#and after he is redeemed is able to prove his remorse by fighting against another even bigger baddie
merkerlerspeaks · 1 year
I don't know what's happened in Miraculous Ladybug after the New York special but I have a feeling they took Gabriel and made him even worse so if they did I am simply ignoring that and deciding that he stops being a little punk, asks Ladybug for help with Emilie, apologizes to Adrien and becomes the father he needs him to be and also Nathalie is able to heal both physically and emotionally from the whole "assisting in terrorizing Paris because she's to smitten to say no" situation that happened.
#Gabriel and Nathalie were the primary reasons I ever started watching Miraculous#And I feel like Gabriel had SO much potential in being an iredeemable-but-redeemed-anyway villain#And I am a SUCKER for an antagonist who's done horrible awful things#feel immense remorse for their wrongdoing and trying to correct it#I just think that Gabriel should have been the first Miraculous villain#and after he is redeemed is able to prove his remorse by fighting against another even bigger baddie#Like I have this whole story idea basically#Gabriel asks for help with Emilie. Ladybug has a moment of weakness because she sees the pain he is expiriencing#the wish very specifically is meant to revive Emilie and make it so that Hawkmoth never existed#But Emilie is even more sinister than he ever was so he has to actually reverse the wish#And set the timeline back to normal and deal with the consequences of his actions#And someone else comes up out of the woodwork with a powerful miraculous after a couple months#You know give everyone some months to process everything. Get some therapy.#Then Ladybug realizes that if they are going to fight this villain they need not only all the miraculous users#But an adult with expirience battling and can actually maintain the whole suit-form thing for a good while#And who fits that bill but Gabriel Agreste#Badabing Badaboom he has an Opportunity to prove that he truly regrets what he did#Say what you will about Gabriel#Im just a sucker for a good redemption story and I think that Gabriel could have had one of the most delectable ones since Zuko's#give adrien a good dad dang it#merkerler speaks#miraculous ladybug
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caketexturepack · 3 years
C!Dream, a redemption arc, and why it wouldn't work
Recently there have been many posts in the fandom expressing a common anxiety about c!Dream getting a redemption arc. And I have that anxiety too because I genuinely think that they won’t be able to pull it off.
Here is why a c!Dream redemption arc wouldn’t work.
Let’s start by looking at one of the most famous, and most successful redemption arcs of all time, Zuko’s. His redemption arc has become the blueprint for countless others, and that is because of three reasons.
He is never the main antagonist
His growth was not linear
Those he had hurt were not obliged to forgive him and had power in the situation
1. While DSMP has had a wide range of villains, ranging from alcoholic dictators to brother figures turned terrorists, c!Dream has remained a constant villain throughout the story of DSMP. From the early L’manberg days to even now while he’s trapped in Pandora’s box, throughout the narrative c!Dream has continued to hold onto the title of “the big bad”
Comparing this to Zuko, who while he was initially the first antagonist introduced to the gaang, that title was soon shared by Zhao. Besides being an antagonist force against the gaang, he was also an antagonist force against Zuko, instantly setting up the ground blocks towards Zuko's redemption arc and putting Zuko closer towards the same level as the Gaang, a child stuck in the middle of a war, trying to do what he thinks is right.
Now while Dream certainly thinks he is right, he’s never had another villain before Quackity at least, be an antagonist force towards him. Largely he HAS teamed up with the majority of the antagonist forces on the DSMP, taking on the role of the man in the shadows for Wilbur, Schlatt, and arguably Technoblade and Philza on doomsday. c!Dream has always been on the top of the narrative food chain, and when combined with his pvp skills, supplies, and power as server admin he holds an incredible amount of power over almost every server member.
2. C!Dream has been an incredibly linear straightforward character, he started as a moderately controlling power-hungry character and soon evolved into someone completely obsessed with control over every server member and an extreme god complex.
Throughout ATLA Zuko’s character growth has extreme ups and downs, he is often doubting the choices he’s made, whether they be good or bad, till midway of season 3. When given the chance to achieve his original dream of “redeeming” his honor and returning to the fire nation- Zuko takes it, betraying his uncle. But upon achieving his dream he soon realizes that he was in the wrong and that his true destiny is training the avatar and fighting against the fire nation. Zuko got everything he wanted, and he was still unhappy, and it was only because of his self-doubt and introspection was he able to see this mistake and jump back onto the path of redemption.
While we haven’t been able to see c!Dreams perspective (though one day we may if cc!Dream ever finishes editing) at no point have we seen c!Dream has doubts in his actions or his worldview. Any time he is confronted with opposing ideas or examples to prove otherwise, his convictions only become stronger and he in turn only becomes more twisted. For him to suddenly have the sparks of self-doubt in his actions after torture in prison? It would be poor writing and unrealistic, torture doesn’t make people better, it makes them worse.
3. While redemption can be earned without forgiveness, in the context of c!Dreams actions against the members of the server and specifically c!Tommy, c!Dreams redemption would be impossible to truly achieve without forgiveness, which is, in turn, an impossible thing to attain.
When Zuko tries to join the gaang in season 3, he understands and accepts the fact that the Gaang justifiably hate him and have no reason to trust him. He apologies, and never becomes defensive when they express their anger and distrust towards him. Zuko accepts this with patience and only after this acceptance does the gaang slowly begin to let him in, with Zuko continuously putting in the work to build trust all the while. Another key point when Zuko was trying to join the gaang was the fact that they had all the power in the situation, he was entirely on his own with no one backing him and he even offered himself up as a prisoner.
c!Dream on the other hand holds tremendous amounts of power. Pre the prison arc he was one of the richest server members, an incredible pvper, the admin of the server, and very manipulative. Since the prison, he has lost some of his power (which could easily be achieved again if he escaped) but with his manipulative abilities, he still holds power over the server members in general, specifically the bench trio who are all positively terrified of him.
The strongest example of his power is the revival book which he has memorized and has shown no hesitation in using when beneficial to him. c!Dream knows entirely that revival is a painful traumatic process, but has continuously ignored that fact and even declared that he wants to study it and achieve immortality. c!Dream will always have this extreme level of power over everyone on the server.
Nearly every member of the server has at least a moderate fear of c!Dream, with of course the clingy duo having the most extreme fear. c!Tubbo was nearly murdered by c!Dream and was heavily manipulated, and of course c!Tommy was murdered, abused, kidnapped, and manipulated by c!Dream as well as being the subject of his twisted obsession. If c!Dream was to be released, they would be constantly looking over their shoulders for the rest of their lives and be unable to heal from their trauma. At no point has c!Dream shows remorse for his actions, only its consequences, he constantly believes that he is in the right.
The message it would send
One of the most common praises the DSMP receives, specifically cc!Tommy and cc!Dream, is how well they portrayed and handled abuse in the exile arc. Showing how abuse starts with isolation and then the cycle of abuse, showing c!Tommy has realistic reactions to abuse, him being suicidal and ultimately realizing he was abused and beginning his healing arc instead of committing suicide.
c!Dream from the beginning has been the main villain, and throughout the story he has never shown any regret or self-doubt towards his beliefs and actions, intent on spiraling down over his obsessive need for power and control.
If c!Dream was to be redeemed, forgiven, and given a healing arc, especially at the cost of c!Tommy’s healing arc. It would send a horrible narrative towards abuse victims. That they have to forgive their abusers, that they have to accept them back in their lives and if they don’t then they’re the ones in the wrong because their abusers are trying to change, trying to heal. To quote @stellocchia “a healing arc with no redemption is a cheap cop-out from having to deal with the heavy topics they introduced.”
But here’s the good news
cc!Wilbur has spoken on stream before about c!Dream and c!Tommy and how c!Dream was abusive towards c!Tommy. He is also writing the current arc and I believe is involved in the writing of Tommy’s lore. cc!Wilbur has handled dark topics masterfully before, and I have a lot of trust in him towards his writing of this arc.
As someone who was in the fandom during the exile arc, I remember the common fear that c!Tommy wouldn’t make it out alive and would either be murdered by c!Dream or take his own life. That was a real fear for a while that the arc would end in such a horrible mishandled way, but they defied expectations and instead created a one of hope.
DSMP has surprised and subvert our expectations many times, let’s hope that this fear is one they will subvert as well.  
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yoonia · 4 years
About Time // Part 16
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Character: Jungkook x reader / Jimin x reader (feat. BTS)
↳ Type/Genre/words | Angst, Fluff, Alternate Universe (Time Travel!au/Time Leap!au, Soulmate!au), Mature/+18 only / 12,5k words
↳ Prompts | “What if you find your soulmate… at the wrong time?” - Lauren Kate, Passion
↳ Summary | Be careful for what you wish for, because you may never know how to deal with them once it comes true. What would you do when your wish for a second chance actually came true? But was it really a fulfilled wish? Too many questions lie when it actually happened. Were they real memories? Or perhaps a part of a past life? Was it only a dream all along? Will everything be different this time?
