#and i hadn't giffed echo in FOUR MONTHS
maycanady · 2 years
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wdwmarveldisney · 3 years
....so it's my first time watching teen wolf all the way through (I've never seen it before) and I've just reached all the void stiles stuff and where he's at Eichen House and like....omg but also it got me thinking....and idk if you wanna write this or not or just scream into the void w me (bud dum tsssss) but like imagine a wolf in eichen house finding stiles to be her like soulmate/mate and then he gives into void so all she thinks is thay void is the mate when it's not cause it'd just be the vessel....anyway I'm screaming at my TV haha
My Mate
Void/Stiles x werewolf!reader
Summary: Eichen House, or rather known as Echo House, has been your place of residence for a couple of years now. You never expected to meet your mate there.
A/N: Ok four things. One, I absolutely can’t wait for to reach later seasons. Two, it is very much omg and I know it’s wrong to just love that plot but like I’m past caring. Three, love the pun and I will a hundred percent do that with you. And four, I hope this is okay, not sure if I’ve done Void right.
Part two is here.
GIF isn’t mine
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Eichen House wasn't exactly your average mental institution. It was filled with supernatural people as well as oblivious humans. You'd been there for a while, year or two you think. You lost count of the months a little while ago. All you knew was that your parents saw you lose control a couple of times and had put you in there. It didn't feel a good enough reason to shove you into a mental institution but you knew they were terrified of you. Yeah, that hurt but you couldn't blame them.
Your fingers fiddled with the blades of grass as you sat there, eyes fixed on the people who walked around in front of you. Your gaze focussed on Oliver when you heard the new voice and your eyes widened in shock at the boy next to him. He was talking animatedly, hands flying around as he ranted and Oliver listened and you just kind of knew in that second.
Sometimes it happened. Werewolves had mates and for some, they had to get to know a person before they know that they are mates but for others, it can just click. It can be one glance and suddenly, you could just feel the pull. Your old alpha said that it was the most compatible ones, like soulmates. Some were just destined, written in the stars. You called bullshit but seeing him there, you decided she had to of been right because there was no other explanation for what you felt.
You wanted to go over and talk to him, say hi and introduce yourself but then what would you do? 'Oh yeah, by the way, I'm your mate and we should really get to know each other'. 'Cause you can really say that to a total stranger. It just so happened he caught you staring and you used your supernatural abilities to listen in to their conversation. "Who's that?" You could see him point to you and Oliver grin when his gaze settled on you. The two of you were kind of friends over the whole you'd been here. "Oh that? That's Y/N. She's really nice," The boy gave a small nod and he seemed to just be as lost for words as when you saw him. "I'm going to go talk to her," he mumbled after a few beats of silence and began to make his way over.
You panicked. I mean your mate who you hadn't even met yet was deciding to walk over and introduce himself and you were sitting there playing with grass? Not exactly the best impression. So your head fell and you fingers began to pluck at the grass instead of twirl it. Your leg bounced and your tongue ran over your lips repeatedly. Not looking up until he stood in front of you, you missed the nervous glance to Oliver and the way he seemed to hit one hand into the other repeatedly.
"Hey," it was like one of those moments in a movie or tv show where the camera slowly travels up, starting at the feet and when it reaches the face, you just kind of fall in love. You took note of the baggy jeans, loose T-shirt and heavy jumper. Notice the way he clicked his fingers in front of his chest and how he seemed to bounce on his feet. And then you saw his face, and you were a goner. Whiskey eyes and small smile and quite little moles and raised eyebrows with his head tilted to the left. Though feeble, you managed a small, "Hi," back, hand raising in an awkward wave.
"I, um, saw you staring," it was like your senses flooded back in then, anxiety practically suffocating you. There was a hint of confusion and something else you couldn't pick up on. Eyebrows pinching together in befuddlement, you let your head fall to the side and nose scrunch slightly as you sniffed. Yeah, you were pretty obvious but he was going to have to find out sooner or later. Except you saw the realisation on his face, mixed with this defensive look in his eyes.
