#and I guess when Dan wrote it he didn’t know if they’d get alex back or not
ilsafaaust · 2 years
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anastralhologram · 5 years
Tempestuous blue eyes went wide
                 when she heard her name called out, realizing she had actually won an award. She covered her hands over her mouth and stood. Alex stood beside her, reaching out and hugging her close. He knew she deserved this and couldn’t be happier for her. After letting go, Rinan’s head was swimming. Carefully she made her way to the stage and up the stairs, making sure she didn’t clumsily trip. Making her way over to the mic, she thanked the award presenters faced the audience.
                 “I honestly can’t believe I’ve won this.” Those were the first words that left her lips and she laughed softly, the audience clapping again briefly. “Really though, when I started this journey I never expected all of this. I’ve worked really hard and I just want to thank everyone who has listened to the music I make. If it weren’t for you all, I wouldn’t be standing here now.”
                 Soon enough all of the awards had been given out and everyone was making their way out of the theatre. Before Rinan could even make it a few steps into the lobby she was bombarded by numerous congratulations and interviewers dying to get some commentary from her. Not wanting to be rude, she courteously stayed, answering several questions about what it was like to be on tour and how different it was actually performing the songs she wrote now instead of other artists. Alex stood patiently with her, adding to the conversation whenever he felt it right to. Of course they also questioned her about her relationship with Alex. This made her stumble over her words as her eyes caught a peek of Dan heading out to the terrace. Alex took the opportunity to speak for her.
                 “We’ve just been great friends for quite a while now and we’ve decided to see what else we have to offer each other.” His answer was vague and he winked at Rinan. She nodded along. Honestly, she hadn’t paid attention to his answer. Her mind had wondered off to Dan and was wondering if he were waiting on her as he said he would be.
                 After posing for some photos, losing Alex in the fairly crowded lobby area and getting stuck in several underwhelming conversations, Rinan could hear the rumble of thunder in the distance. Thunder typically meant rain, and in turn it would cause everyone outside to come back inside. She made her way over to the exit and stepped out and over to the balcony. Tiny little raindrops began to patter against her exposed skin. Chill bumps chased up her arms but she just closed her eyes, inhaling the familiar scent of a storm rising. Exhaling, she opened her eyes and surveyed the area. As the rain began to fall more quickly, she searched the crowd that was piling indoors once more. There was no sign of Dan though. Of course he didn’t wait this long for you. She reviled herself.
                 Heavy pouring rain was now falling from above; the thunder that had rumbled in the distance now boomed all around her. She didn’t make a move to head back inside. She stood and let the rain wet her hair and soak through her dress.
                 “You’re here.” An all too familiar deep voice broke behind her as something covered her shoulders. She shrugged in his jacket. The corners of her lips tugged into a smile and she turned her attention to him, catching his gaze. “A promise is a promise.” She teased.
                 She was going to make a slick comment about how wet she’d gotten while searching for him but his lips met hers instead, hushing her. The two stood alone, kissing in the rain for several minutes until they broke apart, breathing heavily. “Let’s get out of here.”
                Nodding, she felt his hand take hers and he led to an emergency exit. It was impossible to have not been seen, but at least it was only by other artists and not interviewers or reporters. They carried on together down the road, still hand and hand. The rain was still coming down in sheets. As they rounded the corner, he pulled her against him and kissed her deeply. She thought back to that first night they’d met and it was like nothing had changed. She was still just as giddy and excited as she had been then, and every other time they’d gotten together. The only worry in her mind was that Alex would worry where she was. Those thoughts were washed away with Dan’s kisses and the rain.
                 As they reached his hotel room, the two stumbled inside, finding it impossible to keep their hands off of each other. Every touch, every kiss, it was all pure ecstasy for Rinan. It’s not like she’d been celibate in the time they’d been apart but there was no one who came close to making her feel the way Dan did. Their clothes came off quickly and she lay back on the bed with him, just touching each other and enjoying each other. His lips began to trail down her body and she heard her own small moans leave her lips. His tongue lapped against her and she gasped, her back arching. She couldn’t help but melt under him as he sent waves of pleasure through her entire being. Her hands were buried in his thick hair, tugging and pulling as she neared orgasm.
                 It was as if he knew she was so close when he pulled away. He wiped his mouth and she bit her lower lip. He knew how attractive he was. His hands grabbed her waist and flipped her over. Of course she just went with it. He climbed atop her and her body moved under him and he trailed soft kisses along her body. Rinan wasn’t expecting it when he forced his way into her and she gasped loudly. Her body worked against his and with every thrust he made into her she would grind back against him. Her fingers grabbed at the sheets underneath her, the feeling of him inside of her almost more than she could take. “F-fuck.” She mumbled against the sheets as he pushed harder and faster into her. She closed her eyes tight as she felt her whole body tense. As he thrust once more, the two of them let out the most pleasure filled sounds as he came inside her. That was something she’d never experienced before.
                 After a moment the two adjusted and silently held onto each other, just enjoying themselves. Finally, Dan was the first to break the quiet. “Congrats on your big win, by the way.”
