#and an island. stone benchtop
curlyrps · 1 year
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Kitchen Pantry
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noartband · 1 year
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Laundry Room Laundry in Sydney Mid-sized transitional u-shaped porcelain tile and brown floor dedicated laundry room photo with an undermount sink, shaker cabinets, white cabinets, quartz countertops, white walls and a side-by-side washer/dryer
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theclassyhuman · 1 year
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Kitchen - Modern Kitchen
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asestone · 2 years
Marble Tile & Quartz Stone Splashback — The Perfect Choice for Your Home in Melbourne
In recent times, marble tile splashback is increasingly growing popular owing to its extensive beneficial characteristics. Tons of marble backsplash ideas are available online for creating classic and modern kitchen designs. 
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  Expert interior designers often use combinations of simple white marbles, mosaic tiles, or simple tiles to create a wide range of timeless kitchen aesthetics. Besides quartz stone, marbles are commonly used in Melbourne for kitchen backsplash. Being a pretty natural stone, it has some advantages when put into the cooking space. 
Why are Mable Splashbacks Popular? 
Marble has been a large-scale preferred flooring material of choice since ancient times. Despite the emergence of ceramic, porcelain, and faux marble tiles, marble never lost its preference with people. 
Natural marble tiles come in an extensive range of colours, designs and finishes. They look gorgeous and offer a very regal appearance. Though faux marble flooring can replicate the appearance of natural marble to some extent, nothing can compete with the original stone. Moreover, marble is a highly durable material that is widely known for its purity. 
Marble offers versatile looks that can be used in any room. These tiles are excellent for kitchen benchtops, splashbacks, vanity tops, shower walls and floors, and bathroom recesses. Interior experts often use them for both indoor and outdoor applications. 
Marble tiles are one of the most flooring options available in the market. Offering a range of benefits, marble tiles are durable, shatter-resistant, hardwearing, and look gorgeous. Its ability to reflect light enables it to be used in any room while being affordable at the same time. 
Australia Stone Expert Pty Ltd offers a comprehensive range of engineered and natural stones at wholesale prices in Australia. We have constantly been working for commercial and residential clients and hold a reputation for outstanding services in the stone industry. Our material influences the aesthetic appeal and longevity of the space at affordable prices.
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licially · 7 months
Checkmate: Esse est percipi.
/// A gift for @niagaragrape and their character Pamella, but reposted on here because my writer's block is hitting me again and I kinda wanna spread my fics across tumblr and twitter, enjoy the read.
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Out of mind, out of touch, yet not out of life. The duo of cats strutted into the complex at the dead of night, as the crickets nearby croaked loudly and the farm sat underutilized. Autumn turned the production down by a notch, and the decline of such delicacy had led to this farm to cut down their services little by little. After all, their dominance and reputation not only came from this humble farm but a major bootlegging operation just outside of Missouri, and Pamella Pomedore had taken that operation without another hitch.
Besides her, unlocking the door of the house that stood atop the premises, was Mordecai Heller. The infamy that surrounds him and his reluctance to follow the people that once considered him a henchman or a triggerman. She had found him recently after the fallout of Marigold, and the disbandment after Asa Sweet met the same fate as his partner, with a similar incident that had left the three conspirators of the crew: Nicodeme Savoy, Serafine Savoy and Mordecai Heller choosing to mutually separate. The lock’s jingle twisted and turned, as Mordecai cautiously opened the door for possible intrusions. The front of the estate boasted more grandeur than he’d been accustomed to, and the multiple walkways posed more problems that were unseen than the rest of the house. Before he could utter any words to the other party, the other door swung open by Pamella’s hands. 
Her grasp from the door proved difficult to let go, as she took in where she had been prior to overrunning the bootlegging operation. Mordecai opted to finally go into the complex, his hand poised towards his holster as he rustled through the house through its multiple floors. He had no idea of any dangers that lurked by, nor did he have an idea on where he was at, but he sweeped the floor regardless. As he flicked the first lightswitch on, he went through towards the kitchen, off towards the right hand side, with its rose patterns dancing through the white tiles and marble benchtops that once housed utensils. Past the kitchen top, through the island that sat in between, and outwards through the pantry door, he walked through the living room, his tail and eyes both whizzed through the room’s decorations.
