#and i relate to donna's listlessness and perceived ineptitude when she just needs her fuckin adhd diagnosis and to get away from her mother
god i relate so hard to martha rewatching her episodes is fucking rough.
#i too got fucked up over a skinny bland white boy in a nice coat while#trying to get my career started#and was dragged backwards and into all of his shit#and figured oh god if i fuck this up he's gonna die#he's gonna kill himself#i'm never getting a relationship with him but i can't leave and also i kinda like it here#and my parents violently hate each other if i'm not here for one of my siblings than no one is#and my other sibling is a bit of a mess so i have to be the good child the smart successful child and my career has to come first#but i just want for fucking once to have a fling with adventure#a fling with whimsy i'm so desperate for it#and i'm stuck between my parents and yeah i also hate my dad's new woman but i literally cannot change shit#and this guy is saying hey lets go do something fun and stupid that does nothing but eat time#and i'm like sure!!!!#even though he's fun around other friends he's quiet and withdrawn with me and dumping on me about another woman#and it's like.....#I'T S LIKE......#just me and my leather jacket against the world#yeah rose is my favorite and you'd think that my favorite would be clara bc she was the evil one#and i relate to donna's listlessness and perceived ineptitude when she just needs her fuckin adhd diagnosis and to get away from her mother#but god. i hate seeing the fandom#belittle the heartbreak part of martha's story because you don't get it#she thought she loved him and even though it started as just liking him AS SHE FOUND OUT THAT HE WAS UNATTAINABLE SLOWLY OVER TIME SHE WAS#ALSO FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM SLOWLY OVER TIME.#i get it i get it i loved it and it fucking SUCKED.#annie irl
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