#and a retake but the piece itself sounds very slow but playing it is not slow at all
xviruserrorx · 3 months
Something that The Amazing Devil does so beautiful is that even though a lot of their songs are very wordy they don't rush or skip over the rests in-between. And my favorite examples of this are Elsa's Song and Old Witch Sleep/Good Man Grace, because in old with/good man the beggining is so nice because they put so much pauses between each phrase and even parts like the "Sleep now, oh, she said" there is this smallest rest between the "Now" and "Oh" and it's so subtle but if you don't do that rest it's very very noticeable because your just slurring these two (almost) very short phrases of their own. Then in Elsa's Song l love how the tempo and when they come in, is almost dragging, they are coming in at the very last second of the beat and it makes the tone of the song so so so good
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feelingunfulfilled · 1 year
Felt a little adventurous today, so I decided to retake my personality type test!
Originally I had been labeled as INFP (which was very fitting), but this time around I got ISFP! So I’ve gone down a rabbit hole of exploring the differences and similarities. Very curious as to if it was a fluke or perhaps there really HAS been a subtle personality shift in these past months
This is where I got the information from
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Seems like the main difference is ISFP focus on the moment, while INFP focus on the future. Both are labeled as artistic, and caring/attentive to others needs and opinions. Honestly I find myself relating to both of them, but I would say I’m not really that spontaneous. When I have my mind set to working on an art piece, I try to stick with it and get frustrated when others try to take me away from my work. Although it does depend on the circumstances of course. I think I’m more of a perfectionist (like INFP) who would struggle to drop everything for spontaneous plans. But I could be wrong about that! Still have to do more research into it
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*on the left is ISFP strengths, and on the right is INFP strengths
I relate to the ISFP ability to find reoccurring patterns. I notice when there is behavioral changes in my friends, either by emotions or actions. And in my own fictional stories, I’m able to create connections between personalities, interests, and values. Its fun to play around with different character attributes and/or pair characters with similarities together! But I don’t really take initiative irl to help “problem solve” with the knowledge I’ve accumulated. Sometimes I have to acknowledge that I can’t fix certain situations, and I just have to stand by and let the moment sort itself out. I don’t relate to the excitement aspect either, but that could just be my depression talking. I do agree with the Principled & Individual aspects. And I think it’s important to spontaneously get out of the house and socialize with friends
As for INFP, I do resonate with Idealism and having a deep reflective nature. I’ve made a lot of self-sacrifice in the past, and continue to do it to a certain extent. I try to always have an open mind and be slow to judge, trying to view things from multiple perspectives before speaking out loud. I often hide aspects of myself to better blend into the environment I’m tossed into, trying hard to not stick out from the crowd and cause conflict. I’d say I’m very reserved. And kind of unrelated, but I love how it said “transcend the boundaries of imagination” jksjsksp. That sounds as if I have some untapped supernatural ability, and perhaps I do 👀
Both INFP and ISFP are so fascinating. Almost as fascinatingly mysterious as INTJ lol
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