The living room proved to be nothing out of the ordinary: a more than comfortable sofa, with an ottoman tucked neatly towards the center, and a coffee table that sat just towards the back side towards the windows that is covered with an undetermined color. The space itself didn’t have much to offer, as the lights flickered on: the curtains themselves showed a dark blue sheen, with a fireplace that sat towards the center left of the room, and an empty wooden shelf that sat atop the stone fireplace. Confused, he turned towards the living room door to see that Pamella caught up with his antics.
“Your paranoia proves fatal, Mr. Heller.” She addressed him, a slight smile attached to her. 
Mordecai was always known for his careful consideration of foreign space, not even his own apartment is safe from his cautiousness, which stemmed from paranoia from formerly being Atlas’ triggerman and, more infamously, Asa’s partner-in-crime. However, after he was relieved from his duties at Marigold, he doesn't seem to know how to keep this feeling in check.
“This is an estate riddled with insecurities. To be paranoid is better than to be careless.” 
She scoffed at him, turning to leave back through the door he entered from, mouthing a few words off to herself as she leaves him to be. She pondered at the ceiling of where she had been before she went into the city, back when she had nothing to worry about other than the flowers that flowed between her hair and the kitchen, accompanied by the smell of her mother’s cooking. Sometimes, the sting of homegrown tomatoes, and soft sizzle washed over the melodies that played in her ears during her off time. She frowned, slightly, as she traced her hand through the benchtop. There was nostalgia to be brushed off, and thus emotions also reigned over her. 
Was it regret? Was it acceptance? Was it confusion? Perhaps a mix of all three, as she stood there for a bit. Shortly, the flower patterns caught her eyes. It was randomly assorted, just dancing up and down with different flowers, and different colored roses. She still vividly heard her mother’s voice, who pointed at the specific flowers that matched with what they had on the garden beds in the backyard, in convenience of the kitchen window that happened to overlook an abandoned patch of grass. She remembered, she only remembered two words.
“Esse…. est.” She mouthed out, managing to also garner the attention of Mordecai, who was standing off towards the side silently. Pamella zoned out, trying to rummage through what she knows about her mother and what she had left behind with her. She can only remember some things, not all of them were pleasant either, yet-
“Miss Pomedore? Is something disturbing you about this place?”
Mordecai’s voice cut through her initial spiral, his monotonous voices served a condescending parallel towards her spiral and her as well, as Pamella shook her head and tail, rapidly blinking in and out of the mindset before walking towards the cat in question. The other could only turn and watch as she walked past, trailing off of a sentence that Mordecai barely made out.
“Nothing more than bad memories…” She mumbled off, her face of an unforeseen sadness.
Furthermore, she kept walking back into the main entrance, passing through the dining room completely, as she faced the staircase that led upstairs. The marble staircase stood out from the rest of the household, the railings etched more and more floral designs, walls cracked and crumbled, charred with markings of stencils that she remembers when she was here. The trail, and subsequent staircase, lead up to the second floor, where they had lived the early lives out in private estate, granted by the tomatoes that grew abundant and business surrounding those sought after crops.
She walked upstairs, her silence still remained between her and the triggerman as she ascended the staircase, with Mordecai closely following. He had hoped for this random midnight trip to go just as she had said prior to this sequence of events: a “trip back home to get a few things”, within the span of a few minutes, turned into a nostalgic trip through her childhood home. Sure, this may be better than the endless amounts of tasks that he was subjected to by Atlas and Asa, but his plans were all definite and set in stone. He wasn’t exactly prepared for the change, especially not from her of all people.
Pamella reached the stop, and immediately ignored all of the other rooms. She acted ghastly, and appeared as if she was an apparition before she reached the room near the end of the hall. Mordecai watched as she slipped through the barely visible doorway, as he soon followed suit in a tick of fear. The door creaked, and the room itself made its main attraction towards the place clear. The doors towards the balcony were wide open, with the view that could stun anyone fortunate enough to stumble into this house; the left viewed towards St. Louis’ skyline and buildings, with a road that was leading towards it, shrinking lights and even smaller treelines. Smokes billowed up from unseen factories, and leading towards the right hand side was the Mississippi River. The other doorway towards the right had a view towards the river some more, albeit for a moment. The landscape over towards the right expanded through the clearings and farmland that grew prominent and offered peace of mind, perfect for anyone looking to do something without such a distraction for a background. Near the middle of the room, a piano sat whose pianist could face the calmer side of the Missouri-Illinois border.