"Are you a...?" His hand waved around in front of him, as if gesturing to a word only he could see but you got the idea, "Werewolf? Mhm," you paused a second before sticking your hand out, "Y/N," he stared at your hand, debating what to do and he seemed lost in thought until you shook it slightly and effectively snapped him out of his daze. His hand slipped into yours and you gave a half shake before pulling back and waiting for him to say his name, "Um, Stiles,"
"Well, it's nice to meet you Stiles," you jumped up then, giving him one last smile before leaving a very confused him behind. And you didn't see him for the rest of the day. Not until that new werecoyote, Malia, was leading to the basement. Curiosity got the better of you and so you followed. Malia stayed for a while but then she had to cause a distraction so she had to go so it was just you and awkward Stiles. To be fair to him, you were pretty awkward too but because of what you knew. "Do you know what you're looking for?" You watched him closely, trying your hardest not to focus on the anxiety that seemed to suffocate you. "Something to do with that," he showed you a symbol, noticing your eyebrows pinching together and head falling to the side and he realised that was a very cute habit of yours. Your eyes trailed back to him, lips pursed, "What does it mean?"
"Self," you gave a small nod, going back to what you were looking through before pausing again. He barely gave you anything there, you still had no clue what all this breaking rules is for. So you decided there's no harm in asking, "Maybe you should tell me more?" Stiles looked up to you, smiling faintly at the raised eyebrow and slight light to your eyes. The smile slowly faded and he turned back to the papers, "You might not like me if you know any more..." Your face said it all, it perfectly conveyed how ridiculous that was to you. What the hell was he on? "Try to remember that my whole family is terrified of me and I almost killed my dad," And that you're my mate. You decide against saying it not wanting to freak him out, "I won't judge. I promise,"
He didn't say much more to that, other than an incredibly brief explanation, carrying on with searching until you spoke up again, "This place definitely used to be a lot more fun- electroshock... ice baths... trephination?" He ignored the fact you called it fun, instead focusing on the question you had asked, loving the look you had done once more. Why was it so beautiful on you? Anyone else and he wouldn't care but you? That's a whole other story. "That's what Oliver was talking about. Trephination is when they drill into your head," your lips formed a small 'o' as you looked back to the sheet before your nose scrunched up in distaste, "No wonder they don't want anyone down here..."
There was a slam of papers and your head shot up to stare at him, frowning at the disappointment and increase in anxiety that filled the room, "There's nothing here," you heard the huff and reached out to place your hand on his shoulder, not sure how to comfort someone. Your whole body tensed, eyes widening in fear you were doing it wrong. Stiles sent a quick glance your way before signing again, "Could you do me a favor? Could you just check the lines on my back?" A curt nod from you made him turn and you gently lifted his top slightly, internally freaking. "Just tell me if they're fading?"
And they were, they were fading quick and you frowned again, "Yeah, they're almost gone," you took a second to watch his face fall and smell his chemosignals before your frown deepened, "I'm guessing that's bad?" He hummed slightly in affirmation so you slowly pulled his top back down, fingers grazing his back. You flinched back, hand quickly holding over your other as you gave a surprised him a sheepish smile, "Oh, sorry. I'm kinda always cold," a small nervous laugh left your lips as he turned to you, hands hovering above your own, "That's okay. Here-"
He almost winced when his fingers intertwined with yours, making sure you knew he was okay with a small grin, "Boy, you really are," you both gave awkward laughs, neither sure what to do. You seemed closer than before and you could feel your heart hammer against your chest. You could hear Stiles falling into a similar beat as you draw little circles on his hand with your thumb. It was supposed to calm you down but it wasn't really working. You saw his gaze flicker down to your lips and back up and your whole brain just shouted screw it. Next thing you knew, you were kissing him or at least trying. When he kissed back it was a lot easier given that you just followed his lead.
You were the first to pull away, grinning madly when he chased your lips. Quiet quickly surrounded the two of you until he sighed lightly, "Was that your first kiss?" Heat rose to your cheeks as you gave an embarrassed nod and smile. He grinned back, fingers pulling away to fiddle with yours. He seemed anxious still, "Was it okay?" You looked shocked by the question, head snapping up to nods rather aggressively making him laugh lightly. "You want to try it again?" This time the response wasn't immediate, face leaning into where his fingers grazed your cheek. You contemplated whether what you were about to do was a good idea before you gave a small huff and shook out your shoulders.
"I want to try something else,"
"Something else...?" He shut up when your lips were back on his, a lot more passionate this time. Things were heated, your hands sliding up his back under his top making him shiver slightly. You pulled away again to pull off your top, his eyes immediately dropping making you giggle. And then he was kissing you again and laying you back on the sofa.
