#and I cannot pinpoint a single concrete reason why but I GET IT he's just so entertaining to watch
decepti-geek · 7 months
for all that I love Ghosts, I've been getting a very different kind of joy out of watching uploads of a very, very similar show on youtube - The Ghosts of Motley Hall.
Like, a setup where the ghosts actually mostly like each other from the off, so that a huge chunk of the dialogue just goes towards establishing more and more of their meandering, idiosyncratic shared history (especially because the budget was clearly about £1.50 so they have to establish most things through dialogue)... that has its own kind of charm.
#bbc ghosts#the ghosts of motley hall#I'm genuinely not sure how much overlap to expect in terms of ghosts people who have seen this#because I... couldn't find? any mention of the six idiots referencing it they only seem to talk about Rentaghost#so when I first looked into it I was expecting there to be a steady trickle in the Ghosts to finding out about Motley Hall pipeline#but not only does there not appear to be#the show is apparently just WAY more obscure than I anticipated in general?#at least in terms of its presence in any online articles/social media#anyway all this to say I think anyone who's comfortable with suspending disbelief in the name of fun would benefit from knowing about Motle#ie I think more people should#also in terms of ghosts stuff Motley Hall also has a Fanny in it!#The dialogue is just whimsical little joy after joy#'I ALWAYS do the stairs on Thursdays!'#'I don't think they are wirelesses. they have glass fronts.' 'they've got knobs on.' 'well so's a chest of drawers!'#Also one of the things I have found writing about is that Fanny was apparently a fan favourite character back in the day#and I cannot pinpoint a single concrete reason why but I GET IT he's just so entertaining to watch#GOD I just love the dialogue so much 'you think it'll go on forever?' 'nah it'll run out of horses' referring to horse racing on TV#I love Bodkin and his perpetual willingness to position himself as the arbiter of common sense based on very little actual knowledge#'what's he? a soldier?' 'nah that's a policeman' 'what do they do?' 'well they sit in the kitchen and eat jam tarts'#there's so much information contained in that response I love it
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Reiji Maniac [Prologue]
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ー The scene starts on the balcony of Banmaden
Shin: ーー Nii-san.
Carla: How is Ayato doing?
Shin: Still in a deep slumber per usual. Whether you stomp or kick him, he gives no reaction whatsoever. Almost like a corpse. 
Can’t we just kill him already?
Carla: Stop. We need him to lure out that woman. If you dare harm him, you will be punished. (1)
Shin: ...Ugh.
Why are we prolonging the process by relying on a hostage?
Whatever. I’m going straight to those Vampires’ castle and demand they hand over the woman!
Carla: No need to rush.
Shin: But...!
Carla: Shin, this is like a game of chess.
Shin: Eh...?
Carla: One must not focus solely on taking down the pieces right in front of them.
If you act hastily, unnecessary sacrifices will be made.
Shin: ...I get what you’re trying to say, but why are you being so careful?
Carla: ...Sakamaki Reiji.
Shin: Eh...?
Carla: The Vampire who was by her side ーー It appeared to me that he was rather sharp of an individual.
He will most likely come to us himself. Then the game will begin.
ー The scene shifts to the bedroom of Richter’s manor
Reiji: ...
Reiji: ...Phew.
( All necessary preparations have been made. Which leaves ーー )
Yui: ...
Reiji: Fufu, she is sound asleep.
( I should go while I have the chance. It pains me to leave without a single word, but I simply cannot keep on bringing her in more danger. )
( Furthermore, if my prediction is on point, this is the best move. )
Yui: ...
ー He leans in
Reiji: I’ll get going. ...Nn.
ー Reiji leaves the room
Yui: ーー Nn...
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Huh...? Reiji-san...?
( Reiji-san’s gone. Why...? )
Yui: ...? This isーー
Yui: ...!
( This is a letter from Reiji-san! )
ー A flashback ensues
Reiji: ーー Please forgive me for leaving you behind.