The piano itself sat behind a sheet, as Pamella soon disposed of the sheet towards the side, where empty shelves once held sheet music. This had been her piano that she vividly saw in that dream, something that took her back here, whatever force of nature had been involved, put her here. As she turned the lights on, she lifted up the key lid, the piano keys sat burdened with dust and revitalized by a touch, put out years of neglect out of it.
A reluctant oscillation from a hasty key press arose a panicked reaction from Pamella, as she never dealt with a tuned out piano before, since this one has constantly been tuned to near perfection by pianists that had been hired by the Pomedore household. Her wealthy stature now extended as far back as the piano key’s off putting vibrato that shook the two cats, one more lightly than the other, more experienced pianist. Mordecai had been standing towards the side all along, and peeked at the piano itself and back to Pamella every once in a while. He was already bedazzled by the interior of such a place, and it’d be more impressive if she delivers her promise of that prelude. However, from the sound of the out of tune key, it’d seem that he’ll involve himself in this symphony one way or another.
Curious, she tiptoed over the grand piano’s monstrous bowels and past the lid that overshadowed her. It didn’t help that it represented one of her fears, that some day she’d be overwhelmed by a force far beyond her control and size completely. She hesitated, before looking over at the cast iron that held it for dear life, noting that it didn’t seem too rusted nor would it be much trouble for the heir of the family. Cautiously, she peered through the soundboard and at the tuning pins.
The key she had struck - an F key on the fourth octave - heard more like an E sharp towards the fifth octave. A simple fix would be to tune the pin at the same time someone would be playing a note, yet she wasn’t exactly the jack of all trades that could do both of those at the same time. She stood up, and turned towards the triggerman who stood at the balcony overlooking the city, calling out for his help.
“Mr. Heller, would you care to help me tune this piano?” 
Her calmness certainly got through to him, as he slowly straddled over towards her, peering into the piano’s many tuning pins.
“Tuning a piano does require a lot of effort. Are you prepared for this task?”
She nodded, as she handed a piano tuning hammer to a very confused Mordecai.
“There are some keys out of tune, and as I play through the keys you will use this to tune it until I say it’s just right. Understood?”
The former only nodded, a bit confused but he was in no position to talk back to her. She dusted off the seat, and pulled it closely to the piano as she pressed every key of the octave. Slowly, softly, the key comes into more in tune, with a keen eye from outside, as Pamella showed no sign of stopping up to the second octave. So far, so good. The second octave began, and for the first half, it went smoothly, until a shrill tone shook Pamella, as she stopped in her tracks. Hesitantly, Mordecai went towards the pin closest to that key: a D key, out of tune, and Mordecai was able to follow up with the tuning as he twisted and turned the pin under Pamella’s slow but frequent key press. Eventually, it reached the sound that was consistent with the D key.
“Well done, Mordecai.” She congratulated, yet the moment was short lived. “Shall we continue?”
Through the span of 15 minutes, she went over every octave of the grand piano. Some keys struck off tune, yet otherwise the instrument remained in near-perfect condition after this household was left almost abandoned. This room had served as both a leisure room, and a practice room. With the last key press going without a hitch, Mordecai stood back with the hammer as Pamella sat zoned out again. Mordecai soon got back to the balcony, after placing the hammer on a nearby table with a picture. He took no mind to it, but the picture showed a much younger Pamella in the foreground of a field of flowers. However, he took no notice, and opted for an outside look towards the city, wondering what he had to do.
In less than a minute, began Chopin’s Prelude in Op. 38, first in D Major. Pamella took time to study sheet music from some of the famous works of pianists and composers. Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, she had the sheet music from them at the ready thanks in part to her reputation and wealth. Her affinity with piano and its intricacy stemmed from this room, and she had this tune that brought her home again. From D Major, she transitioned to an even faster F sharp minor, which ferocity soon brought a halt through an E flat major, and finally she halted at a loop of D minor.
Upon a grand piano, sat a grander movement with grandeur, yet she sat amidst it all, fully embodying the heart and soul of the preludes. Chopin’s Preludes demonstrated what an experienced pianist can embody through the movements in different keys and octaves, and further amplifying said skill by transitioning each prelude to one another, effectively linking the preludes together by improvisation and heavy knowledge for the art. She had those preludes saved for the times she did slowly but surely get back to where her home once was: her heart.
A slight push upon the pince-nez, and a slow turn from the other party, as Mordecai impressively stood amidst the movements. His appreciation for piano works and classical music had always been a more reserved thing for him, yet the tune of tonight only filled his once troubled mind with a lasting impression. Pamella only continued on, as her focus and dedication flowed back through the preludes as the E flat minor segment played out, soon soloing into a B-flat minor, in which the latter’s fast tempo left even Mordecai facing her with full on attention. 
