#and i keep trying to fix it but idk. shes just unpleasant. shes not horrible but we do NOT work. i need to talk to my other older sister
be-good-to-bugs · 7 months
the world isnt so bad
#the bin#i think ill be ok one day#i feel like i need to change a lot of my lofe and relationships for that to happen but ill do it and ill be better for it and ill be ok#i feel like the big thing thats been fucking me uo these past years besides not having friends is my sister#i just. dont like her. shes mean and unpleasant to be around. she seems fine if u only spend a little time around her but shes so negative#and its not enougj to just not talk much. like. i need our relationship to stop existing in its current for in a tangeble way#not enough to just talk less bc then shes like why r we talking less. but i dont have the option of just saying hey ur mean and i dont#wanna be kinda-friends anymore. we can just have the same kinda relationship i have with the rest of our siblings#because i have literally nobody else here and if she gets mad im kinda fucked. i need her to take me to work. i cant compromise that#its just. idk it sucks. i think itll be healthy to jave distance from her when i move away so that ohr relationship can do the thing quietly#idk. i would have no problem with just changing things immediately but she always has reacted badly to that stuff sooo#ive felt yhis way for many years now but i felt like i was the problem and that shes actually fine but thats not it#and i keep trying to fix it but idk. shes just unpleasant. shes not horrible but we do NOT work. i need to talk to my other older sister#more cause shes really nice. probably gonna help her get a job and stuff when i move. maybe we will move in together#only for like a temp time but just so she can get a handle on living on ur own. and she would need a ride to work n stuff#shes very loud so id rather not live with her. i wanna live alone. but i wanna help her out also bc nobody is willing to do that for her#and also treat her like a capable adult. how can she learn how to be an adult if nobody treats her like one? shes perfectly capable once#she learns but its not stuff u just know on ur own. well. without other ppl getting in the way we communicate very well#idk. thats way future stuff tho. but maybe will do that in the future. im trying to be optimistic and think abt my oter siblings to talk to#i have 3 who are old enough to have regular conversations with and the other 2 r a bit young. 2 of the 3 r kinda mean tho#well. me and my other older sister can live in the least fav children club and talk abt how rude the other 2 are lol
0 notes
junpeicindystories · 1 month
CICONIA SPOILERS Utopia "Lyrical" Interpretation and Analysis
So I have seen people write lyrics for this song that is at the end of Ciconia, but I want to write my own interpreted lyrics its not finished but here is my interpretation and how it fits into Ciconia's themes:
Independent Colorful/less Rest in peace is everything and nothing we came before let it fall x2 I want to di/resolve I want to run away from everything distant love join another piece I'm missing myself I run away from my shadow run from my memory is afraid another place you'll b
first I skipped the lyrics from the beginning I didn't feel like forcing words I couldn't hear at first I only started to interpret at 0:33 of the song. I feel like my start of this one was the worst but it resonates with some themes of ciconia
its everything and nothing... we came before...." I choose to interpret at :40 like how ciconia probably like other WTC are a time loop? I'm just assuming sorry I haven't gone through data frags yet... but usually from "prophecy" etc from MIYAO is how I interpret
"let it fall let it fall" (I interpret this as some of the defeatist or fatalistic perspective within the story idk guys I'm an idiot) "I want to dissolve/resolve" either interpretation I think would work because some of the characters do want to fix things and others
want to dissolve themselves from their bodies being free from their flesh cage. "I want to run away from everything" obviously because all the kid characters are in a horrible situation where they want to escape from it esp at the Christmas scene
"distant love ????? join another piece" also I lied about not interpreting some of the first lines at 0:25 I hear "to sigh??? infatuation" sorry I had to force you away to go back to the beginning I'm like that. so obviously this might refer to miyao meow jayden
they are so close yet so far in that sense the war separates them. they are just starting to fall more and more in love and yet everything is falling apart around them the world. "joining another piece" I feel like you can interpret fragments or chess pieces idk
"I'm missing myself" I interpret here maybe from miyao's perspective cuz you know identity issues "I run away from my shadow" obviously maybe stemming from MIYAO... prollly idk and "run away from my memory" probably cuz whatever is going on with Miyao there's something unpleasant
like idk yet "is afraid" "another place you'll be" idk gusy you can try to interpret other characters perspective etc I'm an idiot and these are simply speculations. but I get the feeling there's is more escapist themes at the end or
I might be at liberty to interpret this from miyao's mother? her fear of being in the hell that she wants miyao to help her escape from? idk but obviously ciconia is a war story and the kids all have to put aside their bonds for this whether they want to or not.
stripped from their independence to be free to keep their bonds with others and put their time in staying together making more memories and being happy things like that... but of course the lyrics I feel iffy on the interpretation like resolve dissolve relating to koshka
characters who hate their own body. characters who were forced to live in dirty air fearing to go back to those cities that didn't have clean air. so... that's what I think so far... so... now you can see why my dumbass never writes analysis. I'm a rambling moron haha but ty
0 notes
brief-candle · 4 years
ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʀᴇɴ - Sakamaki brothers
request summary: songfic of “come little children” with parental maid reader and yandere sakamakis. karlheinz is an asshole, like usual, and stuff happens.
series: diabolik lovers.
notes: yandere (meant to be platonic but idk if i succeeded), heavily implied violence.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
"Come little children,
I'll take thee away
into a land of enchantment."
