#and i came to the conclusion that ep 12 looks awful
khaopybara · 1 month
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WOMEN IN QLS ( 5/?? )
❝She was giving me all ears while we were on the plane. She's still mad at me. So, my dear brother, help me make up with her, or else I'll be cleaning the toilet at home during the festival this evening.
Seriously, Sand isn't that kind of girl. She'll forgive you soon enough.
Before you say that... make sure to look at her face first.
She's gorgeous.
I know that. But she's also very scary. I'm afraid of her.
Are you guys talking about me?❞
YOSHI RINRADA as SAND ( the sign, 2023 )
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chalkrevelations · 3 years
Ep 27 of Word of Honor, and that was … Well. That was definitely the unicorn chaser to spending so much time and hugging with Awful Yifu in the last episode.
(Spoilers, as ever, so scroll away and come back later, if you’re still planning to watch unspoiled.)
I mean, what is there to say?
Ha, no, really, I can find plenty to say. Buckle up, I guess.
Clearly, I’m going to talk about The Scene, and there’s a lot going on here, besides the obvious cake frosting of everyone coming to everyone else’s rescue and the fighting and the crying and the declarations, and then once it’s all over, when everybody’s still hopped up on adrenaline, before the crash hits, the shouting and the laughing. At the end of it, we’re not even 20 minutes into the ep, and I feel like that should have been the climax (har), but they probably knew nobody would be able to concentrate on anything else that came before it. I’ve seen a couple of interviews now where Zhang Zhehan said he wanted to play Wen Kexing, and given the chance, he would probably still pick that role, and then everyone involved in the interview rambles on about the complexity of the Wen Kexing character, and it makes me worry that Zhang Zhehan isn’t giving himself or Zhou Zishu enough credit for the depth and range that he pulled out of the character. There’s a lot of various people yelling at various other people in many different places in this show, but there’s not been a scene yet that I felt it like I did when ZZS shouts at WKX after Ye Baiyi finally goes away, wanting to know what the fuck he was thinking. That felt real, and it felt layered – like, there’s a bone-deep fear that’s giving that anger extra strength, fear about the fact that WKX could be so self-destructive. Which also may force ZZS to confront for the first time the idea that WKX could die and leave him alone, just like all his other shidi died and left him alone. I’d have to go back and rummage around in previous eps, but I feel like this could be the first time ZZS really has to confront the idea that could happen, and he’s probably not at all prepared for it, because he’s understandably expecting to be the first to go. But this idea that WKX could just disappear, and get himself killed (because let’s face it, Ye Baiyi tossed them both around like toys), and ZZS would never see him again – that he would abandon ZZS like that, just to hide his secrets – I think that might be part of the anger, here. (You don’t fail me … and Zhou Zishou’s expectations for what constitutes not being failed are a pretty low bar, consisting mainly of not getting yourself killed like a fucking dumbass, and even that bar suddenly seems to be too high for Wen Kexing to clear.)
There’s also a clear parallel here, need I say, to the scene in a previous ep when Gu Xiang (WKX) begs Shen Shen (Ye Baiyi) that even after Shen Shen (Ye Baiyi) kills her (him), could he just for god’s sake not tell her (his) boyfriend who she (he) really was. Wen Kexing’s supposedly thought-out plan was basically just going to be what A-Xiang came up with on the fly, and stupid babies need the most love, I remind myself grimly, particularly when all this is about something Zhou Zishu already knew anyway, because he’s a brilliant former merciless assassin, not a good-hearted self-deprecating cinnamon roll who thinks he’s the least talented person in his sect like Cao Weining. We’ve also got some tasty philosophical stuff in this whole confrontation, including competing responsibilities – loyalty vs. justice vs. integrity – along with ideas of retributive vs. restorative justice. This is another good Zhang Zhehan acting moment, because that whole bit about how, actually, Grandpa, his shifu would have been about guiding his shidi toward kindness and making up for the mistakes he made – I actually believe he’s wholly thinking about Wen Kexing when he pulls out this philosophical rapier, and not at all about how restorative justice benefits ZZS, himself, considering how much blood he has on his own hands and that earlier conversation about frying in oil for 80 vs. 100 years. Good job, my friend. The one thing that makes me sad about this scene is that I’ve seen That Extra, and I hate we were robbed of not only Zhou Zishu actually laying his head on Wen Kexing’s shoulder but of Gong Jun’s single crystalline tear spilling down his cheek. Zhang Zehan’s right, that was a better take.
Anyway, Ye Baiyi proceeds to put WKX under house arrest, which, just. So he has to live with ZZS for the rest of his life? Please don’t throw him into the briar patch, right?
