to work. 
It was frustrating to have to pause when the door clicked open, but she'd just wait out whoever had the bad taste to come into this awful bathroom. The light rap on her stall door made her jump given that her head was pressing right against the thing.
“Oh chiquita I know, let me help.”
Jesus fucking Christ. That was Alejandro, that older surfer from the other day. She panicked, removing her hand even though he could probably here the scrape of her skin against the waistband and trying to get herself together.
“Sorry, what?” 
“Open up.”
OK, surely he wasn't offering to… what the hell else would ‘let me help’ mean in this context though? But then how had he even known she was in here touching herself? That did get her to open the door, intent on getting a damn answer.
“Were you following me?”
Alejandro took her in, from dishevelled appearance to fiery eyes to flushed skin. When Rudy had all but promised him she wouldn't be able to survive her whole shift without some form of relief he had been only too delighted to thank him properly for that and then lie in wait.
It wasn't a full Sirens song that had her like this, no if Rudy had went full throttle she would already be naked on the beach begging them to take her. Just a little taste of it, just enough to have her needy but still in her right mind. If he was going to have this woman insane and begging it would be because she was desperate for him all on her own, not because he had her in his control from a song.
“Ah you looked uncomfortable chiquita, just being a good citizen and checking in no?”
God his stupid lopsided grin was so charming. He was blocking the stall doorway, leaning an arm on one side and towering over her. Fuck she was horny.
“As you can see I am just fine, but thanks for the concern” she replied through gritted teeth, desperate to get back to what she was doing and just bloody finish. 
“Let me eat you out.”
Her cunt clenched almost fucking painfully around nothing.
“Oh my God.”
“Use your words properly, say yes.”
As if she could say anything else when her entire body was on fire from even the idea of it and he was in her space smelling of the ocean and looking at her without even attempting to hide how much he wanted her.
Alejandro did not waste time. He didn't even close the stall door, he just went straight to his knees and all but ripped her jeans and panties down so he could stuff his mouth onto her cunt like he was starved for it. 
“Fuck! Wait I- fuck it's too much” she hissed, one hand gripping for dear life on the top of the door and the other in his hair trying to pull him away so she could breathe. 
He looked up at her and she swore his eyes were fully black, just a trick of the light, must be. He looked almost pissed off that she was trying to get him to slow the fuck down.
“Take it. Take it and thank me” he said, syrupy and deep, before stuffing his tongue right into her, nose bumping her clit and making her choke on her attempts to not scream.
It was so intense, fuck he was so intense. His tongue was precise, singularly focused on what most made the air punch out of her lungs in almost pained gasps. Whenever she got used to him fucking her with his tongue and caught her breath he would move to lap at her clit, whenever she finally managed to breathe through that he would suck hard on it. It was a decadent sort of torture. 
She was rutting into his face embarrassingly quickly, desperate for release and being kept right on the edge. It was as if he was deliberately… oh for fake sake. She knew what he wanted from her and she wasn't happy about it, but she was going to fucking die if he didn't make her cum.
“Thank you” she all but spat at him.
Then and only then did he finally use the flat of his tongue to lick fully from her entrance to her clit before expertly swirling the tip where she needed it, sending her tumbling into an orgasm that had been ripped out of her with such intent it caused her knees to buckle. 
He was unnaturally quick and strong, grabbing her legs to settle them on his shoulders and bracing one hand at her back so he could taste her pleasure even when she was boneless, not willing to move away just yet. 
Fuck he was good, inhumanly good. Maybe he would work as a casual fuck buddy. Christ if this was just his tongue she could already imagine what he could do with his fingers, what he could do with his cock. When she finally got her legs about her again she groaned gently taking her own weight and pushing his head away from her. He went this time, leaning back on his feet and looking up at her in a pose that was just so incredibly debauched, especially since she could see his cock hard through his tight wetsuit leggings.
“That was… fuck me you are good at this. Thanks. Do you need me to…?"
“I will chiquita, but as much as I'd love to do it now so Alex can hear how you whine for me and report back to his masters, he's waiting on you to go back to work no?”
Preacher was not one to be embarrassed about sex, hell she quite enjoyed a bit of voyeurism. She really probably enjoyed a bit of everything. But following Alejandro’s eyeline to see Alex, her fucking boss, leaning casually against the main door watching the exchange, was making all the blood rush straight to her face. 
“Shit” she yelped, pulling her panties and jeans back on properly and trying to fix herself to not look like an absolute slut who had been getting head in a dirty bathroom during her break. 
“Fifteen minutes is up, back to it Preacher” he said, casually as if this was a normal situation.
Preacher tripped her way past a still kneeling Alejandro, looking back at him in a sort of questioning apology. He only grinned that fucking lopsided grin that made her want to get fucked right on this filthy floor.
“I- sorry, I need to go.”
“I know chiquita, Keller will keep me company no?”
Jesus fucking Christ. She slipped out past Alex, trying to ignore the stirrings of her arousal wanting to flare back to life when he bunched a hand in her hair as she passed to hold her there for a moment so he could shove his tongue down her throat with absolutely no warning, quick and sloppy, before letting her go and walking toward Alejandro. 
Fuck. She got out of that stupid bathroom and back to work, absolutely point blank refusing to even consider that the two of them might be… was everyone here? Was this some sort of poly sex cult boardwalk? Alex had warned her off of everyone but the 141 but had watched her getting her mind blown by one of the surfers and did nothing to stop it. He might be getting his own mind blown right now.
And that was frankly none of her business she decided, stubbornly stretching out her muscles and climbing back onto the carousel for the rest of her shift. 
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