#and a ring with my birth flowers on it🥹
dukesmebby · 1 year
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bestie got me the cutest lil gifts for being moh😭
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smoooothoperator · 9 months
Aaahhhh I really thought she was pregnant! Will she get pregnant? What will be the name(s) of their baby or babies? Can you make a drabble of that please? 🥹
Here we go!
a/n: if you want to know about Lyanna and Julia go read @elisysd story Cruel Summer!!!
They got married in August of 2026.
But they started thinking about it way before the wedding.
It was Lyanna's fault
Lyanna and Lily met during a week race
Lily is a big fan of her, and when they met they immediately clicked, just like she did with other partners of the drivers
She saw other driver's having kids. Checo was again a father and she met Carola a few times
But it never caused her the need of having kids
It was only when Lyanna, one of her best friends, announced it to her on Christmas
Lily knew about her health situation, about the risks
And it made her be more implicated to help her friend
She saw how she grew, she felt the baby's kicks a few times
And it only made her dream about her on the same situation
"Don't you think Lyanna looks stunning?" Lily asked suddenly Lando, sitting on their couch
"Yeah" Lando chuckled.
"Would I look stunning too?"
Lando looked at her, stopping the episode of the serie they were watching, and smiled
"Are we really going to have this talk?" Lando asked smiling, holding her hand softly and playing with the engagement ring
"I think so, yeah" she smiled. "But I don't feel ready now, Lando"
"It's okay, neither do I" he chuckled. "We are both 24. Even if we got engaged it doesn't mean we have to do it now"
"Exactly" she smiled, happy to know that they were on the same page. "I want to get married first"
"Yeah" he nodded, hugging her on his chest. "But that doesn't mean we can't practice"
"Idiot!" she laughed, hitting softly his arm
When she was a teen she was afraid of being pregnant. Of the pain it will cause the birth
But now, as an adult, it felt natural. She felt like her own body was asking her for it
Lyanna had her problems, but she looked stunning and in love with her baby everytime she touched her belly
When Charles and Lyanna made their baby shower, Lily made a bet with Lando
He thought it was a boy and Lily thought it was a girl
And Lily won
Lily discovered that Lyanna was close to her due date because Charles didn't attend to the Canadian GP
And then she got a video call on Saturday
Lyanna was holding her baby
"Oh my God" Lily gasped, looking at the newborn
"Say hi to Julia" Lyanna whispered tired
"Oh god, Lya" Lily said with little tears in her eyes. "She's so beautiful… congratulations. I just can't believe I'm an auntie!"
When Lando and her landed in Monaco after the race, she needed to gift the baby something
So she immediately went to their apartment there and decided to paint the baby's name on a canvas, so the new parents could hang it on her room
"Hi!" Lando and Lily walked inside the hospital room where Lyanna and Julia were staying
"Thank you for coming, guys" Charles smiled, getting up from the chair and hugging them
Lily walked towards Lyanna and hugged her
"I have something for the baby" she whispered, showing her the bag with the painting in it
"Oh God, Lily" Lyanna exclaimed excitedly, looking at the name of her daughter on a canvas decorated with flowers and butterflies, something that will always look good in a baby room. "Do you want to hold her?"
Lily looked at the baby and smiled, walking towards the bed and picking her up slowly
In that moment, she fell in love with Julia Leclerc
And Lando fell even more in love with Lily, watching her hold a baby so naturally that he pictured her girlfriend holding their own baby
Lily loved Julia, and she felt that Julia loved her too
But this little baby gave Lily a massive baby fever
To the point of while Lando and her were planning their wedding, she went to talk to her doctor secretly and she stopped taking birth control
They started trying after their wedding
During their honeymoon, after coming back
But at the moment, the tests were negative
"It's okay" Lando whispered, hugging her close to him. "It won't always work at the first try, love"
"But I felt it worked…"
"We can keep trying"
And they did
They went to the doctor to see when they can do it, they tracked her fertility cycle and planned when to do it
They let it flow naturally, having sex and not thinking about making a baby
They didn't want to be intimate only for that, they didn't want to make it feel like they are desperate
It was at the end of April of 2027 when she started to feel weird
Her breasts were more sensitive
And she couldn't cook her favorite meal without having nausea
Lando just left for a double header, and she decided to do the test with Pietra and Max next to her
"I'm so nervous" Lily mumbled. "What if it's negative?"
"You can keep trying" Pietra smiled. "Come on don't get your hopes down because of another negative test"
"That's the problem… it would another negative one"
Max smiled and got up, going to the bathroom and grab the stick
"Oh shit" he gasped
"What? What?!" Lily frowned
"I'm an uncle!" he exclaimed hugging her, making Lily and Pietra gasp
"I'm pregnant?" she gasped.
