#and that the less power and influence these actors have over lauren and co the absolute fkn worst it is for the show
mechadria · 1 month
im honestly still just as wary about the next season of the witcher even after the table read -
because it was never about liam's acting skills.
do i think henry cavill was a spectacular match for geralt?
yeah. but not only because of his looks or his acting: he GOT geralt and the witcher in general. he's a massive nerd who knows the franchise like he wrote it himself and was a big reason (not the sole, but a big one) that the show kept on track and was even somewhat faithful to the original material.
but i don't believe cavill did a regé jean-page and like. left to seek stardom or whatever. this was a passion project too for him, you could tell.
no, I'm wary of the future of witcher because of the higher ups involved.
so what DID the people who disagreed so hard with him he quit the project do? well, they needed a 7000 word letter from joey batey and the fanbase pleading just to allow jaskier to be queer like he (pretty much) canonically is. didn't need incentive from anyone to create fake gay motives for the worse villain of the story, though. didn't need incentive to completely ruin one of the most beloved characters of the franchise, or let his actor get harassed on socials after the swap without ever saying shit.
i do not trust that these people, who have proven callous, arrogant and ignorant about both the source material and the opinions of the fanbase (and have made some choices nearing bigotry) and who disagreed so heavily with the actor who knew the source material best are capable of producing a good season 4. liam or no liam. am i hoping he's a good geralt? yes, the series and other actors don't deserve to have their performance harmed by him. can it be as good as the seasons cavill was in? for the reasons cited above: fuck no.
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edsenger · 4 years
Top 10 | Best in Show: Podcast
The 2019 WEGO Health Awards turned out to be our biggest celebration yet! With over 6k nominations and 130k endorsements, we were able to celebrate more Patient Leaders than ever before.
The program celebrates the top 5 finalists in each of the 15 WEGO Health Awards categories, but with so many nominations, it’s nearly impossible to shine a bright light on all these deserving nominees! In hopes of recognizing even more nominees, we’ve compiled the Top 10 Patient Leaders in each category based on community endorsements.
WEGO Health Awards Best in Show: Podcast Award
More than ever, Patient Leaders are taking to airwaves to share their story and empower their communities. As podcasts become an ever-increasingly popular form of media, there are some Patient Leaders standing out from the crowd. Whether humorous, informational or empowering, these Top 10 Patient Leader podcasts leave you feeling inspired and ready to take on the world!
Uninvisible Pod | Chronic Illness Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Winner
A podcast about invisible conditions and chronic invisible illness, featuring interviews with survivors, their loved ones, advocates, and experts in varied healing modalities, from medical to holistic. Hosted by Lauren Freedman, a voice actor, writer, and activist, who lives with Hashimoto’s disease and sleep disorders, Uninvisible uncovers real stories of survival and humanity – complete with laughter. In truth and with candor, we offer solutions – and challenge the world to change.
Be sure to follow the 2019 WEGO Health Award winner.
PodcastDX | Rare Disease Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Finalist
“Many Americans turn to friends and family for support and advice when they have a health problem. Since people’s networks are expanding to include online peers, particularly in the crucible of rare disease, we decided to implement a podcast series to interview and discuss various diagnoses with actual patients. Health professionals remain the central source of information for most Americans, but “peer-to-peer healthcare” is a significant supplement.”
Add this podcast leader to your feeds.
Emily Garnett | Breast Cancer Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Finalist
“I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at age 32, the same week my son turned two and my husband and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary. (Big week for our family). After my diagnosis, I began blogging about my diagnosis, treatment, and thoughts about all of it. I found that there needed to be further conversations about the nuances of life with/around cancer, and started my podcast, The Intersection of Cancer and Life, in 2018.”
Check out Emily and her inspiring voice.
Lee Silverstein | Cancer Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Finalist
“Cancer has been a part of my life for most of my life. I was first diagnosed with a Wilm’s Tumor, a rare form of pediatric kidney cancer, when I was five years old. I remained under a doctors supervision into my mid-twenties. In 2011, at the age of 50, I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and I remain in active treatment to this day. In 2012 I launched a podcast as a way to provide information, inspiration and hope to those touched by cancer. Today the WE Have Cancer podcast has shared the stories of close to 200 patients, survivors, caregivers and medical professionals and has been downloaded in over 70 countries around the world.”
