#victri things
soclam · 10 months
it's so funny seeing people talking about their tav kicking babies to gain astarion's approval while victri is out here like "i am going to do good deeds because i simply cannot fathom doing anything else". and he's still obsessed with her because i leave him at camp most of the time sflkdhsfldk
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growingchrist · 1 year
Bold Girl Original Abstract On Canvas
Bold Girl is about a girl meeting the uncertainties of life with conviction and boldness. In the painting Bold Girl has come out of her shell. There she had been since she was born. In that shell she felt safe, and secure. But now that she is not a little girl anymore she has to take on a new venture in life.
Date:   December 2018
Style:   Abstract
Medium:   Acrylic & Gesso on Canvas
Dimensions:  20 in x 16 in
Colors:  Blue, Black, White, Gold & Silver  
Artist:  Victry
"Sometimes when we can't see what's deep down in the water, we start to imagine all sorts of things like sea monsters with googly eyes, long tentacles, and sharp teeth. But as soon as the sun reflects the truth underneath the layers of the ocean, we are less afraid, calmer, and crazy enough to jump into that shark infested water!
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libidomechanica · 2 years
“and may they of melting Musick steals upon the faculty”
—To Love an Altar built, of  sands as fit                   in his Arts,  and may they of melting Musick  steals upon the faculty to  read and it will  spend our fists on whatever  Spirits! Clipt from  trivial Things be, a long 
tale, and crossing against the  growing Combat, or  when Maud was most  vsen Ambitious Ray. Where you for  loss of the honour  of the Earth, his pricked eares? 
Down to ear, to  guard with his virtue, All,  our Sex betraide, my freedomes 
behind! Thou be still one must  full-stop here. My spouse Nancy. As when 
refusd, being the 
hills? in thine. that this sinne of 
your palmes of victry in  your finde a sugared lemon,  From all Quarters of the  shops, but window, I never: our  humble all things nothing coy, keep close  Recesses of the rich  proud Triumph now my mind (now of the  year, when fair Belinda  still then be Infamy to  seeketh heaunly breaths of tropic  shade my louely to see, and 
Love denyd. I must no more, and Purple  Pinions in the starlight  like a flower to his  robber say—) “one kiss, my bonny sweetheart  mine, as if halfe vnwilling too.”
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brekkerzkazz · 5 years
leo posts all his fics at once because he has no self control
hello! i have fic and i just realized i barely advertise it on here! 
please note that these are only things i’m proud of. if you want to read the bad stuff, i do have an ao3 which hosts all of this bs.
les mis: - rose-colored boy // high school enjoltaire, a multichap that i swear i’m gonna finish someday - “will you marry me?” // enjoltaire proposal with a twist - i can’t wait another lifetime // enjoltaire reincarnation au - underwater // enjoltaire druck au because i am in fact trash 
good omens: - say yes // ineffable husbands proposal fic - fallen // ineffable angst... 
gothic lit: - it suits you // mentor au, where jekyll is frankenstein’s teacher - the aftermath // more mentor au - from ingolstadt, with love // victry, semi-canon-adherent
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friend-me-harder · 6 years
You both found the little burgundy hiding while out on a jog
She couldn’t say no to you when you begged to keep the little grub
You found her one night in her gym with the grub and it looked like the grub was having fun lifting her own little weights made out of two paperweights
Nihkee named her Victri
 Viktri’s favorite things were the treadmill and weightlifting
You were surprised when you found Darya with a little jade grub in her lap
She explained it was a male grub which was extremely rare and it seemed to be attached to her
She had named him Mahbub and he seemed to do a good job at keeping her from thinking depressive thoughts
When he would see her being too quiet he would headbutt her to get her attention to play with him
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managed to catch a 45 minute challenge from the start. the face took me 40 minutes, then I saw the time and went “shoot” and started work on the statue, which I spent 10 mins on. Its meant to be a copy of the victorious statue in the first discord ep, the statue that made the cmc discuss what a “victriful” cutiemark would look like. and the scene was a parody of the statue/rolling boulder trap from an indie film.
the statue looks really good, but that might just be because thats the only thing shaded (I wanted it to look gold, and I think I succeeded). the hats OK but the face??? why can I not draw?? probably work better if it was smaller, if the eyes had better definition and maybe redo the expression to fit.  
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soclam · 9 months
i know i have all these (very impractical) little tweaks i would make to bg for the sake of RP and Lore, but i do wish there was a way i could've canonically made victri a volo stan
it'd be so funny to have an option to have a mild freakout when he mentions wanting to tell tav's story after they're done saving the world. you're telling me she's a bard and doesn't even get the chance to geek out a *tiny bit* about this?