↳ Warnings | This chapter contains smut scenes, involving: dry humping, foreplay, thigh riding, fingering (f receiving). Also involves mentions of cancer, (probably) inaccurate medical and law terms
↳ ⤎ Previous Chapter | Series Index: About Time | Next Chapter ⇢
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—First life. St. Vincent’s Hospital, year 2027—
My head was spinning even long after Jungkook had left. His words kept echoing in my head, sounding like whispers of a curse of misfortune continuously being enchanted to me.
My hands were shaking on my lap, and it felt like there was no stopping them even as I clenched them tightly, not when my heart was pounding so rapidly inside my chest to each time his words resonated in my head. They made me feel cold and hollow. Hopeless. I could do nothing by stayed on my bed, feeling like I was slowly drowning in darkness, as if I was stuck in a bad dream and all I could see was his face, and all I could hear was his voice, telling me all the things I wished I would never hear,
“I never signed the papers. Do you know what that means?”
I closed my eyes, wishing for it to go away. Wishing for it to not be real. But it was. And he did tell me all of those things. And he said it without any emotion or remorse on his face and with a deep, vile tone on his voice. As if he was deliberately saying those things with the sole purpose of punishing me.
“It means you are still my wife. You are still legally mine.”
It was as if he was mocking me when he grinned right after the revelation. After he had hit me with the truth that had somehow been held away from me.
“You’re lying,” I remembered asking him. “Why?”
Why? I kept asking and wondering over and over again because none of this made any sense. Why would he do such a thing after he had promised to let me move on? After he already made it clear that he was willing to let me go?
The look on his face which he gave me after was one I despised the most. It was the look that he would give me each time his stubbornness was winning, the look filled with determination and relentlessness which always told me that he was not going to back down so easily and that he had already made his own plans for him to go through.
“I already told you, I am not going to let you go that easily.”
I jumped in shock as Hoseok’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up to find him looming over me, both of his hands were on my shoulders and it took me a while to realise that he had been shaking me when he called my name.
“What’s wrong? Is there something wrong? Are you in pain?” Hoseok asked me. His eyes were wide as he searched through me, looking closely at my face before his gaze looked down on my body, as if trying to find something that was wrong with me. “I’ve been calling your name since I got back but you didn’t react to me at all and you have been silent since he left. Is everything okay? God, you’re shaking.”
My brother kept staring at me with eyes filled with fear and worry that my heart started clenching in pain. I had no idea that I was shaking, but then I noticed how my hands were clutching tightly on the sheets. He pulled my hands gently and held them in his grip, and my body stopped shaking almost instantly.
“Yeah? What did he want? Did he hurt you? Should I call the doctor?”
There were so many things running in my head that I wished to speak to him about, but I couldn’t decide where to begin. After I began to feel a bit calmer, I finally started to speak. And I started by telling him everything Jungkook had said to me about the divorce papers — how he admitted to returning it, sending it back to my brother without signing, before I told him about Jungkook’s wishes on getting me back, no matter at what cost.
Deep down, I wished that Jungkook was lying to me when he said, “If you don’t believe me, then why don’t you ask your brother about it?”
Because I trusted Hoseok more than anything in the world and I refused to believe that he would hide it from me if Jungkook had really done it. But as I kept talking and all I could see on Hoseok’s face was anger and despair instead of shock, I knew that Jungkook was telling the truth.
Hoseok sat down right beside the bed and sighed deeply. I could feel his hands slowly slipping away from mine but I held on, refusing to let go and give him a chance to avoid answering my curiosity and confirm what Jungkook had told me.
“Hoseok?” I asked him when he grew silent. Then he lifted his face, looking into my eyes with regret filling his gaze. “What did he mean by it? What are you not telling me?”
Hoseok’s breath was shaking as he released another deep sigh. He closed his eyes, taking a moment as if he was trying to decide what to say to me. And we still had our hands holding each other for support. When he opened his eyes again, the regret in his eyes deepened, and so did the pain in my chest as he confirmed everything that I had feared.
“Jungkook returned the divorce form without his signature. It was left on my desk and I found it after the New Year’s Eve party. I didn’t mean to hide it from you. I couldn’t say anything to you because I didn’t want you to worry, and I was hoping that I could settle it before you ever find out,” he began explaining it to me slowly and I took in all that he was telling me, word for word, until everything sank in. “His lawyer called me just last week after I pressed him over signing, telling me that Jungkook is still refusing to give his signature and is now demanding his rights as a lawful husband to have a chance for reconciliation. After he found out about your health condition, he has also added his demands for visitation rights and asked to be given a role as a caregiver.”
My breath was caught in my throat before it came out with a sob.
“No,” I gasped, shaking my head in denial. What was he trying to do? Why is he doing this? “He can’t do that—can he?”
Hoseok’s jaw twitched. “Unless he signs—” he said, seething with anger before he exhaled deeply. “Unless the divorce is made official, he is still your husband by law and he can still legally claim his rights to be by your side.”
Hoseok stopped for a brief moment but kept his eyes on me. I had mentioned about what Jungkook had told me regarding my relationship with Jimin. He claimed, or rather, insisted that I only wanted a divorce because of another man. And now that he knew I was ill, he would have enough power to prove to the court and to convince them that I was not right in the mind to have demanded it now was I in the right condition of making such a decision.
Now that Hoseok insinuated that Jungkook had sent the papers back on New Year’s Eve, it made me think that perhaps last night was not the first time he caught me with Jimin. Though he hinted that he saw me on that New Year’s Eve party, Hoseok’s words only confirmed that he was really there.
I had thought that I could finally move on, which was the reason why I had agreed to start things with Jimin. But this would change everything. And Hoseok confirmed it when he said, “He will also have a probable cause of suing you for infidelities if he truly wishes.”
Anger and disbelief ran through me. “But he was the one cheating on me! He had no right!”
My tears started falling both out of pain and out of anger. How could he? Why am I the one being punished after everything he had put me through?
Once again, my body started shaking, and Hoseok was quick to leap out of his seat to take me in his arms. Cupping my face, he forced me to look at him and stopped me from losing myself in my rage and getting lost in my mind.
“And we will remind the court about his own infidelities, and everything he had done to tarnish your marriage, if he ever takes us there,” he told me then as he looked deep into my eyes. Every word he said to me held his promises and I could see the rage in his eyes, the same anger I was feeling, and I knew he meant every word. “I’m trying to make a deal with him and his legal team so it’ll never get to that stage. Not with your condition.”
As he held me tight, Hoseok kept whispering to me, soothing me and reminding me to breathe in and out slowly, before the stress would once again take over me and ruined whatever progress I was having even if it only had been a few days.
“What are we supposed to do?” I whispered as I cried to his chest. I felt him rubbing my back, helping me to get it all out as I sobbed and wept for all the unfortunate events I had to go through. “He’s never going to let me go easily without a fight, is he?”
Hoseok tightened his arm around me. “He’s in denial because you’re finally fighting against him. He’s doing all of this out of spite, because he knows that you have found ways to move on without him and he is using your condition as his way to get you into thinking that you would need him by your side and that you wouldn’t be able to live without him.”
Just like he did years ago, I wondered silently as I recalled the way he did all he could to redeem himself after the accident I went through back in college. The accident which had cost me everything.
My college life, my best friend, my family. Our baby.
I closed my eyes and my tears slowly began to dry, replaced with more anger as I remembered everything that had happened then. How he stayed by my side during my recovery until I began to feel like he was the reason why I was still breathing and living, when he managed to make me fall in love with him again and made me feel as if he was the only one who could heal my heart and soul after he had broken them into pieces.
“Once he realises that he is only going to give you more stress that will only interfere with your healing process instead of helping you, he might finally come to his senses and forget about whatever vendetta he is planning against you,” I heard Hoseok speak carefully, although it sounded more like he was trying to convince both me and himself and to give us some hope in getting through this.
I clenched my brother’s shirt tightly in my hands when I finally realised that this was exactly what Jungkook after for coming back with his threats. To once again slip his way back into my life while I was at my weakest. And it pained me the most to think that after years of wishing and hoping that he would fight harder for our marriage, he was only doing it now, once everything was far too late and we were far too broken to fix.
But not this time.
This time, I would be ready to stand my own ground when I had decided to live my life the way I wanted to. When I already knew where to find my own happiness, even if it would be my last chance to have it. And I was not about to give that up, not for him.