I will now head towards the Founders’ quarters to retrieve Ayato. I am fairly certain I have pinpointed their whereabouts. 
Please try and behave until I return.
Furthermore, be careful of Richter. Do not trust him under any circumstances.
Until we meet again. I love you, Yui.
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ...Reiji-san...
( I’m sure he went by himself because he doesn’t want to bring me into danger. )
( He said his senses are currently numbed by the Lunar Eclipse so I wonder if he’ll be okay? )
( Knowing Reiji-san, I doubt he has asked any of his brothers for help. )
( However, I might just have to rely on them. )
( I wonder if there isn’t some way for me to contact the Sakamaki castle? )
( ...However, if I act of my own accord, I might end up troubling Reiji-san again... )
*Knock knock*
Yui: ...!
???: I’m coming in.
Yui: Richter-san...
Richter: I made some tea. Would you like to enjoy a cup together?
Yui: Eh...?
( What should I do...? )
( He’s being so kind to offer, but I should probably... )
Yui: Sorry. I’ll pass for now.
Richter: ...I see.
ー Richter leaves again
Yui: ( ...Did I do the wrong thing? )
ー The scene shifts to the outside of Banmaden
Carla: ーー So you have come?
Reiji: Good evening, First Blood gentlemen. 
I am flattered by the warm welcome. (2)
( As expected, they predicted that I would come by myself. )
( This is where the real game begins... )
ー The scene shifts to the reception hall
Carla: ーー Let me hear what you have to say.
Reiji: Well then, let me not waste any time...I have come to retrieve my younger brother. Would you be so kind to return him to me?
Shin: We won’t give him back for free. I’m sure someone as clever as yourself has figured out as much?
Reiji: I cannot hand over Yui. However, I will gladly accept any other request.
Carla: Hmph. ...So that is your approach.
Shin: Are you messing with us!? What else would we even want!?
Carla: Very well.
Shin: Nii-san...!?
Carla: It might be difficult to overwhelm him in one move. In which case, he shall get rid of the other pieces in the way first, before snatching the Queen.
Reiji: Oh dear. Do you enjoy chess? I have a feeling the two of us would get along splendidly
Carla: I have no intention of getting along with you. (3)
Reiji: Now that is truly unfortunate. Personally, I would have loved to sit down with you for a nice chat.
For example...Regarding your ‘plans’, perhaps?
Shin: You little...!
Carla: Shin.
Shin: ...Ugh.
Carla: Reiji, was it?
Your objective is to retrieve your younger brother. Therefore, I would assume that talking about anything else would be a simple waste of time.
Reiji: Good point. My sincere apologies.
( I suppose he will not take my bait that easily... )
( There must be some sort of reason as to why they are after Yui. Especially since her blood is known to be special. )
( I do not know whether they have a concrete plan in mind but if only I could get a better grasp on their goal and ulterior motive... )
Carla: You said you would agree with any other request, no?
Reiji: I am a man of my word after all.
Carla: In that case, become my subordinate.
Shin: Wha...What are you saying, Nii-san!?
Reiji: ( I see. So that is the move he has chosen to make. Carla...I cannot underestimate this man. )
Very well. However, I will not let you have Yui regardless.
Carla: I do not mind.
Shin: You’re trusting this guy!? He might simply pretend to vow loyalty to then try and stab a knife in your back!?
Or rather, that’s obviously his intention!
Reiji: I suppose I cannot blame you for not trusting me. In that caseーー
Shin: ...!
Carla: You bowed down, huh...? However, that is not sufficient.
Grab my hand and press it against your forehead.
Reiji: Understood, my Lord.
Shin: ...Tsk.
Reiji: Please call me at once if you need something. I will be on call until then.
Carla: Very well.
Shin. Bring out Ayato.
Shin: ...Fine.
ー Shin walks away
Reiji: ( ...This concludes game one. Under no circumstances will I let you grab the Queen, First Blood. )
( Furthermore, I will be the last one standing. )
Reiji: ーー Well then, I shall take my leave now.
