#and i’ve seen clips on The Tick Tock or whatever
iridescentropy · 2 years
i am sick and twisted (so violently ill that i get dizzy from the slightest nod of the head)
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liannyeong · 4 years
i think this is the end (we're different)
Summary: han jiyeon fell for park jinyoung in almost the same way as any other girl out there. what's so different about her, right?
Word count: 4795
Pairing: Jinyoung X OC
Warning(s): Mutual pining, fluff
A/N: Happy belated birthday to my bias wrecker (T_T) Park Jinyoung ~ Also, yay for a new completed fic since June 2020 lol. The title is from a line in DAY6′s Tick Tock because I’ve been listening to all their songs and covers non-stop and it seems fitting :’(
"rising actor park jinyoung has made the headlines for another hit drama in the year 2020--"
jiyeon thinks jinyoung has it easy. he has a pool of opportunities ready for him. he doesn't need to go through the trouble of uncertainty or instability. he's a star; everyone wants him.
jiyeon stares at the screen, the words from the reporter just goes over her head. she's happy for jinyoung, of course. she has always liked his mannerisms through the shows he appeared on. she always thought that anyone who dates park jinyoung is lucky. well, isn't dating a celebrity a kind of fantasy that one can only daydream? who wouldn't want to? the top star has the luxury to pamper her with gifts. whatever she needed, she just had to say it and he would get it for her.
but han jiyeon has never been a materialistic person. she is attracted to actor park jinyoung not because of his wealth or fame, but because of his personality. the way he was courteous to the people around him, the way he takes care of them even in the littlest of things. the way he pays his full attention on the ones who are speaking. or his calming voice. or the cute wrinkles around his eyes when he smiles. han jiyeon fell for park jinyoung in almost the same way as any other girl out there.
what's so different about her, right?
she reckons it's easy for him to move on too. jinyoung can easily find another girl to date. it’ll be easy for him to find another one to fill her space. he doesn't need a han jiyeon in his life. after all, what is she but a photographer who once worked with him?
jinyoung regrets the words he spat the moment he leaves her apartment. it has been a long day of filming. he's already struggling his work schedule with his lack of sleep. it's hard to control your emotions when you're dead grumpy and tired. it's no surprise that he lashed at the female with her unnecessary comments. but as he drives back to his own home, he can't help the ringing of her voice in his ears.
"you wouldn't need to choose between me or your career if i was the right one."
she looked so broken when she said it. why did jinyoung only realize it now? unless his memory fails, her body language showed how vulnerable she was. one arm crossed around her stomach, the other just dangling by her side. her voice was small, her eyes were looking at anywhere else but not him.
but he had to response in the worst way possible.
"then there's no reason for us to see each other anymore. we're done."
his tone was so cold, as if he had no emotions for her. jinyoung just spat those words and left. but now, regret blooms in his chest and he wishes he could turn back time.
he doesn't know what went down between them, or when exactly it all started. yet, he hasn't given himself the time to ponder over it. perhaps he gave himself the excuse that there is no time in his busy schedule. so he chucks it away, day after day, until it turns into weeks and months.
just like that, six months have gone since han jiyeon and park jinyoung broke up.
"rising actor park jinyoung is confirmed to be dating his co-star jeon sonee--"
jiyeon's heart hurts. the news channel shows jinyoung with the girl in tow. they are speculated to be on a date at night,  smiling wide, looking great together. jinyoung truly has moved on. fairly easily too, just as she expected.
jiyeon reckons it makes sense. they spend a lot of time together on set. they get to know more about each other as the filming goes on. they've even worked on a few projects together, the casting staff finding their chemistry perfect. it is unsurprising that they could develop feelings for each other.
jiyeon shouldn't be jealous. how can she when she was the one who suggested their break-up?
"i'm only a threat to your career. maybe the person you were meant for is someone who wouldn't jeopardize your career."
she only said it because she couldn't bear living with a man who hadn't been around for her. she wanted jinyoung to placate her, soothe her. she wanted jinyoung to say that they'll work it out. but she didn't think of the possibility that maybe, he was sick and tired of her endless worries. that he could have been waiting for the right moment to end things, but never got the chance. she was the one who propose their relationship to end. she doesn't deserve to be jealous of jinyoung's new love interest.
still, jiyeon wonders. why does it seem that she is the only one still unable to move on? how is it possible for jinyoung to get on so quickly? did he love her at all? or were all those lies, disguised beneath his actor mask? or was jiyeon just another experience on his list, so that he can portray emotions better on screen
no, don't put yourself down, jiyeon scolds herself. whatever that has passed, let it stay as good memories.
she loves him dearly, but their story wasn't meant to last long.
jinyoung is dressed handsomely in a suit. it's an acquaintance's wedding that he is invited to -- one of the art directors he worked closely with in the past.
he sees familiar faces, greeting all of them politely. but upon setting his eyes on a particular person, his breath stops.
han jiyeon.
of course, she's invited to the wedding. how can he forget? it's her colleague's wedding.
jiyeon has her hair tied in a low ponytail, some strands intentionally left loose to frame her face. she's donned in a light purple cold shouldered dress. the chiffon material flows elegantly as she walks. the man watches as she congratulates the groom, her smile is still beautiful in jinyoung's eyes.