Want to listen in as Lee makes a difference? Click here.
Brianne Benness – No End In Sight | Chronic Illness Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Finalist
On No End In Sight, people living with chronic illness share their health journeys in their own voices. These stories have the amazing capacity to help other people living with chronic illness feel less alone. They serve as a resource to share our experiences with friends and family who might not get it yet. They help us see patterns in the diagnostic experience so that we know where change is needed most. In each episode, a new guest discusses their health background, their experiences with doctors, the research that they’ve done on their own, and how illness has impacted their career and personal relationships.
Learn more about Brianne and her powerful podcast.
The Autoimmune Hour — Sharon Sayler | Autoimmune Disease Patient Leader
Sharon Sayler knows the pain and suffering of autoimmune. She struggled to find the right answers to her long ordeal with health-issues, that when finally diagnosed and treated created what friends call a ‘compelling-yet-irrational-passion’ to inspire others to become courageous self-advocates as they work to turn life transitions into transformations. It’s that passion for medical self-determination and empowerment that birthed The Autoimmune Hour, the premier location for information to empower you to create a happy, healthy, wealthy life regardless of your diagnosis.
Follow this positive podcaster on social.
Dominique Viel – InvisiYouth Chat Sessions | Chronic Illness Patient Leader
“I also host INVISIYOUTH CHAT SESSIONS: A VIDEO PODCAST SERIES!! Our unique podcast brings empowerment, lifestyle hacks, funny games, witty life stories and some badass advice into the lives of young adults living with all types of chronic illnesses and disabilities! Our guests from around the world are experts in their fields–from nonprofit workers, directors, actresses, ESPN correspondent and Paralympic gold medalists, to social media influencers, bloggers, business owners, film directors and disability activists. On InvisiYouth Chat Sessions, we play games, tackle chat segments, provide lifestyle management tools and advice and motivate the masses. It’s a biweekly show unlike any other podcast because it’s a chat show with unique guests and not a standard interview. AND…we talk about all chronic illnesses/disabilities and family, friend, and dating relationship stories, so it’s a podcast unlike others.”
Add Dominique and her podcast to your feeds.
Amanda Thebe | Menopause Patient Leader
Amanda Thebe is a force of nature for women from peri-to-post menopause and want to start feeling healthy and fit in their 40s and beyond. With over 20 years experience in the fitness industry, she is highly regarded expert on women’s fitness and health. A popular guest on podcasts and online summits, Amanda brings a refreshing humor and no-nonsense approach to subjects usually shrouded in shame. Through her very frank articles, hilarious social media posts and inspirational and entertaining talks, she has continually inspires the loyal readers of her website FitnChips.com.
Learn more about Amanda and her mission.
Haley Moss | Autism Patient Leader
Haley is a sought-after keynote speaker who travels the country sharing her story from nonverbal to lawyer as well as about other autism topics. Haley is also the co-host of Spectrumly Speaking, a podcast dedicate to women on the autism spectrum.
Stay up to date with Haley’s advocacy efforts.
Larry Gifford – When Life Gives You Parkinson’s | Parkinson’s Disease Patient Leader
“Join me, Larry Gifford, as I share my personal journey into what it’s like to live and work with Parkinson’s disease as a 40-something husband and father with a career.”
Follow Larry on social.
Grab your earbuds – it’s time to do some listening! These 10 podcasters have proven that audio is a great medium for advocacy.
The post Top 10 | Best in Show: Podcast appeared first on WEGO Health.
Top 10 | Best in Show: Podcast published first on https://brightendentalhouston.weebly.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
Top 10 | Best in Show: Podcast
The 2019 WEGO Health Awards turned out to be our biggest celebration yet! With over 6k nominations and 130k endorsements, we were able to celebrate more Patient Leaders than ever before.