There was no land of enchantment on this green Earth. Not for the Sakamaki brothers; such a thing had never existed for the entirety of their long existence. This had been a fact that they'd had to face from an early age. There was no land of enchantment that their mothers' nor father would let them escape to, and the latter would not let them do so for as long as he drew breath.
Or not, considering they were vampires and all, but you get the gist.
Even so, that didn't stop them listening to her stories that she spun, the songs that drifted from her lips like a cool breeze on a stifling summer's day. Even Kanato, who was ever so difficult to please and temperamental as a day's long, seemed to ease into a calm, placid state of being whenever she made the slightest of noises. Ayato wouldn't interrupt, Subaru wouldn't fly into a white-hot rage and Shuu would even pay attention. It was as if each word was akin to the Holy Grail, from the way that no one could pry their attention from her as she started to speak.
No matter how much they aged or how horrible they became, they would still go at her beck and call to listen to her. They would still beg for her lullabies before she left for other duties, and sometimes in between. And no matter when or where they asked, she would always comply.
It was perhaps the only time that the boys were docile.
"Come little children,
the time's come to play
here in my garden of shadows."
Even with their father, on the very rare occasions that he visited, they were hardly docile. Barely even scraping polite, with acid words and sneering faces. Apart from Reiji, ever the model son, determined to leave the others hiding in his shadow of prestige. Always polite, pristine and perfect. She marvelled at it, really, and would often remark that he was one-upping her, the actual servant. It was never his intent to one-up her, though he one-upped everyone, really, so it was hard to make an exception to her.
The boys' father did not expect to see those he brought up broken to act so cordially with another, not making a move to harm nor threaten her in the slightest. She did not look uncomfortable in the slightest, either. It was a surprise, really, considering how they acted with everyone else around them. To think that they would treat some low-ranked, rather weak demon with a higher level of respect than the literal king of demons was certainly not to be expected by any means.
Though, in a way, it was a pleasant surprise. Not that Karlheinz finds many surprises unpleasant. In fact, he can hardy tell the difference; if he finds something unpleasant than he'll either fix it or throw it away. Fortunately for her, he did not find this unpleasant.
Unfortunately, he found it intriguing.
"Follow sweet children,
I'll show thee the way
through all the pain and sorrows."
With intrigue naturally came experimentation. He had a hypothesis to test, and would observe the results accordingly. It took little planning (Karlheinz has little reason for thoroughly planning every little thing) until he put everything into action. And he did so swiftly, with little time wasted.
They hadn't noticed at first; she could guess how they'd react, and so covered up the evidence of what he'd done immediately. However he noticed just as quickly as she'd hid them, and so made it much more obvious. Evidence appeared in places she could not hide, and so had to wear them on display to those who cared for her most.
It went about as well as one could expect, really, with Subaru's temper flaring most of all. All of their tempers rose, really, though the youngest's was the most volatile and obvious through his destruction of the house. Kanato became eerily silent, perhaps more eerie than he usually was; Ayato shared many of Subaru's traits of anger, though without as much as the destructive nature; Reiji and Shuu were difficult to read, with both of them going silent and putting on a neutrally silent (though Shuu was normally of very few words) facade; Laito tried to keep up his cheery and playful act, though his voice subconsciously lost the lilt that it often had.
"Weep not, poor children,
life is this way,
murdering beauty and passion."
When they stood, obviously heading to leave the room, she stopped them at once. For once her words didn't seem to hold weight with these boys, and so she had to physically block them from doing something they may have regretted. No matter how much they asked- demanded- her to move, she did not move a muscle. She did not forget her place as a servant to their family, however she would not allow them to get themselves hurt. However she didn't phrase it that way, lest it only breed more anger and fury; as she was bound to obey their father above all, she could not allow him to be hurt. Though they certainly weren't the happiest with that, they had little choice but to listen, as it was obvious that she would not move until they had all calmed down.
If their reason had left them, then she would step back in to provide such a voice. As she often had done, when their mothers had not. She did not blame them, with what had been inflicted upon them, however she often stepped in for them when they shirked all motherly duties. And such a thing happened much more frequently than she was fond of thinking about. 
