#and it's frustrating
redysetdare · 5 months
I'm an "AroAce Stereotype" I'm Romance averse/Repulsed> I'm Sex repulsed I'm non-partnering I hate the idea of marriage in all forms I don't want a QPR at all I'm loveless I'm someone who gets uncomfortable at sexual talk and sex jokes I'm someone who often has innuendos or sexual concept fly over my head. I'm someone who can't tell when someone is flirting with me I'm someone who can't pick up on romantic or sexual tension I'm someone who finds "shipping" to be annoying I'm someone who says "They just seem like friends to me" I'm someone who believed that attraction could be turned on or off I'm someone who can't make sense of romance at all and cant figure out what makes it different from every other relationship. I'm someone who thinks romance is stupid and sex is gross and I don't understand the big deal everyone makes about it I'm someone who never was upset to find out I was AroAce but rather relieved as I have a genuine fear of being stuck in a romantic relationship that i do not want. In all cases I am not an AroAce who can be considered "normal" by the standards of allo society.
I'm not just a stereotype for you to shit on. I'm not the reason aphobes are aphobic I'm not a problem that you need to erase and refute to be accepted by allos. I'm not an experience that you and ignore as "not really how aspec people are" just because You are not part of it. Stop leaving us behind. Stop throwing us under the bus. We deserve support too. We deserve to not be demonized and shunned because we're an "stereotype". We are not the problem. We are not a problem to be fixed. start fighting aphobes on their logic instead of trying to make up for our existence.
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youngroyals-stuff · 4 months
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eleminim · 2 months
You know, just pass...
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theroundbartable · 8 months
Sometimes I question whether or not I'm ace, and then my friends tries to explain a series to me and refers to this character as "the one with the sexy eyes" and my brain short cirquits, because wtf is that supposed to mean?
Like... It's eyes. What?
Her: but they are brighter than that of the other guy.
Me: ...
Her: you'll know when you see it.
Me: *watches two seasons of the series* how tf did she even see the eye colors? *Zooms in* ...
Me: i don't know what I expected.
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bonefall · 1 year
Doesn't Shaded Moss's sister survive and become Shadowstar? I think she has kits too, or Rainswept Flower had a brother because he was Shadowstar's first deputy.
Anon I'm sorry to tell you that Shaded Moss is not related to the Shadow family in any way, and also the entire Shadow family ALSO died out with the death of Tall Shadow, her brother Moon Shadow, and his son Sun Shadow.
There are two separate families at play here and both of them are extinct.
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akorah · 6 months
Me: Forgets why I'm avoiding tumblr
Tumblr: Has pornbot spam in all of my followed tags
Me: Report 3 and that's my naked people tolerance for the next two days
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Hey, do you ever think about that one song you spent years learning, and could once play with your eyes closed, and now you can't even remember how it starts?
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femmespoiled · 1 year
I find myself in a weird position sometimes, because I know I'm a poc, but sometimes I'm afraid of how I'm perceived and that people don't think I am which happens a surprising amount, and it makes me feel insecure participating in discussions, because it's like can you see me in this group with you too?
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the knowledge that having a routine of regularly visiting places is the only way to naturally make friends vs the terror of being a wheelchair user who is a visibly queer woman and knowing that having a routine makes you more vulnerable to being attacked.
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louistthegreatest · 2 years
I’m sorry but people shouldn’t be mad at the fan’s leaving because well it’s frustrating to be a louis fan,same shit different day etc so obviously people will get annoyed and frustrated and leave
The thing is, in the latest days I have seen a few posts of people leaving because the fandom is making their experience very uncomfortable. They are not leaving because of Louis. And it is sad to see it...
Of course that fans are entitled to be mad at Louis and his team because the lack of promo when we are all expending our time doing the promo they should be doing and people can rant all they want about what makes them mad but I guess for some people it's too much negativity and I also understand that because I myself have to leave Tumblr for a while when this happens since Louis and his music are my scape to a happy place and reading 25 consecutive posts about how Louis is lazy and doesn't want to promote his music (which I do not agree) is not what I want when I come here to have a break from my shitty life...
To me it's a 50/50 here. I understand fans being mad but also I understand fans thinking other fans are ruining the experience for them.
I don't know what is going on, no one in the fandoms really knows, but as I have said before, something is quite fucked up when Louis is not promoting his own album...
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sheerioswifties · 2 years
Is anyone else feeling this weird kinda dichotomy in life rn where you're like wow the shit is really hitting the fan in every way all over the world and like wow we're really gonna see a second great depression and possibly civil war and ww3 and the planet on fire and then an ice age maybe and every day is something else piled on or we're on higher alert for nuclear meltdowns or bombs and you find yourself googling where the hell the nearest fallout shelter is if there even is one and then Taylor goes and does something like drop a new album or reveal that the special edition, only available for like a day vinyls make a clock if you were in the 1% that got to get them and you're kinda like okay Taylor I know you gotta do your thing but also like we're out here having to decide between groceries and gas every week and it might not even be a choice soon bc the supply line is not even gonna get the groceries to us but go off like hey yeah we totally can just get all these awesome things and we totally have the time for this......... but then, you're, you're like... but you know what okay but actually we kinda needed the distraction right now so thank you Taylor?!? Yay?!?
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maryellencarter · 1 year
so on friday a friend gave me pokemon scarlet and i've been playing it between customers... i'm having fun but it's pretty confusing trying to figure out what pokemon are worth keeping/leveling.
there's a blue graph and a yellow graph and neither one tells me what they're measuring, and as this is my first pokemon game other than pokemon go (which did not have these graphs, or if it did i missed them when i was playing), i have no fucking idea what's going on. i've been going by the sort of yellow-gray graph that has a little bright yellow hexagon in the middle, because that's the only one that shows me differences big enough to see, but then I leveled up a Magikarp to Gyarados and its yellow-gray hexagon totally changed shape and size, so now I have no fucking idea which graph tells me "this pokemon has the best potential" or whatever like the three-star ones in Pokemon Go.
...I don't want to hit the endgame and find out that all my pokeymans are fucking useless because I didn't know what to look at (which is what happened in Pokemon Go because I did most of my leveling before any of the good appraisal tools were introduced, and also I could never attend Community Days due to my work schedule, and didn't have any local friends to raid with).
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everything's a courtesy call nowadays and nobody's genuine
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
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why do drawing studies have to be so hard
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kyber-heart · 2 years
Y'know... at this rate if they made queer class story romances a cartel unlock... I'd bloody take it.
These Kotfe - LoTS romances are so short and unsatisfying.
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redysetdare · 2 years
If I hear one more allo person use “Ace/aro people can still have sex/be in romantic relationships” as an excuse to continue erasing aro and ace characters I’m going to start biting.
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