The program celebrates the top 5 finalists in each of the 15 WEGO Health Awards categories, but with so many nominations, it’s nearly impossible to shine a bright light on all these deserving nominees! In hopes of recognizing even more nominees, we’ve compiled the Top 10 Patient Leaders in each category based on community endorsements.
WEGO Health Awards Best in Show: Podcast Award
More than ever, Patient Leaders are taking to airwaves to share their story and empower their communities. As podcasts become an ever-increasingly popular form of media, there are some Patient Leaders standing out from the crowd. Whether humorous, informational or empowering, these Top 10 Patient Leader podcasts leave you feeling inspired and ready to take on the world!
Uninvisible Pod | Chronic Illness Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Winner
A podcast about invisible conditions and chronic invisible illness, featuring interviews with survivors, their loved ones, advocates, and experts in varied healing modalities, from medical to holistic. Hosted by Lauren Freedman, a voice actor, writer, and activist, who lives with Hashimoto’s disease and sleep disorders, Uninvisible uncovers real stories of survival and humanity – complete with laughter. In truth and with candor, we offer solutions – and challenge the world to change.
Be sure to follow the 2019 WEGO Health Award winner.
PodcastDX | Rare Disease Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Finalist
“Many Americans turn to friends and family for support and advice when they have a health problem. Since people’s networks are expanding to include online peers, particularly in the crucible of rare disease, we decided to implement a podcast series to interview and discuss various diagnoses with actual patients. Health professionals remain the central source of information for most Americans, but “peer-to-peer healthcare” is a significant supplement.”
Add this podcast leader to your feeds.
Emily Garnett | Breast Cancer Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Finalist
“I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at age 32, the same week my son turned two and my husband and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary. (Big week for our family). After my diagnosis, I began blogging about my diagnosis, treatment, and thoughts about all of it. I found that there needed to be further conversations about the nuances of life with/around cancer, and started my podcast, The Intersection of Cancer and Life, in 2018.”
Check out Emily and her inspiring voice.
Lee Silverstein | Cancer Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Finalist
“Cancer has been a part of my life for most of my life. I was first diagnosed with a Wilm’s Tumor, a rare form of pediatric kidney cancer, when I was five years old. I remained under a doctors supervision into my mid-twenties. In 2011, at the age of 50, I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and I remain in active treatment to this day. In 2012 I launched a podcast as a way to provide information, inspiration and hope to those touched by cancer. Today the WE Have Cancer podcast has shared the stories of close to 200 patients, survivors, caregivers and medical professionals and has been downloaded in over 70 countries around the world.”
Want to listen in as Lee makes a difference? Click here.
Brianne Benness – No End In Sight | Chronic Illness Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Finalist
On No End In Sight, people living with chronic illness share their health journeys in their own voices. These stories have the amazing capacity to help other people living with chronic illness feel less alone. They serve as a resource to share our experiences with friends and family who might not get it yet. They help us see patterns in the diagnostic experience so that we know where change is needed most. In each episode, a new guest discusses their health background, their experiences with doctors, the research that they’ve done on their own, and how illness has impacted their career and personal relationships.
Learn more about Brianne and her powerful podcast.
The Autoimmune Hour — Sharon Sayler | Autoimmune Disease Patient Leader
Sharon Sayler knows the pain and suffering of autoimmune. She struggled to find the right answers to her long ordeal with health-issues, that when finally diagnosed and treated created what friends call a ‘compelling-yet-irrational-passion’ to inspire others to become courageous self-advocates as they work to turn life transitions into transformations. It’s that passion for medical self-determination and empowerment that birthed The Autoimmune Hour, the premier location for information to empower you to create a happy, healthy, wealthy life regardless of your diagnosis.
Follow this positive podcaster on social.
Dominique Viel – InvisiYouth Chat Sessions | Chronic Illness Patient Leader
“I also host INVISIYOUTH CHAT SESSIONS: A VIDEO PODCAST SERIES!! Our unique podcast brings empowerment, lifestyle hacks, funny games, witty life stories and some badass advice into the lives of young adults living with all types of chronic illnesses and disabilities! Our guests from around the world are experts in their fields–from nonprofit workers, directors, actresses, ESPN correspondent and Paralympic gold medalists, to social media influencers, bloggers, business owners, film directors and disability activists. On InvisiYouth Chat Sessions, we play games, tackle chat segments, provide lifestyle management tools and advice and motivate the masses. It’s a biweekly show unlike any other podcast because it’s a chat show with unique guests and not a standard interview. AND…we talk about all chronic illnesses/disabilities and family, friend, and dating relationship stories, so it’s a podcast unlike others.”
