#and maybe I'll make that oc lore/rp blog that I've always wanted to do for one of my ocs
pierswife · 8 months
God what if I did a "takeover" but instead of it just being me screaming into the void, it's actual Pokemon Insert OC time and yall can see Unova's #1 Klutz in action--
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metalmewtwo-kxb · 4 months
Pokemon story/art/ask-blog for Benta the Mewtwo
Set in an apocalyptic future where most humans have disappeared and only pokemon remain. And the world is not as it had once been.
Benta, a pokemon who has existed for a long time now, has wandered the crumbling cities and empty roads looking for others who might share his ideals of rebuilding what is left of the world. Perhaps even track down the humans, if there are any left. However, the pokemon all seem to be at odds, more focused on hoarding land and food for survival. Many more are feral and vicious.
As others may find out, he is no ordinary mewtwo, and he might very well be the only one of his kind in a world full of ghosts. But is he the only wanderer? Or are there others?
And is it possible to save this future?
⚠️ Under Construction ⚠️
⚠️ Comic Pages 2-8 In Progress ⚠️
⛔️ NO NSFW ⛔️
General Itinerary (in no particular order) :
🧩 rp reply (if/when I have any)
- Thinking I'm gonna limit myself to one a day with these (or as often as I can manage) since I'm a very tired goose with limited internal motivation lol. I love role-playing! It just takes some thinking and energy. If I ever have more than one thread at a time, I'll make a weekly schedule 📅
✏️🖍 asks and/or art responses
- the art side of these can take anywhere from a day to a few days, even with the style I've decided on. Obviously can't do art replies all the time, but sometimes I could get inspired to do something other than text replies! 💕
🎨 comic art
- For the main story! The style for this is different than what I'll be using for asks, so it definitely takes longer. I don't typically post until I'm done with a illustration/page set, so it can take a long heckin time. If one part one is 8 pages, I'd say it would clock in at two or three months before it's posted (as long as I'm not sick or somethn). I'm okay with posting peridoic snippet updates from my favorite panels though!
Temp. Edit: I've lowered the number of pages in eaxh part to 4 since I need an easier goal to reach at a time. There's still 24 total! I just need simpler intervals. :T 🖼
Beyond this I have work and need me time, but always thank you, and I appreciate the interest! Benta is one of my comfort OCs so I'm treating this blog about the same. I want it to be a fun and cozy space while I build the apocalypse story lol.
#️⃣ tags
This is a list of tags to search on my blog for my art (which will update as they come up):
- ;mun - my general babble, updates, and so on
- ;poké art - all posts involving pokemon sketches and drawings
- ;pokedex - posts pertaining to the story's pokemon and their lore. These pokemon are "new" species, not those that are already well known
- ;rp - written replies to roleplays. Kind of recommended since some lore will likely only appear in these, and they can be a fun read for those that like to do so (the rp partner's name will also be included in the post's tags) 👍
- ;response - ask responses! Chances are they contain art and scribbles. And maybe not, depends on how I feel
- Benta - self-explanatory, posts containing content of my mewtwo OC Benta (this does/should include roleplay threads and asks, so it's more generalized and not very concise)
- ;UntilTheEnd - the comic and main story for Benta and other characters that we'll meet along the way! (Set in an alternate universe, so don't expect very much anime/game continuity lol)
- ;drabbles and chapters - more written content that can either have something to do with an established AU or with context of the main story. Typically smaller snippets, but potentially a longer chapter set. I'm a faster writer than a drawer, but I enjoy both- so this is just another means of keeping up fun content 🫶
More is tba!
Thank you for the visit, and have a wonderful day!
(main -> @ draconic-hydra )
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chevvy-yates · 7 months
Something I would like to know:
As previously mentioned in this post, I'm curious if those of you who follow my blog are interested in reading further stuff about my boys such as:
lore contains full backstories but also character traits, their cyberware, humanity loss, relationships with friends/their partner(s), etc (I'm sure there's more to add).
snippets/fics as I write especially Ryder's and Thyjs' story 90% alone. I do see it as an own side story that starts in the middle of the main rp story. Ry and Thy are my own ocs, so ofc I do write 'rp' just all by myself when the two are alone. I won't post any fics on A03 but consider to post them here (long chapters will be in pdf form).
role play from the 2078 story this contains wip snippets as well as whole finished chapters (it just takes a while to convert them into a "fanfic-format") but also info that I haven't shared yet because it would maybe greatly 'spoil' the story for people interested in reading.
Or are you rather only here to take a look at the vp and reblogs when you manage to stop by?
I'm just trying to figure out if it is worth posting all the lore or just a few bits here and there, keep the rest for my friend and myself and just share it in private chats with those interested, because it is probably going to be a lot. I know it will be ongoing for the next year(s), so it more or less is a long-term project we work on.
So if e.g. only 3 people are really interested, I would conclude for myself I to let it be and feed my blog mostly with vp than having to mess with creating posts here for hours (post creator is still a bitch). I'm always happy to answer oc asks as it helps me develope the boys further (just slow in answering) and I think I'll always share a bit of lore here and there anyways like I did before. So please consider to take a moment and klicken one of the options and feel free to write a comment as well. You may help me a lot with my final decision. <3
Another thing:
Thought about if I should tag people who are interested, so they do not miss it (even though tagging currently doesn't work right here anymore either it seems)? Or at least add their 'tag-names' (if they have some) to the tags as well so the find/see this post as they follow their own tagged name I guess? Does that make sense? idk, I never tagged names like that in the tags before but I've seen a few people do.
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