#and i LOVE how we get to mammon without his over the top tsundere mask on
simeons-hips · 2 years
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service top mammon everyone!!! he’s canon!!!!!
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asmo-ds · 3 years
Ok so you made a list on they guys toxic traits. How would they react if the MC just snaped one day and broke out into sob because of what they did and say to them and the MC calls them out on it pointed put how Diavolo doesn't do or say the shit they do and hes full blood demon unlike them all in a croaked voice from crying so hard
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React to MC Calling Them Out on Their Toxicity
Obey Me Brothers x MC angst HCs
Warnings: Yelling, toxic relationships, breakdowns, violence, Mammon being the guardian he was assigned to be :)
Summary: When MC finally breaks down and calls them out on their toxic behavior towards the human the boys finally realize just how different human emotions are from the creatures in hell they’ve grown so accustomed to.
I’m putting the contents of the original post this ask referred to under each of the characters to make it clearer for those who have not seen it
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i know Lucifer is hot sexy big sex dominant professional daddy master man BUT please remember he shows his love via punishment and cruelty towards his family
- Lucifer was in the middle of hanging a crying Mammon upside down when it happened.
- “He’s in pain Lucifer, you should let him down! There are better ways to handle this,” MC had suggested only to be met with a low growl followed by:
- “Stay out of this, human, you are here to attend RAD and nothing else. Do not butt into our personal business.”
- He could practically feel MC’s upset expression as he continued to tie the knots around Mammon’s body
- “I’m a human, correct,” MC starts and he’s startled by their cold voice, “but what makes me human is my inability to stand by while someone I know is in so much pain!”
- Lucifer is a bit taken back by their boldness and is in his demon form holding them up by the throat in seconds.
- “Who the Hell do you think you are?!” He snarled, tightening his grip and pushing their struggling body against the wall harshly, causing their head to bounce off the wall with a loud thump, blood slowly beginning to trickle from the sight of the impact 
- He could barely hear Mammon’s frantic cries for him to let go of the human as his adrenaline rushed, unable to believe that the human had actually spoken to him like that,
- He was suddenly ripped away from MC, thrown across the room and he looked up to see Diavolo had come
- “I had some paperwork I wanted to give you but instead walked in on you taking advantage of your strength over someone smaller than you, you’re pathetic,” Diavolo snarled, disgusted by Lucifer’s actions
- MC wailed and threw themselves against Diavolo, him tightly embracing them and trying to soothe them
- “Y-y-you’re the Lord of Demons and yet,” they sniffled and hiccupped into Diavolo’s chest as he continued to glare at Lucifer, who could only watch on in despair as he realized what he had done, “and yet you a-are so mu-uch kinder than them, th-thank you Diavolo!”
- “Wait, MC! I’m sorry!” Lucifer began to stand before realizing Mammon had managed to escape and was now holding him down, preventing him form moving toward the trembling human.
- “Lucifer... I don’t want to see you ever again!” MC had cried as Diavolo and them left the house.
- After MC was brought to the demon lord’s castle he received word from Barbatos that he had been suspended from his duties until further notice per the request of Diavolo.
- Barbatos also collected MC’s stuff, moving it to the Demon Lord’s castle where they would spend the rest of the year
- Lucifer couldn’t bring himself to leave his room, afraid of his brothers’ judgmental looks, he refused to see how much he had hurt the family and the relationship with the human he’d done so much to care for in just a matter of thirty seconds.
- Lucifer never forgives himself for hurting MC, but he acts like he was in the right for the sake of his ego.
- But he really missed MC and was angry with himself for letting them go so easily and for not just accepting that maybe they were right and he could change for them
- Everyone notices a decrease in the cruelty he showed towards his brothers
- how did a human manage to stir up these feelings within him?
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I know Mammon is an adorable tsundere with a chaotic streak BUT please remember he also insults MC in order to keep up his own self image of being a “tough demon” even if he loves MC underneath the mask
- Mammon had been on his way back from getting scolded for stealing from Lucifer’s wallet once again, when he ran into MC
- “Mammon! What’s wrong? Are you Okay?!” He hastily wiped the tears from his face, MC really cares about me... a blush rises to his cheeks at that thought
- “Nothin’ is wrong, mind yer business,” he shoves past them
- “but you’re clearly hurting, Mammon let me help!”