Also, yes, WKX. He’d die for you, dumbass. God.
Just to drive home the point of how the Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishou and Gu Xiang/Cao Weining relationships are the same relationship, we then go to a scene … well, we then go directly to a scene where Cao Weining is just sitting there, chin in hand, gazing adoringly at Gu Xiang, much the way Wen Kexing has been gazing adoringly at Zhou Zishu since about Ep 3 2 1 …  but that also leads into a scene where Cao Weining is interrogated about Gu Xiang by his shixiong in a milder, miniature version of the grilling ZZS just took from his elder. “Do you know who she is?” Whoever she is, he’s going to continue to respect her boundaries. “I promised her, so I won’t betray or distrust her.” “We’ve been through so much together.” (“We’re in the same boat anyway, we might as well stay together.”) I won’t fail you. Nobody in this scene has actually made the Ghost Valley connection, yet, and Cao Weining is not as canny as Zhou Zishu, so we’re not yet going to get any kind of resolution on the issue in this relationship - but given the way these relationships are running on parallel tracks, I have positive feelings about how Cao Weining is going to meet this challenge (not that I didn’t, anyway) once the info finally does come out.
What else, what else? We do go back to Xie Wang and Awful Yifu in this ep, and oh boy.
Xie’er: Ghost Valley Master’s faithful minion Heartless Amethyst Fiend has been sent by her master to sneakily follow Cao Weining and infiltrate the Gentle Wind Sword Sect where the Glazed Armor is being held.
A-Xiang, chillin’ outside the gated community in a rustic cabin with her fiancé, doing some mending and waiting for her wedding day: Never speak of my former master again, I have utterly left that life behind me. Also, what should we have for dinner?
I can see how you would come to the conclusion you did, Xie’er, but wow, the only time you’ve been more wrong in your life is about your Awful Yifu. Speaking of which, it appears the cat Awful Yifu is out of the bag. Xie Wang is still all, “Since you saved me, you can take my life back if you want,” and here we are in Zhou Zishu-Prince Jin territory again, shades of ZZS in Ep 1 not even blinking as he offers himself to Prince Jin and takes the gamble that he won’t just get his head cut off for his troubles. ALSO, I distinctly remember telling you, Xie’er, that you were empathizing (although not sympathizing) a bit much with the women of the Department of the Unfaithful, and here we do in fact get an explicit comparison, looking back to the conversation with Beauty Ghost about her loser boyfriend, when you refer to yourself as “also a gambler” as you take your leave of Zhao JIng. You need some Water of Lethe, buddy. Or do you think – to return to that conversation and the parallels with Beauty Ghost – that if you remember all this, you’ll stop making the same mistakes?
A last few random things:
lol, let’s all take a minute to giggle over the fact that ZZS has, in Ye Baiyi’s words, associated with this dude. Is that what the kids are calling it these days? Sorry, but I had to pause the show at that point to snicker like a 12-year-old.
Chengling: “How dare those ruffians beat my two dads! Let’s burn down their house.” Wow. OK. Xiang-jie has been … some kind of influence on her didi.
Last scene of ZZS and WKX, oh my god:
ZZS: You’re feeling bad for keeping a secret from a kid? What about me? How are you going to make it up to me?
WKX: Oh, my goodness, look at the time. I’m feeling so … sleepy. Yes, that’s it. I must go to bed. You also must be so … sleepy. You should. You know. Go to bed. Too. Also. To cure your … sleepiness. As you do, in a bed. Where I will also be.
Me, to the screen: He’s going to make it up to you on his back.
Also me: :facepalm: You are a pair of merciless killers. How are you this adorable?
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jean----ralphio · 4 years
BoB liveblog ep 3
Feelings. I’m having them.
Episode 3: Carentan, but I’m renaming it my heart hurts because this ep is so heavy but also I’m happy cos the best thing possible happens AKA the return of Rich
03:02 These men, I can’t, stop doing this to me Tom Hanks, I feel personally attacked by the pain
03:18 My husband has just informed me I shouldn’t drink while doing these liveblogs because it’s “unhealthy” and “dangerous” and “please stop drinking my whiskey and crying about Gabriel from Supernatural.” First of all, he’s fucking lucky I’m not filing for divorce. Secondly, I need to cope SOMEHOW! “Yes, but I really don’t think alcohol is the best choice as a coping mechanism.” WRONG ALCOHOL IS THE ONLY CHOICE.
03:46 Blithe! Whatcha doing baby?
03:55 Shifty! My angel son is here!