he once dreamt of proposing to jiyeon. he once dreamt of building a home for the both of them. he wanted to lead a life with her by his side. but perhaps, such dreams are not meant to be achieved. perhaps, such dreams are for another man, not him.
there is no mistaking that jinyoung is here, in the same room as her. jiyeon can recognize that eye crinkles, that unique hahaha anywhere in the world. she may have stiffened at the realization that they're the closest they've ever been since their break-up. but she tries to play it cool. she may not have been trained to act, but having dated an actor, she may have picked up a thing or two.
the guests prepare for a cascade of group photos, neatly categorized according to the type of connections that the newlywed couple has. coincidentally, jiyeon ends up a row in front of jinyoung and his plus one.
"jiyeon-ssi," he greets formally, in the midst of aligning themselves in an orderly fashion.
she bows politely. "hello, jinyoung-ssi."
right, this is how they are. this is how they've always been. something like strangers in the public, but intimate behind closed doors. they've always kept their distance whenever they're seen together, not even an inch close. they don't even do any car dates as popularized by other celebrities. that's the difference between her and sonee, she realizes.
"hello, jiyeon-ssi," greets jinyoung's plus one. it's only now that jiyeon turns to look at her directly.
how insanely pretty, jiyeon mutters grudgingly in her head. the actress' hair is swept to one side, a shiny silver pin clipped to her fringe. she wears a baby pink dress that ends just past her knee caps, a string tied around her small waist. jiyeon can't help but think that sonee just came straight out of a webtoon. god, she can't help but think that jinyoung and sonee make a good couple too.
jiyeon tries not to think about it too much. after all, it's over, and they've come here to celebrate another couple's joyous occasion. so jiyeon puts on her most friendly side.
"ah, so you're the jeon sonee," jiyeon smiles. "congratulations on your relationship." jinyoung feels his stomach churn. jiyeon's smiles are wide but he can't tell the real emotions behind it. is she genuinely happy for him? or is there spite beneath her words? "you do seem like jinyoung's type," she chuckles.
jinyoung hopes she knows it's not true. he's never had a type. he used to say that the person he likes is his type. but jiyeon is the one who changed it all. jinyoung has never felt at ease with a person as much as with her. they clicked instantly, and they are so similar in their tastes in music, books and movies. there's no way he can find another like han jiyeon.
sonee smiles abashedly, tugging onto jinyoung's arm out of embarrassment. the man doesn't miss the way jiyeon eyes that movement.
"everyone, look at the camera!" instructs the main photographer.
jiyeon turns back, making a quick fix to her dress and hair. jinyoung can't help but stare at the crown of her head. how is it possible that someone is so close yet so far away? how is it possible that the person he spent his days with is suddenly a stranger? what went wrong, really?
"one! two--"
jinyoung flicks his eyes to the photographer, just in time before the flash goes off. they take a couple more shots before they are allowed to go back to their seats.
jiyeon turns around. "it was nice meeting you, sonee-ssi. have a great night," she politely says. then she faces jinyoung, not quite meeting his eyes, "and you too, jinyoung-ssi.”
"i think we should cast celebrity couple park jinyoung and jeon sonee for our upcoming pictorial," jaebeom, a creative director and jiyeon's supervisor, suggests during a meeting.
jiyeon stiffens at the idea. but her silence goes unnoticed by the excited murmur of the team.
"looking at this month's concept, i do think this two celebrities match it perfectly," jaebeom further expands. "besides, they're a hot topic in the entertainment industry now. it would be a waste to not use the chance!"
that earns nods from various members.
"that's true..." jiyeon hesitantly responds.
"jiyeon-ssi," the said girl flinches when her name is suddenly called. jaebeom doesn't inquire about her zoning out. "we both worked with jinyoung before. surely, i can trust you to contact him?"
jiyeon nods slowly. "i'll do my best, sir."
"very well!" jaebeom claps his hands together. "let's confirm the concept now--"
jiyeon breezes through the meeting, heart heavy with anxiety at having to work with jinyoung. she lets out a sigh.
when jinyoung heard from his manager that jiyeon came forth with a photoshoot offer, he didn't know what to make out of it. was it a company decision? or did jiyeon suggest working with jinyoung again? or... did jiyeon wanted to see him again?
no, jinyoung scolded himself mentally. he shouldn't put weird ideas in his head. what they had is now a thing of the past. jiyeon would have moved on. she must have. why else was she able to maintain that cool composure when they met during the wedding? why else was she able to treat sonee that kindly? jiyeon must have gotten over him. there can't be any other explanation.
"sure, hyung. i should be able to accommodate to jiyeon-ssi's project," jinyoung answered finally.
but now, breathing in jiyeon's studio, jinyoung feels out of place. he used to frequent here, especially when jiyeon works late into the night, when all the staff has gone home. no one knew of their relationship, not even their close colleagues. heck, jinyoung even made sure to hide from his manager.
"are you okay?" sonee pipes up next to him, having done her make-up and changed into the model clothes. "you seem a little tense."