If I could not have it, if he would not let me to finally be truly happy and to heal from the pain he had inflicted on me for years, then I was not going to let him win anything at all. I would never give him a chance to take it away from me.
“Then maybe I could do it sooner,” I said to Hoseok as I pulled myself away from his embrace. I looked up to him, returning his frown and his curious gaze with clear, determined look on mine when I told him what I had in mind.
“I can show him that I will not allow him to use my state of weakness as a weapon to get his way. Perhaps I should stop taking medications until he gives me what I want, and let him watch me suffer the more he refuses to give up my freedom.”
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Hoseok did all he could to talk me out of it and change my mind.
But he forgot how headstrong I could be. It was our family trait, after all, and I was not backing down no matter how much he tried, no matter how much he chastised me for what I said to him and how he spent hours of trying to prove to me how wrong it would be to make that move.
I could not care less because I had nothing else to lose anyway, when the only thing I had wished for was a chance to feel some sort of happiness, no matter how small it would be or how short the time that would be given to me to relish it.
For some reason, I was not even afraid of making this decision.
Because finally, for the very first time in my life, I was thinking for myself and I was not doing it for the sake of somebody else’s happiness and their lives. I was doing this all for my own sake and my own happiness. And for me to get a chance of love. The kind of love I felt when I was with Jimin, the love which allowed me to breathe more easily, that had not made me feel like I was a broken, damaged good.
Hoseok was so distressed that I was not surprised when he ran out to get help.
So it was not completely surprising when I woke up from my long nap right before nightfall to find Dr. Kim sitting right beside the bed, sans the white coat and while carrying only his warm smile with him.
“Dr. Kim, what—what are you doing here?” I stretched out and tried to sit up while clearing my dry throat, neither act ever succeeded until he leaned to press a button on the bed which raised it upward and handed me a glass of water to drink. “Thank you, Doc. But you didn’t have to do this.”
He took the glass away from my hand once I was done. “First of all,” he started, “It’s Seokjin. No coat, remember? It’s off working hours.”
I could not resist the urge to roll my eyes as I laughed. “Okay, fine,” I said to him. “Alright then, Seokjin. Mind telling me why you were watching me sleep? Since you were off duty and it’s not your schedule to check up on me.”
Seokjin released a deep sigh and leaned back in his seat. He had a troubled look on his face when he looked up at me, and he stayed that way while keeping his hands on his lap, fingers entwined, as if he could not decide where to start. I could only guess what he was up to, but I chose to wait until he spoke.
“Your brother came to see me earlier when he went down to sign off your medicines for today,” he said, confirming my thoughts.
I knew that he would be one of the first people Hoseok came running to for advice, or to help him convince me not to take any desperate measures that may harm me in order to fight against Jungkook.
That was all his words. Not mine.
“You’re not surprised,” he said, tilting his head. Seokjin crossed his arms over his chest as he studied me closely.
“I kind of made a list of people he would go visit after our last conversation,” I told him. “Go on. What did he say?”
Seokjin sighed. “He told me the ordeal you are having—with your husband and the divorce process. I’m guessing he’s making things hard for you, hmm?”
I scoffed. “That is an understatement of the year,” I said. “He seems to have a mission on making my life miserable. He always decides what he wants and makes sure he gets it, no matter at what cost, or whose life he would be putting in vain for him to win.”
As I looked over to him, the young doctor was rubbing a hand over his face, though it did not erase the frown he was having. “So there’s no possible reconciliation, I suppose?” he asked me, only to have me stubbornly shaking my head.
“Never. I’m done with him,” I told him firmly. “I know what I want now and he is not a part of it. He had never once let me be a part of his ordeals, he never shared what was going on in his mind and he had always chosen to run away from every single problem we were having, only to create more problem until it was too late for any of us to fix it.”
I was shaking my head when I was telling him this and my determination kept going stronger the more I shared what I was feeling.
“Even before our marriage, it would always seem like I was the one to fix up all the mess he made, to find any solution he needed to get through them. But when the problem and the mess involved me, our marriage, our future, he was never willing to do anything to make it better or fight for it and had chosen to look away, as if the more he ignores it, the less it becomes real. He had never fought for me before, but now—” I looked up to the doctor as I continued, “Now, when I have nothing more to offer, when I have no more will to be with him, he is fighting to have me back as if everything would be like it was the moment I return to him.”
Seokjin smiled at me as if he understood. “And is Jimin one of the reasons why you are not going back together with him?”
At the mention of Jimin’s name, I simply couldn’t help but smile. There was something about Jimin, not only his presence but simply the thought of him, that brought warmth inside my chest, something that was enough to allow me to hope.
“He is a part of it,” I admitted, and Seokjin smiled with me. “But most of it was just me taking my life back, even if it would be too late for me to savour it. It’s just me taking back everything I had to sacrifice and let go of when I had chosen him over everything else.”
“You just want to be happy.”
“Yes, that is all I want,” I told him, relieved that he would understand. “Is it really too much to ask?”
Seokjin leaned forward and grabbed my hand. “I understand, _____. I really do,” he said to me softly. “And I know that everything you promised your brother you would do was only to threaten your husband, to punish him if he is still forcing you to go along with his ways. But is it worth it? I understand your decision of punishing him, but that doesn’t mean you should be punishing yourself for it.”
“I don’t know what else to do.”
“Focus on your treatments and your healing. Show him that you will do much better on your own, that he will only hold you back from getting any better,” he said. “He will have no choice but to admit that he has no place in your life once you show him that.”
“He is a stubborn man.”
“So am I,” he said, grinning as he admitted this. “And I will not let my favourite patient harm herself after months of effort she has made and after all the positive progress I have helped her go through. Do you hear me?”
“Yeah,” I said to him. “I hear you.”
“Good,” he said. “Then let’s do our best to get better.”
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Dr. Kim, or Seokjin, had proven to be a good friend.
His pep talk stayed with me through the night and it surprised even Hoseok that the kind doctor was able to talk to me and change my mind rather easily. If he had any jealousy of having someone else convincing me out of my mistakes, he was not showing it. The only thing he did show me was the relief he felt that I was able to look past the anger and focus on what mattered the most.
The only thing that was bothering me was that the other person who I had thought would come to visit had yet to make any appearance even until a couple of days had passed. He did not come even when I waited for him to be there or call me and text me back whenever I tried to reach him, since I was not allowed to leave my room.
I knew that even Hoseok had reached out to him at the same time he did to Dr. Kim. Out of all the people who could talk me out of it, Jimin was the one I expected to be able to make me sway. Yet he had yet to come and visit after that night.
His absence led me to question things. It made me worried about him and had me seething at Jungkook for his reaction the night he came to find me with Jimin, blaming him for ruining things when everything between me and Jimin had been doing so well.
As days passed and still no word from Jimin, I could not help but wonder if something was wrong. Each time someone would walk past the door, I would instantly raise my head, expecting to see him walking in with his warm smile on his face. Then whenever I was disappointed to find that he was still not showing up, my mind would wander off, trying to figure out what would have happened and where he might have been.
Did Jungkook scare him off? Or did I scare him off?
Was he badly hurt? Because I could still hear the sound of Jungkook’s fist landing on Jimin’s cheek. I still remembered the sight of blood dripping from Jimin’s lips. I still had a few drops of it marking one of my nightshirts from when he held me tight after Jungkook had ripped his lips, when he was trying to convince me that he was alright before Hoseok finally brought him back to his room.
Or could it be that he had decided to give up and stay away because of all the baggage I carried?
That last thought was the one that hurt me the most. The thought of losing him turned my chest inside and out and I had no idea what I would do if that should ever happen.
After days of worrying, crying over his absence, and asking about him to the nurses coming into my room only to find no answers of his wellbeing, Jimin finally walked through the door and entered my room at one afternoon.
He had a slight limp on his footsteps and I could tell how he was slouching his shoulders as he made his way to the side of the bed. He didn’t even bother to wait until Yoongi — who had his turn to watch over me that day — was completely out of the room to collect me from the bed and pulled me into his chest. As I was finally back in his arms again, I felt all the knots inside my chest loosening, while at the same time, felt him exhaling a deep sigh of relief, as if I was not the only one in loss and in pain when we were apart.
“Where have you been?” I cried to his chest. “I thought you hated me or you were mad at me and you have decided to not come to see me again.”
To my surprise, I heard him chuckling into my hair. “That is probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard coming from you,” he said, yet I nearly missed his words when my mind was distracted by the movement of his hand circling on my back and his warm breath that was falling on my neck.
The moment I managed to process what he just said to me, I pushed back against him. “Are you calling me dumb?”