04:21 Real talk, the first thing I ever saw Marc Warren in was this hot as fuck movie with Lee Williams, I’ll google it hang on. OK it’s called ‘No night is too long’, its based off a book. Marc Warren plays this hot professor and Lee Williams is a uni student and the sex scene montage is seared in my memory forever, and there’s a kiss in elevator and it is something else. That’s all I remember when I see Marc. His character in it was super intense and kinda scary, so it’s funny to see him playing Blithe, who is baby.
05:17 Aw Shift, my little angel baby son
05:32 Perco! <3
05:41 Lieb I’ve missed you <3 Luz <3
06:11 Oh Blithe, sweetie.
06:38 Like. He’s functioning. But he’s also not functioning. Same tbh
06:58 Harrrrryyyy <3
07:18 “No talking, no smoking, and no playing grab-fanny with the guy in front of you, Luz!” Iconic.
08:01 “And another thing to remember, boys, flies spread disease! So keep yours closed!” Oh Luz, never change
08:15 Love these few seconds, the fire and the water and the silhouettes
09:11 What do you mean again! How many times have you lost them, Harry?!
09:44 Yay the husbands are here. I’ve missed them. BUT YOU KNOW WHO I MISS THE MOST? RICH. WHERE IS HE?
10:40 You’re the yokel, sweetie
10:50 It’s OK, baby Blithe!
11:02 Look, Dad and his husband are here, you’re safe
11:27 Ugh that scene
12:00 I don’t like this, Dick
               “I HAVE NO IDEA!”
12:45 Move, boys! Listen to Dad!
13:31 Angel son, be careful
13:45 God how do they even know where to shoot?
14:08 Shifty! I said be careful!
14:09 God he’s good
14:23 No baby!
14:40 That was boss, random dude. Tipper?
14:50 Angel son
15:01 Boys. God.
15:40 Was that necessary?
15:41 Well, it led to that boss scene for one, I guess. Iconic.
15:57 Naw, Luz had a feeling <3 And he was right!
16:08 Leave them, baby
16:46 Buck lmao
16:57 Sweetie it’s OK! Oh no, baby ☹
17:10 Roe <3
17:18 Me too, babe
17:38 Ah, Lip! Speirs, come save him!
17:53 Lol poor Lip! Oh no, not the goods!
18:01 I’m happy for you, and Speirs, lmao
18:39 Yeah, you show that outhouse, Tip. It was looking shady as fuck to be fair
18:48 Oh fuck.
18:56 This bit though, the distorted sound… fuck
19:25 Oh Lieb <3
19:35 Lieb, you always try to pretend you don’t care and that you’re badass but you’re not fooling me <3
19:44 Baby, no, wtf are you doing?
20:02 My heart
20:27 God
20:34 Where tf did you find that horse?!
20:50 You named him fat boy??
21:02 Oh, honey. I can’t make jokes. It’s a stressful time for us all, me especially, due to the lack of Rich.
21:06 Nix. No.
21:10 Husbands <3
21:14 Baby! Nix go back and help.
21:23 He’s like ugh tf I don’t have time for this! Mood
21:34 This is the first time we hear Roe speak <3
21:43 Listen to him, Dick!
21:45 Hey Buck
22:22 Lord, thank you for Shane’s face.
22:31 Roe’s like wtf you gonna do?
22:55 Baby don’t cry!
23:32 You didn’t let anyone down! It’s OK!
23:43 Oh Dick called him son, I can’t
23:57 Dad healing vibes.
24:11 Dick is legit a Dad now. Is this how the adoption process works?
24:41 Roe is like tf just happened
24:53 RICH! RICH!!!! <3
24:59 Ew
25:05 Don’t touch it, Rich, yucky.
25:21 Oh God. Terrifying.
25:22 Riiiiich, I’ve missed you so much
25:30 Speirs just wants to get back to killing ASAP
25:37 Terrifying. Pretty. But terrifying.
25:41 Mood, Penk
25:56 Riiiich <3 He looks so golden in the sunlight <3
25:58 Paused here a while. His face is beneficial to my health and well-being, OK? Also, third whiskey
26:04 RIIICCH <3 He’s such a wind up. He’s so pretty and golden! Look at his eyes and his little lock of hair and his stubble, I can’t even.
26:17 I can’t. His eyes. Even in the shade you can see they’re so pretty <3
26:36 So much Rich content. I’m so happy.
26:59 Lord. I love Rich. But Matthew is a freaking fox.
27:10 *happy sigh*
27:20 Rich’s hair is so blonde here
27:28 Rich stop throwing things at people!