"my schedules have been a little tight this week," jinyoung lies smoothly, adding a tired smile as extra measure.
"you can do it, jinyoung," sonee smiles sweetly at him, pumping her fists in the air as a gesture to give him strength.
jinyoung can't help but laugh heartily. "how cute my sonee is," he coos at her, pinching her cheek lightly. she whines--
there'a clear of a throat and jinyoung's smile nearly drops when he sees jiyeon. she pretends as if she didn't see anything, only casts jinyoung a brief glance before bringing up a notepad, briefing the couple about the concept and the poses she'd like them to do.
"just be natural," jiyeon ends the conversation. "just like how you two are, in your own bubble."
jinyoung can only nod.
she says that so easily but she's the one who's suffering alone. directing her ex-lover with his new partner to pose in a certain way, watching them gaze at each other in such a loving manner... how can her heart not crumble in sadness? her heart can't bear the pain. the way jinyoung looks at sonee is the same as how he used to look at her: that pure happiness and love. why, oh, why does the universe want to hurt her like this?
yet, amidst it all, jiyeon has to maintain her professionalism. she can't crack underneath all these romantic shots. she can't drop everything and run off, no matter how much she wants to.
in one particular setting, jiyeon has jinyoung resting his head on sonee's lap, his legs dangling over the arm of the couch. they look at each other, eyes smiling along. jiyeon can't help but feel the swell in her chest. she has to consciously control her breathing, to even it out.
jinyoung used to lay on her lap as he goes through his drama script. in the meantime, jiyeon would sketch out a particular storyboard idea for her project on the arm of the couch. that was how they spent their free days together, in comfortable silence. when he's tired of the lines, jinyoung would bury his face into her stomach, craving for her attention. and jiyeon always ends up giving in, after which they would just spend the rest of the day cuddling on that small couch, watching whatever show they randomly pick.
but now, times have changed. such memories don't matter anymore, especially not to jinyoung. it would have been replaced with new ones. they no longer exist in his mind. any emotional attachment would have been long gone from his heart.
jiyeon shakes herself from such thoughts. she brings up her camera and snaps away.
"representatives for actor park jinyoung and actress jeon sonee have confirmed that the celebrity couple has parted ways--"
"actor park jinyoung releases a statement of hiatus. netizens react."
user jl***09:
lol a coward running away from the media
user st4njinn1e:
i'm so sad... i have been a fan of jinyoung and his acting is so good, i'm sad that he'll be on hiatus... i hope he has a good break :(
user se0nii:
i always felt that it was a one-sided relationship between jinyoung and sonee... it seems like sonee was the only one in love.
user ilypjy94_:
stop with all your assumptions. we don't know what went down between the two of them. let's just support them with the best we can!
jinyoung's phone doesn't stop blowing up: media outlets wanting to know the reason for the breakup, some tarnishing his reputation. some of his fans even turning their backs on him. the pressure from the society is too much for him to take. he tries to block it out, but it's too difficult when you're a celebrity. your privacy is always at risk, paparazzi and stalker fans camping near his home. he doesn't even feel safe in his own home, he can't be himself and let loose.
his screen lights up again, at another message. despite telling himself not to check his phone, it's a habit that is difficult to break.
from han jiyeon:
hello jinyoung, this is han jiyeon. i saw the news... just wanted to check if you're okay?
jinyoung stares at his screen. it's from jiyeon. they haven't contacted each other in person for so long. jinyoung didn't delete her number off. and from the looks of it, jiyeon didn't either. she must have assumed jinyoung did with the way she introduced herself first.
jinyoung bites his lip. how should he reply? he wants to spill out everything that has been contained inside, but it'll be too much for the listener. besides, as a high profile celebrity, there are only a handful of people he can trust. jiyeon is one of them.
a string of messages pops up on his lockscreen.
from han jiyeon:
it's okay if you don't reply. i just want you to know that it'll be fine. the media will leave you alone soon. take a mental break, or travel to somewhere, away from the media. perhaps it'll give you peace from all the noise. you're a strong person, park jinyoung. i believe you can get through this. you're not one to give up so easily. just look at how far you've come, the awards you received.
take your time to heal, jinyoung. we may not have been in close contact for so long, but... you listened to my problems back then. i can lend you a listening ear if you ever need one.
i hope you find happiness again, jinyoung. have a good night.
jinyoung tears up at the message. how can jiyeon be so kind to him? how is it that she knows the right things to say, the right words he needed to hear? it has been two years since their breakup, how is it that she still knows him well?
jinyoung shuts his eyes and sinks back into his bed, phone clutched to his chest. he empties his mind, pushes any thoughts away and sleeps away.
jiyeon held no expectations that jinyoung would reply. what is she, but a thing of the past for him? she knows this and yet, she goes out of her way to drop him a message. out of goodwill? out of worry? or out of pure concern, jiyeon doesn't know herself. jinyoung may not even read it. god, he might have even blocked her number.
which is why she was surprised when she received a message from jinyoung, asking if her address is still the same. an hour later, jinyoung appeared at her doorstep with food in hand.
and now, they're lounging at her dining table, talking as if no time has passed. as if nothing has changed. as if nothing happened between them.