Safe to say it wasn't so awkward when the two of carried on making out and it didn't get awkward when you had sex either. You admitted to Stiles about the whole mate thing, explaining it to him and he eventually understood. There was something about that was just right. He wanted to help people, keep them safe. He was funny and kind and smart. He was silly and making small jokes where possible but if other people's safety was in his hands, he was not going to let anything happen to them. He was a hero who was just so normal. He wasn't all out good, no person ever will be. Maybe it was how real and down to earth he is that makes him so perfect. So you just talked until you went back to the searching.
"Stiles..." he missed your small mumble as you looked around for the source, "Do you hear that?" You spun to face him, noticing how he held a photo up, eyes fixed. He was so in tranced by it, "This is him," you frowned, trying to get a better look at the photo by putting your head on his shoulder, "The Nogitsune?" You grabbed another photo from the same pile and held it up for him, "Recognize them?" He scanned the picture, not sparing you a single glance as his eyes focused in on one person, "One of them...I have to get this to Scott,"
And then you were both knocked out and Oliver was threatening to actually drill through your head unless Stiles 'gave over control'. You weren't sure what he was on about but Stiles seemed to get it. "You did this. You got into his head," you couldn't see who he was speaking to, eyes barely open as your head lolled to the side. He was giving you a panicked look and you wished you had the strength to send him a comforting smile back but god your head hurts. Everything was quiet for a while as Stiles eyes followed the thin air as he struggled against the restraints. A quiet groan left your lips as you glanced to Oliver holding a drill and then your eyes were closing again but you weren't blacking out. "Just let her go,"
He began to struggle harder, eyes meeting your heavy ones with a desperation in his eyes as he tried to tug free repeatedly with his hand. After a long silence, save Oliver's heavy breaths and the sound of the drill, Stiles spoke up again, "Just let her go, please," his voice shook but you barely registered that. How could your head hurt this much? How had you not healed? Consciousness was falling through your fingers like sand passing through a hour glass, time moving too fast. Once more he shouted, voice strained as he just began to struggle harder and shake with fear, "Just let her go, please!"
And then he was silent. There was a sound similar to a small sob and then he was quiet and all you heard was the drill. You could feel Oliver push it closer to your head and incoherent mumbles began to leave you, begging for him to stop. You couldn't keep your eyes open, fighting off the wave of exhaustion and pain. All you could feel was dread, filling your veins like an ice and freezing you in place. Fingers twitching, you couldn't help the regret and shame binding with the dread to cause a nausea within you and suppressing the pain. And then you heard his voice except it wasn't. There was this laced evil into his words making goosebumps rise and shivers trail down your spine, breath hitching in fear.
"Stiles?" Your senses came flooding back in as you faced the two, noticing just how different Stiles was. Oliver was out in a second and then Stiles approached you, undoing your restraints and helping you out of the chair. He didn't ask if you were okay, didn't scan you over like you imagined he would. This time his touch was ice, you tensing simply at his fingers trailing up your arms. He was different. He wasn't Stiles, he was someone else entirely. He was cold, inside and out, this spark in his eyes showing his true nature, pure evil. He didn't seem to care for others or even himself, he was completely inhuman. Emotionless and lifeless. Just a shell, despite the hidden chaos of corruption and trickery just waiting to burst free. If this was always a part of him, maybe this was who you were meant to be with. Maybe that's why you met now. Maybe this was it for you and just like everything else in your life, it completely and totally sucks.
Why does life always go terrible for you?
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verobatto · 4 years
Raising HEROS
Supernatural meta, trying to comprehend the pre-series timeline.
This is a meta requested by my friend @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover , and a gift to her! Thank you! 😘💕
First of all I want to clarify, it was difficult to establish an accurate timeline due to the vague data given by the show. I had just a few hints in episode 1x01 , and I had to sneak into my old metas about Dean and Sam childhood.
And about how they were raised and their relationship with John, I already wrote Metas about that here and here, but of course I will take the most important concepts from it.
Pre-Pilot episode Timeline:
Dean Winchester was born in January 24th in 1979.
Sam Winchester was born May 2nd 1983.
Mary Winchester died November 5th 1983 (Pilot episode) so Dean had 4 years old and Sammy had 6 month.
