#and guy made some snarky remark about what he should've written on the sign instead i.e. ''no disaffected sidekicks allowed''
hood-ex · 2 years
What comic did this happen in?
haha don't think about how Roy had to ask to be let into his own father's funeral and how Dick got punished for not attending a funeral he wasn't told about
Green Arrow (Vol. 2) #101
Batman #428 (Dick, on an off world mission at the time, is absent from Jason's funeral. Alfred asks Bruce if he should contact Dick. Bruce says no.)
The New Titans #55 (Dick finds out from Danny that Jason died.)
The New Titans #55 (Dick, while at Jason's grave, tells Kory that Bruce never called him to tell him what happened to Jason.)
The New Titans #55 (Bruce blames Dick for missing Jason's funeral even though Dick had no idea Jason had died in the first place, and he had been off world during Jason's funeral.)
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