He also finally knew the answer to the statement that she had said downstairs. Esse est percipi, a philosophical saying from George Berkeley, or “to be is to be perceived”. He had seen her dabble in philosophy, and maybe he saw this opportunity and concurrent state of her wellbeing, and her legacy, to be associated with that one quote alone. Maybe this piece she is improvising from the Préludes is her piecing together what connections she and her family had made over the decades. Yet he saw the piece more as an interlude during the chaos of Missouri, as the pieces deliver more a perfect assortment of chaos that ran the backbone of St Louis.
Perhaps, this is just the Queen’s Gambit. An opening towards the unknown, and it is the determinant of who or what wins the game of chess. No matter what, the chessboard is in the hands of her, and her alone.
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lovemykitchenbenchtop · 3 months
Sintered Stone: All you need to know when choosing your kitchen benchtop
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If you have the privilege (or the pain) of designing your dream kitchen you most likely would have come across the names Dekton, Florim and Neolith, Ascale.
These ultra-compact surfaces are sneaking into the radar as the newest craze in kitchen benchtops and are currently considered as the ‘elite’ in countertop and splashback choice.
Although theseabove brands have similar products, they are made by completely separate companies, and each will have their reasons for being the best, they do fall under the same ‘umbrella’.
Like anything with a noticeable price tag, it is wise to be informed on the pros and cons of this relatively new product to the New Zealand Market.
Why all the hype about Dekton, Florim and Neolith, Ascale? Dekton, Florim and Neolith, Ascale are known for their virtually indestructible qualities being scorch-proof, stain-proof, and scratch-proof.
They are created using a recipe of natural stone, glass and porcelain ingredients (each brand having its own unique formula).
These materials are brought together using a process known as Sinterized Particle Technology (SPT) This process involves mixing the raw materials under extreme pressure and heat. We’re talking compressors that squash at 3000 kgs per square centimeter and ovens that reach 1200 degrees Celsius.
This process achieves in a short space of time what takes nature thousands of years.
Dekton, Florim, Neolith, Ascale often fall under the ‘Porcelain’ name. This is not entirely accurate due to the ingredients and methods used in making them. A more accurate description for these products would be ‘ultra compact surface’ or ‘Sintered Stone’. During this article we will refer to them as ‘Sintered Stone’
*The products Dekton, Florim, Neolith, Ascale differ as their ingredients and recipes will be unique to one another.
The Top Advantages of Sintered Stone Benchtops
HEAT RESISTANT Due to the nature of the material and the process in which these products are made, Sintered stone is able to withstand high temperatures without burning or cracking. Hot pots and appliances can be placed directly on the surface leaving no burn marks on the surface.
UV RESISTANT Sintered stone is resistant to ultra violet (UV) light. This means that the surface will not degrade or begin to fade over time which makes it suitable for indoor and outdoor application. It is ideal for shower linings, outdoor cladding and outdoor kitchens to mention only a few of the possibilities.
SCRATCH PROOF Sintered stone is an extremely scratch resistant surface making it a great candidate for kitchen benchtops.
STUNNING DESIGN AND TEXTURE Dekton, Florim, Neolith, Ascale bring unmatched colours and design to the kitchen benchtop. The much desired rusted and concrete textures are unriled and make most interior designers drool over their selection. Colour and textures continue to flow in all directions.
Due to the size and thickness, designers are able to create flawless pieces of cladding, worktops, counter tops, breakfast bars, islands, hotel and shop flooring and steps, internal and external cladding. There is almost no limitation to what you are able to do.
The top disadvantages of sintered stone: Every product on the market comes with these and it’s important to know them:
Printed designs and textures do not extend through the stone. Colour pigments, patterns and texture do not run through the full thickness of the slab. This means that on the cut and polished ends of the stone the same colour and pattern is not shown right through the stone edge. This will not be as noticeable with a plain colour ie, black. Polished ends will not have the same finish and texture as the top surface.
Sintered stone does damage if exposed to impact, particularly on edges The impact of items such as a pot or a plate falling on the surface can result in damage, particularly along edges. This can result in chips or cracks from the point of impact. According to consumer reports other stone benchtop materials did not have these destructive outcomes when the same impact tests were performed.
Sintered stone chips and nicks are difficult to repair Because of the nature and way these slabs are made repairs of chips and nicks can be more difficult and noticeable than granite, marble and quartz.