"Hello baby Norris!" Pietra giggled hugging her best friend
The next day she went to the doctor to make sure she was indeed pregnant
"Congratulations, you are 8 weeks pregnant" the doctor said smiling, giving her the ultrasound
A baby. They are having a baby and it's real
When she arrived at her house, she couldn't believe it.
Immediately she called Lyanna. She needs someone that knows about the subject to help her
"Lya" she smiled.
"Hey, you called late. Julia is sleeping her nap" the woman smiled
"Then when she wakes up, tell her that she will have a friend in a few months" Lily smiled.
"What?" She gasped. "For real? Are you pregnant?"
"Yeah!" Lily giggled. "I'm 8 weeks pregnant"
"Oh my God! Does Landon know?"
"No… how should I tell him?" Lily sighed
"Definitely with a gift. Give it to him once he arrives home. God, I'm so so happy for you Lily. If you need anything ask me, okay? I'll be by your side like you were by my side all the time"
"It means a lot, Lya… thank you"
She went to buy things. She felt like she needed to buy things
When Lando arrived from the race, with a trophy on his arms, she smiled
"I'm so proud of you" she smiled, doing their ritual to welcome the new trophy
She was wearing a tight dress that let the small baby bump be visible under a hoodie
"Love, can you go grab my favorite blanket? It's on the bedroom" she said, sitting on the couch and looking at her husband
"Of course" he smiled
She giggled and grabbed her phone, taking off the hoodie and following him in silence
"What is this?" Lando mumbled surprised, watching what was on top of the blanket
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"Lily?" he frowned, turning around and looking at her. "Are you for real?"
"I am" she smiled, placing her hand on her belly. "Now I'm ten weeks pregnant. I discovered the day after you left"
"Oh god…" he gasped, kneeling in front of the baby bump. "Hi baby… I'm daddy"
"We did it, Lando" she smiled looking down at her husband.
"We did it"
She didn't have morning sickness, and she felt so grateful for that
But as her belly started to grow, she started to get more scared
What if Lando has an accident? She can't raise a baby alone. What if something happens to them? What if she loses the baby?
But every time she heard her husband talk to her belly, all her fears disappeared
The date of the baby shower arrived
They invited all their friends
But the most important part of it was the bet
"Okay. I think it's a girl" Lily smiled looking at her husband
"And I think it's a boy" he chuckled.
"If it's a girl… you'll adopt a dog" Lily smiled
"And if it's a boy you will go to a hot lap with me after the baby is born"
"Deal" she chuckled
Their friends and family started arriving to their house, leaving presents for the baby and Lily, all of them dressed in blue or pink
"Lily!" she heard, making her gasp when she saw Julia running towards her.
"Oh my!" she gasped, picking up the little girl of two years. "My favorite girl in the world"
The little girl giggled and looked at her, hugging her neck.
"Are you excited? Do you think it's a girl or a boy?" Lily smiled kissing the cheek of the baby Leclerc
"Girl!" she chuckled
"Of course it's a girl" she smiled
Lando walked towards them and smiled.
They did it the most simple way, grabbing a balloon and exploding it with a pin, making pink dust float around them.
"A girl!" everyone exclaimed, jumping and hugging them
"I think we have a plan for tomorrow" Lily smirked, kissing her husband
They indeed had a plan
The next day, they spent all morning searching for names for their baby. And for the puppy they will adopt soon.
But none of the names for their daughter was good enough
Internet wasn't thinking like them, they couldn't find a name for their baby
So, at the moment, they called her Butterfly
They went to some shelters for some days, searching for their perfect puppy
She wanted a golden retriever, because she knew that breed is friendly with babies
"Are you sure? My brother's dog doesn't like me and he's of the same breed…" Lando sighed
"Come on, our puppy will love you" he smiled, kissing him. "And I know you'll love him. Just think that you can take him to the races! And to be honest, you have golden retriever energy"
Lando laughed, kissing her softly
"We'll adopt the puppy when we get used to the baby, yeah?" he smiled. "We're not ready to take care of two babies, only one"
The final months came
As the final races of the season
Lily couldn't go to support her husband and it made her sad sometimes
That's why her friends went to her house and spend time with her
Lyanna had a break from recording and sometimes she stayed with her, Julia coming along too
"Do you have a name already?" Lyanna asked her, smiling softly
"No… it's harder than I thought" Lily sighed, rubbing her eight months belly.
"I'm sure it will come once you see her" she reassured her. "It happened to us too. We couldn't find the right name for Julia"
"But you named her after Jules" she sighed.
"Yeah" she chuckled softly
Julia was laying on the floor, coloring on the draws Lily made for her.