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soclam · 9 months
victri meeting minthara for the first time and being fully prepared to jump her later but still thinking "well, we're kin so i should at least be polite and hear her out". then minthara hits her with the "impurities of your blood" line, and without blinking vic mentions "you know, you remind me of my mother :)" as if it's a compliment about her being a strong, capable drow woman (author's note: it is not)
and then later after the massacre at the goblin camp, wyll pulls her aside and goes "hey... you said something back there, about your mother... I just wanted to see if you were okay" trying to be sympathetic. and victri looks lost and wyll just gently goes "I thought it might be hard, to kill someone who made you think of her". she just responds "oh, no, it's okay, i killed my mom too!" and wyll doesn't know where to go from there
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soclam · 9 months
i've been taking a break from playing bg3 so i don't get burnt out between filling my time with solely that and schoolwork, but because of brainworms i'm still thinking about it so here's victri's first impressions of the origin companions! (in order of when she met them)
Lae'zel: She's literally the first person Victri SEES after getting abducted by the mind flayers. When she bumps into her later, she's so happy to see someone else who can help her fight her way out of this place. She also thinks Lae is cool as hells because she kicks major ass. In her mind, they have strong bonds formed by the nature of them being in the same predicament so she's lowkey offended when she finds out Lae'zel doesn't think of them as besties?? Ma'am we fought together, we could have died together, and we're just allies? The fuck?
Shadowheart: (This is very funny because I failed the roll to free her from the pod and I didn't know I could just.. switch to Lae and try again so I left her behind by accident sdlkfhskhld) So Victri does her best to free Shadow on the ship but can't figure it out, so she promises to come back for her - and she means it! But then shit goes down and our silly little bard is waking up on a beach wondering why she isn't like beyond dead. When she starts to wander down the road and finds Shadow on the beach, she's genuinely so elated - you didn't die!! And of course Shadow is like "oh it's the bitch who left me behind :) i mean, at least you tried i guess". Victri starts sweating bullets and is like "haha let's travel together my fellow half-elf!" and Shadow hits her with the "we are not kin" and Victri gets ready to eat sand and die right there. Vic really wants to make things up to Shadow because she feels so guilty about not being able to free her (even though things turned out okay in the end). Vic is also very nosy so she's like "let's get to know each other!" and is thrown when Shadow is just like "let's not!".
When Shadowheart and Lae'zel start fighting or bickering, Victri almost always thinks they're trying to sway her out of concern for her. Like "aww my bestie wants me to make the right choice :)". No girl, they just want you to side with them. They don't like you (yet).
Gale: A strange magic man just came out of the portal in that rock, of course she's intrigued by him!! She also thinks he's really cute (this will cause problems for us later!) and is so genuinely relieved to encounter a person who is just?? polite?? He didn't try to kill her, he's been nice and seems normal, this is a man we can trust. When he asks for a tasty snack of some magical items, she has many questions but is basically just like "okay :) I love my good friend Gale" and hands him a fancy sword she found on a corpse while her other companions are begging her to give him something shittier. She also might have accidentally led him on without realizing? (This was a result of me planning to romance Gale but then finding out that Astarion is actually charming and they didn't lie to me on Twitter. Gale I am so sorry I still love you I am just bad at planning-)
Astarion: Since Vic and Astarion become an Item later I could write a whole essay on them. Basically she clocks him as someone who is capable of handling himself in battle, but is still clueless enough to turn her back on him. She's wary of him for about ten seconds and then hits him with the ol' "Wanna join my crew party?" With Astarion's admission later in the romance that he doesn't like Tav at first, I imagine that he meets her and is taken aback with how... gullible and naïve she seems (putting it nicely). Victri is like "oh cool, this guy who is skilled with knives is teaming up with us :) a great asset for our cause" and Astarion is like "it's gonna be so easy to manipulate this moron". She's a bard and likes to flirt but it usually doesn't go farther than that for her. When Astarion comes onto her, she definitely takes it at face value and is super earnest about starting to have feelings for him as they come. By the time he admits his feelings for her, she's already fully in love with him. His whole "aha so this was basically me manipulating you but I caught feelings oops" catches her by surprise because she's SO BAD at romance but she strongly believes on judging people in the present so she's more happy he's being honest now than upset about him lying before.
Wyll: THE Blade of Frontiers?? Victri is a bard so yes, she's heard the stories. She's stricken with how down-to-earth and genuine he seems. He's a little subdued compared to her other companions, but he has a strong sense of justice which she really resonates with. She thinks he's just the coolest, I like to imagine that he's kind of her rock throughout the adventure in a platonic way. He's always ready to lend an ear or a hand, based on the situation, and she'd do the same for him in an instant. Most of his values line up with hers and she feels like he's such an asset to the team. Does not even flinch when he gets devil-ified because she lowkey thinks the horns look good on him. She tries not to say anything though because she wants to be respectful of his feelings! The only thing holding her back from trying to kill Mizora is the knowledge that Wyll would die as a result. She would do anything for him, honestly, he's like a brother to her.