Sintered stone is on the Expensive side When compared to other stone benchtop products such as quartz (engineered stone). Sintered stone is currently sitting on the expensive end of the scale by approximately 20 – 40% The reason for this is mainly due to the specialised machinery and installation requirements for these products. Your sintered stone benchtop should only be fabricated and installed by certified benchtop fabricators.
Is Dekton, Florim, Neolith and Ascale a good product for a kitchen benchtop? Like any product, they are not indestructible and it is good to be informed about the pros and cons before making your final decision.
As approved fabricators, we can confidently say that they are here to stay. These are exciting new products that really stand out in any space, and we look forward to seeing what possibilities they hold for future home and commercial design.
ORIGINALLY FOUND ON- Source: Love My Kitchen Benchtop(https://www.lovemykitchenbenchtop.nz/blog/post/60057/sintered-stone-all-you-need-to-know-when-choosing-your-kitchen-benchtop/)
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 4 months
Reasons to Invest in Quality Kitchen Benchtops
Are you planning to remodel your kitchen soon? Do you want to enhance its overall look and function? Or perhaps you're constructing a new home and you've reached the crucial stage of selecting that perfect kitchen design? Well, here's a piece of advice - whatever your situation may be, never underestimate the significance of searching and investing in quality kitchen benchtops. They are more than just flat surfaces where you prepare your meals; they are the heart and the statement point of your home’s culinary station.
In this dynamic spectrum of design and décor, kitchen benchtops come in various materials, styles, and price ranges. Whether you prefer the earthy granite, the modern stainless steel, the classic marble, or the versatile engineered stone, the options are endless. This blogpost primarily focuses on why quality kitchen benchtops should be on your priority list, we'll delve into the top 10 reasons why well-made, durable, and aesthetically appealing benchtops can difference to the overall ambiance of your kitchen, accentuating your cooking experiences and boosting the value of your house.
Whether you are a culinary enthusiast, an occasional cook or someone who simply loves having their favorite takeout on the kitchen island, benchtops influence not just practicality but the aesthetic flow of the entire room. So, let's explore why ignoring this important element could be a costly oversight.
Longevity and Durability: Built to Last
Investing in quality kitchen benchtops ensures longevity and durability. Imagine the countless meals you’ll be preparing, the hot pots, the chopping, and the spills. Quality benchtops are designed to withstand all these whiles maintaining their appearance and function. From granite to quartz, the high-quality choice of material proves its worth with each passing year, a wise long-term investment that pays for itself in many ways.
Aesthetic Appeal: Enhance Your Kitchen’s Look
No one can deny the impact of a beautifully designed kitchen benchtop. Imagine walking into your kitchen and being greeted by a gleaming quartz or marble benchtop. It's not just about choosing a material that suits your kitchen's design but also about selecting the texture, pattern and color that fuse perfectly into your aesthetic vision.
Increased Home Value: An Attractive Selling Point
Strong, beautiful, and practical kitchen benchtops are almost always an attractive selling point. Potential buyers tend to look at the kitchen first - as they say "kitchens sell homes". If your kitchen works well practically and looks stylish, it can significantly increase your property’s overall value.
Easy Maintenance: Save Time and Energy
Quality kitchen benchtops are synonymous with easy maintenance. You want a benchtop material that does not require you to spend hours cleaning and caring for it. Quality materials are typically resistant to staining, heat, and scratches, thereby saving you time and energy.
Health and Hygiene: Keep Your Kitchen Safe
Lower quality benchtop materials can often harbor harmful bacteria that might end up in your meals. Quality materials like granite and quartz are non-porous, ensuring a safer and healthier cooking environment.
Variety and Versatility: Suit Your Style
Finally, quality kitchen benchtops offer impressive variety and versatility, from classic to modern, there's always a style to match your kitchen décor. With advancements in technology, some of these materials mimic the look of other materials, offering you the aesthetic you desire without compromising on the quality.
Conclusion: The Value of Quality Kitchen Benchtops
To wrap up, investing in quality kitchen benchtops is a decision that will continue to reward you for years. It's not only about making our kitchens look beautiful and stylish, but we also want to create a space where we can work efficiently and joyfully. A quality benchtop provides promising longevity, durability, enhanced aesthetic appeal, increased home value, easy maintenance, health safeguards, and a wide array of style options. They form the backbone of your kitchen, standing strong through all those delightful cooking adventures, festive meal preps, and casual dining experiences at the heart of your home. Remember, the kitchen is where the heart is, and a quality benchtop will surely make your heart (and your home) shine!
