#and blitzen makes sure the decor is always good and their branding is well designed
For Day 7 of Fierrochase Week; Rest/Relaxation.
This is apart of the RGCU (rooftop garden cinematic universe)
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A warm-colored scene on a brownstone mansion at sunset. Spread across the far wall, there are small, triangular, pink, gold, green, and white flags and fairy lights hung on strings and suspended by two poles, extending out of frame to the right. Also along the far wall, there are two ceramic pots. One containes an azalea bush and the other contains tomatoes on an a-frame trellis. Alex sits on the ground with his eyes closed and face tilted up towards Magnus, who is standing with his forearms resting on the edge of the wall. Alex is wearing a white cropped t-shirt and dark green shorts, and Magnus is wearing a loose fitting, ankle length champagne colored skirt with no shirt and black boots. Magnus' face is also upturned towards the sky, eyes closed. Next to them to their left, there's a blanket with two white plates and a bottle on it.
In the foreground there are two garden beds, one with strawberries and the other with an amalgamation of cabbage, bean sprouts, and grape vines climbing a wire frame.
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