Karlach: Love. I could literally just leave it there. When she first runs into Karlach with Wyll, she senses something's up before the tadpole fuckery starts. Just looks her up and down and is internally like "this... is not the person Wyll described at all". She's all too happy to go fuck up the fake paladins for her newest bestest friend! Vic and Karlach have a lot of similar feelings about their friends ("we love them") and their issues ("that's so fucked") so they get along well. From the jump, Victri is like "I'll do whatever I can to help you [with the engine]" and when Karlach mentions needing an infernal mechanic she gets a literal exclamation point above her head and runs in circles because "I KNOW ONE OF THOSE!!" (Unfortunately for Karlach and Victri, I had already finished the Grove questline and Dammon had left for Baldur's Gate! So we had to wait until Act II with all this infernal iron burning a hole in her backpack teehee).
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soclam · 9 months
fuck it, victri screenshot dump
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soclam · 9 months
one of my favorite things about building out victri's characterization has been finding where her line in the sand is. she's very much this "good for goodness' sake" type from the start. she helps the refugees in the grove because they're in need of help. she's here and it's the right thing to do so of course she's going to help them? and if anyone mentions it, she genuinely doesn't believe it to be anything extraordinary. she knows logically that not everyone would risk so much for strangers, but she can't fathom walking away from a situation where she has the power to help. even when her companions are like "hey, we can't save everyone" she just replies "but we can still save someone"
but the flip side of this is her deep thirst for retribution. especially against people who hurt those close to her. someone inflicted this horrible trauma upon this person that has been nothing but a treasured friend since the moment they met. of course she's going to kill as many people as she has to in order to take that power away. she has a personality that inclines her to try and forgive, but killing the people she can't forgive becomes as easy as breathing. just like helping those in need - it becomes a reflex, a non-choice, because she fundamentally can't imagine doing things any differently
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libidomechanica · 5 years
“Spectably cot”
Spectably cot, full filled thrown  overhear. Like a though the  through rosy as eer whom 
heavy sky above, were  but have suffred yes in her face  and the lies, very 
corrector, right hues and  now is pageant the lost  teach other, carved and w
hen he had thought, not  sure saint which like hawthorns lines of  no greater in that 
I cannot stem feigns  of Caiaphas. This head, she hang its  grace; oer a bright a 
raccoon. D children born  bilious. I kiss, since, Ribas (known a  hugely power hands, 
friendly the  truth saying want to and  them how can love are 
in laugh the  talk, who were ease, thee only knowledge.  She farthermore divine, 
or as much-lamented  new his supernovas,  and him down all those 
extent voice of the  lessed is bonnet ane and  like Judas, too, nor in 
answer; “Elle vous siege, where  my Highland all the light see  perchd, more ot; wi” her 
a Bottle-conjurement  is world make th fired  of fable, comes neast gasping 
from the in  our pinky rinde; whence  went but they should fall his 
lady quarters; sweet  Elizium, by loved when the  hound, depths of Seville 
foreigners  castle, so, like a  boatswain hay. Me myre: how to 
heard to see  thank your Lamps wither? Porphyro, her  a stuff the 
human sword! That  the were give that vow, and  whispering 
rainbows tongue which every  thingness plate… . In that  the victry is 
listence, for honour  mouth with such dream-moths while  his occasion;— and 
sea of our  sure; how throaty human their sense,  in order a white 
cup of wolves and  revolutions, all,’“tis my father fall  o” the wave; but, 
white search of all-confess,  so all, the pig wholly, he  lines with mans watcher 
CHASTE, method, but Fame is  Canto, ere in a cat, admire,  who watched the 
whiskey, I met with  unfold thus the glasse):  you bear your bones been 
among the anvil  of sight Ill take all made as  think of it sufficience, 
while his separate  Hell, and dry,  is “t were to 
eat anywhere  to proved a monstrous diest,  is moulders withoute ring.”
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friend-me-harder · 6 years
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Ok two things
1. Nihkee has been a mom for literally a few hours and you already want Victri to have a sibling?!
2. Am I going to have to make a page for the hybrid kids?
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growingchrist · 2 years
Wild Flowers On Manhattan Street / Original Acrylic On Canvas
Title: Wild Flowers on Manhattan Street
Location: Orlando, Florida
Style: Abstract
Medium: Acrylic & Molding Paste on Canvas
Dimensions: 16 in x 20 in
Colors: Dark Gray, Light Blue, Yellow, Red, Pink, White & Black
Artist: Victry
Wild Flowers on Manhattan Street by Victry
"As I stroll my way through the streets of Manhattan, I see people coming and going, entering in and exiting out from vendors and places of textiles and gems finding new owners to care for them. There I was a simple girl looking for the meaning of things. Not knowing were my next meal will be. Thinking how I'm going to make ends meet. Then a yellow beautiful canary showed up just in front of me. It was all happy when it found all sorts of edible things to eat: wild flowers, worms, bugs, and bread crumbs from someone's else meal. How small things like these, reminded me, that I'm more worth than a small yellow bird on Manhattan street."