But there was no way that they could step in now to act as mothers. Unless they had a way of bringing themselves back from ancient graves. And even then, Cordelia had no chance of returning. Not in this moment.
Not that such a thing was necessarily a bad thing, really, but a little help would have been appreciated. Especially when the silence was this thick, this heavy and ominous, rolling in like fog that showed no signs of clearing up anytime soon.
That said, she managed to get them all to sit down once more, even if they were disgruntled with the mere thought of being that close with one another. It was a sad sight to see, considering how they could have easily been so close. However there was no point in dwelling on such a thing.
"Hush now, dear children,
it must be this way,
too weary of life and deceptions."
They were at breaking point to just rush out and find their father. It was visible, from their tense postures and impatient faces. They were easier to read for her than they thought they were. If it wasn't for the situation at hand, she was sure that she'd have found it rather amusing. But this was not a time for amusements, or playing games or acting like children. She knew that as well as they did.
And so, instead of trying to reason with them when she knew such a thing was futile, she began to hum instead. They would not listen to her words on the subject; they would listen to no one's words on the subject. For they were certain that they knew best. Not to mention their obvious anger, which would make them even more unreasonable than their rash behaviour already made them.
So instead, perhaps a distraction would prove more useful. It would delay the- most likely messy- resolution of this situation, and would also give them a chance to letter their anger simmer into something more manageable. Something that would let their heads clear more easily, and let them make proper judgement that isn't drove by blind rage.
"Rest now, my children,
for soon we'll away
into the calm and the quiet."
Vampires don't need sleep. This is a rather well-known fact amongst those which are aware of their existence. That isn't to say that they don't sleep, however, and the maid's lullabies often lulled them into a sleepy state. Often it was unintentional, considering they'd ask her sometimes in the middle of the night, when they are meant to be most active. This time it was not. If they fell asleep then she'd probably have a few more hours in which they could (hopefully) calm down. Or she'd have to try and hold them back to cool off again in a few hours.
She felt bad in a way, having manipulated them in a way for them to sleep. So, as she left the room, she decided to try to make it up to them later in the best way that she could.
It was a lovely sight that she had to leave behind, with the boys resting on each other as they slept. That said, it wasn't as peaceful as it looked with Ayato's snoring. Even as she shut the door and continued down the hall to do other tasks, it never relented.
Barely ten minutes later, they were all on their feet.
"Come little children,
I'll take thee away
into a land of enchantment."
There was no land of enchantment, not in this prison of ground, sea and sky. Not in this cell where they were born and raised. Not while their father continued to mess with anyone whenever he saw fit.
He'd made the mistake, really; he'd brought this whole thing upon himself. If he wanted death so badly, then they saw it fit to deliver. After all, it's what he wanted, no? Their father had seen how much they cared for and appreciated the maid, and took it upon himself to injure her on a whim. To see how they'd all react as he looked upon them like one would an insect.
No matter what they'd had to endure at his hands, they had never directly lashed out upon him before. After all, he was anything but forgiving. Breaking a vase landed you in the middle of the ocean, so the risks were definitely quite high, to say the least. But that didn't bother them. At least not in this moment of white-hot rage that disallowed them from thinking properly.
Besides, if they were to die then there wouldn't be reason to harm her anymore, would there?
It was unlikely that they'd die, considering that their purpose had not yet been fulfilled. However it brought some twisted sense of comfort to them, so that they could fight their all with no regrets.
"Come little children,
the time's come to play
here in my garden of shadows."
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savrenim · 4 years
okay so looking at tma fic in general and tma time-travel fic and the various ways they decide to resolve things has given me an idea for a time travel fix-it fic premise that, like, I almost certainly will never write because way too many writing projects but it is Haunting me so I need to blab about it somewhere 
so clearly the way that the ‘time travel’ / ‘knowledge of the future’ bit works is that Jon stumbles across a book that he assumes is a Leitner but then there’s no name in the front cover so he opens it proper and oooh this is weird but it’s too late the compulsion has set hold and and reads it, oops
the experience of reading it is the experience of fuck-it-feels-like living the entire timeline of the show up through the end of episode 160
(actually all the way through When Jon Finally Dies if he ever does but the important bit is he gets that knowledge of the timeline)
(the book is channeling the power of the Ceaseless Watcher, it’s all about knowledge, although very specifically in my brain this book is something that future!Jon and future!Martin constructed and sent back, which still tracks because hey Archivist is an Avatar of the Watcher. it’s just important to me that this is active action as an attempt to prevent the apocalypse and not dumb luck)
so Jonathan Sims now knows his future and because I have strong opinions about memory/ personality/ what makes a person, has arguably just been replaced with his future self.