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jscontracting · 5 months
Hallsville: French Country Influence
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In a style reminiscent of French Provincial, our latest home impressively stands its ground, unique in its surrounds. With angles and bends, it wraps around its site so that on approach visitors are greeted with a full view of its elegance.
This is no regular home. Ten gables - some of which are doubles that stand below and then join onto another - help form the shape, each pointing skyward and giving height to balance the impact of the steep roof with its 35 degree pitch. (Roofs more commonly have a pitch around 22½-25 degrees). It was no simple feat working on this roof; care had to be taken to grip tightly and after a while the calves of the legs were aching as they were stretched out! With its terracotta tiles, this roof will look as good long into the future as it does today. These tiles actually came with a warranty that the colour will not change for the life of the tile; and they have an amazing 100 year warranty! That is peace of mind.
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Solid dry-pressed bricks from Namoi Valley Brickworks have been split into two sections: face brickwork at the base, and painted above; reminiscent of traditional whitewashed walls. They join at a soldier course of face brickwork which travels around the entire home. Soldiers also stand boldly above the windows and doors. Not all corners are 90 degrees (square), so squints have been used to form a solid brick bond up those angled corners. You can read all about squints and how they do this here.
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The wide frames on all the windows gives them a bold look to balance their appearance with the rest of the home. And for energy efficiency, all are double glazed. In keeping with the French style, arches feature prominently across the gables with arched windows to suit. These aren’t items that can simply be bought off-the-shelf. Custom-made windows, lintels, and architraves were called for; each manufactured to match the specific radius of the arc called for by the design for that window. As well as using our carpentry skills it was an opportunity to get into the workshop and do some steel work as well. You can read more about these arches in the second half of this post here.
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Step inside and the sense of height continues. With a mix of ceilings between 9 and 10½ feet high the home feels open and spacious; glazed highlights above doors reinforcing this feel.
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This home is built with entertaining in mind. The generous kitchen allows plenty of room to work: huge island bench, loads of cupboard space, quality appliances and a glorious view to the hills of Daruka. A separate bar area allows the drinks zone to be kept separate with boiling/chilled water and everything else needed; appliances, sink, and storage. Both tie together with their genuine stone benchtops.
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Relax in the lounge; its stacked stone feature fireplace gives that place to “back up to” on a cold winter’s night that we all look for. Or in milder weather, open the twin sets of double-doors directly onto the Alfresco area.
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The French theme continues with custom timber beading adorning the walls in the lounge and formal dining areas to form a focal point for decorating. Instead of sharp edges along the arched walkways, soft curves with bullnose edging prevail. Look up and solid plaster cornices and ceiling roses provide a focal point. Look down, and wide skirting boards that balance the cornice then lead on to flooring which has been meticulously laid with a wall perimeter then feature beading, all filled in with herringbone.
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In the living areas, doors can open four-wide for entertaining, or close to better suit family life or for noise control.
The sleeping wing is a quieter and cosier area, with lower ceilings and carpeted floors - ideal for rest and comfort. Bedrooms with built in or walk-in robes to suit. Bathrooms with tiles to ceiling height and heated towel rails. Walk-in linen and storage room. All perfect for day-to-day family life.
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As with all our houses, the timber work (doors, architraves, skirting boards etc) have been finished with a traditional brushed paint finish.
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There are still some fittings yet to be chosen for this home but we’re sure the owners will enjoy finding those perfect items with which to finish it off. And we are also excited to see the landscaping put in place, to make the house look at home.
A bold and beautiful home for the ages.
This is another truly unique home we have built, designed by Urban and Abode for our client. The initial construction schedule was impacted by constant rain but once that settled down and the slab was poured, progress was smooth to the end. The design and style is very different to the previous house we built last year, but that is the thing with custom homes. Each is unique because every family finds joy in a different style, and their house must fulfil the needs of their site, and how they will live within the home. What remains the same though is that every J & S house is built with care and attention to detail so that it does fulfil those needs and bring joy for years to come.
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If you missed the drone fly-over of this house in our previous newsletter, you can see it here
And if you’d like to see some more photos of this house, visit our website here
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knebelblacktown · 7 months
Kitchen Makeovers in Sydney
Do you have an outdated kitchen that needs a facelift? A kitchen renovation can help you fall back in love with your home.