Add Dominique and her podcast to your feeds.
Amanda Thebe | Menopause Patient Leader
Amanda Thebe is a force of nature for women from peri-to-post menopause and want to start feeling healthy and fit in their 40s and beyond. With over 20 years experience in the fitness industry, she is highly regarded expert on women’s fitness and health. A popular guest on podcasts and online summits, Amanda brings a refreshing humor and no-nonsense approach to subjects usually shrouded in shame. Through her very frank articles, hilarious social media posts and inspirational and entertaining talks, she has continually inspires the loyal readers of her website FitnChips.com.
Learn more about Amanda and her mission.
Haley Moss | Autism Patient Leader
Haley is a sought-after keynote speaker who travels the country sharing her story from nonverbal to lawyer as well as about other autism topics. Haley is also the co-host of Spectrumly Speaking, a podcast dedicate to women on the autism spectrum.
Stay up to date with Haley’s advocacy efforts.
Larry Gifford – When Life Gives You Parkinson’s | Parkinson’s Disease Patient Leader
“Join me, Larry Gifford, as I share my personal journey into what it’s like to live and work with Parkinson’s disease as a 40-something husband and father with a career.”
Follow Larry on social.
Grab your earbuds – it’s time to do some listening! These 10 podcasters have proven that audio is a great medium for advocacy.
The post Top 10 | Best in Show: Podcast appeared first on WEGO Health.
Top 10 | Best in Show: Podcast published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
Top 10 | Best in Show: Podcast
The 2019 WEGO Health Awards turned out to be our biggest celebration yet! With over 6k nominations and 130k endorsements, we were able to celebrate more Patient Leaders than ever before.
The program celebrates the top 5 finalists in each of the 15 WEGO Health Awards categories, but with so many nominations, it’s nearly impossible to shine a bright light on all these deserving nominees! In hopes of recognizing even more nominees, we’ve compiled the Top 10 Patient Leaders in each category based on community endorsements.
WEGO Health Awards Best in Show: Podcast Award
More than ever, Patient Leaders are taking to airwaves to share their story and empower their communities. As podcasts become an ever-increasingly popular form of media, there are some Patient Leaders standing out from the crowd. Whether humorous, informational or empowering, these Top 10 Patient Leader podcasts leave you feeling inspired and ready to take on the world!
Uninvisible Pod | Chronic Illness Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Winner
A podcast about invisible conditions and chronic invisible illness, featuring interviews with survivors, their loved ones, advocates, and experts in varied healing modalities, from medical to holistic. Hosted by Lauren Freedman, a voice actor, writer, and activist, who lives with Hashimoto’s disease and sleep disorders, Uninvisible uncovers real stories of survival and humanity – complete with laughter. In truth and with candor, we offer solutions – and challenge the world to change.
Be sure to follow the 2019 WEGO Health Award winner.
PodcastDX | Rare Disease Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Finalist
“Many Americans turn to friends and family for support and advice when they have a health problem. Since people’s networks are expanding to include online peers, particularly in the crucible of rare disease, we decided to implement a podcast series to interview and discuss various diagnoses with actual patients. Health professionals remain the central source of information for most Americans, but “peer-to-peer healthcare” is a significant supplement.”
Add this podcast leader to your feeds.
Emily Garnett | Breast Cancer Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Finalist
“I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at age 32, the same week my son turned two and my husband and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary. (Big week for our family). After my diagnosis, I began blogging about my diagnosis, treatment, and thoughts about all of it. I found that there needed to be further conversations about the nuances of life with/around cancer, and started my podcast, The Intersection of Cancer and Life, in 2018.”
Check out Emily and her inspiring voice.