- “I don’t need help from a stupid human,” he says, not turning to look at them due to his still red cheeks as he continued to be flustered by their concern for him 
- “Stupid human....” he heard MC say quietly back to themselves, his heart sinking as he realized he said it so harshly 
- “Hold on-MC- I didn-” he starts but is frozen in shock as he sees the human glaring at the floor with tears streaming down their cheeks, biting their lips to keep sobs trapped inside themselves. “MC, hey liste-” He reaches out to touch their shoulder but they jerk away turning from him.
- “Not even the demon who is meant to be the cruelest of them all calls me names for wanting to help him,” their voice trembled and his heart broke, “I just wanted to help... why do you insist on insulting me?” 
- MC ran away from him, leaving the house, passing Asmo and Satan as they left.
- Satan chased after MC as Asmodeus walked up to Mammon, slapping him across the face harshly, “why can’t you just be honest with them for once?! Don’t you realize how badly you’ve been hurting them because you refuse to be nice to stroke your own ‘bad boy’ ego?!”
- Mammon stared at the floor, tears rolling down his cheeks silently, “I-I didn’t mean to hurt them,”
- “But you did. Not to mention you never even apologize for it,” Asmodeus walks away, leaving Mammon to stand alone, shamefully hanging his head as he fell to his knees.
- The one person who ever cared about him and he did nothing but insult them and yet still expected them to love him? What a douchebag he was...
- Guess he was nothing but a greedy scumbag
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i know Levi is a cute blushy otaku recluse that we all want to top BUT he also gets jealous very easily which leads to him often getting violent or guilt tripping MC by insulting himself until they feel guilty and stay with him to make him feel better despite their own wishes
- Leviathan had jus ordered a new game titled “I just landed in Hell, seven hot demon lords are my roommates and I’m trying really hard not to fuck them”
- He rushed towards MC’s room, desperate for them to play with him 
- He walked in without knocking and saw MC cuddled up with Mammon and Beel, watching some movie that none of them seemed to actually pay attention to as they just horsed around.
- “Hey, MC! I just got a new game, come on let’s go play it!” he tried not to let his jealousy show. 
- “Ah, maybe later Levi, I’m hanging out with Beel and Mammon right now!” MC smiles kindly, to which he grows a bit sad
- “I get it... who would want to hangout with a yucky otaku like me anyway...” he lowers his head pouting
- “Levi, just give me a few minutes to finish the movie!” MC says, still trying to be kind and patient
- “No you don’t have to... I’m just going to go play alone like the loser I am...”
- “DON’T” MC stands up, Beel and Mammon watching as MC walks up to Levi, thinking that the human was going to go with him and play
- Levi smiles thinking the same thing and gets ready to leave, but instead MC comes to him and glares at him, making his heart sink
- “You do NOT get to guilt trip me like that,” MC growls, “I told you I need a minute, I never said any of that stuff and I KNOW you were saying that stuff just to get me to come with you instead of staying here,” Levi blushes as MC calls him out, his heart beating rapidly with nerves as he realizes just how mad MC was at him
- MC pushes him out of their room, slamming the door and he hears them mumbling some angry stuff to the other two brothers behind the door
- Ashamed of himself he goes back to his room and locks himself there for a few weeks, kind of waiting for MC to come check on him and apologize, but then he realizes that is exactly why they are mad at him, so he decides to try and get his shit together
- But his anxiety gets in the way and he decides MC would be better off without him and he tries to avoid them no matter how much he craves their attention
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i know Satan is an intelligent man who is trying his best to keep his anger in check at all times BUT if you are in a relationship where someone is getting mad at you constantly despite their efforts pls look out for yourself and let yourself be selfish and avoid the person no matter how bad it may hurt them because your own happiness should come first
- After a fight with Lucifer, Satan had gone to his room to blow off some steam
- He was storming around and throwing things and throwing a temper tantrum
- MC came to check on him and they knocked politely, calling his name and asking if they could come in
- Despite using their manners and being as respectful as possible; their interruption of his tantrum pissed him the hell off
- He swung the door open and pushed them down, eyeing them like a normal demon would; nothing but an innocent soul to munch on
- MC tried to escape but he caught their ankle, and dangled them like a rag doll as his claws sunk into the limb he held
- He could see their mouth moving and tears streaming down their face but he couldn’t process the words they were wailing
- He only stopped when Mammon punched him harshly, causing him to drop the human and go flying through the nearest wall, which happened to be Asmodeus’s, who was infuriated by the destruction of his room, but his focus immediately turned to Mammon and the trembling human he held
- Satan could barely hear or see much of anything anymore as Mammon’s punch had knocked him nearly out-cold
- Later when his senses came back he went to MC to apologize
- When he walked in they screamed and cowered in the corner.
