#am i also incredibly jealous that you have fun dreams with genshin characters?
rheawritessometimes · 2 years
Wait I don't think I ever told you but I had another Genshin dream recently lmao
This one's more on the funny/nonsensical side but I hope you get a laugh out of it lol:
So I was with Childe and Kaeya in Snezhnaya looking for a place to go ice skating and for some reason we went inside a building to an indoor pool??? And not to one of the many frozen lakes that are probably just around??? Lmao but anyway the pool had this weird rule that only 5 people were allowed in it at once and it was currently at max capacity
So I went to talk to the person in charge about freezing the water to make it an ice rink (which ig would override the 5 people maximum since it wouldn’t be a pool anymore). She was pretty happy about it and even asked me if once I was done skating I could find a magic way to enforce the only 5 people in the pool rule. I was like “yeah idk how to do that ma’am I’m only here to freeze the water”
She laughed and agreed it wasn’t a good idea and said something about how if a clam got in there it would confuse the system???? Implying that the spell would think a clam was a person????? No idea where they’d get live clams in Snezhnaya and also don’t know why there would be clams in an indoor pool but 🤷🏻‍♀️
Anyway I went with the manager to tell people we were freezing the pool and the manager started draining the water so it’d be shallow enough to stand in. After the 5 people got out Kaeya and I got started like,, manually freezing it over with our hands (Childe just kinda stood there like hey guys I’m helping too :D) but the ice kept melting and even though we were both going at it we couldn’t freeze it fast enough bc for some reason we could only freeze the water that we touch with our hands so we just kept making hand sized chunks of ice that just didn’t last lol
So basically the dream ended with me and Kaeya standing in like a half drained pool on our hands and knees literally slapping the water to try to freeze it lmao XD
This is both incredibly funny and very cute. I love that y'all just go to an indoor pool to turn into an ice rink and the manager not only allows it but is happy about it. Also the fact you had to freeze water with your hands but it melted faster than you could freeze it, plus Childe standing there like 'i'm helping too' seems very in character.
After 0.2 seconds of research via google, I found that there are in fact clams that live in Russia! So, there's that lmao
I love hearing about your dreams, they're so cute.
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