‘oh fuck’ Jon says 
‘I ended the world so I gotta fix this’
but how does he fix this, because oops Elias is still stupidly powerful and is going to notice if anything is up so he can’t act weird 
but he can’t bring anyone else in on this because he doesn’t want to Curse Them with such Angsty Knowledge 
he is acting a little bit weird, Martin notices that he’s acting weird because he is now being nice to Martin 
‘this cannot be how the universe exists, Jon is always mean to me,’ Martin goes. ‘like I want the universe to exist this way but Something Is Up With Jon and it would be selfish of me not to investigate just because Jon is actually being nice to me’
Martin stumbles across the book and reads it too
‘oh fuck’ Martin says and immediately goes and talks to Jon and Jon has terrible selfish mixed feelings because he missed his Martin but also didn’t want Martin to have to go through everything he went through but also now Jon is not alone in trying to figure out how to alter this timeline without Elias noticing 
(’wait what gave me away,’ Jon goes)
(’you were being nice to me,’ Martin goes)
(’fuck I really do need to be meaner to everyone don’t I,’ Jon goes. ‘it’s just really hard I’ve had Character Growth and I don’t want to be an asshole again’)
(’well suck it up you’re going to blow our cover,’ Martin goes. ‘maybe you should have thought of that before Being An Asshole.’ he immediately feels bad at Jon’s Very Sad Face. ‘you weren’t actually that much of an asshole you were just under stress and prickly and didn’t realize that the people you weren’t appreciating could be people that you would lose and now you do and that’s fine but you gotta still treat them like you’re an Asshole.’)
(’fine,’ Jon goes.)
so now they’re trying to figure out how to stop Elias 
but also their main priority is to stop Tim and Sasha from dying at this point and they kind of figure that Elias doesn’t know the timeline and as long as he’s getting what he wants which is naive Jon stumbling through interactions with Entities and getting marked but not killed, he won’t suspect anything, and he doesn’t know Tim and Sasha are going to die so that at least is something immediate they can fix 
‘I want to murder Jonah,’ goes Martin 
‘you are super valid but also Gertrude tried that and was 1000% more badass than any of us and she ended up dead so maybe we should concentrate on saving our friends like we’ve got a few years to figure out how to do that,’ goes Jon 
‘fine,’ goes Martin 
Tim and Sasha notice that something is up, OBVIOUSLY, because Jon was weird-nice for like a week and a half then is weird-mean like he’s actually trying to be mean and hates it, and has gone from brushing off Martin all the time to pretending to brush Martin off but obviously secretly pining 
he also gives off feral apocalypse energy
Martin meanwhile is pulling this all off perfectly 
he fooled Elias and Peter and everyone else back when he was faking out the Lonely, he can handle this
Elias does notice Jon acting weird and thinks this is a soap opera workplace romance gone wrong but because he hasn’t seen all of it as Jon and Martin have been very careful to be using Martin’s Lonely powers when they want to Actually Talk and make it look like they’ve just casually wandered off when Elias isn’t paying attention to them so Elias doesn’t actually look like anything is up, he calls Jon in for a ‘performance review’ to make sure 
(Martin has Lonely powers and Jon has Archivist powers from the future and they can both feed off of the long terrible fears that they remember from the horrible horrible lives and deaths they and the entire world had in their own timeline, just give me this I need a plot device that can explain why they can Actually Talk to each other while not being able to use the tunnels) 
anyways Elias starts his performance review and pokes about Martin
‘um yeah,’ Jon confesses. ‘I um had a very awkward conversation with Martin because it seemed like he was being nice to me and I asked him about his feelings and he Confessed to me that he Liked me and I was caught by surprise and was thinking about it for a few days because idk nobody ever Likes me but then came to my senses and um but also it’s totally inappropriate because I’m his boss and I told him and we’re trying to forget that the conversation ever happened and just go back to concentrating on the statements’
‘you seem very nervous right now,’ Elias goes 
‘please do not report me to HR,’ Jon goes looking appropriately mortified and trying to remember everything Martin has been coaching him about lying by telling people what they want to hear. ‘I know I should have rejected him immediately it just caught my by surprise that he would actually Say It To My Face people have been saying a lot of honest things to my face it’s very weird and I know that I shouldn’t have run away from that conversation and acted Weird for a few days but I did come to the Correct Conclusion I am very devoted to this job and don’t want to do anything but this job and didn’t do anything with Martin we just had a conversation and I’m really trying to do a good job here and please don’t fire me’
‘nope you’re good that’s fine concentrate on your job,’ Elias says, quite satisfied that his Archivist is developing truth powers very quickly 
Tim and Sasha are not so easy to fool
Tim and Sasha find the book
Sasha, who worked in Artifact Storage, is Actually Smart and goes ‘dON’T READ THAT’
Tim reads it anyways
‘oh fuck I die stopping the apocalypse’ 
Tim doesn’t seem to die from reading the book and doesn’t seem to change except for being given this foreknowledge but Sasha is Smart so she doesn’t read it. Tim does fill her in on her future.