My sincere gratitude for returning Ayato.
ー Reiji leaves
Shin: ...Nii-san, why did you do that!? Why would you make him your underling? 
Carla: I simply moved one pawn to obtain the Queen.
Shin: I don’t understand. Why would someone as powerful as yourself bother going through the extra trouble?
Carla: Raw power will only get you so far. While it may be necessary to take the offensive at times, you cannot win the game solely with strength.
Perhaps you should deepen your knowledge on chess a little more.
Shin: ...Roger.
ー The scene shifts to the living room of Richter’s manor
Yui: ...?
Richter: ...
Yui: ( I wonder what’s wrong with Richter-san? He seems to be sulking while sitting on the staircase. )
Richter: ...Oh, it’s you. Is something wrong?
Yui: I figured I would grab myself a glass of water...
Richter: I see...
Yui: ( I wonder why he seems down? Is he feeling under the weather, perhaps? )
( I know I have to take Reiji-san’s words to heart, but a little chat wouldn’t hurt, I suppose... )
Uhm, Richter-san? Is something the matter?
Richter: No...I just ended up remembering Cordelia.
She is no longer with us.
I will never be able to see her again, no matter how badly I want to...
Yui: Richter-san...
( Reiji-san called him a fool, but when I see him like this... )
ー Reiji enters the room
Reiji: Oh my, both of you are together it seems.
Yui: Reiji-san...!
Richter: Why are you carrying Ayato in your arms?
Reiji: I will fill you in on the details later. I would like to bring him to a room now.
Let us go, Yui.
Yui: Y-Yes...
ー The scene shifts to the bedroom
Reiji: ...Phew. I suppose this means we will have one less thing to worry about.
Yui: ...I was worried since you suddenly disappeared, you know?
Reiji: I left you a note, did I not?
Yui: You did but...You were going up against Founders, right?
Besides, the Eclipse is still ongoing, so I was worried whether you’d be okay all by yourself...
Reiji: I see. Thank you very much. However, as you can see, I am unscathed.
Furthermore, I was able to safely retrieve Ayato.
Yui: That’s true, but still...
( I’m genuinely relieved both of them made it back safely, yet... )
( I still wish he would stop acting by himself... )
However, how did you come to an agreement with Carla-san and his brother?
Reiji: Do you wish to know? In that case, please let me suck your blood. To the point where you will feel lightheaded and collapse.
Yui: Eeh!?
Reiji: Fufu, that was a joke.
Yui: ( I feel as if he just skillfully dodged my question... )
( Did he do something which has to remain a secret...? )
Reiji: Well then, what to do next...?
Yui: Aren’t we going to the pharmaceutical facility?
Reiji: No, we will stay here for a while and evaluate the situation.
I do not feel satisfied simply grabbing a few pieces. Now that we have come this far, we might as well aim for victory.
Yui: ( ...Knowing Reiji-san, I’m sure he’s got plenty of ideas running through his head again but... )
( I honestly have no idea what he’s thinking... )
( I wish he wouldn’t do anything dangerous... )
Translation notes 
(1) 断罪する or ‘danzai suru’ can imply both ‘to convict (for crime)’ in general or refer to beheading. I don’t know if Carla would go as far as to behead his own brother, hence why I went with the more neutral ‘punish’. 
(2) Literally he says he feels flattered since they went out of their way to come and greet him outside.
(3) In Japanese, the expression 話が合いそう or ‘hanashi ga aisou’ is used, which more specifically focuses on getting along in terms of having a conversation with each other, since you would both be interested in the same topic. However, in English I decided to translate it as ‘to get along’, so I had to adapt Carla’s phrase a little. A more literal translation would be ‘I have nothing to tell you’ or ‘I have nothing I want to talk about with you’.
<- [ Dark Epilogue ] [ Maniac 01 ] ->
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sharifs · 6 years
The Ends Don't Justify The Means
The possibilities are endless, so much so that even the possibility that the possibilities aren’t endless is a possibility!