It was a coloring book of illustrations of the Greek mythology, because she discovered that the little Leclerc loves to hear her auntie talk about it
"Dane!" Julia exclaimed, painting the drawing of the sculpture of Apollo and Daphne. "Dane and Polo!"
"Daphne and Apollo, baby" Lyanna corrected her daughter.
Then she knew
"Lyanna!" Lily gasped making her friend look surprised at her
"What? What? Are you in labor?! Now?!" she gasped
"No!" she laughed. "Daphne! It's perfect!"
"Dane!" Julia exclaimed happy
When her husband came from the last race if the season, she felt relieved
She knows any time soon the baby will come, and she feels so happy that Lando won't miss it
"You have the hospital bag ready, right?" Lando asked rubbing the belly of her wife, applying the cream on it
"Yeah" she smiled. "Oh, and I found a name for her. And it fits her"
"Really?" he smiled, kissing her felly after he felt a kick on his hand. "What is it?"
"Daphne" she smiled. "Daphne Helen Norris"
"Daphne Helen Norris" he repeated. "Helen?"
"For Helen of Troy" she smiled holding his hand. "She was considered the most beautiful woman in the world"
"Oh yeah, she will be the most beautiful woman in the world" he smiled. "Just like you. My two beautiful treasures"
The last weeks of pregnancy they stayed at home, getting everything ready for the arrival of their daughter
Lando built a small crib so the baby could stay in their room the first months.
And she made sure everything was in order, as well as making a list of all the things she will need later
1st of December, afternoon
Lily was so tired
The baby seemed to be comfortable of her belly, being already 40 weeks pregnant
Lando was doing a stream on his office, just relaxing and talking about his life as a soon to be father and how his season went
Lily walked inside the streaming room, bored
"Hello guys" she smiled, waving at the camera and holding her heavy belly
"Oh wait, you want the yoga ball?" Lando asked, taking off the headphones and getting up
She smiled at her husband, watching how he ran to get the ball and placing it behind her, helping her sit
They talked with the chat, while she bounced on the ball
Until it happened
"Lando" she called him, holding her belly and then his wrist
"What?" he frowned
"Eh… end the stream" she mumbled, feeling how legs were getting wet.
"What?" he frowned, then looked at her
"My water just broke"
He jumped from the chair, ignoring the chat and running out of the streaming room leaving his wife there, on the yoga ball
"Eh…" she smiled looking at the stream and how the chat was going crazy. "How will I tell him that the baby won't be born now and that we have time?"
She sighed, moving her legs and rolling the ball towards the desk and smiled
"See you, chat" she smiled. "Next time you'll know about us will be with a mini Norris in my arms"
Lando put all the things on the Audi Q8, the baby chair already on the backseats
"Baby, we have time, yeah?" Lily said, walking downstairs slowly
"Are you sure? She's not coming now, like now?" he asked opening the door for her
"I'm having…" she groaned, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "Contractions, that's all"
"Okay, okay… come on, get in" he said, helping her
They went to the hospital after calling her doctor, making sure everything is ready for her arrival
When they arrived, they immediately took her to the room, settling down
"Are you sure you want it natural?" Lando asked worried
"I… I think so" she sighed. "I want to experience it, at least once. But I'm so scared"
"I'm here babe" he whispered. "I'll be here all the time
It was a long labor
She had to wait until she was fully dilated so she could push
Then some cries started to invade the room
"Congratulations, it's a healthy girl" the doctor smiled, placing their daughter of her chest after cleaning her a little
"Hello my love" Lily cried, holding her daughter. "Hello Daphne"
"She's definitely the most beautiful girl in the entire world world" Lando smiled, breathless
Daphne Helen Norris was born at 1am of the 2nd of December if 2027
The next day, all their friends came to welcome the new baby of the group, coming with presents for her and flowers for the new mother
"She's so beautiful" Lyanna smiled while holding the baby while Julia was sitting on the bed next to Lily.
"Can I ask you something?" Lily asked, looking at Lado and holding her hand. "We wanted you and Charles to be the godparents"
"What? Really?" they gasped.
"What about Max and Pietra?" Charles frowned looking at Kandi
"They will be the cool uncle and aunt" Lando laughed. "Pietra gave us the idea. You two, Lyanna the most, were the ones that helped us. Giving us your books and making sure everything was going fine. It meant a lot for us"
"It would be a pleasure" Lyanna smiled, kissing softly the head of baby Daphne.
"Do you want to hold my baby, Julia?" Lily smiled, looking at her.
Julia smiled, sitting straight and waiting for the baby looking at her with big eyes
"Dane?" she smiled. "Dane!" she giggled, kissing her forehead softly when she heard the baby in her arms mumble.
