#and it moved beyond merely critizing the feminist reband of barbie itself in the culture
barbie is greta gerwig’s redemption arc even if a lot of the people memeing barbie have no respect for her as a filmmaker and i’m happy and excited for that because i feel she’s been unfairly targeted by The Discourse. but one big thing that has bothered me more about the anti-barbie discourse is also the lack of respect for her as a filmmaker but it’s even worse because it punished her for having authorial intent while making a blockbuster based on existing IP, and trying to balance that as a filmmaker while adapting mattel’s very first live action barbie movie. nearly every review has noted that she was somewhat successful in this endeavor. but even if she wasn’t, she did what the generic male directors of male-led franchises rarely ever do, and in her very first blockbuster as well. whether or not it was intentional and whether one was even aware of it, a lot of the anti-barbie discourse was sexist, or became so quickly. and that’s not cool and is actually very annoying
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