The key to a successful kitchen renovation is to keep your expectations realistic. There are many ways to make a dramatic change without breaking the bank.
A kitchen renovation will add a new level of beauty and functionality to your home. There are many designs that you can choose from depending on your needs and budget. You can opt for a Single Line layout, Island design or a Galley design. These are the most popular choices for Sydney home owners.
A cosmetic upgrade will keep your current kitchen makeovers in Sydney structure intact and include changes to the appearance such as updating benches/cabinetry, taps/fixtures and re-tiling. This is a cheaper option and can be completed in a short timeframe without changing your kitchen layout.
A high-end kitchen renovation will include a redesign of the layout of your kitchen including structural and electrical work. This type of reno can transform your kitchen into the heart of your home.
A kitchen makeover is a cheaper option than a full renovation as it keeps the structural structure of your kitchen intact. It involves updating benchtops/cabinetry, taps and fixtures with stylish high-quality materials and painting.
If your cabinets are functionally sound but just a bit dated, paint them yourself or use a cabinet spray-painting service (for a fraction of the cost of new doors). Or, get creative and remove the doors entirely and turn the cupboards into open shelving for an airy look.
Upgrade your old appliances to energy efficient models to lower utility bills and increase your home’s sustainability. You could also consider eco-friendly materials like bamboo and salvaged wood for your cabinets or flooring. You may also want to replace older cabinet hardware with modern pulls and knobs that are more streamlined.
Often overlooked, countertops are a huge part of the kitchen. They can create a focal point and add personality to a room that is otherwise fairly bland. A backsplash can also add a pop of color and texture to the space.
To give this kitchen an uplift, designer Sarah Stacey created a neutral color palette that combines black and light wood cabinets. Black stone counters and an antique runner add contrast to the neutral scheme.
Changing your kitchen benchtop can be a cost-effective way to give your kitchen a makeover. By reshaping your countertop, you can save money by eliminating waste and reducing the need to purchase an entire new benchtop. This is also a great option if your benchtop is in good condition and only needs minor repairs.
A kitchen makeover involves updating the appearance of your kitchen with stylish high-quality materials for benches/cabinetry, taps/fixtures and re-tiling. It also includes painting and is less costly than a renovation which may involve changing the layout of the kitchen or repositioning plumbing and electrical.
Ceramic tiles are a budget-friendly option that come in a variety of colours, sizes and patterns to suit any design style. They’re durable, resistant to moisture and stains, and easy to clean.
Timber floors add natural warmth and texture to a kitchen makeovers design. Choosing wood flooring that matches the wood featured in cabinetry and even shelving can create a cohesive look. However, it is important to remember that wood is prone to scratches and can be abrasive on delicate surfaces.
Modern kitchens are used for everything from preparing meals to catching up over coffee and cocktails with friends. That means it’s critical to have the right mix of task and ambient lighting.
To ensure your cooking area is well-lit for tasks like chopping or baking, consider upgrading your ceiling lights. Downlights are a common choice, while LED strip lighting under cabinets is great for lighting up dark corners and making it easier to find things in your pantry.
Madsen says that Dan Kitchens designers typically only use two medium-sized pendant lights, as one can look lonely and three or more overpowers the room. He also advises choosing a light that suits your style, as this will help set the tone for the space and influence how people feel about it.
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seo-top-up · 8 months
Elevate Your Home with Sydney's Finest Stone Benchtops
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Welcome to Ausmarble, your destination for elevating your home with the finest stone benchtops in Sydney, Australia. Located at 468 Pitt St, Haymarket NSW 2000, Australia, we are committed to enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of your living spaces.
A Diverse Range of Stone Benchtop Choices
At Ausmarble, we take pride in offering an extensive selection of stone benchtop options, including quartz stone, calacatta marble, granite benchtops, caesarstone benchtops, and engineered stone benchtops. Whether you're upgrading your kitchen benchtops, bathroom countertops, or other surfaces, our diverse collection ensures you'll find the perfect match for your design vision.
Crafting Your Dream Kitchen with Stone Elegance
Our stone benchtops are meticulously designed to elevate your kitchen to new levels of style and durability. Our caesarstone stone benchtops, celebrated for their contemporary aesthetics and strength, are just one example of what we offer. Choose from the sleek allure of quartz countertops, the timeless elegance of marble countertops, or the rugged beauty of granite countertops to create your dream kitchen.