                 Rinan rolled her eyes at him and stuck out her tongue, feeling strange by his praise. “I really think it’s such a strange thing to win an award for just showing my point of view to the world, you know?” She explained to him. And it was true. Of course she was excited, but she also found it weird that people actually liked what she’d put out into the world. “I’m just glad it was received well. How humiliating it would have been if no one bought my album.” She laughed out. It had been a real fear of hers while she was making her music. Thankfully that wasn’t what happened.
                 They chatted more about the award show and she was glad he hadn’t mentioned anything about Alex or her being there with him. As he shifted on the bed, he sat up, excusing himself to the bathroom. Rinan nodded, understanding. “I love you, you know.” He snuck in and quickly kissed her lips. As the bathroom door closed behind him, Rinan sat up and pulled the sheets over her body. She sat with her knees bent and then realized she had no idea what time it was or if Alex had been trying to reach her. Reality hit. And it hit hard. She glanced around the room and as she reached over to the side table to grab her phone, she realized it wasn’t hers. As she was about to set it back down she couldn’t help but read the message on the front of the screen.
                 Thought you were coming to see me tonight? Miss you, love you! Call me when you can!
                 It was like time stopped. It wasn’t till she heard the washroom door opening that she quickly set his phone back down and stood from the bed. Suddenly things felt really bad. There was nothing she could do or say because of the situation she was in with Alex but it didn’t make the idea of Dan with someone else hurt any less. She watched as Dan stared at her, confused as to why she was just standing beside the bed, wrapped in a sheet, awkwardly quiet.
                 “You alright there love?” He asked as his brow slightly rose. He had a pair of boxers on now and he stepped further into the room. Rinan snapped from her thoughts and nodded. “Yeah, I just need to find my phone.” She tried to make up an excuse. She began to look around the floor and watched as Dan also helped. He found it underneath the lovely gown she’d been in earlier that was now just carelessly thrown in a pile on the floor. He grinned to himself at the thought of what they’d just done together but quickly that grin turned to a grimace. On her phones screen there were about five missed calls from Alex.
                 “Oh, good. You found it.” Rinan stepped closer to him and reached out to get her phone from him. “Looks like you’re being sorely missed.” Dan spoke, a certain jealous tone now in his voice. Rinan took her phone and looked at the screen. Unsure of what to say she shrugged. “Seems that way I guess.” Her voice was quiet as she spoke.
                 She didn’t mention how apparently he was also being missed by someone else. Dan wasn’t happy with her answer though. He was tired of tiptoeing around everything. And as much as he didn’t want all of the good feelings to be over, he was tired of being left in the dark. “So you’ll be his but you won’t be mine?” He questioned. When she didn’t answer, he stepped closer to her, taking her chin in his hand and making her look at him. “If you’re his, then why were you just in my bed?” He was leaning down, and as he spoke his lips were so close to hers. This caught her by surprise. He had never been so forward with her before and he wasn’t wrong.
                 “I-I don’t know…” She sputtered finding his tall figure a bit intimidating. Dan shook his head, unhappy with her answer. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him, closing the gap between them. “It’s because you’re mine.”
                 She didn’t know what came over her but he was right. He was completely and totally right. And in that moment, she didn’t care if he was seeing someone else, she didn’t care if she was seeing someone else. In that moment, she was his and only his. She let the sheet fall from her grip as she wrapped her arms behind his neck, bringing his lips to hers. He reached back and took her phone from her hand as they kissed, tossing it aside. She wouldn’t need it anyway. Reaching down, he lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He felt her warmth and he could feel himself beginning to swell again. They kissed hard and he grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her head back to kiss her neck. His lips reached her earlobe and bit into it softly.
                 “Say it.” He demanded as her bit down onto her neck, pinching the skin between his teeth. She let out a soft cry and tilted her head back further. The words were caught in her throat and then she felt her back against the wall. He had balanced her against the wall and pulled his erection from his boxers. She could feel his tip teasing her, pressing just slightly against her. She tried to move her hips against him but he didn’t allow it. “Say it.” He repeated himself, smirking at how badly he knew she wanted him.
                 “I’m yours Dan. I’m only yours.”
                 Those words hit him hard and unable to keep him from her any longer, Dan shoved into her. She cried out from the force, but his lips covered hers, drowning out all of her little cries of pleasure and pain. They carried on against the wall for a while until he wanted a better angle. He lowered the two of them to the floor, and fucked her hard. He wanted her to remember this; he wanted her to know that no matter what happened after this night, she would always be his.
                 Rinan sat up slowly in bed as she heard what sounded like a knock coming from the door. She tried to run a hand through her hair but her fingers got stuck in the tangles that had formed from that previous night. Looking over, Dan was sound asleep. She smiled and begrudgingly pushed him lightly, waking him up. “I think someone’s at your door.”
                 Dan looked confused for a moment, his half sleep brain not quite working yet. Rinan laughed a little and pointed to the door. “The door. There’s someone knocking.” Dan nodded and rolled out of bed. He scooped up his boxers lazily as he crossed the hotel room and put them on. He got to the door and glanced out of the peep hole.
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