- “MC, I won’t hurt you I promise-”
- “You always say that! You promised to never hurt me, Satan! All I wanted was to see if you wanted anything to help you calm down but you decided that was reason enough to try and eat my soul. For fuck’s sake, Diavolo is the Demon Lord and he isn’t half as cruel and manipulative as you are!” He watched the human tremble and cry their response out
- The loud noises had once again caught the attention of the humans guardian for their time in the Devildom
- Mammon walked in and grabbed Satan by the collar, dragging him out the door and slamming it behind him
- Satan sat against the wall and could hear how much pain MC was in as they cried to Mammon and he wanted nothing more than to run in there and take his place but he knew he had royally fucked up
- Scared of his own anger, he decided to not leave his room unless he was attending RAD, family meals, or the Library, because he was so afraid of making the human he had loved afraid and he didn’t want them to feel so much pain just by seeing him
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i know Asmodeus is a cute feminine boy with a love for self care and pampering and fashion BUT he always be littles others for not being as good or pretty as him and is super gossipy
- MC had come to school after a sleepover with Asmo, where things got deep and emotional and MC’s most shameful secret was revealed to him
- and he said he wouldn’t tell anybody. he really wasn’t going to but...
- MC noticed the weird stares followed by giggles of the succubi at RAD, clearly whispering about MC which made their stomach feel sick
- MC wasn’t sure what the deal was today until a succubus came up to them at lunch,
- “hey human, i heard that *insert your most humiliating memory*” she snickers with her friends, watching mc turn pale
- Unable to form words MC bolted out of there
- Unluckily for Asmodeus, MC just do happened to run into him
- “Ah! MC, dear, be careful or you and I will both ends up bruised-“ he’s cut off by a slapping sound
- he’s in so much shock he doesn’t even realize MC had slapped him for a few seconds
- “I should’ve known better than to trust you with my secrets.” MC growled, turning around to storm off, “Guess I forgot you were a demon. No, demons are like Diavolo, they at least have some itty bit of kindness in their hearts. You. You’re a monster.”
- Asmo watched them storm off and felt tears come to his eyes
- They were right, for once he had someone who loved him for more than power, looks, and sex, and what did he do? He hurt them and destroyed their reputation.
- He eventually fell off of his skincare routine and stopped coming home every night, instead, he was too busy partying and passing out in strangers’ beds and being glad the demons and succubi who dances with him and slept with him didn’t care for his personality
- cuz he knew his personality was the one part of him that was ugly as hell and he hated it 
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i know Beelzebub is a gentle giant who cares for his entire family BUT he also throws tantrums that hurt people when he gets hungry and isn’t given food asap
- After his sports practice, he was starving and on edge
- He hungrily eyed a strangers’ meal as he and MC walked home from the campus
- “Beel, don’t even think about stealing that poor demon’s food,” MC scolded him, unknowingly lighting a fuse inside of him
- He shifted to his demon form and grabbed MC by the shoulders harshly
- “Well what else am I supposed to eat?! Do you want me to eat you?!” He shook them, making them whimper out in pain as his claws dug into their flesh
- “B-Beel, you’re hurting me!” MC cried out, but he was too hungry to care and leaned in, about to take a bite out of the poor human before he felt himself get pulled away and pin against the ground
- “Beelzebub, just what in the Devildom do you think you’re doing?” Lucifer’s chilling voice snarled at his younger brother, a crowd forming to watch the two demon lords fight
- “I’m HUNGRY!” Beelzebub went to strike Lucifer, but instead, MC being MC, grabbed his arm to try and stop him, causing him to fling them against the wall, them hitting it with a loud cracking sound, blood pouring out from the back of their head as they rubbed it
- Seeing them bleed made him more hungry but then he saw the look of despair and disappointment that he had seen on his younger sister so many years ago and he snapped out of it
- “MC!” Lucifer rushed to the human’s side, picking them up gently and giving Beel one last cold look before flying off quickly to the Demon Lord’s castle, where Barbatos would be able to heal MC
