#and lupin is also like “HECK YEAH GO FRANCE”
mint-is-here · 2 months
Gaminard and Lupin: fuck the british Watson: i'm trying
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kaoarika · 4 years
A few weeks ago I was looking at the newspaper’s website to give me an idea at most about what is happening around (because it is the dilemma of “I don’t want to know more about the hellish landscape we are living through right now” and “but I don’t want to be misinformed, either :(” ) and I found something that called my attention.
Basically, it was recently announced that a company was going to do their own kind of anime streaming platform a la CR, HI-DIVE, Funi, etc. but for the latinamerican audience.
On paper this isn’t a bad idea, per se. Back in the 90s and earlier-mid 2000s we got plenty of things (in local TV, cable, a 24 hour anime TV channel) compared to how things were played in the US (and admittingly, Europe won all overall, lol), so... I see where they are coming from, especially since we have much more limited options on platforms (even some that NO ONE EVER USE) plus licenses are... freaking weird in getting blocked (Funi recently announced they would FINALLY enter the latinamerican market... despite blocking anime licenses for the LatAm region for years... as they were explicitly region locked to the US and Canada *shrugs*). so basically they want to get rid off a more US centric “middleman” and get licenses “for the taste of the latam audience”.
I say “on paper”, because the interview I saw gave me a bit of a mixed idea, that current stuff that is on Ne*tflix or CR or Amzn Prime is more “curated” to the US centric audience’ tastes and I’m like ”but even so, what’s left that is currently on air that we don’t have?” unless you count stuff like more children-oriented anime that the U.S. licensors are not going to touch with a ten feet pole (look how poorly was Dor*aemon treated in the US :/) unless they are merch-driven. And with Funi entering the LatAm market (and Sony by default doing smth like they did with Animax back in the day, let’s be real), I am here like “Hmmm...”
Unless. Unless they are referring to rescue old series-licenses that were aired in the region, as well. That. for some forsaken reason (i.e. not exactly mainstream successes like Sai*lor Moon or Drag*on Ball), they are HARD to get around. Especially with the Latam Spanish dubs (to make the story short: either the dub masters were kept by a channel, or they were returned to their licensors or right owners... and let’s said that it would be a task could I don’t think old licensors exist nowadays).
To put a weird example, Amzn Prime in Mexico. The last month or so they have been uploading old TMS-owned series that were once aired somewhere in the LatAm region... but they are just uploading old dubbed series (w/no JPN audio whatsoever... except for Lupin III Part 5, because). And chances are that 99% of those were those...strange Los Angeles’ Spanish dub that were made in the 90s.
On one side, good because some of these series were aired ONCE and who knows if the channel treted them right (i.e. Kaitou Saint Tail), and two, I’m always up to rescue or archive old Spanish dubs that aren’t available ANYWHERE unless you are a very dedicated fan that uploaded those to YT (with varying degrees in audio quality) and managed to save the audio and pasted it on more quality footage. Because, here, compared to the US or Spain or France, or wherever - these anime have never been released on home media (again, unless you were PRETTY mainstream or your fanbase is EXTREMELY nostalgic about your series), and you are mostly depending on whatever may have been uploaded in CR or YT from all places (and yeah, look for videos that are still cut in 3 parts to see how OLD some of these series may have been there.
Other reason I say about “this is a good idea, on paper” is that they are extremely optimistic that when the platform opens (in 2021), by the end of the year they would have 800 titles. And I’m like “Okay, wow. That’s SERIOUSLY extremely optimistic.” I don’t doubt that much about the LatAm market, really... but, look, when Panini MX started to publish manga (2013/14), they... didn’t publish as much as they are doing nowadays (I think they originally did between 5-10 titles... I think they are doing 20+? now). You have to decrease your expectations, all things considered. Especially because, *cough* pandemic outside? We don’t know how good we are going to be, economic speaking, at the end of it? Like, studies are saying it will take a bit longer than a year to recover (and the latinamerican region is getting the worst expectatives about it, from what I have seen)... and heck, we don’t even know if the pandemic will be over in a year, even. But, oh, well, capitalism, I guess.
Also, something something about eventually financing sequels of series according to the LatAm audience’s tastes? And something something make them “exclusive” for the LatAm audience.  Wait, what. I... that’s a lot to chew in such a short term? :’).
I’m not saying this is a bad idea, overall... and, yeah, this might be good to look for in the future. But I wouldn’t have started on the right foot saying “we are expecting by the end of our first year with 800 titles available”, orz. 
...What I am also asking is for possibilites of home media releases :/ (yeah, yeah, streaming is good, and whatever, but licenses are not “forever” and they do not stay on those sweet platforms catalogues “forever” as well :/), SAVE THOSE DUBS. FOR BETTER OR WORSE. The thing with Amzn AT LEAST proves that those dubs are SOMEWHERE, with a better audio/visual quality than whatever you found recorded on TV,.
One thing I do negatively complain is the name of the platform.