Jimin grinned. “No, you are certainly not. But saying that I am angry at you or that I am capable of hating you is,” he said. His gaze softened when he looked at my face, while mine only widened. Now that I was staring at him from up close, I could finally see them more clearly — the swollen bags under his eyes, his misty gaze that held unspoken words, the blue-ish mark on his cheek, and the faint, drying wound at the corner of his lips.
I opened my mouth to apologise for his wounds, for all the pain that had been inflicted by my raging ex-husband, but he stopped me by pressing his lips on mine. The moment our lips touched, it felt like all of my worries were lifted almost instantly. I felt calm, content, and completed. Like he was the missing piece that I needed and for the past few days when he was not here, I was not truly living.
The kiss lingered until my heartbeat was pacing so fast and so hard that I felt my chest was clenching in pain. Through my palms that were pressed on his chest, I could feel that he was feeling the same way, except that his breath fell short and he had to pull away so he could breathe.
For a moment, neither of us spoke as we revelled in each other’s presence and warmth.
“I could never hate you, love,” he whispered to me as he rested his forehead on mine. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around.”
“What happened?” I asked him. I pulled back slightly only so I could look at him in the eye, so I could demand an answer. “Where were you?”
He held my hand as he began to tell me everything. “Well, first, I got scolded after I returned from your room that night. The nurse chastised me while she was cleaning up the wound on my ripped lips and tried her best to make sure I wouldn’t be waking up with a headache or with my pretty face all swollen,” he told me with a smile, before his gaze was filled with sadness when he continued, “But things still turned to the worst when I woke up the next morning. I didn’t only get the headaches, but I also got a high fever, nausea, the whole thing you get when your body is rebelling against you.”
The revelation made me gasped. Tears came welling in my eyes as I was filled with guilt. Guilt that came from not knowing. Guilt for not being able to be there for him.
Jimin smiled to me as he reached out to wipe the tear that managed to slip out. His softly spoke to me, calming me down with his thumbs circling on my wrists. “This time, they told me to stay in my room and I was forbidden from moving around and be active. I was put in an extreme observation which left me completely immobile that they had to call my cousin to come and help watch over me. I had no choice but to stay and wait until I recover.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Jimin raised my hand to place a kiss on my wrist. “Your brother came to visit me the day the fever happened. I believe he left your room when your husband came to see you and he had nowhere to go. He came again the next day to talk and though I never exactly told him about my condition, he did find out that I was not allowed to leave the room for a few days, but we agreed not to tell you anything so you wouldn’t worry too much. You were also recovering from the tests and all the stress you were having, so I decided to give us both some time to recover separately before we could see each other again.”
“But that was not your decision to make, was it? I should have had a chance to say something so I could be there, so we could recover together,” I protested, to which he only sighed.
“I know. I’m sorry. I just didn’t want to put too much pressure on you,” he said to me, and I had no other choice but to accept it. It was far too late to change anything anyway. But he was here with me now and that mattered more.
“So—” I started to speak after taking a few deep breaths. “What—what was wrong? Why were you in pain? Did the doctor tell you anything?”
Then, once again, my mind wandered and I began to imagine all the worst-case scenario of what might have happened to him. Could it be that he was getting worse? Once again, the fear of losing him came over me. But then I studied his face closely, looking at the marks on his skin and quickly remembered—
“Was it because of Jungkook? Was it because he hurt you that night?” I asked him while pulling his hands to my lap. Our fingers were still entangled to one another, as if both of us needed the contact and the bond to make us both feel better. When I remembered about that night when Jungkook came in, when Jimin confronted him with his words, I tightened my grip as I demanded more answers, “Why did you have to poke him that way? You could’ve just pushed him away instead of talking back to him and provoke him into punching you. You didn’t have to get hurt because of me.”
Instead of regretting it, Jimin only chuckled at the memory. “I honestly have no idea why I kept taunting him that way. I just got angry at him for barging into your room, acting like he owned the place, or as if he owned you. And I really hated seeing that look on his face when it seemed like he was hurt for seeing us together, for seeing me there, holding you, when he was the one who has been hurting you.”
I could feel the creases on my brows deepening as I scowled at him. I was ready to scold him further, yet he stopped me, using his finger this time as he pressed it against my lips to shut me up.
“Hey, I did tell you that I’m not a good person,” he said, catching my chin in his hand to make me look into his eyes. He was smiling at me when our eyes met, but I could sense the sadness that he was trying to hide when he continued to speak, “And no, it wasn’t just because of that night. I’m having one of those moments again, when my body is growing tired of the treatments and the meds I was taking. I guess the fight and the anger of seeing him had triggered it to happen rather quickly this time, but I can handle it. I promise. They’re putting me off of them for a bit until I am ready for more, letting my body rest before it figures out a way to be immune from the medications they are giving me.”
I felt completely helpless at his conviction. Nothing he was telling me could ease my mind. It did nothing to stop me from worrying even more, to imagine that even after spending weeks and months being stuck in this place, he was still not getting any better.
Cupping his face with me palms, I could only whisper weakly, “I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you, Jimin.”
Placing his hands on my waist, Jimin lowered himself and kissed the tip of my nose gently as he promised me, “I’m not going anywhere.”
His lips met mine in a gentle kiss when he leaned forward again, but I only let myself drown in his kiss for a brief moment, when my guilt came to me stronger the moment I remembered my last conversation with Jungkook. I pulled back, cutting the kiss almost abruptly that he opened his eyes with a curious look.
I swallowed hard before I finally spoke, “But it wouldn’t be fair to you if you stay with me either.”
“What do you mean?”
It was hard for me to reveal what was troubling me the most, and he made me scoot over so he could climb on the bed. The bed that was given to me in that room was big enough for us to lie side by side, as long as I was tucked in his embrace. I rested my head on his shoulder as I recalled everything, letting him know all the things that were revealed through my last conversation with Jungkook.
Jimin had already heard about the matter of the unresolved divorce papers from Hoseok’s visits to his room, yet he stilled for a moment when I told him all about the possibility of Jungkook taking the infidelity matters into court if I insisted to go on with the divorce and to continue this relationship.
To my surprise, Jimin stayed calm as he took everything in, when I had expected to see him leaping out of the bed and started running. Instead, the moment I looked up to him, he gave an encouraging smile while he kept his arm around my shoulders. “Well then, that just gave me even more reason to stay,” he said to me while planting a kiss on the top of my head.
“Aren’t you worried?” I asked him, trying to make sure if he actually still wanted to be a part of all of this. Of all the mess that was about to come into my life on behalf of my ex. “He would stop at nothing to make my life harder than it is, and he is going to take you down with me doing it.”
“I no longer care about anything like that, really,” he simply told me, shrugging. “He is just jealous, since he wasn’t expecting to see you moving on so soon, and he’s also probably bitter that he had been kept out of the loop while you are dealing with such a big thing as cancer growing inside you.”
I kept my eyes on him, still unable to believe that I still had him here, lying down on my bed to support me. While my gaze held hope — hope for the better, hope for a chance to make it through no matter what kind of hardship Jungkook was throwing at me, Jimin’s gaze held love and determination as he promised me,
“He doesn’t scare me and I will not let him scare me off, as long as you’ll have me. I will fight for you with everything I have left. I have nothing more to lose anyway, and I sure as hell will make sure that I will not lose you to him.”
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Jimin made good of his words by sticking up to me more each day and for staying instead of running.
I was slowly getting better after the last relapse while he was recovering from his, and I was finally no longer under the 24-hours watch list which I have been placed on so the guys no longer spent the night nor they were wasting most of their time with me.
The first night I was finally being left on my own without my guardians, Jimin peeked into the bedroom after the nurses were done making their last rounds of the night and the lights had been switched off.
“No brothers around?” he asked me with a sly grin. I noticed that he was wearing his sleeping attire with a long coat on, and his fuzzy slippers which made it possible for him to walk around without making too much noise. He looked warm enough to wrap my arms around to defeat the room’s cold temperature that I had to resist grabbing him closer to me.
Or maybe I just missed him.
“Nope. They’ve finally decided that I’m a big girl and let me be,” I answered him while shaking my head.
“Good,” he said, before he quickly made his way to my bed. I carefully scooted over so he could slip beside me. It took us merely seconds to get ourselves comfortable as we got entangled under the covers, having been used to do this a few times before already ever since the first time I spent the night with him like this, when we would take turns to visit each other and stay the night.
Jimin lied on his side, his eyes meeting mine as he pulled me closer by my waist. “Hi there,” he whispered, smiling softly to me.
“Hello,” I said to him. “Did you memorise the nurses’ rounds schedule to slip away?”
“What if I did?” he looked down with an evil grin.