- Beelzebub felt his hunger dissipate, instead, the guilt eating away at him as the sight of MC’s despair filled eyes flashed through his head 
- When MC returned later that night he went to apologize when he heard them in the kitchen
- “MC,” they flinched and whipped around, immediately using one hand to grip their head as dizziness struck them for a moment, the other hand out in front of them in a defensive manner
- Beel’s heart broke and he felt tears starting to form as he started to approach them, intending to hug them comfortingly
- “STAY RIGHT THERE!” MC yelled, their pact forcing his feet to stay planted where they were
- “Y-you don’t have to apologize okay? I should have known better than to scold a monster,” he winced at the word but let them continue, “But that said it isn’t entirely my fault. Every other demon in that plaza could smell me and didn’t pounce me, they had better control than that. Even when I go out alone nobody attacks me! Hell, even the Demon Lord himself isn’t cruel enough to attack me I-I just, please, stay away from me Beel,” and when they looked up he had tears streaming down his face and he was biting his lips to keep from crying
- As badly as they wanted to comfort the crying boy, they knew that they would be putting their own safety at risk if they were to forgive him and make him think he would be so easily forgiven
- Beelzebub suddenly started to stop feeling hungry as every time his stomach growled all he could see was the image of himself about to bite into MC and he would start to feel sick to his stomach
- He doesn’t forgive himself and gets really depressed because he thinks MC’s pain is his fault just like Lilith’s death
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i know Belphegor is a sleepy baby with a love for pranks and mischief BUT he literally killed MC but as soon as he found out they were a descendant of his little sister he suddenly just flipped a switch and didn’t even really apologize
- MC was sleeping in the attic next to Belphegor, tossing and turning as a nightmare filled their head
- They could practically feel his claws wrapped around their frail neck snapping it and laughing as they faded from their body
- MC sat up panting and screaming, Belphegor waking up and rubbing his eyes sleepily as he wrapped his arms around MC
- “NO NO NO GET OFF OF ME STOP IT” they continued to scream, flailing around in his embrace, he refused to let go though, convinced they just needed a hug to comfort them from whatever had scared them so bad
- They began to sob hysterically, their voice screaming out for Mammon
- Panicking he continued to hold them in place, afraid if he let go they’d sprint off
- and he was right, they bit his arm and he pulled away as they stood up and sprinted down the hall
- “MC WAIT” he chased after them, worried they’d get hurt
- As they saw the door of their guardian (Mammon), they called out his name
- Belphegor placed a hand over their mouth, worried about the others waking up, but it was too late as Mammon and Satan had both been woken by the cries of the human
- “HELP ME MAMMON PLEASE” MC sobbed, Belphegor sending a panicked and hurt look to his brothers
- Mammon pushed Belphie away as he took MC back into his room to calm them down
- After a mini-argument with Satan that ended up getting shut down by Lucifer, he went back to bed 
- The next morning he saw MC was sitting at the breakfast table and he smiled at them, only to watch them shoot a look to Mammon, who then pulled their chair closer to his own protectively
- They all ate in silence, the awkward and tense atmosphere keeping anybody from starting a conversation
- After everyone else left he went up to MC and cornered them, covering their mouth to keep them quiet so he could say what he needed to
- “I already apologized for everything so why do you still need to freak out whenever you see me?!” he asked, annoyed that despite his apology for killing MC, they still felt uncomfortable around him
- They slapped his hand away, “You didn’t really apologize. You only apologized because I’m a descendant of your dead sister, you didn’t apologize to me, MC, you apologized to Lilith,” MC shoves him and starts to walk away from the stunned demon
- “Its kind of funny that despite all the problems I’ve caused for his program, Diavolo has never tried to kill me.” MC says before finally making their exit
- Belphegor gets lost in his own thoughts after that, as he finally realized that he had been seeing them as a replacement Lilith rather than themselves
- even if he wanted to try apologizing again, he was unable to as Mammon became more and more protective of them, shooing Belphie away with dirty looks anytime they were in the same room
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