Sam had 20 years old when he decided to go to Stanford, after a big fight with John Winchester, this could happen in September 2003, because two years later, Dean came for him when John was missing in October 31th 2005 (according to Pilot episode) and Dean had 26 years old and Sam 22.
We don't have much info in the show about how many times they switched schools, but it may be several times because is one of the things Sam hated the most.
We know they were living in motels, and Bobby's house, because they had lost their house that nefarious night, and John hunted.
And according to this dialogue here...
DEAN: You're not hearing me, Sammy. Dad's missing. I need you to help me find him.
SAM: You remember the poltergeist in Amherst? Or the Devil's Gates in Clifton? He was missing then, too. He's always missing, and he's always fine.
DEAN: Not for this long. Now are you gonna come with me or not?
So John Winchester was always missing for days, but how many days? How many days stayed these two kids alone without their father?
Dean answered that question in this same episode...
DEAN: It started happening more and more, so Dad went to go dig around. That was about three weeks ago. I hadn't heard from him since, which is bad enough.
So, three weeks it seems to be the limit, three entire weeks the kids stayed alone when it was a complicated hunt.
Put Bobby in between taking care of them sometimes ...
When do the kids started to hunt alone?
We know Sam got his gun (we don't know if it was his first gun but...) At 9...
SAM: Yeah? When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45.
DEAN Well, what was he supposed to do?
(Dean is always justifying his father's behavior as an obedient good first born soldier.)
SAM: I was nine years old! He was supposed to say, don't be afraid of the dark.
And then in episode 7x03 we know Sam killed a monster alone, when he had 15 years old. So maybe, between 9 and 15 years old, Sam began to hunt alone? But in the way he was surprised with Dean hunting alone at his 26 maybe not. We just don't know.
We suspected Dean started at earlier age, but it surprised me when he talks with Sam, saying he was in another hunting case and his little brother asked: Alone? And Dean replied, 'I have 26!' So, what I'm saying here is... There's an incongruence, about the age we suspect Dean began to hunt and this dialogue.
I think my pre series timeline dies here. Let's talk now about John Winchester and the boys.
John Winchester had a mission.
I truly recommend to read the metas I out at the beginning, because I talked about this before. But basically, John Winchester was an affectionate father...
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Gif credit @stilinski-ortiz-dolan
Look how he hugs Dean with love, they really were a beautiful family (even knowing Mary hunted from time to time, according to season 12).
Now, after Mary's death, John Winchester became a gloomy man, obsessed with finding the creature that had killed his wife. He became a soldier with a mission again, and in that shape, there was not place and not time to be the father Dean and Sam needed.
So... We have Dean that had a normal life, with a normal an devoted father until his four years, and Sam, that never knew a normal life and devoted father.
John Winchester had revenge in his mind, so he lived his life hunting and fed his children with that.
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Gif credit @agusvedder
This is from episode 7x10, a discussion between Bobby (the second dad that actually treated the kids as kids) and John. We are seeing here the huge difference between being a father and being a soldier training soldiers.
So John raised soldiers, hunters, heros. Strong men. This men wouldn't be surprised by anyone who would want to come in the middle of the night. John tried to fed his son's with the only thing he knew after Mary's death: WAR.
But even so, he loved his kids and Sam and Dean loved him back. John had been an absent father but at the same time, a very strong and present one.
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Gif set credit @stir-of-echoes
This is from episode 9x09, both Sam and Dean talked affectionately about John Winchester. They loved their father. And those words those we are parents know very well.
John and Dean
So, if you read my Guilt Heritage meta and my Dean with fears and shame meta, you will understand this point here.
The relationship between Dean and Sam with John were different, the most important difference was, DEAN IS THE FIRST BORN, so as first born, he is obedient, he took the soldier role and followed his father. He took his mission in the middle of a traumatic even that marked his life for ever...
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Gif credit @stilinski-ortiz-dolan
JOHN: Take your brother outside as fast as you can and don't look back! Now, Dean, go!
This is the heritage John gave to Dean: a mission, to take care of Sam (not just as a big brother, but like a father and mother, as Dean said in episode 12x22 to Mary Winchester) leading them to the toxic codependency, thinking they just had each other as family and they had to survive together or die together.
The BIG PROTECTOR heritage too, that's why Dean thinks he has to save the world, and to give his life in exchange.
