#and mygosh do not get me started on the bears
thesleeplessdream · 1 year
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Only now realized I never uploaded these -_-
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kissmysassxo · 4 months
Get to know me, ski trip style! Location - Sun Valley, Idaho!
This is a questionnaire that will need to be answered IC. (The answers do not need to be in complete sentences.)
1.) Who are you rooming with while in Sun Valley, Idaho? alone i wish my hubby was here to see this beautiful place with 2.) What are your 3 ski trip necessities? gloves, warm jacket and cowboy hat 3.) What is the first thing you are planning on doing during your trip? finding the top of a beautiful mountain 4.) What is your favorite thing about being in the mountains? the snow on the mountains 5.) What is your least favorite thing about being in the mountains? my toes falling off 6.) What wild animal do you not want to come into contact with on your trip? a snow leopard 7.) Are you a pro skier or an amateur? totally an amateur 8.) Do you prefer to ski or snowboard? ski 9.) Are you scared to ride on the ski lift? oh mygosh yass 10.) Do you love the snow or hate it? i love it 11.) Is there a left and right ski? i don't know xD 12.) Is the abominable snowman real? yas of course it is 13.) How many layers of clothes are you wearing? Are you warm yet? three and i am sweating xD 14.) Do you have mittens or gloves? gloves 15.) Do you like penguins or polar bears? penguins they are adorable 16.) How cold is too cold? below freezing 17.) Are you making a tiny snowman or a big snowman? a big one 18.) Would you get on the Polar Express and go to the North Pole? yass it sounds fun 19.) Would you go to the top of Mount Crumpit to spy on the Grinch? heck yass 20.) Would you trust Zach to drive you on a snowmobile? nooo xD 21.) If I double-dog dared you would you stick your tongue to a metal pole? no way 22.) At what point does getting hit with snowballs stop being physically painful and start becoming cute? after the first one 23.) Is it really fun to stand on two sticks and throw yourself down a side of a mountain? yass 24.) What are you planning on doing extra since the Mayor has the bill? margarita drunk 25.) How would you entertain yourself if you were snowed in? i would stare at the walls
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chocolatemin · 5 years
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Amber's POV
Hwanwoong told me to hold onto him tightly since we will be using teleportation to go to the tree called "The Gate of Memor". It will take too much power and I might not be able to bear it. "Ready?" He wrapped his other arm to my waist and looked down to me. I took a deep breath before nodding. He smiled at me before saying, "Alright, close your eyes here we go!" I did as he told.
I feel like we're falling very fast so I hugged onto him as tight as I can while having my eyes closed. It is true that I might not be able to bear it if I won't hold onto him tightly. I am being dragged away by the strong force but he pulled me closer to him until I can hear his heartbeat, "We're getting closer to the gate, don't let go." Then, I felt a strong force pulled us down and a strong wind blew against us.
"We're here." I opened my eyes and let it wander. We're in front of a large tree with large roots. The size doesn't look normal but its appearance does. "A-amber, you can now let go of m-me." My eyes widened and realized I am still hugging him. I quickly let go and apologised, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot."
"I am deeply thankful to your help and kindness," I smiled at him and continued, "And in exchange, I left the lamp, incase you need it while travelling; the dagger so you have something to protect yourself when you are not able to use your magic; and a few cents incase you need to buy something from the Winter Realm. I know you will not accept those if I give it to you here." I scratched my neck and smiled at him awkwardly making him release a deep sigh.
"Amber, you know you don't really have to do that— I owe my life to you when you found me in the Winter Realm. I could have died there and no one will ever know." He put his hand on my shoulder, "I should be the one thankful." He returned the smile. "I've got to go now, thank you for saving my life back there. Goodbye, Amber." He removed his hand and bowed like a prince. I returned the gesture, "Thank you, Hwanwoong, and please take care. Until we meet again?" "Until we meet again." He said before smiling once more and vanishing in a blink of an eye.
"I can't wait to go back." I whispered to myself and thought of going back home. I miss my older brother, I still can't remember him except that I know I have a brother. I'll finally see him again! A bunch of white butterflies came flying towards my direction caught my sight, it is forming into a shape... of a human. I think? Suddenly, it glowed and revealed a boy. He smiled as if we know each other.
"Hello! What brings you here?" His voice is calm and soothing, his face has a nice smile especially his eyes. "Are you perhaps the guardian of the tunnel?" "Yes, I am. Do you need anything?" His smile never leaves his face, creepy but okay... "I was wondering if you could take me to the tunnel? I am Amber, by the way." I reached out my hand which he gladly took and we shook hands, "I am Seoho, nice to meet you!" He took his hand back and spoke, "I can take you there, but in one condition." "What is it?"
His smile faded, "You must give the most important thing you have right now in exchange." "M-most important thing?" He nodded with a smile. I don't have anything except the keys I used to cross the different realms. I took out the keys and showed it to him, "I-I don't have anything with me except these." "Are those important to you?" "I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be able to go here if I don't have these keys. I kept it because I thought they can be used in the future." I sighed before adding, "I thought that what if I need all of the keys to unlock the last gate?" He took the keys from my hand and smiled. "And that makes it the most important thing you have now, right? I shall take these in exchange." I chuckled nervously, "I don't have a choice, do I?"