27:37 Blithe is still a wee bit batshit, but he’s still the only voice of reason in this little party, which is concerning.
28:19 LMAO LUZ “Oh Jesus Christ, Frank, I don’t know, until they tell us to stop.” He’s always such a mood.
28:38 Hoob looks like he needs a bath.
29:02 Move, babies, move
29:38 That day-night transition tho
29:52 Hey Johnny
30:02 Mood
30:07 Harry. Stop. Cute.
30:30 Johnny, I’m not sure I appreciate your little “You can count on ME sir” as if Harry can’t count on Blithe! Don’t be rude.
30:33 Harry! Fucking fall on him why don’t you!
31:06 Tell that to Ross
31:34 Dad’s here
32:37 Oh Harry
32:38 “War is hell” You little shit! Iconic
33:08 Oh God
33:21 Roe <3 He got there quick! I feel like he doesn’t sleep, that he just hangs around in the back waiting to run in and save people <3
33:27 Oh, baby ☹
33:32 Blithe, it’s OK. He looks so scared!
33:55 Johnny, I have several things to say to you. Number 1, how dare you look so hot in this lighting. Number 2, don’t be so freaking lazy! Number 3, leave poor Blithe alone! He is having a Difficult Time. God Johnny is so unimpressed with him tho.
34:35 I would be more scared to run into Speirs, rather than the enemy. He is more terrifying tbh.
34:46 So. Intimidating.
34:54 Nervous? Yes, case in point.
35:01 Oh Christ here we go. Welcome to the Speirs is batshit and murder-hungry show.
35:27 Lol at Johnny suddenly waking up cos he heard gossip
35:40 Goodnight Johnny ‘Unimpressed’ Martin ILY
36:06 Don’t kill him, please
36:33 GDI Speirs
36:53 Literally no one else wants to be like that, Speirs, just you.
37:58 God
38:33 I need to see Rich. I feel like he was back in that field with Malark but I couldn’t make him out properly and I am now Upset.
38:52 Dick is so boss.
39:18 Oh, baby, oh dear
39:42 Ugh, oh no
40:02 Noooo don’t abandon Easy
40:22 Dad’s here, it’s OK
40:57 Dick get down from up there, you’ll get hit
42:08 Lol at Harry
43:18 RICH
43:48 Nix just chillin with his binoculars on his hill the whole time
44:20 Naw Rich just got back with the ammo and now the party is over
45:05 Oh
45:29 I got chills, the way he just disappears
48:11 So touching
48:46 Harry’s not happy
48:57 lol they’re all like nope, don’t make eye contact
48:58 Aw Blithe levelled up, plus 1 courage
49:00 No, not my angel son, you leave him back where it’s safe Harry
49:28 Aw, Harry’s smile <3
49:59 Nix don’t be so crass
51:00 ROE <3
51:28 Aw Harry, it’s not your fault
51:52 I love this. Harry and Dick in the shade, the boys all chillin in the sun. It feels peaceful and like they’re getting some rest, but like it’s not comfortable. Both legit because they’re lying about on rocks and rubble, and like the general mood and tension. It’s not safe yet, and the environment reflects that and this show, I can’t with this fucking masterpiece of a show sometimes I swear
52:25 “That’s why I came to France. To please General Taylor.” Another zinger from Harry! Give me one line of his that is not iconic and I will give you my firstborn
53:34 Oh Blithe <3
53:56 Aw Malark <3
54:15 Dorks
54:53 RICH
55:14 Lol at Malark stealing Rich’s cigarette
55:19 Oh Lord, the way Dick’s face falls. God, that look. Also do you two husbands need to be that close? No, but please continue.
55:27 Babe <3
55:37 Aw the Dad club assembling is never good. Fun’s over.
55:44 Laughing Rich is all I need in this world
56:00 Bill stop groping him, that’s Roe’s job
56:04 Rich <3
56:13 Aw Babe has a new friend
56:16 Rich in the background <3
56:28 Oh Lip
56:31 That’s sweet of you Smokey
56:49 Lip <3
57:25 Poor Lip, having to do this.
57:29 RICH
57:36 OMG it’s an actual woman
57:48 Good on you Malark
58:07 Cute
58:17 So sweet
58:32 Oh God, this scene. It’s actually a little surprising she’s not figuring it out on her own
58:37 Oh, his face
58:57 Scott does such a beautiful job in this scene, portraying the emotion without much dialogue, not quite meeting her eyes when he should because he’s trying to hide his shock and sadness
59:40 Oh Blithe.
In conclusion I am happy and sad. It’s a very confusing time. 
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