‘oh fuck I die when a weird worm-lady attacks? and don’t even get to help with the apocalypse? that’s bullshit.’
they start their own little huddle conspiracy 
which Martin immediately finds
‘nO YOU GUYS YOU GOTTA BE MORE CAREFUL TALKING ABOUT THIS STUFF’ Martin explains the future and methods of communicating without Elias watching, which is mostly him subtly hiding them in the Lonely
(’why do you and Jon have secret special powers that’s not fair,’ Tim goes)
(’because we went through literal hell??? and also didn’t die??? idk maybe if we keep you from dying you will also get special powers but seriously Tim they are very evil these are Evil Powers we don’t want them they just kind of happened to us in the process of trying to survive,’ Martin goes.)
‘so what is the plan,’ Sasha goes. ‘like besides us not dying how are you actually going to deal with the real apocalypse’ 
‘well we want to kill Elias but we haven’t figured that out yet because he’s watching our every move perfectly and if we’re not acting like he think we should act he’ll dispose of us and start again with a new Archivist,’ Martin goes. 
‘okay but like in your story there is a part where Peter Lukas personally escorts you to the panopticon and tells you to kill Elias/Jonas and you go no and Elias wins the bet,’ Sasha says. ‘what if you just murder him then, he says he wasn’t going to stop you and if he tries you’ve got another Avatar backing you up’
‘huh we didn’t think of that,’ Martin goes. ‘why didn’t we think of that. I swear there is a Very Good Reason we didn’t think of that. um. uh. there’s also the problem anyone working in the Archives will die if he dies unless they are powerfully enough connected the Ceaseless Watcher which is like. MAYBE Jon.’
‘W H Y did you not lead with that,’ Tim goes
‘yeah I really agree you should have led with that,’ Sasha goes 
‘this has been a very stressful time and we have been doing our best and right also everyone can quit they just need to blind themselves to do it,’ Martin goes. ‘or I guess pledge allegiance to a different evil god but that is really unpleasant you have to sacrifice fear to it or you starve’
(’okay why did you not lead with--’ Sasha goes. ‘I’m starting to really see some benefits for being an evil fear-monster,’ Tim goes. ‘Like we could be ethical evil fear-monsters. like ethical vampires. only scare really shitty terrible people who deserve it and, like, scare but not kill.’)
(Martin looks like he is about to cry.)
(’okay maybe not p l e a s e stop making that face I cannot stand your puppy-dog-but-also-on-the-verge-of-tears eyes,’ Tim goes)
(Sasha stops death-glaring at him as Martin looks slightly less like he is about to cry.)
‘so everyone loves rituals what if we, like. construct a secret ritual. that you’re saying Jon is dumb powerful chosen one Avatar right so let’s just, like. switch over being the ‘Heart of the Institute’ from Jonah to him. big proper paperwork ritual passing on of ownership claiming his position as Jonah’s heir or something,’ Sasha says 
‘that seems like just the sort of bullshit that might actually work. Sasha you are the smartest person in the world and I’m pretty sure the apocalypse wouldn’t have happened if you had survived the Prentiss attack,’ Martin says 
‘actually honestly Gertrude wanted you as her replacement that sounds very true and is probably why Elias didn’t choose you,’ Jon says. he has entered the room at this point as he was curious where literally all of his assistants had wandered off to. he does actually have work to get done the Archives are A Mess and Martin has been gone at this point for far longer than it takes to Make Tea so he figured something might be up and if there’s one thing he’s good at, it’s finding Martin in the Lonely
‘real rude to not let us in on this,’ Tim goes. ‘also are you SURE this is not a weird Leitner fucking with you’
‘we’ve obsessively kept track of the things that are supposed to be happening and they’re all happening on the right days and stuff,’ Jon goes. 
‘okay so let’s stop like two apocalypses and not die,’ Sasha goes. 
the rest of the fic is everyone subtly not-so-subtly trying to recreate the exact timeline while also making events Less Terrible while also trying to seem Not Too Competent 
because this is a fic there’s gotta be adorable ridiculous fluff so everyone decides that the Cover Story in case Elias thinks people are acting weird has got to be Jon and Martin starting to secretly date 
(Jon and Martin are in absolute h e l l over this and it is a hilarious comedy of errors because they didn’t tell everyone else that they got together they both decided that was too private so everyone else is aggressively trying to actually matchmake them through this all and they’re now too embarrassed to drop the act because Sasha has been giving them hell every time they have accidentally withheld information from her so it’s like. three layers of fake dating.) 