"i'm glad you're feeling better," jiyeon says.
jinyoung smiles, though his eye crinkles doesn't show. "thank you, jiyeon, for listening."
"it's fine. we all need someone to listen sometimes," she reassures. "sonee must have meant a lot to you."
jinyoung blinks.
silence ensues. then--
"you must know that's not true," comes jinyoung's soft reply.
jinyoung didn't mean to say it out loud. but as he looks at hyejin, he needs to come clean. he has to be honest about his own self.
"no one can take your place," jinyoung admits. "sonee liked me a lot but i-- i dated her because i wanted to make you jealous."
jiyeon seems at a loss for words. she looks uncomfortable, fidgeting. but jinyoung has to say it out. he has to get it off his chest.
"but you seemed fine. you didn't seem to care if i dated another. you seem like you've moved on. so i tried to like sonee," he continues. "but i just couldn't return her feelings. it was unfair for her. i felt like i was doing something wrong. my conscience wouldn't let me go. so i had to end it before i hurt her any further."
"she knew, from the beginning, that i wasn't that interested in her. she was happy that i agreed to go out with her though she didn't understand why. she tried her best to appeal to me but we both realized that it couldn't work. in the end, we parted on good terms."
jinyoung fiddles with his fingers. he glances up, but he can't read jiyeon's expression. is she angry? does she find his words outrageous? jinyoung just can't figure out.
"why are you telling me this now?" her voice comes out soft.
why? jinyoung asks himself. he, himself, is not certain. what does he want from this? jiyeon's love? jiyeon's attention? or does he want someone to lean on, someone that can provide him comfort?
"i... don't know either," jinyoung answers with a slump in his shoulders. "i just wanted to get it off my chest. and i wanted to be honest, at least to myself."
jiyeon nods slightly, then she takes in a deep breath. "then i'll be honest too."
jinyoung's ears perk up.
listening to jinyoung pouring out his thoughts, jiyeon feels that it's only right for her to do the same too. it gives her the courage to express herself without fear of jinyoung's judgment nor her own feelings.
"i thought that you moved on easily," she begins. "you continued to star in many dramas, and in all your interviews, you were smiling wide as if you felt no pain. as if our break-up didn't matter to you."
"when the news broke out that you were dating sonee, i just felt..." she trails off, unsure of how to describe her emotion at the time. heartbroken? disappointed? jealousy? or was it envy that sonee receives jinyoung's attention?
"... lost," she realizes. "i felt lost because you were my anchor. even though i was the one who initiated the break-up, i thought we'd patch things up again. but you dated someone else and i felt as if i was cast aside."
"i tried to soldier on, but it breaks me every time i see pictures of you and sonee," jiyeon confesses. "but it also hurts me to see you this sad."
there's a slight pause. then jiyeon concludes, "i guess i haven't moved on from you."
jinyoung didn't even realize he was holding his breath at her words. is she meaning to say that-- "do you want to start over? with me?" jinyoung's tongue slips faster than his mind could stop.
jiyeon folds her arms, avoiding the actor's gaze. "i don't know..." she trails off. "i don't think it's the right time. you're still healing. i don't want you to make decisions without thinking through it."
"give it some time. i think we both need to figure out what we truly want," jiyeon adds.
jinyoung keeps mum, a little disappointment in his heart but he finds himself agreeing to that suggestion.
"the drama that actor park jinyoung starred in breaks the record for the highest ratings on national broadcast!"
jiyeon stares at the screen, the words from the reporter just goes over her head. she's happy for jinyoung, of course. jinyoung has regained the trust and the love of the nation after his six months long hiatus. initially, he wasn't given as many drama offers prior to the hiatus, but slowly, he worked his way up again. jiyeon is more than happy to watch the man rebuild his life.
the chimes in the cafe ring, and jiyeon turns to the direction of the door. jinyoung waltzes in, most of his face hidden by the black cap and the scarf wound around his neck. he pads over to her table and takes the opposite seat.
"sorry, i'm late," he says first, unwrapping the scarf around his neck but leaving his cap on.
jiyeon waves her hand. "it's fine. it's not easy to meet mr. top star," she jokes.
jinyoung laughs. they fall into easy conversation, the cafe not that busy yet. it's a weekday morning after all.
"so," jinyoung starts, after completing his plate of pancakes. "what is your answer?"
jiyeon has been waiting for this moment. it's nerve wracking as how she imagined it to be.
"what was your question?" she counters, a smile tugging at her lips.
jinyoung exhales. then he leans forward, face serious. "back then, i wasn't the best at prioritizing. i couldn't effectively manage my time. and because of that, you suffered. we suffered. now, i believe i'm better able to manage my life properly. so, han jiyeon, would you give me another chance? to start over what was between us?"
"yes," jiyeon replies without hesitation. "let's try again. and this time, i'll be more understanding too."
jinyoung smiles wide, the crinkles around his eyes appearing.
they walk in the bustling streets of seoul side by side, but never touching. jinyoung knows jiyeon is trying to keep a distance between them in public places. but he wonders how long will they be a secret from the world. as long as they hide themselves from the eyes of the world, they can never achieve total freedom to date freely in public. there'll be no way they can be like any other couple out there.
so jinyoung halts in his tracks and pulls off the scarf that has been wrapped around his neck to cover his face, along with his cap and sunglasses. people stop to stare, some of them gasping to see the top actor in the streets of seoul.
