#and everyone is like 'NO victri you can't just kill a god'
soclam · 9 months
one of my favorite things about building out victri's characterization has been finding where her line in the sand is. she's very much this "good for goodness' sake" type from the start. she helps the refugees in the grove because they're in need of help. she's here and it's the right thing to do so of course she's going to help them? and if anyone mentions it, she genuinely doesn't believe it to be anything extraordinary. she knows logically that not everyone would risk so much for strangers, but she can't fathom walking away from a situation where she has the power to help. even when her companions are like "hey, we can't save everyone" she just replies "but we can still save someone"
but the flip side of this is her deep thirst for retribution. especially against people who hurt those close to her. someone inflicted this horrible trauma upon this person that has been nothing but a treasured friend since the moment they met. of course she's going to kill as many people as she has to in order to take that power away. she has a personality that inclines her to try and forgive, but killing the people she can't forgive becomes as easy as breathing. just like helping those in need - it becomes a reflex, a non-choice, because she fundamentally can't imagine doing things any differently
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