Lando smiled, getting up of the chair and kissing his wife's lips softly
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 867,196 others
landonorris Everyone! Meet Daphne Helen Norris, the most beautiful baby in the world
Thank you my love, for giving me the best gift ever (even if it was late for my birthday and a little early for yours)
I love you so much, both of you
View all 677,625 comments
f1 congratulations for the new parents!!
charles_leclerc my goddaughter is the second most beautiful baby ever! Sorry, Julia always comes first!
user2 Charles is the godfather?????
francisca.cgomes I can't wait to squish her cheeks omg
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liked by landonorris, pierregasly and 98.671 others
lilynorris I can't believe you are finally here, my love. I had you with me all this time being part of me and I loved you every minute more.
You are a dream come true, I love you and I promise to take care of you every second of your life
Thank you Lando, for being my my side all the time and helping me make this wonderful miracle
View all 18.469 comments
landonorris for when the next?
lilynorris you mean the puppy? I already called the shelter while you were sleeping. A bet is a bet and I won it
carlossaiz55 I'm on my way, I have the cutest Ferrari onesie for her
lilynorris don't you dare to put that onesie on my baby
landonorris Daphne is and always will be a McLaren girl, get that out of my house
lyannamichelleoff congrats to you both! You'll be the best parents ever❤️
lilynorris 🧡
@lestappenloverr @racinggirl @roni-midnights @livster8 @kakorrhaphiphobia @starkeyellow @celestialpierre @ophcelia @msliz @lorarri @ironmaiden1313 @imsorare @mycenterfold @im-an-overthinker @soosheee @karmabyfernando @landoyesrizz @sticksdoesart @beatricemiruna @nonameishere @flwr-stella @lordperceval-16 @arisainz @elisysd
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Bob would totally get a tattoo in honor of his family. He'd start off with one for his wife, maybe a small heart and her first initial underneath? And then add to it as their family grows 😭😭
Sorry I'm just feeling really soft for this WSO today
yesssss absolutely!! i believe it and feel it in my bones that bob has more tattoos. perhaps just smaller, patch work ones on his upper thigh or chest, like an little fighter jet or something silly he got one drunken night on a holiday with his friends.
it caught you by surprise at first when you got the shy WSO’s shirt and trousers off. you traced it with your fingers after and asked him for the story. you giggled when he told you the crude and funny tale.
many years later after you got married and back from your honeymoon you fell for him all over again when he suggested getting one for you. it was on his ring finger, your first initial and a tiny heart.
when you had your first kid, he got their initial and their birth flower on his chest right on top of his heart, as your family grew, he added another initial and another birth flower below until he had a line running down the length of his heart.
do not apologise one BIT my dear!! i too am feeling incredibly soft for this WSO 🥹🥹 thank you so much for this my love!! 💌💖
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dilxcs · 1 year
hmph, fine, but only because you'd rather cuddle i'll send tora his way-- I'm proud of you for going to the gym! And you not falling while on the treadmill is a win in my book 🥴 are you ready to come to the gym with me? I can show you how to use the stretching machine
What're they gonna do? Just yell a little bit and that's about it. I'll sic Baba on them and everything will be fine 😀 I am so ready for Ki to beat up Jiji. I cleared out storage on my phone for all the videos 'm gonna take.
Matching sweats, matching hoodies, I want it all! Gotta tell the world who you belong to. Can I convince you to get matching jewelry or even scents? Too much? 🥴
You and Kiyo own every part of my heart and soul, princess. Don't ever forget that.
yayyy cuddle time 🥹🥹 send tora my regards! i’ll treat him after for the ‘hard’ work 🥰 i’m glad you’re proud of me as well, babe! and uhm,,, i don’t feel confident yet to have you join me to the gym, i just KNOW you will laugh at me and i’m not ready for that 💀 give me a few more weeks and then maybeee you can join 🥲 you gotta teach me then to use the stretching machine correctly, cause hell i’m not flexible at all and i need to work on that dhsvhssb
that’s true! eonni can take them on, no biggie 🤺 HAHAHAH PLSS— this is exactly why i love you! seeing the ‘all mighty leopard’ getting beat up by our kid is just amazing and ofc we need to record that (and send it to Ryoko-san) 🥴
hmm,,, i’m actually down for both! let’s get matching rings with our birthstones and matching scents, cause by now you are already aware that i love scents 🥰 maybe we can even get a tattoo with Ki and Konki’s birth flower 🥺
IDBSHSHSNSJ YOU CAN’T JUST SAY SWEET THINGS LIKE THAT OR I WILL CRY 😭😭 but fr tho, i love you both so much with my entire being and ain’t nobody will ever change that, my sayang 🤍
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