"han jiyeon!" he yells after her. she hadn't noticed that jinyoung wasn't walking with her. when she hears her name being called, she flinches and turns around hastily. her eyes go wide at the sight of the actor with his bare face shown in public. she strides forward and tries to cover him with the scarf.
"what are you doing?!" she hisses, worried for the actor's safety.
"i'm in love with you, jiyeon-ah!" he declares out loud, enough for the people around them to hear. "you were there for me when i was going through tough times! you made me who i am today, the top actor that i am today!"
"jinyoung, you can't do this in public!" she hisses again, haphazardly still trying to cover his face. 
but jinyoung's adamant on staying at that spot, on exposing his face to the world. he grabs her shoulders.
"i'm not shying away anymore! i want the world to know how much i love you, jiyeon," jinyoung confesses.
then he brings his hands to his mouth and yells at the top of his lungs, "han jiyeon! i love you!"
jiyeon just stares at him, stupefied. darting her eyes left and right, she tries to stop him, "yah, you can't just--"
"i love you, han jiyeon!!" the man screams again.
"yah!!" she steps forward, pressing her palm against his mouth.
"i know," she says softly, a fond look on her face. "i know."
the hand around jinyoung's mouth loosens and he matches her smile. then he cups her face and connects their lips, uncaring about the bystanders. if they gasp, or there's a series of snapshots being taken, jinyoung doesn't hear it. because in this moment, there's only the two of them in the world.
"actor park jinyoung wins the daesang in 2025 seoul drama awards!"
jiyeon swoons over how handsome jinyoung looks in a suit. his hair purposely tousled to make him look even younger. she watches on the screen as the man receives the grand prize and a bouquet of flowers. he bows politely to the audience before saying his speech.
"first and foremost, this award is for the drama staff who had worked hard to put out such a great drama that is loved by many. i'm grateful to the director who brought out the best in me and my fellow co-stars who helped me be a better actor. to my fans, thank you so much for your constant support and love. i will work harder to become a better actor who deserves this prestigious award."
then jinyoung stares right at the camera, and jiyeon feels as if he's looking right into her. her heart pounds. "finally, to my dearest wife, han jiyeon, who is at home. thank you for being there for me throughout, for comforting me whenever i feel low. thank you for being my pillar of support, for encouraging me and supporting my dreams. i love you."
jinyoung blows a kiss to the camera and jiyeon smiles wide. she repeats the same action, uttering a soft "i love you too" in the quietness of their apartment. she makes a mental note to truly kiss him later, when he gets back home. 
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cullxtheherd · 3 years
Send in ♔ for my muse’s reaction to yours pushing mine up against the wall / from piper to nate.
HII SORRY that this has taken ages for me to respond to alSO WOW HAUJRFBFDEGKJ it got long but tbh i haven’t been able to sit and write in what feels like forever so oh my gosh here it is lmaosdjkbhgj anYWAYS i hope that this is okay despite being super long. i actually went in to edit this like: okay cut the content and then added like 5 more paragraphs i am so sorry sjkhbnfjdgnfg have 2 song ?? as compensation [x] [x]
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Ducking into the alcove of Fens Way Station Nate runs a hand through his overgrown pompadour, dispelling large rivulets of rain water. “You ready?” Keeping his firearm dry had been a challenge but he checks over the forestock and firing mechanism on his rifle anyways - it never paid to be lax around here, that was certain.
When Piper gives him the all ready he enters first, cautiously down the ramp and towards the doors. “Chained on the other side,” Lifting his PipBoy he scrolls through his short inventory and decides to exchange the long range gun for something a little more practical. His attention lifts from the recently upgraded laser pistol to his companion. “Good eye,” He admits, “Not sure how I missed that.”
He is sure, though. Nathan knows he has been more than distracted lately. The unending quest to find his son- the ongoing grievance of his wife; the overwhelming presence of the Institute suddenly everywhere...
“Glad I’ve got you by my side,” Relying on his old-world sense of chivalry and his incessant need to appear gallant mid-apocalypse he moves in, closer to the gaping hole in the wall. He puts himself first, peering around the corner before stepping into the tunnel.
“Do you hear that?” He isn’t sure if it’s the hum of old, sparking electricity or something else entirely but he pushes forward, gun at the ready. It is remarkably well lit in here and he peers around, suspicious of every noise.
Coming to the end of the service tunnel the hum is more of a buzz and he spots a bloatfly hovering over it’s latest victim. Immediately on autopilot he signals with his left hand and moves in silently. He doesn’t bother to check with her, knows by now that he can trust Piper to hold her own and then some.
The shootout is brief - for once - and before he can wipe the green, irradiated blood from the tip of his nose he can hear her checking for valuable loot in nearby containers. Nate can’t hide the large, lopsided smirk it causes and in an attempt at hiding his reaction he harvests the usable bits from the secondary bloatfly she'd taken down. He is glad to be traveling with someone who can match his level of ‘don’t give a fuck’ brand of brazenness.