“You are so bad,” I chuckled, while his grin only widened.
“What? It’s not like they can kick either of us out anyway,” he defended himself and made me laugh.
“I missed you today,” I whispered to him once we came down from laughing, suddenly feeling sentimental now that he was here. His presence always did that to me. He made me feel safe and secure each time my loneliness was close to taking over.
Jimin smiled, suddenly obvious how tired he looked but hid it well when he placed a kiss at the tip of my nose. Sighing deeply, he tightened his arms around me. “Sorry, it was a long day. The doctor gave me some vitamins and I could barely stay awake after taking it. Then I got a few visitors in the afternoon. My cousin dropped by before she is off to the States with her husband and kids, and they brought in a few old friends to see me. I got so caught up with them for a couple of hours. Then I got so exhausted after they all went home that I wasn’t allowed to make any trips outside of my room.”
Pulling back just enough to look at him, I creased my brows. “No—I wish you would’ve told me. I could have met her,” I sulked. Jimin had told me time and time again about his cousin and how close they were that I had grown curious to see her. I have wanted to see another part of his life and to be able to meet anyone who knew him personally the way he got to know my brother since we have been together.
Jimin appeared surprised to see how disappointed I was to miss out a chance to see his family and chuckled softly. “I’m sorry, it was an unplanned visit, after all. I would’ve invited you if it wasn’t,” he said to me with pleading eyes. “Another time, maybe.”
If there was anything I knew well about Jimin was his reluctance on making promises for the future. And now he was finally making one, perhaps completely unintended. I refused to let it slide, but too afraid to ask for more only to have him reel back from it. So I said nothing and chose to respond to him with a kiss instead.
“Alright, then. It must have felt good to have someone coming to see you,” I told him, once I remembered how lonely he had been for a long time before we met.
It was quite a while ago when Jimin confided in me about how people in his life had left him one by one for the past few years. First, it was his friends and his dance crew that got distant after his car accident years ago which took his ability to dance. Then his family and closest relatives once he had gotten ill, though it was more to his fault when it happened, when he shut himself from everyone to deal with it on his own. The only one remained was his cousin, who would stop at nothing to be by his side.
“It goes to show that no matter how much you’ve pushed people away, at least some of them would find their way back to you,” he hummed softly, before looking down to meet my gaze again. “Even if their return isn’t always welcomed.”
I could not help but chuckle bitterly when I knew exactly what he meant. “I have nothing to say on that one, but I understand what you mean.”
Yes, people would come and go. And though I despised the fact that Jungkook was back only to make my life harder than it should, I was grateful to have a part of what I had lost back to me when my brother came to find me at my darkest time. Even if it was almost far too late for us to mend what had been broken.
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Sleeping beside Jimin was heavenly. Especially when I had his arms around me, holding me tight, our bodies melding perfectly together that it helped me forget about being stuck in the hospital for some time. I had never slept so good and the next morning felt brighter when his face became the first thing I saw.
The second night, he came in without saying a word and nearly jumped onto the bed as if he could not get to me fast enough.
He was strangely silent and his eyes were unusually dark and distant for a moment before he finally had me in his arms. I tried to question him about it, yet I feared to hear the answer to his odd behaviour. All he gave me was a smile as he reached out to pull me against his chest. Though I could clearly hear the exhale of relief he gave away when I held him in return.
We looked at each other in silence, the lights from outside the window and the dim night lights around my bed illuminating his face softly inside the dark bedroom. His hands trailed down my waist while his eyes seemed to search for something on my face, looking completely lost and unsure. His touches were gentle, but each tip of his fingers never failed to trace every curve of my body, as if he wanted to memorise everything. He patiently traced up my body, before his fingers travelled to my arms, shoulders, hair, being careful and cautious on every light graze he made like I would either break apart or disappear under his touch.
My eyes began to flutter to close when he began tracing my neck, touching the most sensitive parts of my skin at the nape of my neck which made me shiver. That was when I felt his lips brushing my forehead, his warm breath falling on my skin when he whispered, “Is it okay if I touch you like this?”
“Yes,” I told him, though my voice came out as a whisper and it was barely coherent when his light touch and kisses took my breath away. “It’s okay, Jimin. Touch me.”
Yet the moment I opened my eyes, he suddenly stopped and pulled away.
I reached out and cupped his face with my trembling hands, tipping his face up so he would look into my eyes. “Is something bothering you?”
His eyes flickered for a brief moment and his smile did not exactly reach his eyes when he answered, “No, there’s nothing wrong. It’s just—” he stopped, looking slightly reluctant for a moment before he leaned to me, pressing his lips on my temple. “I just want to hold you.”
I could clearly hear the desperation in his voice and my chest instantly grew tight. I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotions and fear. Fear of the future, fear of losing him, fear of losing this. Pulling his face to me, I kissed his lips gently. The way his lips were trembling when he melded them on mine only let me know that he was feeling the exact same thing as I was. And that he had something to hide.
Something he was not ready to share with me.
“Hold me now, Jimin.”
Jimin wasted no time to wrap his arms around me, holding me close to him and pulled me so he could kiss me on my lips. His kiss was quick to grow deeper, desperate, until the two of us fell breathless on my bed. I didn’t fail to notice how his breath was heavier, slower, but he distracted me by kissing my whole face with feathery kisses, branding me with his lips along my jawline then down my neck, where he found my pulse and sucked gently at it while he pulled me until our hips came together.
It had been a long time since I have been intimate with anyone. It had been long since the last time I shared my bed with my former husband and made love to him. My body was already hyper-sensitive, craving for a warm touch, and it felt even more intense knowing that it was Jimin who was touching me, loving me the way I have wanted to be loved.
My blood raced through my whole body, my chest felt warm as I arched my body against his. His knee came between my legs, nudging them apart for him to slip one leg between them, and his thigh came pressing at my center just as his kisses grew hotter around the column of my throat.
All of a sudden, it felt like we were wearing too many clothes and there were too many barriers between us. I whimpered his name, begging, pleading, even if my brain was too muddled to decide what to ask of him first.
But somehow, he knew what I needed.
His lips found mine again, shutting my soft moans as his tongue slid inside, dancing with mine. His hand reached up, finding my breast where he rested a palm over my mound, kneading my soft flesh over the thin top I was wearing to sleep. I could feel his thumb brushing against my nipple, making it hard. The simple touch made my whole body shiver, and then my core began to pulse with the desire that I thought I had lost. He pressed his thigh harder against it, returning each throb of my desire with a delightful pressure that sent my body come to a jolt.
As I slowly began to give in, my hips began to move. I started grinding myself against his sturdy thigh. His body was growing thin, yet I could tell that once in the past, he had strong muscles there, right at the spot that was pressing against my throbbing clit.
He slowly began to move. Keeping one hand on my waist and the other at the back of my head, he used them as leverage as he began grinding his hips against me. My body hummed as his stiff member brushed against my pubic bone, and I nearly cursed, wishing that I could put away everything so we could be together, to become one. As I shifted, I managed to slip under him, and he came between my legs, his covered girth resting right at the center of my heat.
“Jimin,” I moaned as his lips left mine, letting me take a deep breath while he took his own. His warm breath fell on my skin when his lips trailed down my neck, biting, nipping, all while his soft moan kept escaping from his lips. His hips never stopped moving, his hard cock rubbing against my clit, up and down my covered slit until I could feel myself soaking with my arousal.
“I want you so bad,” he whispered, and I nearly teared up, both from his words and from the way waves of pleasure was rising through my body.
“Jimin, please,” I whimpered as our hips continued to swivel over the bed, moving against each other as I rubbed my throbbing core against him and he was rubbing his covered mast against my center. I lowered my body, pressing myself harder against him as I moved faster, chasing it as I felt my body coiling tight with the need for my release. I knew he was needing for his own too when he began bucking his hips harder against me.
Jimin’s lips brushed against my ear, nipping my lobe while he whispered soft words, promises of how he would take me if only we were not in the confinement of this hospital, this bed.
“I want to take you so bad. I want to make love to you until you scream my name, I want to pleasure you the way you deserve it, baby,” he kept whispering to me between his kisses, with a ragged voice that was filled with his needs.
I closed my eyes, picturing how good it would feel to make love to him. How amazing it would have been if we were skin to skin, if we didn’t have to worry about getting caught or getting hurt. I pictured how good we would be if he was inside me, filling the void that had been left untouched, and it was enough to send me toppling over the edge.
Just as I felt it coming, I swivelled and pressed harder against his crotch, rubbing my heat until my climax came with pulsing waves. Then he bucked his hips once, twice, until his whole body shivered against me, letting me know that he was right at the end at the same time I was.