(Elias decides all this drama is simultaneously the funniest thing he’s ever seen but also kind of a Bad Distraction and is subtly trying to break them up but doesn’t want to mess with things too much because he is Very Impressed with all the ‘progress’ Jon is making)
(Jon who is a complete badass and is mostly desperately attempting not to reveal all his powers)
(there are also a lot of different things that can go various ways. like do Basira and Melaine still join the Institute? I think they all read the book and make Informed Decisions about their futures but I have not decided yet what those Informed Decisions are. Daisy learns how to control Hunt powers without it overwhelming her, because Tim is totally right about it being possible to be an ethical fear-monster although as Jon and Martin can draw from the fear of the apocalypse-world they don’t really need it so it’s just a question of whether or not I want to give everyone else cool powers. we’re in a fix-it fic everyone gets cool powers without terrible consequences Because I Say So)
(Elias doesn’t give them trouble over this because he is delighted that he’s kind of collecting avatars of other Entities because it makes it really easy to make sure Jon has marks and he thinks this is his genius plan going even better than expected) 
we get to episode 158 
Martin really wants to dramatically kill Elias i m m e d i a t e l y but is waiting for a walkie-talkie signal that the ritual above is going as planned so he stumbles through all of the dialogue the same 
“Then do it. Kill him and help me save the world.” Peter goes 
Martin pauses in silence because oops there’s really not that much more Avoiding he can do
“No” Martin says.
Elias starts to laugh. 
The Signal Comes Through
‘fUCK YEAH,’ Martin says. ‘F I N A L L Y. I am murdering him and I’m saving the world but this isn’t for you, asshole, and Imma deal with you next.’
stabbity stab 
it’s very satisfying 
‘okay but what do you mean it’s not for me, you’re supposed to sit in the chair and help me look for the Extinction?’ Peter goes 
‘nah fuck that I’m from the future and I do what I want that was me stopping the Jonah Magnus’s final ritual,’ Martin goes. ‘you really think I fell for that Extinction bullshit you aren’t nearly as good a liar as you think you are, you stay right there and we’ll decide what to do with you when everyone gets down here it’s Jon’s Institute now and we’re both very pissed at you’
Peter tries to escape into the Lonely 
it Does Not Work as Martin has More Angst than Peter to draw from so is Way More Powerful 
everyone gets down there 
ritual worked nobody died!
‘okay but why DON’T we try to look for the Extinction.’ Sasha says. ‘that seems to be a pretty important thing to stop.’
at this point everyone agrees Sasha has the best ideas 
have I mentioned that every single female character is very gay for Sasha
quite frankly maybe Tim too
Sasha is a Badass and this fic portrays her as Gertrude Robinson’s Rightful Heir 
she Deserves Good Things
and she is Gonna Stop All Future Apocalypses so actually going through with Peter’s plan is maybe not a terrible idea 
they do the thing but in a careful way that traps no one in the chair and get the info
the Extinction is still very stoppable 
there are lots of ways but honestly the best way to do it is to manipulate humanity into actually Being Better and not being on the brink of extinction 
‘this is my Institute now let’s use it to fucking save the world,’ Jon goes 
and they use all their knowledge and power to go from being a massive conspiracy about causing the apocalypse to being a massive conspiracy about bringing kindness and preventing wars and stopping the rise of fascism in politics and poking humanity from behind the scenes into something Better that can Rise Above its fears 
and everyone lives happily ever after 
but yeah this entire fic is around the premise of ‘what if the actual fix-it isn’t Change Everything To Stop Bad Things From Happening it’s Keep Everything The Same Until We’re Handed The Opportunity To Stab Jonah On A Silver Platter And Then Take It’ which I have yet to see a fic do and oops that kind of grew away from me there but anyways that’s it that’s the fic
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rottenappleheart · 6 years
mm liveblog part 2
majora’s mask, unfiltered notes for the entire first 3-day cycle until you get the ocarina back and are no longer a slave to the passage of time
tatl's thesis - that we should ask the great fairy for help, because the skull kid is no match for the great fairy - is deeply flawed. i have met great fairies. do you know what they don't do? help much.
that said i now like the idea of the skull kid being periodically taken to task by various great fairies
"sit down and tell me what you did this time"
"i made  you a sandwich"
"are you sorry"
i know it's meant to be irritating but i love that the guards will stop both deku link and normal link (until they see he's armed, and also looks like he hasn't slept in seven years) from exiting. becasue they are doing their job and keeping the population safe. and that means not letting children wander around alone.