For a time they are both quiet, scrounging through opposite ends of the small, mostly caved in station and he is grateful for it. More than happy to let the adrenaline rush die out for now- not that looting dead, half-bloated bodies wasn’t thrilling.
Moving further into the accessible subway car he comes across a Vault-Tec lunch box and when it pops open it’s miniature, crackling speaker blares out it’s congratulations with holographic confetti to boot. He can not help but laugh when a full, ice cold 𝓝𝓾𝓴𝓪𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓪 𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 pops out, clanking onto the metal seat. With a wide grin he exits the car, palming his prize.
“Thirsty?” He asks moving through the decrepit turnstiles and towards the now open office door. When she turns away from the office there is barely time to notice the oncoming threat; the danger he has inadvertently placed her in. “Piper,” He exclaims.
By the grace of whatever forsaken deity that haunts these lands he manages to corral her behind him and in one, large, lunging step he winds up. With the frosted, condensating glass gripped tightly between his meaty fingers he lands a critical hit on the radroach as it lunges, wings spread and screeching. The PipBoy tick-tocks, alerting him to the radiation leeching off of the twitching carapace.
Turning he says the first thing on his mind, “Are you okay?” And taking a step out of the office doorway to fully face her he feels a long, painful stab of guilt, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”
A shock of pain ignites, delayed and he winces, “I shouldn’t have distracted you, I just-” Finally taking a look at his shattered prize he lets out a semi-shocked, “Oh.”
His lips twist into a half frown, one edge lifting up and the other sinking, “I was going to offer you this but, uh?” Letting the broken bottle neck go finally, he flexes his fingers, happy not to see any violent or excessive spurts of blood. “Seems it has now seen much better days,” Nate tries to laugh but the superficial cuts on his palm do sting and he ends up wincing halfway through. Crestfallen he lets out another low, “Sorry.”
Surely many months ago when she had first agreed to follow him into the wastes there had been some kind of silent agreement between the two of them about the perils they would face, but? His heart races as the scene replays nearly ad nauseum. Nate isn’t so sure he wants to put her in harm's way like this again.
Ultimately he does know that it is her decision to make, but he feels? Guilty. Ashamed. Protective. Worried...
Unhooking the pack from his shoulder he is quick about getting a 𝕄𝕖𝕕𝕂𝕚𝕥 out, trying to avoid comfort in over thinking. Affixing the straps to the top of his military green duffle he takes pause, kit in one hand and shoulder strap from his pack in the other. Half-hunched and suddenly uneasy the duffle hits the ground with a soft thud and ca-chink of carabiners and clips and slowly he regards her, posture straightening.
Feeling like a specimen on a petri dish he tries, “Everything okay?” It’s scarcely a secret between them or anyone else within ten feet the side glances and long-looks they’ve shared over the past weeks, but? This is different. This is the first time he’s felt pinned by the fervency in her gaze and he opens his mouth to prompt her, “Pip-”
𝕄𝕖𝕕𝕂𝕚𝕥 forgotten it joins his pack in the settling dust. Hands move, one crinkling into nearly jet-black, gentle waves and the other smearing against her cheek. Lips move and he exhibits full-bodied reciprocation, matching her.
Back hitting the wall he groans lowly, caught off guard by her. He should have known she would be the one to make the first move - as bold and brave as he knows her to be he ought’ve set his sense of being an old-world ‘gentleman’ on the back burner long ago. Perhaps that was the one thing holding them up all this time?
Logically he knows it isn’t. There’s a laundry list of glaring reasons why he hadn’t tried to cross unspoken boundaries, but he had certainly thought about it. And at length, too. Even consulted Preston - of all people - about it. The Minuteman had gone silent for a time when he’d asked and for the first time in a long time Nathan had seen fit to listen; really listen to him.
Their talk had helped him clear his mind of some of the dead wife, lost son guilt he’d been carrying, but? It was impossible to offload it all. Mostly he’d set everything on the backburner hoping that they’d ‘cross that bridge when they’d come to it’.
This - Fens Way Station - was it; their proverbial bridge, it would seem and? Nate is leaping across it.
Whatever doubts he had built up are gone- what had he been so scared of, anyways? Piper was and always had been one of his most understanding companions; they’d talked at length about Nora and Shaun many times. She would understand him.
To him, in this world- a little understanding means everything.
Nathan sighs into the kiss, rigid body softening and molding. Shock subsiding he latently realizes their situation: he is a good length taller than her. Instead of keeping her on her toes he hunches, meeting her in the middle. His hands move to the small of her back, bringing her in as close as he can.
Certainly this is not how he’d pictured any of this happening, but? With the fire burning in the rusted out, slapped-together cooking station and her pressed so tightly against him, the rest of their destroyed surroundings fizzle out; unremarkable.
It’s been nearly two hundred and twelve years since he has been this close to another human being and all he can hear is his heart beating in his ears. He has no idea what constitutes 'proper' or 'one foot in front of the other' in the league of physicality these days. Was this too much all at once?
Is it too little?
Coming up for air he manages a look, double checking and voice crackling, “Piper?” He has more to say, but he can’t get his thoughts together - he is abuzz. “Should we…” Nate means to tack on ‘go home’ but he fizzles out, gaze falling to her kiss-bitten lips.
