#and all coprrect Btw but not in the right way!!!!!!!!!!!
eebie · 10 months
why do peopelt alk about personality types like that
#What if we were all just people!!#cos all that mbti stuff And the extent of a someone's persoanlioty is impossible 2capture#based on a 20 question online test That offers no context/reasoning behind the situations and answers it gives you#it just assumes why you chose those things u did and gives you a generalization that might be wildly inaccurate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!#but just because something is a whole load of baloney doesnt mean it cant be fun ^_^ heehee#it's silly sometimes. 2 see people describing The result i got like.. Ooooh .. they're cold unfeeling Machines... they're Evil genuis..#and all coprrect Btw but not in the right way!!!!!!!!!!!#im an unfeeling machine the way im always on my grind and dont give a shit! And im an evilgenuis because im sexy and awesome basically#also thats all super minor stuff Personalitytypes shouldnt be 4 letters it should be about 4986534262357e^10 Letters#cos theres so much shit n overlap and basically its pointless To try n fit that into something as simple as that#Thtas like trying 2 put every color paint from every gradient from every hue and shade onto a single palette#simply impossible n you'll get paint all over yourself trying!!!! and the colors will all smudge together#and then you'll ahve to burn your clothes#but NOT if you have fun with it ^_^#you don't wear a tuxedo while you're painting You wear that silly shit of which itdoesn't matter if it gets paint on it!! a colorful apron#basically trying to put anything in2 a binary In Sincerity is a waste of TIME but it can be fun !!!#NAYWAYS THIS IS STUFF PPL HAVE ALREADY TALKED ABOU IM SURE i just got carried away#*rubs the back of my head *Well.. heh#fuck how do u#do that thing anime boys do#where they do that. that thing i just tried to roleplay as#i forgot how#anyways this is not me being a hater Do whatever the hell u want ^_^ all tha power to u + i love u
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