Lee Silverstein | Cancer Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Finalist
“Cancer has been a part of my life for most of my life. I was first diagnosed with a Wilm’s Tumor, a rare form of pediatric kidney cancer, when I was five years old. I remained under a doctors supervision into my mid-twenties. In 2011, at the age of 50, I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and I remain in active treatment to this day. In 2012 I launched a podcast as a way to provide information, inspiration and hope to those touched by cancer. Today the WE Have Cancer podcast has shared the stories of close to 200 patients, survivors, caregivers and medical professionals and has been downloaded in over 70 countries around the world.”
Want to listen in as Lee makes a difference? Click here.
Brianne Benness – No End In Sight | Chronic Illness Patient Leader
2019 Best in Show: Podcast Finalist
On No End In Sight, people living with chronic illness share their health journeys in their own voices. These stories have the amazing capacity to help other people living with chronic illness feel less alone. They serve as a resource to share our experiences with friends and family who might not get it yet. They help us see patterns in the diagnostic experience so that we know where change is needed most. In each episode, a new guest discusses their health background, their experiences with doctors, the research that they’ve done on their own, and how illness has impacted their career and personal relationships.
Learn more about Brianne and her powerful podcast.
The Autoimmune Hour — Sharon Sayler | Autoimmune Disease Patient Leader
Sharon Sayler knows the pain and suffering of autoimmune. She struggled to find the right answers to her long ordeal with health-issues, that when finally diagnosed and treated created what friends call a ‘compelling-yet-irrational-passion’ to inspire others to become courageous self-advocates as they work to turn life transitions into transformations. It’s that passion for medical self-determination and empowerment that birthed The Autoimmune Hour, the premier location for information to empower you to create a happy, healthy, wealthy life regardless of your diagnosis.
Follow this positive podcaster on social.
Dominique Viel – InvisiYouth Chat Sessions | Chronic Illness Patient Leader
“I also host INVISIYOUTH CHAT SESSIONS: A VIDEO PODCAST SERIES!! Our unique podcast brings empowerment, lifestyle hacks, funny games, witty life stories and some badass advice into the lives of young adults living with all types of chronic illnesses and disabilities! Our guests from around the world are experts in their fields–from nonprofit workers, directors, actresses, ESPN correspondent and Paralympic gold medalists, to social media influencers, bloggers, business owners, film directors and disability activists. On InvisiYouth Chat Sessions, we play games, tackle chat segments, provide lifestyle management tools and advice and motivate the masses. It’s a biweekly show unlike any other podcast because it’s a chat show with unique guests and not a standard interview. AND…we talk about all chronic illnesses/disabilities and family, friend, and dating relationship stories, so it’s a podcast unlike others.”
Add Dominique and her podcast to your feeds.
Amanda Thebe | Menopause Patient Leader
Amanda Thebe is a force of nature for women from peri-to-post menopause and want to start feeling healthy and fit in their 40s and beyond. With over 20 years experience in the fitness industry, she is highly regarded expert on women’s fitness and health. A popular guest on podcasts and online summits, Amanda brings a refreshing humor and no-nonsense approach to subjects usually shrouded in shame. Through her very frank articles, hilarious social media posts and inspirational and entertaining talks, she has continually inspires the loyal readers of her website FitnChips.com.
Learn more about Amanda and her mission.
Haley Moss | Autism Patient Leader
Haley is a sought-after keynote speaker who travels the country sharing her story from nonverbal to lawyer as well as about other autism topics. Haley is also the co-host of Spectrumly Speaking, a podcast dedicate to women on the autism spectrum.
Stay up to date with Haley’s advocacy efforts.
Larry Gifford – When Life Gives You Parkinson’s | Parkinson’s Disease Patient Leader
“Join me, Larry Gifford, as I share my personal journey into what it’s like to live and work with Parkinson’s disease as a 40-something husband and father with a career.”
Follow Larry on social.
Grab your earbuds – it’s time to do some listening! These 10 podcasters have proven that audio is a great medium for advocacy.
The post Top 10 | Best in Show: Podcast appeared first on WEGO Health.
Top 10 | Best in Show: Podcast published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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