the grown deku scrub who promised his wife a moon's tear, i just have to ask: is that a thing that normally happens? does the moon always just... cry onto the surface of the planet? what???
i love their banners and streamers and their happy music and their busy bustling lives and it's so good
what the fuck kind of ink does the banker use that remains indelible even as time itself unwinds
yikes i want to stop and just look at everything but the first sunset is already closing in and i haven't done anything
i... just found a lottery shop in clock town. i literally never knew this was here. how have i missed it all these years.
how is time passing so fast aaaaaaa
clocktown is such a nice place, they have a whole section of town set aside for a public park with a playground and gardens and everything ;___;
okay so the  great fairies though
remember what i was saying about how this game is actually very heavily voiced for being an ostensibly unvoiced game? everyone sighs, grunts, yells, hmms? and so on. and sometimes you'll catch almost a word.
except for the great fairy, it just sounds like she's squeaking "PLEASE ME" which is. an uncomfortable request. at the best of times.
but especially when i am in the form of a young potted plant.
idk what that was supposed to sound like but the midi-ified file is NOT GREAT, nintendo.
members-only late night milk bar... aw yeah please spike my milkshake, that is a great idea and i love it
(i'm not joking i love spiked milkshakes)
(also i love the milk bar and all the scenes that take place in there, especially on the last night, when you can just have very quiet calm conversations with people doing their best to be calm in the face of their unavoidable deaths)
oh right i have literally two tasks
i forgot to go into the stock pot inn on the first day, and i missed seeing kafei at the mailbox, so i am THIRSTY for EVERYONE'S FAVORITE CANONICAL FIANCEES
seriously, another weird but lovely choice on the part of the developers when they were ganking oot character models for this game. "who's a potential spooky villain? how about that one merchant guy? sure! and for an attractive bride-type character, what are our options? hmmm... how about the cuccoo lady with all the allergies? it's perfect"
i love not just anju and kafei but everything involved in their storyline - how kafei's friendship with the curiosity shop manager saved him, how anju's best friend is cremia on the ranch and they talk about their lives and how cremia will save her life (if she can), how you can spend actual in-game hours just sitting with anju's ancient senile grandmother hearing her stories as she thinks she is telling them to her long-dead son, how anju's mom will quietly not like kafei and kafei's mom will love and worry about him on a serious level very unlike her public persona... it's all so very real and human and i love it so
also heck the whole cast of characters staying in the inn
anju i'm going to fix this ;___;
hello guardsmen if you are concerned about the state of today's youth maybe you should talk to THE BOMBER GANG i'm just saying
people who have played the more recent loz games, is the trend of "horrible underaged gangs of roving thugs" still a thing? or are mm and ww the only two games where they inflicted that on the player?
i'm sweating, i am just trying to find the bomber gang so i can get into the observatory so i can get the moon's tear so i can get the flower launch pad so i can get to the top of the clock tower and not die in a fiery inferno as gravitational forces rip the world apart
is that so much to ask
i refuse to feel bad about spin-kicking this child in the face because 1) i am technically also a child, in any body they put me in and 2) they are super racist if you talk to them while you are still a deku scrub! VERY RUDE
heck they let fergus over there man the door and he is still in diapers
gonna fill their hideout with encouraging tracts and stuff helping them grow into better people
so, fun fact
i remember many things about this game
but not that there is a skulltula in the waterway leading to the observatory
that was an unpleasant surprise
you probably could have heard me yell from three states away
(also, nothing has attacked you yet in the game (that actually does damage, and is not part of the story) so it's a little wake-up call: hey, don't forget to use Tatl to scout ahead, don't forget that you have a shield
also just
be a moron
i was about to ask who the dickens put balloons with majora's mask on them all over the place - it's a weird choice, since no one... knows... what's going on? but technically, so far, all of the balloons are being interacted with by the bombers, or in places where the bombers go, and skull kid was, however briefly, a member of the bombers' secret society for justice (AND ALSO RACISM) so actually it makes more sense than i expected
when you first walk into the basement of the observatory and... the music changes... and there's a chicken??? it is what i assume being high is like.
plays just as i lunge for the moon's tear
okay i've got this, i can stop fretting, the while last day can just be me looking around at stuff and being sad because i can't help anybody
a more srs thought: it was an interesting choice of curse skull kid lays on link at the start, making him into a deku scrub, and i think we can unpack some stuff there: he's drawing on his woodland roots (which link shares), he's making link into something small and largely helpless (like skull kid is, without the mask), he's... actually giving link a very similar kind of body to  his own?
i don't know what  the exact taxonomical differentiation is between deku scrubs and skull kids, but they are both wooden-bodied, whether grown or carved, they both have radiantly glowing eyes unlike most other things in the world, they both clothe themselves in bright layers of leaves... i imagine that if you sandblasted all the drama off a skull kid, you'd find something pretty similar to the lankier deku scrubs.
in that case, what he did is... he really kinda turned link into himself. but his helpless, powerless, abandoned, friendless, pre-mask self. to taunt him with all those awful feelings that skull kid himself experienced.
