#and im sick of people shitting on naruto for no embodying a theme they decided was the main point
chaos-otter · 6 months
Okay I just gotta go off about this real quick.
People don't understand Naruto as much as they think they do, and I am considering making youtube videos just to prove it.
For some reason, people say that Rock Lee better embodies the main theme of Naruto than Naruto himself. These people, wrongly, state the main theme of Naruto to be that a person born with no special skills can beat a prodigy. This is incorrect. The theme of Naruto is right in the "talk no jutsu" meme. It is a story of acceptance, acceptance of others, and of yourself. Naruto can reach almost anyone with just words because his power is in his ability to connect to those around him.
Kishimoto doubled down on this in Shippuden by introducing infinite tsukuyomi and the sage of 6 paths. There is a clear dichotomy there that emphasizes the theme. Forced connection and acceptance vs genuine connection and acceptance.
It's funny to me that people hate how Naruto secretly was "special all along," so he doesn't fit the "whole theme of the show." No, he doesn't fit your assumption of the theme. He never did because he was special from chapter/episode 1. Did we all forget that Mizuki told us that Naruto had the demon fox in him since day 1? The fox with so much Chakra the 4th Hokage died sealing it away?
The theme that people swear is the whole theme of Naruto was specifically for a section of one arc. It starts with Lee vs Sasuke and ends with Naruto vs. Neji. The reason Lee fits the theme so much is because, it's Lee's character arc feeding into Naruto's journey. Naruto watched Lee and Hinata give it all they could to the point of injury and then he decided to beat Neji and show him that they could pick their own destiny.
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