My whole body was pulsing, throbbing, while his member was twitching against my core. My heartbeat was pounding all the way up to my ears, our deep breaths echoed against the walls, and it was a wonder that nobody came rushing in.
The room no longer felt cold, as I was filled with heat. I slowly opened my eyes as I struggled to control my breath, and was surprised to find his glossy eyes looking back at me.
“Are you alright, love?” he asked me, beating me into it when I was just about to ask him the same thing.
I could only nod my head for a moment. “Yeah,” I whispered breathlessly. “Are you?”
Jimin grinned at me. His smile reaching his eyes this time. He leaned down, catching my lips with his before whispering, “Never been better.”
The change in his mood made me breathe out a sigh of relief, even if I could not help but wonder if there was another reason for his unshed tears. Once again, I failed to question it when he caught my lips again, distracting me with his kiss.
While I was still in a daze, he gently moved us on the bed to separate us so we could lie down more comfortably. As he scooted back in place, the bed under us groaned slightly under our weight. The sound was surprisingly foreign since it had not been making the same noises when we were both lost in our desire.
“Uh oh, did we break the bed?” he asked me, eyes wide with fear.
I only chuckled. “I don’t know, but I hope not,” I told him, before I carefully shifted until I was settled nicely on the bed again. We waited for a moment to make sure that the bed wouldn’t fall off before we settled in to sleep, both of us lying sideways, facing each other.
We both knew that we have soiled our clothes, but neither of us made the move to clean ourselves. The need to hold on to each other defeated everything else, and he took me into his arms again, kissing me one last time before he let me lie down with my head resting on his shoulder.
Minutes later, my whole body fell into a comfortable rhythm which settled me into a lull. As our bodies were entwined together, our warmth mingled against the cold temperature around us while our steady heartbeats lulled us both to sleep, and all questions I had hanging on my tongue were left forgotten.
His face was brighter when he came into my room the next night, then the next. Sometimes the conversation would last long enough until we fell asleep in the middle of reminiscing our pasts, while at another time, he would be too distant to talk too much and our words would melt in our heated kisses.
“Any talk about them sending you home?”
It was during the night he came to me with eyes searching into mine, like he was trying to read through me or to figure something out while keeping whatever it was that had been troubling him a secret. After sharing a few kisses and nearly falling asleep to the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat, Jimin pulled back to ask me that question.
A question which I had been planning to talk to him about all day.
“Yeah, I talked about it with the doctors today. My last X-ray will come out in the morning and my therapist wants to see how far I could go around without the wheelchair. They’ll decide when to let me go home once they make sure it’s safe to release me until my next treatment,” I told him. “What about you?”
Jimin smiled at me. “My body won’t be ready for my therapy and treatments until another few weeks. It would be a waste of money and resource if I stay here that long,” he said, looking pleased to be able to return home, even if it would only be for a short time.
“That sounds good. There’s nothing better than sleeping in your own bed, right?”
He gave me a sad smile. “I’m going to miss you. I’ll miss slipping away from my room to escape into yours and tuck you in my arms until we fall asleep.”
“It won’t be too much of coming home for me if I am released from the hospital, however,” I told him once I remembered my current situation. “I have no place to call my own yet so coming home means going back to live with my brother.”
“Then come with me,” he suddenly offered. “With my cousin away, I will be fending for myself. Alone. Why not be together so we can help each other out?”
I perked up to his idea and wondered why I had not thought of it before. “Do you really think we could?”
“I want to try. I want to do everything I could with you. Anything at all.”
He leaned down to kiss me again, and this time, despite the lingering weakness in my muscles, the heat from the contact began to spread through me as our lips touched. He gripped my chin and slid his tongue into my mouth, while my fingers tightened around his biceps.
I yearned for him, even more so now with the threat of being apart from him suddenly came between us, suddenly dying to get out of this confining all white and grey room and eager to have a place where I could be together with him.
“I would like that,” I finally told him once we came apart. “I want to be with you.”
That night, I had a beautiful dream. A dream where there were only Jimin and me together, building a home in a small house with white picket fences, a beautiful front yard covered in green grass and bushes of flowers just like what I had in my childhood home growing up, with a few pets — a small dog for Jimin to play with and a fluffy cat that would sit on my lap. Our home would be filled with love, warmth, and neither of us was in pain.
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Perhaps I should have known better than to let my hopes up.
I should have known that my life would never be so easy no matter how hard I tried. It had been years since I had anything good in my life, as if the whole universe was trying to conspire against me. And once again, it refused to give me what I wanted to have the most.
The next day, I spent the whole day with the doctor. There was no test run, but I was presented with the results of my tests and my X-rays, being shown how my illness was progressing. The only test I had was with my therapist, where she laid me down on the treatment bed in her clinic on the top floor, and she instructed me to move on my own.
I had no problem with being active without help as long as I was in bed. I was able to roll on my sides, back and forth, without a problem. I could sit on my own, push myself off the bed, and even though it was exhausting and I ended up completely out of breath, I was able to perform all the morning exercises the therapist had always made me do without any assistance. I could also handle some weight, something that I had knowledge of but still had to show her since I could not possibly tell her about my late-night make-out sessions with Jimin.
The only problem I had was walking.
Taking the few steps off the bed and off a chair was something that I could manage to do, and I have done this every day when I had to go to the bathroom by myself.
But it was different when I was told to walk around the room all by myself, without help, without any tools to keep myself up, and just after walking two rounds across the room, it felt as if my body was about to break into pieces.
“The doctor was right, although you are ready to be sent home, you won’t be able to handle too much physical exertion,” my therapist said to me once I was seated back on the wheelchair that was used to send me here.
At first, I only accepted its presence due to the hospital’s regulations which said that patients could only be transferred on wheelchairs or a gurney. Now, I had no choice but to admit that I might actually need it after all.
“So I guess that’s no more going on dates or bar hopping for me, huh?” I joked with her, even though I also meant it to find out if that was a sign that I had to say goodbye to any chance of normalcy in life.
Not that I had any tendency of partying all night. I just thought it would be lovely to have one night, a normal night, where I could walk out in the city with Jimin, hand in hand as we finally had a normal date night that didn’t require sneaking around and nearly breaking the hospital bed right after.
“Definitely no bar-hopping for you,” she said with a grin. “I’m just saying that the hospital will only release you with a note and a warning that you will have somebody to tend for all your needs. I know that you live with your brother, so that’s a plus, knowing that he can take care of you. But I’m going to give you a referral for a standby nurse, just in case. You will also need to do all the exercises I gave you while you are off the hospital and you might going to need help on that from someone who has been properly trained to assist you.”
I frowned, not liking where this was going. “I was planning to find a place to live on my own. I’ve been too dependent on my older brother and I just want to start a new life without having to be too much of a trouble for him,” I told my therapist. I had to look away when she was looking at me with a concerned look on her face.
The therapist took her seat in front of me. “That might work if you have no trouble with your body experiencing pain,” she added. “The thing is, I have read on your report that the last time you were admitted to the hospital with an attack and a recurring pain, added with a sudden undetected growth on the malignancy, was when you were living under your brother’s guardianship. You have been showing some progress so far, but we have no idea to what extent your body would be able to handle any independent activity until your next treatment.”
I gripped the armrests to my wheelchair as the disappointment sent my body shaking. Whatever she was going to tell me, I was never going to like it. And I was right.
“You may be able to convince the doctor to release you soon, but he will still need my referral and my notes as consideration. And I am going to have to advise that you are to be released with a live-in nurse if you are not getting any better before the day of your release,” she said with her lips curling to a regretful smile. “I’m so sorry, ______.”
The disappointment followed me for the rest of the day.
I was terribly exhausted, my body was practically numb after a whole day of experiencing pain. But I was mostly dejected after having gotten my request for independent residency possibly denied. It had not been determined yet, since I was still going to have to talk about it with Hoseok. But knowing my brother, he would not agree to my demands if he had heard what the doctor and the therapist had to say about my condition.
That was how Jimin found me when nighttime came.
I was lost in my own world, a deep frown covering my face and my eyes held the unshed tears of having my hopes and dreams crushed because of what I had in me. Just like how I was able to see it when Jimin came to me completely troubled, he knew it the minute he saw my face and our eyes met.
Jimin said nothing when he came to the bed with determined steps. His jaw twitched for a second and I could only guess that he was able to see the glow in my eyes. Either that, or because a tear did slip and fall without me noticing.
His eyes softened and he climbed on the bed, expertly taking the empty space next to me where he lied down and took me in his arms, wiping the stray tear away while asking me, “Is everything alright, love?”
Nodding my head, I held back a sob as I answered, “It is now that you’re here.”
