#and probably a Franz Joseph body pillow
elisabeth515 · 3 years
So the new book is out
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And I just-
Well, honestly, the dresses looked less monstrous than Gotham Memoirs, but here are some notes that I made when looking at them:
1. My guess on the period of the story is around the bustle eras (either one, though I am leaning towards 1880s because quite a lot of them looked like it’s from second bustle era), since it’s a pretty gothic-ish story and you know when they are set stereotypically. However, I found the set designs extremely unforgiving and unflattering (I am very tempted to use the term “ugly” to be honest).
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This is probably the most accurate one, seemingly based on some dresses from the Second Empire... the attempted-Bertha looked terrible tho. (Here’s the famous painting of Empress Eugénie and her ladies-in waiting by Franz Xaver Winterhalter for a comparison)
Edit: I really should have used a fashion plate from the UK for comparisons but well—somehow European fashion at that time are pretty similar so I hope you guys can get the idea.
Supposedly, the story was set in around 1870s to 1880s, and people have already ditched the hoop skirts (for a lot of reasons including safety concerns such as catching fire accidentally), so why are you making her wearing a freaking crinoline dress???? The set looked accurate but it’s just very out of context honestly.
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This is what she would have worn in the evening. (1884 fashion plate I found on the internet)
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And now we got sets ranging from the first bustle era to the second bustle era... honestly if I did not look up the actual fashion plates and read some articles by dress historians, I would have just turned a blind eye somehow. I am NOT going to judge the hats here because they looked a bit “ew” (ngl that tall hat looked straight from “Queen Marie”—basically incroyable), yet, they all looked a bit weird to be frank. I’m going to just let you spot them because I want to move onto point number 2.
2. These AliExpress monstrosities.
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Like seriously, are Rococo and 1870s that hard to distinguish???? The dresses shown here are literally something that can be found on Amazon and AliExpress. Yeah, I guess they wanna go on for the Steampunk or Gothic aesthetic but they looked very cheap to be honest.
One thing I noticed is that some of the dresses looked a bit eliptical rather than circular, despite the fact that she is wearing a corset which is accurate to the era of the story. I am really questioning the set designer’s sanity somehow.
3. Also, are you doing Steampunk, Gothic or Lolita? Idk, the game developers just simply putting everything that is considered “Victorian” in it.
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Like why-
Those torturing H E E L S and that bonnet-
Is this girl a time traveller????
It looks like she’s from the modern times because she is literally wearing Lolita fashion which was from 1970s Japan-
I would have put more of the pictures if there isn’t the 10 picture limit for Tumblr. But I guess you guys get it.
Overall, I am giving 2 out of 5 for the sets—kudos for some tiny effort on research but the mix-matches are really uncomfortable to me (like why that gibson tuck with that big incroyable hat?????). I rather watch Enola Holmes at this point, at least Sherlock has that Gyula Andrássy romantic side-parting hairstyle lol
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