The keys emitted a yellow light before disappearing from Seoho's hand. I squinted my eyes at Seoho who's smiling face turned into a confused one. "Wait, haven't we met before? You somewhat look familiar to me..." My eyes returned into its normal size while he's the one narrowing his eyes right now. "This is the first time I've seen you, maybe you're mistaken." "Well, if you say so. But before I forget the reason I'm here, can you now take me to the tunnel?" "My pleasure." He took my hand and smiled before a blinding light surrounded us. In a snap, we were transported outside the tunnel.
"Here we are, welcome to the Tunnel of Memories! Now, let's go inside." We started walking towards the mouth of the tunnel and I noticed he hasn't let go of my hand. "Seoho?" "Yes?" "Can you let go of my hand?" "Not yet. We haven't reached the Mirror of Life." "Oh, okay." I mentally smacked my head for ending the conversation with awkwardness. I could have replied with a different choice of words. Mygosh, Amber. What are you doing? I shook my head in disbelief.
I didn't notice we stopped walking until he called me, "Hey, Amber, we're here." I snapped back into reality and looked him. "This is the Mirror of Life, I will guide you till the end of the tunnel, be careful not to get absorbed on what you'll see on the mirrors. Okay?" "Okay." "Now, let's get going, just walk straight ahead. You can look at the mirrors but be careful. You might get sucked in it." I noticed he isn't holding my hand anymore and I started walking. At first nothing happens to the mirror so I looked straight in front. So sudden, the light in the tunnel changed from green to blue then to purple and into different colors making me a little dizzy.
"What is happening?" "Don't pay attention to the lights and keep on walking. Don't stop on your tracks." His voice raised a bit and scared me. "Yes, I will." After sometime, the lights stopped changing and that's when something started to appear from the mirrors. I saw a little girl playing with her mother, then slowly growing up as we walked further. I remembered he said a while ago, don't get too absorbed by the things I'll see in the mirror so I averted my gaze into it.
"We're now in the middle of the tunnel, don't let your guard down." Seoho spoke out of the blue causing me to flinch a little, but what he said scared me. I looked at the mirrors again and now saw a young lady walking alone at night heading to her house. She was welcomed by no one and she headed straight to her room. She plopped down, and after sometime, I think she had fallen asleep already then I averted my eyes again and looked at Seoho. "Are we near yet?" "Yes, we're at the end." We both stopped, and in front of us, there is a mirror showing a lady, who looks exactly like me walking on the street. "Why does she look like me?" He only answered after a few minutes, "It's because that girl... is you." I am shocked at his answer and wasn't able to take my eyes off the mirror. She is standing near the pedestrian crossing waiting for the signal to turn 'walk' when a man came running and pushed her away causing her to stumble to the pedestrian crossing. She looked to see who did it but when she looked to her side, a speeding car came crashing into her body.
The mirror suddenly turned black then flashed another scene. Now the girl which is me, according to Seoho, is now sleeping on the hospital bed. Everything is blurred except for the girl sleeping tight. I faced Seoho and asked, "What am I doing here? If I'm there, sleeping?" He looked at me with sad eyes, "You've been sleeping for several weeks. Come on, let's go." He held my hand and stepped out of the tunnel. We are now in front of a huge circular gate.
"In exchange of the four keys, here is the hourglass, flip it and put it in the hole on the gate." I turned my gaze to Seoho, his other hand is glowing and after the light disappeared, he is holding an hourglass that looks exactly like the one in my room, he then handed it to me.
"Thank you, Seoho." I thought of my older brother. Even if I don't remember his appearance and name as of now, I'm so excited to see him.
"Hurry, it's time for you to go back. Everyone's waiting for you." Seoho smiled then let go of my hand and took a step back. I flipped the hourglass then put it in the hole on the gate and he spoke, "See you, Amber. Goodbye."
"Goodbye and thank you, Seoho." We waved at each other and everything went white.
» T I M E «
I opened my eyes and met a white ceiling. Where am I? I sat up and saw my brother sitting on the couch with his head held down. Did I fell asleep? What happened? I can't really remember what happened a while ago. My eyes searched for a clock and it says 4:50 PM. Was I asleep for too long? Beside my bed is an ECG monitor meaning I'm on a hospital.
"You're awake! Thank goodness, I was really worried!" My brother walked up to me.
"Why am I here? What happened?" I asked.
"You were involved in a car accident this morning. I was really worried when the doctor called me and told me what had happened. How are you feeling now?"
"I think I'm okay, except my whole body hurts."
"Do you want to eat anything?"
"I'm not hungry."
"Here, water." My brother handed me the bottled water before continuing, "I'll go talk to the doctor so you can now go home, just wait here."
"Sure." My brother exited the room quietly while I am left confused. What did I dream of while sleeping? I really can't remember. Why do I feel like this already happened before? This feels deja vu to me. I tried remembering my dream, but I failed. I feel like everything is connected to it. Or maybe I just hit my head very hard? Right, that's why I'm here, heh. I probably won't remember some things.
I heard the door creak open and my brother entered with a doctor and nurse. "You may now be discharged but you should rest after. You can't go to work for a week and you must stay home."
"Amber, I cooked dinner, come down! Let's eat!" I heard my older brother shout from the kitchen. I stepped out of my room and carefully walked down the stairs, "I'm coming." I replied calmly and headed to the kitchen. I saw my brother preparing the plates and flashed his infamous eyesmile.
"Seoho, what did you cook for dinner?"
[A/N: and that's the end of TIME! I hope you enjoyed Amber's journey and I'm sorry for the lame ending it was kinda short but yeah, that's it. This has been berry, now signing off, until next story! (if ever) :'D]
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