#and meeting Richie (and subsequently getting groomed by him) just made it so much worse
autism-swagger · 1 year
Anyone else ever notice how many opportunities Amber had to kill Tara that she didn't take?
1. The opening attack. She very easily could've killed her. Her and Richie's goal of luring Sam back to Woodsboro would've still been achieved even if Tara was dead, and yet Amber doesn't kill her.
2. The hospital attack. Amber once again could've very easily killed Tara, but she doesn't. She drags out the attack, and doesn't even do any physical damage to her.
3. Right after shooting Liv. Once again, perfect chance to kill Tara, and yet she ties her up and puts her in the closet instead.
4. When Tara attacks her with the crutches. Amber could've killed her once she got the upper hand. But she doesn't, again. She incapacitates her instead.
We see Amber intentionally pass up opportunities to kill Tara four times. Instead, it feels like she's trying to get her away from the danger.
She's not protecting her, obviously, but it almost seems like she's convinced herself she is.
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