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charg3e · 4 years
Siege-o-ween Day 6!
‘She’s an angel’,Yumiko thought the first time she laid eyes on her. Her. Nienke Meijer, the newest engineer that arrived at Rainbow.
Looking back, she should have noticed it a lot sooner. The way Nienke had talked about the existence of God, the likeness of her and Mark when it came to the doings of Him, the arguments she had with the devout Olivier. She talked about it as if she had been there, seen the actions He had taken, the curses and blessings He had thrown upon humanity.
The way she got along with the explorer, Sanaa, explaining the histories and cultures of far off lands despite, on her travel records, never travelling there in the first place. The ways she had looked at the sky in distaste and longing when she first asked Yumiko to join her on the rooftop.
With a tempting smile on her lips as she chose to explain the constellations instead of whatever had haunted her living among them.
The mission that she barely survived and yet, Nienke came out of it injured yet recovered nonetheless. A horrible mission that no human would have survived, discounting Zofia of course, even then one would not have come out of it without career ending injuries.
The cool suburban winds made Yumiko shiver even in her jacket, as she made her way to the back trench of the building. The sleek building towering over her was darkened, blending in with its surrounding of dim lights and various abandoned family owned businesses. If it weren’t for the intel provided by the one and only Aria de Luca, ‘infiltrator extraordinaire” according to Nienke.
The admiration and relationship between Aria and Nienke made her jealous sometimes, the easygoing way they talked to each other and their ‘secret’ language that Yumiko didn’t understand. It was Latin, as she later heard from Adriano.
Shaking the personal emotions away, Hibana put her gun on low alert and checked the window, jumping in when her partner gave her the all clear to jump in. Her partner, Maxim “Kapkan” Basuda had been holding the small site with his Entry Denial Devices and gave her a gruff, “About time you got here.” as she vaulted in.
No more time for quips however, she had to hot drop to the basement, clear it, and disable the security cameras for the other attacker who would infiltrate the top floor on the north side.
“Dropping in!”
She landed on the cold white tiles, or, at least that was what she expected.
She landed on a pile of skeletons, time to panic as she realised quickly that they were made of plastic. She could tell from the clacking sound of the bones, hollow and not only that, smooth to the touch.
The sound made from her abrupt fall as well as the hissing of the X-kairos quickly bought the attention of the festive terrorists. Dressed as frankenstein (the doctor) was one wearing a gas mask, who seemed to have the highest ranking. With one fell swoop of his hand and a shout of
“Surround her!”
The terrorists, each wearing what seemed to be the reverse bear traps from SAW, sprinted around the SAT operative. All seemed to be in the opposition’s favour, until an impact round was heard from above and they all looked up. Taking this chance, Hibana shot at the doctor, downing him and proceeding to lob a bullet in the others head. Her Type-89 quickly ran out of shots with its measly 21 bullet magazine. As she quick swapped to her Bearing-9, she turned the her final enemy behind, whipping it out and aiming for their chest-
The moment of painful regret of forgetting to reload her machine pistol was quickly forgotten, as Maxim jumped down and landed a knife on the target’s head. The terrorist stared with rage, but quickly started to panic, his screams were muffled as he pulled out the knife from his, now-missing, eye.
“No, no, nonononono-”
The whirring of a loaded spring was made more evident with each pull, the tick tock sound emanating from the hoodie wearing being getting louder, and like a jack in the box.
The skin on his face opened up, jaw slamming up and snapping grotesquely. The body fell to the floor and the shaking of the body had Maxim shooting it with the SASG-12 to put the poor boy out of his misery.
“What a cruel way to go. Is it not?”
The Doctor rose up behind them, despite wearing a blood soaked shirt and Hibana being very certain that she had hit them on the side of the neck, they seemed perfectly fine.
“That one was a failed experiment if a Russian got to him”
The intonation made Kapkan seeth,
“Do not insult us.”
The bullet from his PMM sidearm barely pierced the skin of the Doctor’s trachea, as they pulled it out of their skin. Their eyes contained mirth and a sense of wonderful curiosity when they turned and raised both their arms in the air,
“If you two are here, that must mean that the third party is upstairs yes? Oh I certainly hope it's Iana, I haven’t seen her in centuries!”
That struck a chord within Yumiko’s heart,
They knew.
“She has escaped from me so many times… the bird should have her wings clipped. No, perhaps I shall remove them entirely, rip them into shreds like I did with her last family. Maybe I’ll go after Iona after. Yes. That is what I shall do.” The Doctor clenched his fists in conviction , turning to look back at them.
“Worry not, my only target is her. Feel free to leave before I clip her wings and we die in a fiery explosion together.”
Maxim was very much done with the Doctor’s talk, but the bullets dealt no damage. Tactical retreat was a term to exist no?
“Hibana, call the operative, we will be leaving”
“But the mission-”
“Live to fight another day, no one lives nearby anyways”
The Doctor laughed.
“Live, live to tell the tale of how you escaped Kaelan. The Hunter of Angels and Doctor of the deranged.”