The ends don’t justify the means; the means justify the ends! Why is this? First let me start with why the ends don’t justify the means. This is because the means are in themselves an end at the most surface level, thus if one considers an evil method to be justified by a good achievement, in using the wrong means, one has already gone against the principle that good ends are the most important, therefore that notion is self-defeating and actually doesn’t make any sense. Now, the reason that means justify the ends; it is because – once again – a means is in itself an ends at the very most surface. By partaking in good measures without being concerned with the results, one will be ensured that a good outcome is achieved immediately at the surface level and that no end – no matter how good – will be able to justify an evil or incorrect action. Therefore in conclusion, one acts good and kind without being concerned as to how one appears or what one receives in return; rather one is only concerned with his or her way of going about every single thing along with all things in general.
Just to clarify how a means, method or measure can in itself be considered an ends, result or achievement. This is because it is not a product that is only being received, it is also a concrete manifestation of what is being given. What is being given is a ‘way’, although a way is not something that one can necessarily experience with the senses, it is the source of all things that can be sensed, if it is a good way. If it is a bad way, the results can only be limited to that which pertains to bad things. With a good way, one may not even be concerned with the results of it, because being occupied with such things may end up becoming an obstacle as to how one goes about things. This means that the possibilities are endless when one is not concerned with the product of his or her actions and that the potential results are limited when one is engrossed with what one shall receive for his or her efforts. Even if one does receive the product of his or her expectations, it may not be what one truly wants and it also may not be anything good or deserved. Even if one is perfectly satisfied with what he or she has gotten, if one had to go about getting it in an immoral way, then every piece of one’s journey cannot therefore be good, and since giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin and occur simultaneously throughout the course of either action (giving or receiving), everything one receives cannot be good in that case then.
The only case in which an immoral, dishonest or harmful mode of conduct may be justified is that it is somehow able to bring one to realize it is not the correct way of going about things by seeing it for what it truly is first-hand. Before ever having gone through any such misbehavior, one may already have been able to acutely sense that one should not partake in such actions, however any self-doubt may lead one to committing them anyway. After this has happened it may lead one to continue this way until his self-doubt is dissolved by an epiphany resultant of a connection made in his or her mind relating his or her current situation to his or her own actions and thus coming to confide back into his or her original understanding. The other case is that one continues going about things incorrectly until one reaches a point that everything of his is no longer any good to the extent that he becomes the worst possible of all things: destroyed.
From another perspective this is also a good thing as it does not allow the worst of things to exist, not because the worst of things should not exist, but because the worst of things can be seen as non-existence or no longer existing. Why is no longer existing considered the worst of things? This is because – as inferred previously – good things are the source of unlimited potential and therefore everlasting existence, bad things are truly the source of limitation, which when brought to an extreme point is no longer being able to exist, thus being completely eliminated. Ironically, as aforementioned, the result that the worst of things automatically reaching a point of non-existence is actually a good thing.
Now, if one thinks that he or she is justified in doing wrong things with the excuse that it is to bring him or her to an understanding that those are indeed truly bad things, it will probably not work as it would therefore be going against the precedent-ally illustrated principle that the ends do not justify the means; as one would be practicing one form of doing a bad deed to ensure a good result. The key point here is that one would be doing so knowingly rather than being a result of a genuine doubt in oneself, even the feigning of doubt would not work, nor seeking to achieve authenticity of being unsure as it would all be the result of the same erroneous mindset.
To clarify more precisely, a ‘way’ when looked at from an external perspective does have an immediate form, as the method is manifesting completely, however when one attempts to distinguish its form while performing it, it becomes practically impossible to pinpoint. Conceptualizing a way as an end-result which can be sought is missing the point as the actor performing it is unable to experience it materially though it is certainly manifesting itself in a real way. What I was referring to above, therefore, was one being concerned with one’s course of action for oneself rather than its appearance and/or effect in any way, though it does have a physicality and can be an omnipotent link to any particular or infinitely grand-scale occurrence.
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