He leaned into me, pulling my head against his chest while his lips were pressed against my temple. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his warmth, his presence that filled the void inside my heart the way he always did.
He smelled like a mix of soap and shampoo, with a refreshing fragrance engulfing me each time I breathed in, and it made me feel good. After breathing in the antiseptic and disinfectant scents covering the air all over the hospital, the fresh scent he carried with him was pure bliss.
Jimin shifted closer to me, running his fingers across my cheek before he leaned down, capturing my lips on his. As his lips crossed lightly over my mouth in a gentle caress, I could feel everything — the stress, the exhaustion, the pain, the despair I felt all day — downshifted, falling back into a steady rhythm as I breathed out a relieved sigh into the kiss.
Jimin snaked his hand beneath the covers and started to run it along my stomach. Normally, I would wear my own pyjamas to sleep, with the kind of tops that would be thin enough that the tip of his fingers could slip through the hem to find skin. But with the back pain I woke up with this morning and the exhaustion I felt after the exercises I had, they had switched them with a hospital gown to make it easier for me to change. Yet it only made me feel like I couldn’t get close enough to his touch.
“Are you feeling okay?” he asked me.
“I’m better now,” I shrugged, trying to be nonchalant and hide the way my body was shuddering under his touch. “I had my pain meds. Got some food in. Been lazying around all day. Found some new series on HBO that got me distracted for a bit since I wasn’t able to take a nap.”
Jimin seemed pleased and nodded. “Therapy?”
“Skipped the morning exercise today cause they let me sleep off my morning sickness,” I said, pursing my lips. He was already gone by the time I woke up, having the habit of leaving right before the first rounds of nurses came in to avoid being scolded, so he completely missed out on the morning drama where I threw up the breakfast I had just finished eating.
Which was a shame, really. Because I was finally getting something that didn’t make my tongue feel bitter after the meal. If only my stomach didn’t hate it as much.
“But I did go to see my therapist after lunch today. We had a long talk and did a few workouts before I got too exhausted and was sent back to my room,” I added, before shutting my mouth so I did not have to tell him all the possible bad news.
It is not finalised yet, I told myself then, convincing myself that there was still hope. And there was no need for me to tell him anything yet and made him concern for nothing until it was decided.
“That’s bad,” he hummed. “Didn’t they say your little workouts were supposed to be good for speeding up recovery?”
“And to fight off pain, they say,” I added, suddenly noticing that he was no longer talking about my daily routine. Not when I felt his entire palm sliding down the rough fabric of the hospital gown I was wearing. “What are you thinking?”
Jimin’s eyes had grown darker at this point, and he only gave me a small grin. “Giving you a little workout before bed,” he said, his eyes moving down to see through the covers as his hand continued to travel lower. “I miss your pyjamas. Does this thing ever come to end?”
He kept moving his hand lower, tentatively reaching almost to my knees when he finally reached the hem. He watched my face again as he did it, then squeezed my leg while he gauged at my reaction. I wet my lips, reading the look in his eyes that could no longer hide his intentions. I kept my eyes on him as I reached out to rest my hand on his upper arm, hoping that he could see it as a sign for him to continue.
A small smile grew lazily on his lips when his hand loosely made its way past the hem of my gown and up my skin. He paused when the tip of his fingers met the hemline of my panties just as he grazed over my hips.
“Lace?” he asked, raising his brows. “Aren’t you cold?”
Chuckling softly, I tried to shake my head. “I felt kinda hot today.”
I didn’t notice it until I finally spoke, but my breathing had somehow sped up. The shudder on my skin grew intense as I was still sensitive to the touch. Jimin’s eyebrows creased and I could tell that he was worried.
“You sure you’re all right?”
He stopped whatever he was doing when he asked me this, so I reached for his hand through the sheets and abruptly moved it up, leading him to cup me between my legs, right where I was already feeling all hot and wet.
“I will be,” I whispered to him, looking straight into his eyes as I said this.
My boldness seemed to bring something in him to life and he wasted no time to press me down into the bed. His fingers slid my panties to the side, opening their way into my leaking folds. He gasped softly when he touched my heat, as he was met with the wetness that had built up right at the center of my folds. Then his breath came to a sigh as he slipped two fingers inside me, sending my body arching upward on the bed as I was revelling on how good it felt to be filled with his delicate digits.
He waited until my breathing steadied and my body grew less tense to move his fingers, cautiously at first, before my gasps turned into soft moans and his fingers moved fluidly in and out of me more confidently and with a purpose.
My hands came up to hold on to him for leverage when the pleasure began to rise, when he built my body to succumb into it with a quick and steady pace. He kept watching my face closely as he thumbed the little bud peeking from my folds which had been throbbing with each thrust he made, looking as if he was not sure if he should take it slow and easy or move me along so he wouldn’t tire me out too easily too soon.
So I took over and made the decision for him. Tightening my hands on his biceps, I used them to hang on to him as I began grinding my hips against his hand, fucking myself on his fingers. His wariness lessened, and he began to feel more confident as he worked me up quickly, his hands thrusting hard and tight, until my thighs began to quiver around his hand.
My hand flew to my mouth when I felt it, as my body coiled with the rushing warmth of pleasure, and I bit my palm when it came to me, holding back the cries that erupted together with the shuddering climax as I came undone in his hand. I felt my walls tightening around his fingers, just as he curled them inside me, moving in scissoring motions to rub his knuckles against my throbbing walls. The slick noises of my release echoed to each thrust he gave, and he continued moving in and out of me even as I was squeezing him tightly.
“God, Jimin,” I gasped, squeezing him against me while my body continued to shake and shiver with the spasms of my release.
He still had his hand between my legs, his fingers sliding between my pulsing walls. He kept the pressure even and steady, meeting the pulsing of my climax with his own gentle caress as he brought me down carefully, in degrees, until I settled back on the bed with a content sigh.
While my heartbeat began to pace slower, my whole body felt warm. I could hear each pulse of my blood rushing to my head, but my body was far more relaxed.
Jimin held his palm against my pulsing core for a moment longer before I felt him withdrawing from me gently. I blinked my eyes when I felt my walls pulsing against nothingness, missing his presence, and I watched him lick his fingers clean, tasting my release with a soft hum.
“Hmm, tastes like cherries.”
His words made me chuckle. My voice was breathless when I spoke, “Like the cough syrup?”
Jimin pulled his fingers out of his mouth, cleaned himself before resting his hand back on my waist. He then gave me a smirk. “Better. Like those syrups you put on ice cream or hot pancakes.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. Then my face felt so warm I had to plant my head deeper into the pillow. Jimin noticed this, and reached out to brush my hair away so he could see me.
“That took a toll out of you, didn’t it?” he asked softly.
I gave him a small smile. I didn’t want to admit it, but it drained something in me until my chest grew something tight. My eyes were fluttering to close when I felt him tugging my gown back down over my legs and gathered me into his arms.
My eyes snapped open when I felt his covered bulge pressing against my hips, straining with need and ready for me when I ground myself against him.
“Jimin, you didn’t—”
“Shh,” he stopped me, instantly pressing his hands on my waist so I would stop pressing against his hard-on. He leaned in and kissed my hair. “You’re tired. I just wanted to help you relax and forget everything. We can do more later. One day,” he said while shifting our bodies so he could lie down more comfortably next to me and the bed complained with a squeaky groan beneath us. “Yep, definitely later. Somewhere in a space where we can call our own and when I don’t have to worry about breaking something expensive.”
I gave him another smile and leaned to him. Our lips met in a soft and gentle kiss that held the same promise that his words carried, before he slid his tongue in, deepening it further until I was melting in his arms.
“I can’t wait,” I whispered to him breathlessly once we came apart. My chest grew tight once again, not because of the exhaustion and the craving for more pleasure, but to the thought that it may never come true.
He said nothing about it, then tucked my head into his neck, the spot that I had found to be my favourite place to nestle into while he held me to sleep. With the promise that we gave each other, I fell asleep with the lulling beat of his heart, followed with a beautiful dream of us, together, in a far away place that we could call as our home.
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All Rights Reserved © 2016-2020 Yoonia
Disclaimer: All works are written by myself. Any copyright infringement, reposting on any other social media or website, and any act of plagiarism will be dealt with legal action
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bakercrown · 5 years
So my friend gave me a prompt for Jaqueenie that was either “spooning for warmth” or “gentle aftercare.” My brain went to this gif for wisdom:
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So read below cut! @albinokittens300
August, 1928:
Chilled to the bone and dusted in snow, Queenie unlocked the house with magic and flung open the door to what she suspected was the winter cabin of a rich no-maj family. Once inside, she took off her coat and pulled out her wand, blowing it, and herself dry. She walked over to the huge fireplace and flicked her wand. Flames shot out lit the room in a merry glow. 