(mythological distinction for skull kids: they are people who got lost in the woods, and became cursed. if i'm not mistaken.)
(link is literally becoming a skull kid.)
(good times y'all!)
oh gosh the music is so frantic on the third day, and it's such a good bit of development on the design team's side: every day, clock town's music gets a little faster, a little shriller, as their time runs out
if you talk to the guards who block you in on the third day, instead of their usual "hey kiddo it's dangerous outside" they'll start saying "hey, are you alone, where is your family, are you okay, someone is probably worrying about you, please find them and get out of town as soon as you can"
fun fact: one of the things that consistently Wrecks me about this game is how the guards stand at their posts, jaws clenched, holding their fists to their hearts, as they watch their world be destroyed... because they will not abandon their duty.
seriously, every time i die.
and the cow figurines all over town that, if you hadn't noticed before, have bobbleheads, because as the earth starts shaking they do too, and it's another tiny detail that makes it all The Worst.
awkward council meeting eavesdropped on
("nothing is wrong!" is a lot less believable when the ground is literally shaking from the gravitational stresses being exerted by the falling moon, but hey, 2018)
the carpenters shouting back and forth "hey dudes i'm sorry but i'm gonna jet" "are you kidding if i stay i get a promotion"
SO MANY RACISTS IN CLOCK TOWN, the merchant's hipster assistant will literally refuse to talk to you if you're "just" a deku scrub
meanwhile the bomb shop guy's grandmother (the one who gets robbed, if you're not paying attention, like i wasn't) is just "oh goodness you are a very small customer, please be careful in our shop of very dangerous things"
finally got into the milk bar (everyone's a member when the world is ending!) and madame aroma, the scary and powerful socialite, starts with a very gentle "are you okay with not fleeing? it looks like we are all going to die here in town. is anyone looking for you?"
if i had all my masks and instruments i would love to invoke that scene right now and be the band on the titanic and give her and the other customers a few minutes of... life, if not joy, and beauty, if not quite comfort.
snuck into the now-abandoned stock pot inn, as well, and... okay, i'm going to say it, i don't know wtf is going on with anju's wedding dress. is her midriff made out of ivy? why is her romantic wedding-day mask (which is a neat concept btw!) a grinning rictus? what are we saying about love in this moment???)
(also, if you have ever made the mistake of helping kafei but forgetting to tell anju to wait for him, or telling anju to wait and then not helping kafei deal with sakon... it's a shitshow, it's bad for you, it darkens your heart forever)
during the last 12 hours the guards will say "i want to help you get out of her asap, run find your folks and i will let you out, please hurry"
nooooooo ;_______;
the postman sobbing because "flee for your life" is not written on the schedule
he wrote himself a letter saying that he is doing a good job and he requests that he himself flee ;__________________; but he can't do it ;__________________________;
oh no here we go
here it comes
the clocktower
the fireworks
the moon
the six hours remaining music
soft wailing
ngl that sad and weary music is the best part of the entire narrative experience to me
and then skull kid's impotent fury against all that immense power
tatl to skull kid: "what if we... didn't???"
also a good and valid point: friends don't hit friends
(his voice is still so horribly thin and shrill, like a child)
but one well-placed gum bubble to the face and we are BACK IN BUSINESS
i like that the one time zelda appears in the game, it is such a gentle and tender scene, reminding you of the bond she MUST have had with Link, for him to have done so much, and how much trust he puts in her
(... ask me again about the Song of Endings)
("even though it was only a short time, i feel like i've known you forever")
("i believe in my heart that a day will come when i shall meet you again")
(--> all my worst most wretched tp emotions about the wolf and the shrouded lady in the tower)
the song that reminds her of herself and link is the song of time, not anything else... the song about cycles and memory and history and second chances and legends
i have to play the songs in the right time, i can't just half-ass it by speeding through the buttons, idk why
("the goddess of time is watching over you" --> old old questions about who the goddess of time is, and which sage zelda was, etc)
the PLOT TWIST when you equip the ocarina and it turns into A GOSHDARN BRASS QUINTET STRAPPED TO YOUR BACK i love it
(each little snail yeah knows how to wail yeah)
tatl saying [as midna will, centuries later]: um dude i mean sir WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU, HAVE I MISJUDGED, SUDDENLY I AM WORRIED ABOUT MY MANNERS
and we are... not victorious, but reprieved!!!
i'll do better this time everyone i promise
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