Timeless Luxury with Marble
Marble embodies timeless luxury, and our marble kitchen countertops, marble islands, and calacatta marble surfaces bring this opulence into your home. Immerse yourself in the ageless beauty of marble with our exquisite range.
Uncompromising Quality for Your Kitchen Benches
We understand that the kitchen is the heart of your home. Our stone for kitchen benches is carefully selected and expertly crafted to meet the highest quality standards. Whether you desire the chic elegance of black countertop kitchens or the natural charm of marble and granite, we have the expertise to bring your kitchen dreams to life.
Explore Our Stone Gallery
Visit our website at https://www.ausmarble.com.au/ to explore our extensive collection of stone benchtops, including granite kitchen benchtops and porcelain countertops. Our gallery showcases the limitless design possibilities that our stone products offer.
Contact Us Today
To inquire about our stone solutions or schedule a consultation, please call us at +61405817888. You can also find us on our Google My Business page: https://maps.app.goo.gl/8ktETwXCsACmgMTRA.
Experience the transformation of your living spaces into timeless masterpieces with Ausmarble's enduring stone benchtops. Your dream home awaits—contact us today!
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qualtons · 8 months
Melbourne's Love for Stone Benchtops: Trends and Inspirations
Melbourne, known for its vibrant culture and design-forward residents, has a longstanding affection for stone benchtops. These luxurious additions to kitchens and bathrooms not only enhance functionality but also elevate the overall aesthetic appeal of homes. In this article, we'll delve into Melbourne's enduring love for stone benchtops and explore the latest trends and design inspirations that have captivated homeowners and designers alike.
1. Embracing Natural Beauty:
Melbourne homeowners are increasingly opting for natural stone benchtops like granite and marble. These materials offer unique veining and patterns that add character and charm to kitchen spaces.
2. Engineered Stone Elegance:
Engineered quartz has gained popularity in Melbourne due to its durability, extensive color options, and low-maintenance qualities. Homeowners appreciate the versatility of engineered stone for both traditional and modern designs.
3. Bold Color Choices:
Melbourne's design-savvy residents are experimenting with bolder and more vibrant stone benchtop colors, such as deep blues, forest greens, and dramatic blacks, to make a statement in their kitchens.
4. Contrasting Combinations:
Contrasting stone benchtops with cabinetry is a growing trend. Light-colored benchtops paired with dark cabinets or vice versa create striking visual contrasts that enhance the overall kitchen design.
5. Waterfall Edges:
Waterfall edges, where the stone benchtop extends vertically down the sides of the cabinetry, are becoming increasingly popular in Melbourne. This design element adds sophistication and a sense of continuity to kitchen islands.
6. Matte and Honed Finishes:
While polished surfaces remain classic, matte and honed finishes are gaining traction in Melbourne. These finishes offer a softer, more understated look that complements a range of design styles.
7. Integrated Sinks and Drainers:
Seamless integration of sinks and drainers into the stone benchtop is a practical trend in Melbourne, creating a clean and uncluttered look in kitchens.
8. Unique Veining Patterns:
Melbourne homeowners are drawn to stone benchtops with distinctive veining patterns that add a touch of artistry and individuality to their spaces.
9. Sustainability Matters:
Environmentally conscious residents are seeking out sustainable stone options, such as recycled or locally sourced materials, to align with Melbourne's eco-friendly values.
10. Versatile Applications: - Stone benchtops aren't limited to kitchens. They're also being used in bathrooms, laundry rooms, and even outdoor kitchens, allowing Melbourne residents to carry their love for stone throughout their homes.
11. Seamless Fusion with Nature: - Homes in Melbourne often have a strong connection to outdoor spaces. Stone benchtops are being used to create a seamless flow between indoor and outdoor kitchens, tying in with Melbourne's outdoor lifestyle.
12. Mixing and Matching: - Melbourne designers are mixing different types of stone within the same space, combining the elegance of marble with the durability of quartz, for example, to create unique and eye-catching designs.
Conclusion: Melbourne's affinity for stone benchtops continues to evolve, driven by a passion for quality, aesthetics, and innovative design. Whether it's the natural beauty of granite and marble or the versatility of engineered stone benchtops, Melburnians are embracing a wide range of options to elevate their homes. These trends and design inspirations showcase the city's commitment to timeless elegance and functional excellence in kitchen and bathroom design.
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cabramattaaustralia · 11 months
Duplex home perfect for living & entertaining.
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Centrally Located with Incredible Gardens & Dual Occupancy
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Character filled home + Secondary Dwelling
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