The duo from the basement left through the tunnel, but when they got out and tried to contact Nienke, the third operative of the mission.
Connection lost.
The beeping of the phone was not a good sign, not with Iana still on the top floor of the building with no way to get down. Hibana was worried, Iana was stuck in there, with a psychopathic unkillable creature that was hunting her.
Now that she had time to think to herself, maybe she could sort this out in her head.
‘So, there is a being that is unkillable, hunts angels, puts people in freaking death traps and proclaims themself as a doctor. They’re hunting Iana, or what they know as Iana, as well as an “Iona”. So this means Iana is an angel? In a literal sense? We need to find this “Iona” and put whoever they are in our custody for their protection. What in the world did this turn out to be-”
Before she could complete her train of thought with the profanity, an explosion that sent the smell of smoke through the tunnel into her nostrils knocked her out of it. Kapkan stood beside her, holding up a blue phone that defenders had when detonating C4. The smile under his mask couldn’t be seen, his hands pushing the device back into his coat as he dusted himself off with the other.
The crackling of Hibana’s phone had her pausing in her silent scream at Kapkan, Iana’s slightly panicky voice could be heard through the speakers,
“What was that explosion? Where are you all, I can’t find you on the radar, are you both outside now?”
“Yes, there was someone inside telling us to leave, They’re going after you Iana, get out immediately. There might be explosives planted-”
“This is unfortunate but, I am surrounded with explosives and it appears they have all been armed to detonate in 3 minutes. I suppose this is where we say our goodbyes.”
That was the last thing Yumiko had expected Nienke to say, the word goodbye was not something that she wanted to say, not yet. She had so many questions that were yet to be answered, but only one was truly tickling at the back of her mind.
“Nienke, are you an angel?”
“Because I look like I fell from the heavens? You’ve used that before Yumi, and I don’t think now is the time for pick up lines.”
“I meant, legitimately.”
“I’ve told you yes every time you asked Yumi, you just never took it in a literal sense.”
A blast could be heard from the east wing of the building, the rustling of Iana’s shirt could be heard as she flew up the stairs.
“Sorry Yumi, I’m going to have to cut this one short.”
The flatline beep of the hung up call sent dread into Yumiko’s heart. Maxim took notice of her heading back down the tunnel and rushed to pull her back.
“Are you crazy? This place is about to explode, calm down. She will hopefully find a way out by herself. You may be shocked but if that clouds your judgement what good are you.”
“Excuse me. I just found out my best friend and love of my life isn’t human and you’re criticizing me for being shocked?!”
“Well yes, I just specified that.”
Kapkan had to carry the thrashing SAT operator over his shoulder as he ran to their emergency transport vehicle, leaving Iana alone on the rooftop to fight.
The rooftop was chilly, but Nienke never cared much for temperatures. The Doctor jumped up the hatch she opened for med-vac, a smile plastered in his eyes as he whipped out an engraved knife and pointed it at her.
“Angel Iana, I’m not going to kill you today. I’ll just take what I need and be on my merry way.”
“Oh gee thanks Kaelan, you’re not going to get it that easy.”
“Show me those wings, and I’ll show you my claws. A fair fight is all I ask for.”
A word that could be used to describe Iana at this moment. She kneeled to the ground as her body contorted, bone sprouting from her back as blood pooled around her shoulder blades, the liquid coating her feathers and turning them black.
She was so naive, she had thought she would be given a chance to turn, a chance for fair fight with the hunter.
She was wrong.
The knife went in deep, crimson blood spilling over as Nienke fell to the ground, unable to move from the excruciating pain.
“You honestly thought I was going to fight fair. Ha, you never learn.”
The blood they collected with the knife was sucked into a test tube using a mechanism. Kaelan giggled in glee at the sight of it, squealing and jumping around on the roof.
“That was your blood, Angel. I still require your wings for my project.”
The knife shifted as they sliced back down her back, and she fought the pain in a burst of rage. Jumping onto them and ripping the vial out of their hands and kicking them to the side,
“I’ll never allow you to find a way back to heaven, Kaelan.”
The excited giggles from Kaelan ceased, they looked at her with rage and despair.
“I have lost so much because of you. I am stuck here because of YOU.”
Kaelan let out wings of their own, gray and torn apart, yet still able to fly for short distances.
“This is your fault.”
The fight was anticlimactic, as there was little to no fight at all. Iana sidestepped when Kaelan threw a punch at her, jumping off the roof and letting her wings spread. She tried maintaining her focus as she aimed for the vehicle, but her eyes and wings were weakened from the bloodloss. Kaelan has chased after her, but as they went to celebrate an early victory, having dug a fire poker into her back, they were struck down with a kick as Iana flew up and dropped down on them.
Nienke could fester no more energy as she glided towards the moving vehicle, barely able to land on top of it as the building exploded in the distance. Hibana and Kapkan had heard the drop, and as Maxim hit the brakes and Yumiko turned around. Nienke pulled out the fire poker through her chest, holding it up in a way one would admire a spear, wings dark yet contrasting the starry night.
“How’s that for a halloween night?”
The smirk fell alongside her body and the jaws of the other two operators as she collapsed onto the back of the truck.
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