#and tenzō seems frustrated or annoyed and goes ''Is there any other kind?'' is sort of silly and makes me laugh
mokutone · 2 years
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In the first panel, we return to the red-hue'd dark room. Tenzō is curled into a tight huddle, and Kakashi sits beside him, only marginally more loose in posture. "So a lab with big, glowing tanks, dark hallways, and chemicals—ones that hurt to smell?" Kakashi asks. In panel two, Tenzō turns to give Kakashi a tense look, as though frustrated, or upset. "Is there any other kind?" He asks. In the third panel, we see Kakashi's face, and he looks tired. Kakashi starts to ask "Do you think that the lab may be why you're so shaken—" but is cut off by Tenzō in the fourth panel, whose face is pinched, and whose speech balloons are large, with bold text, as though he's snapping at Kakashi. "No," He says. "I'm not—" In the fifth panel, Tenzō inhales through his nose. In the sixth, he exhales through his mouth. In the seventh panel, Tenzō's shoulders have dropped, no longer high and protective around him. He is no longer looking at Kakashi. "I'm sorry," he says. "It's okay," Kakashi replies. Where the next panel would be, there's another image of bluegreen Tenzō, surrounded by the same noisy, grainy texture from the previous page. This Tenzō's hair is floating again, and he's turned away. All traces of anger are entirely gone, and if there is any expression on his face, it's more akin to sadness. "I had actually...considered that too," Tenzō says. "I was anxious going in, but..." /end ID
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