“A/ni/me O/ne/gai”
*groan* I don’t judge but it sounds a) pretty weebish generic and 2) “this obviously may sound like a piracy/aggregator site that you will have to pay for it”. (AND I AM not saying that other streaming platforms names are WAY BETTER, and YET “Daisuki” WAS A THING), I just... *internally screaming*
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authormitchel-blog · 6 years
GOF: Part 3
The dorm looked the same as ever. It was nice to be back at Hogwarts. It was home, more than Pivet Drive had ever been even if he still had to share sleeping arrangements with less than savory characters. But, Harry would take Malfoy’s bragging over Aunt Petunia’s twittering laugh any day.
            Harry was currently unpacking some of his things to the rhythmic drawl of Malfoy telling Crabbe and Goyle what he did this summer for what looked like, judging by Goyle’s face, the five hundredth time. Odds are they were right there with him for most of it anyway.
            Blaise, Harry noticed, somehow got even more attractive since last year. His dark skin seemed to glow as if he were on a beach enjoying the sun instead of in a dungeon lounging on his canopy bed.
            “You really must go to France one day, Potter,” said Blaise.
“Not all of us have a new stepfather with a villa,” replied Harry.
            “Yes, but I did invite you to join me, several times I might add.”
Harry shrugged, that was true. Blaise had sent him plenty of letters detailing his mother’s whirlwind romance with a wealthy French wizard and her decision to move them at least semi-permanently to the South of France. Blaise and his two younger sisters were now living in the lap of luxury, and letters that started out as “won’t you come down, Potter? Get yourself a taste of the good life?” And “Potter, the man has a yacht. I’ve already bought you a first mate cap.” Quickly became “Ariella and Jasmine are becoming quite overwhelming. Must every woman in my family be blinded by pretty things? Thank Merlin, I am immune to such flights of fancy. Come and assure me that I am the prettiest flower or my self-esteem my never recover.” Then “We’ll take care of the Muggles, don’t worry. Mother performs a wicked memory charm. Lockhart has nothing on what my mother can do when faced with someone’s very angry wife.” “Save me Potter,” the last one said simply, with a p.s. for levity, “I’m getting wrinkles.”
            Harry had gotten the point plainly enough. But as much as he would have liked to physically be there for his friend, there was no way that even Lockhart level memory charms would be enough to make the Dursleys forget their personal life mission of torturing Harry at every possible moment.
            “We’ve been all abuzz at the Manor. Father was quite envious that I would be attending Hogwarts this year with well….you know,” Malfoy said to Crabbe and Goyle, clearly begging for Harry to ask him what he was talking about. But Harry was used to hearing plans that didn’t involve him so he had learned to not to give a Hippogriff’s booty about things like that.
            “How were Jasmine and Ariella when you left?” Harry asked Blaise. From everything Blaise had ever told him about his sister’s it seemed as if the two girls, the twins were really quite something. Blaise launched into a rather complicated story about the girls, a summer dance recital they put on, and Blaise totally pulling off the tights he was forced to wear when Theo got out the newest issue of Quidditch weekly and let the other boys devour his older issues which he always seemed to have on hand. Harry drew Slytherin in the draw they had so he picked last months issue all about the World Cup.
            He opened and hoped probably in vain to see a picture of himself in its pages.
Harry was asleep the next morning at breakfast. Millicent kept having to nudge his side so he wouldn’t fall into his porridge. The dreams had abated somewhat while he was back at the Burrow, but last night with Quidditch Weekly open on his chest dark dreams had haunted him. Dreams of graveyards, headstones, and the feeling of anticipation.
            Harry kept waking, feeling as if someone stood ready to curse him just beyond his curtains. He thought about opening them, but the fact that Crabbe and Goyle slept with their curtains open quickly derailed that thought. So, he merely slept with his wand in his hand.
            Space was always at a premium on the first morning back as nearly everyone misses the food at Hogwarts and are eager to catch up with old friends so Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle were forced to sit on the opposite side of the table as Harry, Millicent, and Blaise. Malfoy may have grown taller this summer, but Crabbe and Goyle grew in every direction. The two boys nearly blocked all the space between them as they took a spot, leaving Malfoy with an open spot beside him. Harry wondered vaguely if Pansy had gotten what she wanted after how much she had unwittingly helped him and Sirius last year. It would only serve Malfoy right if he had to actually marry Pansy.
But as Malfoy wasn’t wearing a collar emblazoned with P.A.N.S.Y on it, then he doubted the blonde had gotten that far yet. He’d have to ask Millicent later what on Earth she had done to poor Malfoy to turn him into such a commitmentphobe. He’d likely get hexed for his trouble, but it would be worth it.
 The typical series of forgotten items rained down on the students at breakfast time and Malfoy got his usual deposit of sweets and cakes, but Harry wasn’t disappointed as he got a rather long letter from Sirius as he described a rather funny story of he and Remus trying to fix the kitchen sink. He also provided a brief update on his case, saying that he was still trudging along and that he had gotten someone, an American lawyer to take a look at his case. He also sent him something about his father. James favorite color was red.