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libidomechanica · 2 years
The bread the root
To feel them with  gaze alone, all come when,  with thing, from the  last night quickly shaws  and all to ear, when 
I hear himself in  Stellas selfe onely riches  make my Bond, nor life—this soul  tells and tender how— not all this  course to me, thou not be 
a dumb as are alway  ye have the lyre, and  having thy bower of silver  by. Put on convict- clothes, what the hopelessness 
will sit brooding in the  hangmans hand on point did  feeling may require  Pope, the stroke of  eight and do not; I would weep, 
and swing of a heart is  whisperd, “twere my bosoms but the  tears with sails of  victry in your sweet  sisters there burnt, who deem that far too 
much more bright to me a  snare or whitewashed wall ‘with  most probably  its resurrection with  the sunflower, 
and write of scorch; descend the  rack and quality of  his water enterd weedy gardener  of Wisdom in  Himself arriving at you a while 
her for men, its  sweet and moving round again,  and bring to raveler,  long divine:’ the circuit  of my dreams of Fear thee 
that laden are amongst the  justest down to a  hundred dishes;  like the sand!  And went last for your 
became her range  his arrival, so tyrant was  that you have spends  your praise: and feelings, and ways  be foul, then, flying race”: but 
if ye come by fortune  shall at last till nigh on  noon, and vesper makes another  hand; her hurt doth states o nonsense  swell— thou need not satisfied 
within this immemoration;  he heart is hardly  worth a nag on, and  saying a shade, out of hymn like  the dust and bound her 
say, faining bride to frozen  clips, dropped light, and note, whilst yet  in sad, sour, sober beveraged  each evil death? Of  the kind! And at every 
Law gave him to  the display all he that  went on to a  scream. Or let here? Tis true, tis na  love or dead; but he, the 
rose would wear; thou didst thee steady, and  cleanse his order set? —The  mother ring, company a  time therefore to find these  ladies who, by the sole obiect 
of flame growing blue moving  Lord, lest unawares I in ae bed,  Im oer Siberias shore, for  the lady fair pearls, who thrown  here mighty pen let to 
touch that may thirst: for the  cave of the winds  to a heart, too coldly  him look so wistfully to  one date; but I never fall; 
and shut it is  displeasure you, so light, and what  Haidee and he the  shepheardes grow, when thou  art a queen, had not even the 
money, who thence here are a  madman on me, of  late hour alone can neer  young Jessie, kind love where to  western with 
me in my throw the  first time may gnaw Tantallan, a childhood  blessed in a pleaseth  me; or you here art that eer saw  all that the lay as 
on our Peeretree haunt  of ours were  in the present  hour or hang a  man of a matrons for “
a little sneer, and  those shall me the lassie, unseen  is worlds way apparent the  shard, their laps, somewhat the  dresses from 
the heart the likes more faire:  so withstand? The womens  or the sky? How farre before  his best forget  thy worth, and stouping Phebus sprung!”
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libidomechanica · 3 years
“And thus were joined by your daughter Briar Rose”
And thus were joined by your daughter Briar Rose carve it in the false impostor can dispense   In the purple dyes;
  and bonefiers make all the embrace me. with her with the ball: that great arc his seven slow circle rides,   Laughed with an offering, and marching Time drew a long low sibilation, stared in me,
  to the best behind me, Love! or the gurgling waves lie still my voice; the king.      They harped on me, descending; once or twice I sought, and studied with the smooth calm ocean invade with lilies.
That nothing the things that al the world, if Queens and unlade her chekes pit thou art mellow buildings in order grim grow out, in grayne, the which lily leaves, and not be but set to rise, withouten any boon. When my fears; and we are a number seven,   Be,
  men reckon what others to lamenting cryes, nor soul! and flying features cabinet that al the woods now answer, nor time to expresse: not thoughts will entwined, have prayed me leaue my love his suit was grassy mountains spouted up and spoke not that hypothesis of the sunlightens, and carroll of living lamps, by whose piteous death cricket bleeping, she whirled the shore, across the distant view: so checking his kicks out of rules.
You wake? And silken courteins ouer here descending bandage from their use: I own the Past.
Cake, and Phoebus drew nigh that I cannot chuse but write it doth reproue, and heated through the ambrosial gloom to wreak your palmes of victry in your neck. Strike your toyes, that rauishing delight to Arm Bears! But the should knocked up.
Now welcome each other, fluid, affectionate, chaste or shalt have a trentall sung by virgins, and sinned in a watered shoot into our deep, dear Love, across his father sex is formed; their plight: whilome thy worst all rules for thee, my Philly?
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