#and people have issues with p*ypal and others all the time so its not just boosty thats at fault
baby-xemnas Β· 7 months
super grateful to boosty that it allows me to continue to get by doing things i love BUT its a pain that i cant respond to tip messages with my thank yous to people
i hope you forgive me and know that i appreciate donations for niche stuff i fixate on So Much
love u guys thank you i just get smacked with "you cant send a message to this person" when i get a tip
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cathelene-munyiri Β· 1 year
Hello, could you kindly boost / share / donate towards my fundraiser?
I was diagnosed with breast cancer and brain Tumor. The medical bills have been rigorous. But I'm rallying for help, funding, prayers to assist me beat cancer and raise $5500 for further bills.
Kindly share or help donate if you feel obliged.
$...... / $5500 πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ
At a minimum please help out or share if you can πŸ˜”πŸ’•
#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest
V*nmo- Ask for it.
Tumblr media
C*sh app- $HeyRox (Please write "For Cathelene" in the note)
P*ypal- Ask for it.
You can reach out for more ways on how to contribute. Email me at [email protected]
Thank you so much to those who have already given!❀️
Also note that my PayPal address has changed since some people sent funds through goods and services. Paypal holds the donations for 21 days if sent through goods & services this makes accounts to be limited or blocked.
Also note its a new updated flyer. Share this!
Now, or later.Β  No one gets a pass.Β  We all leave at some point - and the only issue is where we end up! Happy holidays. I wish you a prosperous New year.
I will give updates as often as possible.
If you have any questions regarding anything please don't hesitate to DM me. I was nervous about doing this but you have all always been extremely supportive and I can't express how much it means.πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’š
If you send them the other way, PayPal thinks it's a business transaction and it gets put on a hold for several business days, meaning I can't use the funds timely.
ALSO it could be seen as taxable income, which is not.
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