An unfamiliar owl dropped something onto Millicent’s plate.
“Isn’t that a school owl?” asked Blaise, eyeing Millicent’s correspondence with the same look Harry was giving it.
            “From your betrothed?” asked Blaise. Millicent went to shake her head, no….when Goyle with a mouth full of food grabbed his heart as if he were having pains, and said, “So does this mean you’re rejecting my offer?”
            “What offer?” Malfoy demanded to know.
Goyle straightened a little in his seat. “Well, you know, Draco….Mom’s always quite liked Mil, and dad didn’t think it’d be a bad idea….”
            “To do her a favor,” Pansy said, finally taking her place by Malfoy’s side. She looked the same as ever though perhaps there was something different about her nose? More uppity? Harry wondered. Or perhaps it was just the way she was staring down at Millicent that made her look so pugish.
            “She broke a serious engagement with a prominent family. No pureblood in their right mind would give her an offer now. The only reason Goyle’s mother offered is because Bulstrode here has hips like a bull and Goyle children come out that size.” She motioned to Goyle who was steadily eating his eggs and bacon.
            “So, you do the math on why that was on offer. And besides my mother told me that your father talked some sense into her.” Pansy smiled ruefully. “Can’t have a blood traitor marry into the family. Wouldn’t want her staining the furniture. Though it appears mutts of the same street corner run together.”
            Pansy turned her gaze to Harry.
“How is Black doing by the way?” Pansy asked.
            “My godfather,” said Harry standing and holding out his hand for Millicent. “Is probably making out with Professor Lupin right about now. You do remember him right?” Harry eyed Nott who had been laughing quietly until then.
            “About yeah high,” said Harry, motioning. “Werewolf.”
Pansy rolled her eyes.
            “He’s quite happy too, now that my godfather is about to be freed completely and a real traitor is in jail. Who knows,” said Harry, grabbing a piece of treacle tart to go.
            “Maybe soon the Ministry and the rest of the wizarding world will pull their heads out of their arses and allow people to marry whoever the heck they want. Two men. A werewolf.”
            “A tainted pureblood witch,” Millicent kicked in.
“Hear! Hear!” said Blaise as Harry and Millicent walked away.
            Hermione stopped them as they were leaving to head to classes together, telling them of her brief hunger strike and the new war she was raging herself.
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hazelnut-glass · 7 years
I was tagged by the amazing @xenophonspeaks !!!!
Rules: Tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better
Name: Jui Nickname: Joo-joo or Joo, im called Chiku by my fam, or bughrabutchu (playful litttle one) Gender: Non-binary (so i usually go by They/them or sometimes he/him) Star Sign: Sun sign is Scorpio/Libra and my Moon sign is Virgo Height: 5′  Sexual Orientation: Ace and Biromantic someone help this poor soul Hogwarts House: Slytherin!! but then i took the pottermore test again and ended up with both gryffindor and slytherin houses and then i got too lazy with making other accounts for other houses and now im realising i havent been on that site in over 5 years or something Favorite color: soft shades of green or even earthy tones Favorite animal: Cats (this is very obvious I own one now) Average hours of sleep: it is either 8 hours of sleep or 12 hours there is no in between Cat or Dog Person: Cat person, but I dont mind dogs at all Favorite Fictional Characters: UM.... okay ,,, Eren Jäger, Mikasa Ackerman, Levi Ackerman, Jean Kirschtein, Sasha Braus, Harry Potter, Ron Weasly, Herione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Minerval Mcgonagal, Ginny Weasley, Yuuri Katsuki, Viktor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulamont, Otabeck Altin, Yuri Plietsky, Dedushka, Haruhi Fujioka, Ritsu Onodera, Kisa Shouta Number of blankets I sleep with: Two in the winter- Three at my Uni bc its damn cold (it snowed at Summit hill the other day????) and one blanket in the summer Favorite singer/band: When I was an angsty youngster it would be bands like Red and Simple plan or Shinedown. Now I’m indie music trash so my fav band atm is Lady Lamb the Beekeeper. Also Hayley Kiyoko.  Dream trip: I would visit Japan... and Germany, and Austria,,, I would want to visit France again- and then explore historical forts in India like heck yeah, and I suppose I would go see Ireland? Dream job: Audiologist When Was The Blog Created: March 2015 I think? Current number of followers: Idk like 83? and only 6/7 people actually reblog or like anything on here lamoo all you guys are so quiet damn?? (sure I’m pretty aloof irl but still) :’)
okay I tag: @emojigo, @crying-abt-fictional-people, @perksofbeingawaifu, @randomfangirllaughs, @goldenmarshmallow, @neilexysts (okay but you’re Jui 2.0), @botanicalevi, @cetlii, @raindrop-rouge and I am running out of room so If y’all see this I want to get to know you! (but no pressure if you’re super shy!!!)
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