The GUILT HERITAGE, is transmittable from John to him, Mary's death, anyone else's death, and every time he feels he didn't see things coming. Is a huge and toxic, very deep feeling, that acts like an impediment for Dean to love himself, and to think that he deserves to be saved too.
Toxic Masculinity heritage, the ideal of what a Righteous man should be, remember the comparison with Mc Cook in episode 14x06 I wrote in this meta.
That's why in the majority of the show, Dean is always the one excusing his father. But this started to change in the lasts seasons, when Dean started the path toward the self knowledge and self love, mostly in season 14.
He solved his issues with John in episode 14x13 when he had to choose between the man John wanted him to be and the man he was. And we know what was what Dean picked up.
He let John Winchester go, after forgive him and forgive himself too.
John and Sam
John and Sam had a very difficult relationship, but at the end, both men were very alike.
Sam Winchester didn't accepted the Guilt Heritage, and the Big Protector role. He wanted a different and normal life and he fought for it.
When Sam lost Jesse, he mirrored his father's fate, and he became as gloomy as him, and just wanted revenge.
In the end, and while the season rolled up, Sam started to let those dreams go and became not just one of the most stronger hunters, but their leader.
He let his father go too in episode 14x13, and forgave him, bringing peace to John and himself.
To Conclude:
At the end, John Winchester raised two heros, that saved the world that many times as long is the show.
He was a tormented man, with so much Guilt and pain, and he couldn't be over his wife death.
He turned into a soldier, and in that role, the Righteous Man couldn't give those kids the father they needed.
Always Righteous, he raised Dean as a soldier, obedient and intransigent, but Sam wanted to follow a different path.
His huge mistakes as a father were carried by his sons, but understanding and forgiveness came with the years and the running of the series, with the maturity of the characters.
Hope you enjoy this mess! Tagging some friends!
Tagging @emblue-sparks @magnificent-winged-beast @agusvedder @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @mybonsai1976 @anarchiana @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @destielshipper221b @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @feathered-castiel @bre95611 @zoerayne2426 @justmeand-myinsight @that-one-fandom-chick @proccastinate @studio-hatter @pepevons @liwos-rabithole @poorreputation @mrsaquaman187 @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @breathing-oxymoron @a-bit-of-influence @dwstiel @thislunarkiss @ladygon @shippsblog @la-random-fangirl @lets-try-this-again-please @mychemicalobsession514 @destiel-shipper-11
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jacobseedz · 6 years
Lovely Lady - Part One
summary; You live with your father, Maxwell Roth. You want to finally meet his boss that everyone hates so much. 
pairings; Crawford Starrick x female reader
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(gif belongs to @mskirona)
Two months ago Y/N's mother passed away, leaving her with her father she knew nothing about. Her mother's close friend told Y/N about Maxwell Roth, shortly after the death ceremony. Of course the said man knew about your existence, but for unknown reasons he never tried contacting them. However, after the sad news, Maxwell knew you'd try to take a hold of him. The man offered Y/N a roof under her head, skeptically she agreed.
Now they're on much better terms, the young woman knew of his dangerous business, not that she minded. You gotta live somehow. Not that Roth ever involved his only child in this kind of stuff. He very much grew to love you. Although he didn't really show it, Y/N just knew.
Today was different, well not very different, but Y/N was finally meeting her father's boss. She was very excited to see him in person. Many told her about his frightening, predatory gaze, his booming voice, his constant frown. After all he is the Templar Grandmaster, so Y/N wasn't that surprised though. True, he did many scandalous things, but the woman just couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious man.
"Y/N, I've got business to take care of. If you could, stay in the Theater." Roth exclaimed, already getting ready.
The woman rolled her eyes, but nonetheless played her role. "Of course, Maxwell. Maybe that Evie girl will stop by." she answered, paying he bought the act.
"Hmm, just don't get yourself killed. We wouldn't want to get on the Frye girls bad side, now would we?" he questioned, grabbing her bare hand into his gloved one.
She scoffed, "Okay, okay. Aren't you supposed to be heading for a meeting?"
It was Roth's time to scoff. Shaking his head he went out, not seeing the mischievous grin on his daughter's face.
Quickly the young woman grabbed her coat, sprinting after Roth, trying not to get caught. She hid behind several building walls, by the time they got to the place it was nearly noon. Finally, the place she was in brought her back to reality. In front of her was a huge place, a beautiful garden surrounding it. Looking forward, she noticed two Templars guarding the gates, Roth already went through them.