Then Queenie sensed a mental presence outside, and, her mind flicking to an Auror on her trail, she quickly extinguished her fire, grabbed her coat, and hid in a huge wardrobe that housed a good deal of winter coats and scarves. Queenie left a small crack to peak through as the door opened again.
Her jaw dropped. It was Jacob. Her Jacob.
Her Jacob who thought she was a lunatic who belonged in an asylum. 
She weighted her options. On the one hand, surely her sort-of ex was better than an Auror? She hesitated before she stowed away her wand and stepped out of the wardrobe, hands up in a gesture to show that she did not want to fight with Jacob. 
At the sight of movement, Jacob quickly drew a metallic no-maj weapon Queenie didn’t understand. 
I knew I wasn’t alone. 
Then shock registered on his face when he saw that it was Queenie. Waves of sadness and regret hit Queenie faster than the pace of the snow falling outside. Jacob put away his weapon without hesitating. He stared at her. 
“Queen.” There was pain and anguish in the old nickname. She could still feel the strong waves of remorse, regret that he had spoken so rashly and driven her away, coming off of him stronger than the wafts of freshly baked bread she would used to smell at his bakery. 
Tears filled  her eyes.
“You... You really regret it?” 
He nodded. “It was just a stupid thing I said in the heat of the moment, Queenie. I was mad...” Now I’m mostly just sad. 
The tears began to roll down her face. Nurmengard hadn’t offered the acceptance she’d hoped it would. The other acolytes were not a lot of fun, which had made her miss Jacob so much more than she had wanted to admit to anyone. 
“When people first meet me, before they know about the Legilimency, people always think I’m nuts because I forget to act normal and I respond to their thoughts and not… Not…” She couldn’t speak again because more tears were falling.
A howl of from the wind outside sent a blast of air through a crack in the window and Queenie rubbed her arms against her sides. Jacob immediately rushed over to pull her into a hug, rubbing her back to warm her. She snuggled into him as tears fell down her face. 
“I’m so so sorry about the spell, baby. I know I said it before but...” She swallowed and licked some of the salty tears that had fallen to her lips. “I was just so lonely. You an’ Teen had done nothing but shelter me for months and I just wanted to prove I could do something to help our situation. I-I-I--” she could not finish because there were more tears. 
“I know, baby, I know.” With that, Jacob scooped her up and carried her over to the fancy couch in front of the now-unlit fire. They both clung to each other to fight the chill. She drew closer to Jacob, unable to believe that he was willing to forgive the unforgivable. True, she hadn’t gone through it with. She hadn’t married him in that state, hadn’t been able to so much as kiss him while he’d been in that state because of the guilt that had boiled inside her like hot water in a tea kettle. Her guilt, in the end, had been stronger than the crushing loneliness and resentment. It had been why she’d brought him to Newt’s. 
There was another reason she couldn’t believe her was here with her, in a cabin in the middle of Austria, cuddling for her warm and whispering soothing words of forgiveness she knew he wasn’t faking. 
She was still with Grindelwald. 
Jacob hadn’t walked with her. 
“You-you know nothing’s change, right, honey?” Queenie asks, breaking away from him, breathless. The wind howls outside and she shivered. Jacob pulled her close again. 
“I know,” Jacob said, still trying to warm her with his body heat. “That’s why I’ve been trying to catch up with all this year. To find you.” 
For a second she was hopefully that he did want to walk with her, but then after reading his mind, she saw that he hoped to change her mind, to bring her back to the “right side.” 
“I ain’t changin’ my mind,” her voice was set and she waved her wand at the fireplace. A large fire sprang forth and she was relieved that for the moment, she didn’t have to touch him. It was till very chilly, but she would try and resist the temptation sitting in front of her. She crossed her arms as though to drive home her point. 
“You don’t have to today or tomorrow,” Jacob said gently. “I don’t got a timeline.” 
“Good! Because he is the only one offering us answers! More than Dumbledore! He wants to stop Grindelwald, to stop us!”
She felt Jacob suppressing mild frustration and annoyance. He counted to ten avoid avoid telling her that she was being conned and brainwashed and ruining her life. Queenie decided to speak again, to try and make Jacob understand why she is doing all this. 
“I just want to belong somewhere, with someone, with you. I wanna marry you so I can belong to you, honey. I never felt like I fit in anywhere, with anyone, until I met you and you accepted me... And loved me.”
Jacob pulled her close for a long, slow kiss. Queenie was taken aback for a second, but then eagerly responded as shivers that had nothing to do with the cold travelled over her body and she let Jacob pull her themselves down onto a horitzon position on the couch, so that she was lying on top of him. 
He spoke after they broke apart for a moment. “You don’t need to be my wife to belong to me, baby.” 
She lit up and responded by kissing him deeper the next time, cherishing the feel of his lips moving tenderly in time with hers.
She lifts her hands over her head as they slowly break apart and he lifts her dress off. They help each other undress in between kisses, and when there is nothing separating them, Queenie eagerly snuggles close to him, and stole another kiss. She couldn’t believe they were here, doing this. They were on opposite sides of a war. Shouldn’t they be enemies?
But she knew, as she and Jacob completely removed the other’s clothing, that it wasn’t that simple. Gellert Grindelwald. Albus Dumbledore. Siding with either was simply an act of political allegiance. It was just a label. It couldn’t define what Queenie and Jacob felt, what was being said in this chilly cabin without a single word.
Queenie fell into Jacob’s arms after it was over, still feeling disoriented. Her mind was still humming with pleasure and love and she had no idea if it was Jacob’s emotions or hers she felt anymore. Sex was always extremely overwhelming for Queenie. At first, she was fine, but as it went on… It got hard for her to tell the difference between what was in her mind and what was in Jacob’s because the emotions were so similar.
It was extremely intimate. It was confusing, it was lovely.
Jacob wrapped his arms around her as she snuggled close, throwing a blanket over them both to keep them warm now that they weren’t both moving anymore.
“I’m here Queen, I got you,” Jacob whispered, stroking her hair as she slowly began to try and detangle what was going on in her head and his. His emotions were changing, fortunately, which made it easier. There was still a good deal of love coming off him, but the sheer ecstasy that she had been feeling earlier had shifted to concern and a desire to take care of her.
“We need to talk,” jacob said, partly Queenie knew as a desire to help her ground herself in her own head again, “about how we are going to see each other going forward.”
Queenie shifted a little so that she was facing Jacob, him still stroking her hair. Her mouth parted a little.
“You want to see me again?” She was still responded slower, still running off the high of not knowing were his consciousness ended and were hers started. “Jacob, this is moving towards open war--” she put a hand on his chest. “Please, just come back with me. Things don’t have to be this complicated. We can protect you.”
She knew from Jacob’s mind that she might as well be talking to a wall for his willingness to listen. The stark difference in their ideologies completely pulled her back into herself and it made her feel a tiny bit forlorn…. She’d liked it better when she’d felt so close, so united with him.
“Sweetheart…” You know why I can’t go with you. His mind flashed back to his belief that Grindelwald hated no-majs.
Even while disagreeing, Jacob’s touch was soft and gentle and she let out a soft whimper before she said, “that’s just propaganda the Aurors are putting out, honey. We--” she paused, Jacob didn’t like her using we, “he just wants to make the world into something better than what is now and we don’t have any options!”
Jacob sighed. “I don’t want to ruin an otherwise perfect evening with you by arguing about this. Can we just make a ground rule right now of no talking about Dumbledore or Grindelwald?”
That was probably for the best, but she knew deep now that she wasn’t going to give up trying to change his mind--and neither would he. Still, it didn’t bother her. She knew Jacob’s mind and she knew her own.
She nodded. “We both just want what is best for each other,” she leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips. “I love you. I will always be on your side before any other.”
“You know I feel the same.” Jacob ran a finger down her cheek. “So, baby, we’re going to need to figure out where to meet next. Any ideas?”
“Paris,” Queenie said without hesitation. Immediately, Jacob’s emotions shifted to concern.
“We don’t got a good track record in Paris.”
“But that’s why we should go!” Queenie said, putting a hand on his chest. “Redeem it! We could get French pastries, go to the top of the Eiffel Tower…” She gasped. “We could shopping!” Her eyes lit up and she let out a happy giggle. “Say yes, honey! It will be worth your while, I promise!”
You look so cute, and I haven’t seen you this excited in so long, you know I can’t say no. Fine, you win.
Queenie ran her hands through Jacob’s soft black curls as she beamed at him. She kissed him on the forehead. Things were better now. They were talking again, working things out.
Everything would be okay.
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