Sighing to herself, Y/N tried her best to push her breasts up, so her cleavage could be seen. Even the toughest men couldn't resist the women goods. She walked to the opened gate, seeing the Templars already going to block her way in.
"Hello, boys." she greeted, sending them a flirtatious gaze. The men stood unfazed, but she could see the glint in their eyes.
Leaning forward, she said, "I was wondering if I could look around this amazing place.." one of them tried to grab her, but she moved to the side, tutting him.
"Already touching? Hmm, maybe if you'll let me walk around here, you'd get to touch later. What do you think boys?" she teased.
They didn't say anything, but made way for her, feeling her body brush their arms. Before she could get away she heard their quiet exhales. Y/N's heart was pounding, never has she ever done such thing. It was filthy, offering your body like that, however it granted her a free passing. As calmly as she could she walked inside the palace.
Voices echoed in the long, dark corridor. Y/N soon found herself in front of a oak door, the gruff voice belonged to Roth, however there was another voice, it sounded like honey to your ears. She could listen to it all day. Suddenly the door started opening, of course Y/N had to lean on the door, which leaded to her falling. To her luck she managed to put her hands in front of her face, before the impact.
"Y/N, what are you doing here? I told you to stay!" shouted angrily, Roth. Not really mad, he didn't want his daughter to meet the man he works for.
Her body was lifted of the floor, by a unknown by her man. He was quite tall, and handsome she should add. That moustache just brought tingles. The man only had a white shirt, suspenders with it and black slacks. The top four or five buttons were undone, showing a little bit of his dark chest hair. The woman stared at him, with her mouth partly opened. He chuckled, noticing where her attention was.
Grinning, he asked, "Tell me, dear, Y/N. Why are you here?". That grin reminded her of the Cheshire cat, but it looked very good on him.
Looking up, into his gorgeous eyes. "Oh, uh, well, Sir?..." she questioned, seeking out his name.
Surprise was written on his face at her question, not expecting it. "Crawford Starrick." he replied.
The man left his previous place and went to his desk, sitting behind it, but still closely watching the young woman. "Roth, do tell me, how do you know this young, beautiful lady?"
Y/N blushed at his words, they held eye contact. He sent her a smile.
"She's my daughter, one and only." Roth admitted.
"That's interesting. Now, leave us." he announced. The Y/H/C haired woman didn't see the butler in the corner of the room. He held tea, though as soon as Crawford said those two words he was gone.
Roth tried to argue, however Starrick did not let him, instead he pierced the women's father with his dangerous glare. It instantly shut him up. Maxwell hated that about Crawford, the power he held over others, but what could he do.
Y/N looked down, missing her fathers worried gaze.
When they were alone, Crawford started, "Please, do tell me lovely lady, why did you come here?". She started to sweat, already hating the tension.
"Well, you see Sir..." he nearly groaned in delight, hearing her calling him 'Sir'. "...my father always talks about you, and I just had to see the mysterious man. I hope I hadn't angered you by my curiosity?"
Crawford shook his head, "They say, 'Curiosity killed the cat.." Y/N interrupted, "..but satisfaction brought it back!"
The woman wanted to slap herself, why could she just keep it in? What she didn't expect was to hear him laugh, and oh boy, how she fell in love with the sound of it.
"You, my dear, are one of a kind. Sit, darling." he pointed to the love seat on his left, just by his tea table. She did as he said.
Y/N inhaled, "May I ask you a question Mr. Starrick?" he nodded. Her happy expression changed into a serious one. "Can... I have tea?"
Yet he laughed again, that girl truly did awake something inside him.
They talked for many hours, Y/N made Crawford laugh again and again, whatever nonsense she said, he would chuckle and full hearty laugh at. They just somehow clicked, like they were meant to be. Although the age difference was huge they didn't care. The woman questioned him about his early life, how he became the Grandmaster of The British Templar Order. In exchange, he asked her about her passions, hobbies, favourite activities.
"Lovely lady, you are I must admit." he said, kissing her hand. "Would you like to have dinner with me?"
Y/N smiled brightly, nodding her head. "I would love to, Crawford."
Before they departed, she kissed the older mans cheek, feeling his stubble.
"Till we meet again, my darling Y/N."
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