#and the fact that your body often can't complete the most basic of tasks without making the brain fog worse
boowritess · 27 days
so apparently it's really fucking hard to get into the SAS. and ontop of that I've been getting tiktoks of people going around an army base asking why they joined. most responses were to pay off student loans, bills, school, (someone said there's was 6 years of prison or school and *mental note for idea*), the recruiter lied or spoilt them, barracks bunny.
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141 (poly?) x notsobaddasssoldier!reader
and now i can't stop thinking of soldier!reader. who really half-assed their way through everything - only doing the job for the money and to pay off student loans + they had nothing better to do.
who somehow ends up being adopted by Price (kinda like Gaz i guess ???) all because reader happened to be in the right place at the right time and saved Price's ass while managing to complete a mission the Task Force were doing.
and it's not that you saved his ass or completed the mission that makes Price go *this is mine* - it's the fact that afterwards all you can say is-
"this shit is so not worth paying off my student loans."
"oh fuck i forgot to cancel my subscription. fuckk- waste of fucking money"
- all the while a building is burning in front of you but yeah just not at all concerned about what had just happened. so price just *grabs you by the back of your neck and holds you up, claiming you as part of his task force now.*
(lol you probably can't do that irl but this is fiction sooo suck my ass.)
and laswell's just like no... they are very much still green john. way too green. no.
but it's too late. he's already introducing you to the task force. singing your praises and you're just like
"man he promised to pay off my student loans and give me food." basically how ur recruiter got ya ass.
enough said. you get the whole off the books speech, saving the world by doing things others wouldn't like. but u couldn't give a rats ass - you should but nah...
and like... you know you're the rookie... you're still green... but some of the shit 141 do you just...
"so you just gonna kidnap the wife AND the child...? right... kid, you wanna watch bluey? here..."
"and you do this often...? crazy."
but you don't exactly protest. how could you with how much you get paid. you kinda just side-eye and look away when it's geta a lil crazy. *bombastic side-eye*
and the other 141 guys - oh my days. become just as enormed as price and want to start really trying to amplify your skills. but every time, they start explaining how to do things - the best way to go about a situation or how to fight a certain way.
you pull this face. like your top lip pulls back, your eyebrows scrunch together, and there's a slight frown on your lips as they speak. like you look confused/disgusted. but you don't even realise cause-
"why're you pulling that face?" 141
"that's... that's just my focusing face..."
"oh..." 141 feels bad
then when they do take you in feild you're shaking your head no. like you haven't been around that long. what the fuck? now you're bout to infiltrate an enemy base!?!?!
"can i just wait in the car?"
"no." price
"i'm gonna vomit."
"aim at the enemy." ghost
people think that because you're suddenly in this badass task force that surely they're just using you for your assets.
they all think you're the 141 barracks bunny. and maybe you should be pissed or annoyed or grossed out. but all you can do is sigh and pause from the burger price got you, and let out a long exhale.
"fuck... maybe i can just do onlyfans or be a pornstar... shit maybe it's not too late..."
"military is bascially sex work - selling my body..."
"not that different from what i'm doing now. body being used, check. body sore in the strangest places, check."
your tone so empty, blank and nonchalant, but there's a serious look in your eyes that when you grab your phone out to maybe do a little research on how you could do that, your phone is snatched from your hand by one of the guys and they walk out the room without a second look back.
with an annoyed huff, you go back to eating your burger. but suddenly, you turn to the person who genuinely thought you were a barracks bunny.
"hey you think if i be a barracks bunny i get out of missions and shit?"
"...that's not how it works..." rando.
and maybe you try...
like you go to price's office and the guys are already in there, chatting about something that you should really pay attention too but you can't be assed. instead you unashamedly start to speak...
"if i suck ya'll dicks can i get out the mission?"
"no. you still have to join." gaz says amused
"even if you-" *que long sigh from price* "even if you suck our dicks."
"that's fucked up. i should've done porn."
and with the most hurt and broken-hearted look on your face, you leave the office, closing the door with a dramatic sigh. the guys just stare at the door in... confusion, amusement, and maybe arousal if ya'll dig that
idk man just gimmie more soldier!reader who just really ain't the fucked, there for money, lowkey hungry and doesn't know what the fuck is happening. kinda a pet or little sibling energy that the 141 love.
"wait so they aren't sucking our dicks?" *soap says getting slapped in the back of the head by ghost
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a/n: brain is rottinnggg. i should be doing so much other shit but... cod just consumes my brain 24/7
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thejoshscogin · 4 years
In most tragic events, both global and regional, I typically like to do my part to assist or help, while remaining in the background. Whether it is donating money, protesting, physically building houses, traveling out to give food and water to people, or any other potential aid I am able to contribute...these are done as “under the radar” as possible. Because, I am not usually a fan of the “look at me“ spotlight mentality, while the issues of the world should be getting the spotlight.
Now, I understand it is 2020 and “If you didn’t Gram it, it didn’t happen!“ but as a very private-introvert with a very strong moral compass, I personally don’t need the verification from social media to affirm my actions. Or, to put it more correctly, I don’t need the verification of social media to stroke an ego. In short, social media can often (but not always) take advantage of the “Never let a good crisis go to waste“ dogma. It can feel more about gaining “LIKES” and followers and a general “look at what I did“ pat-on-the-back, than focusing on the real issue at hand.
With all of that being said, this time it feels different. I’m still contributing in areas that I’m able, but the overwhelming morality of making it clear where I stand, outweighs the morality of not seeking vanity/self-aggrandizement. Obviously I’m still NOT here for vanity/self-aggrandizement but keeping in the background doesn’t feel like the correct path to take on this particular event dealing with race and humanity. So let me be clear.
The short version goes like this…
- I support Black Lives Matter! (duh)
- I support peaceful protests of civilians.
- I don’t support the violent looting and destruction of properties, but I understand them. I’ll speak more on that later.
- I don’t support the riots brought on by the police.
- I don’t support any authoritarian/dictator/tyrant in office that tries to hinder or remove our freedom of speech.
The long version goes like this…
I love America, or to put it more correctly, I love the potential of America. I have been fortunate enough to travel around the world many, many times (sweet brag Josh 😑) and there are so many wonderful places on this planet I would love to live but I always return home, to America.
We are not perfect (duh, no country is) and the harsh truth is that we will probably never fully end racism. I reckon there will always be idiots who hate other humans for something as pointless as skin color or as trivial as “Your pants are too tight.” or (insert any other juvenile scenario) but as Americans, if we feel like those idiots have become the people in power (police, leaders, presidents etc etc.) we have the right to freedom of speech. We have the right to voice our feelings against authority, and make a change. We have the right to protest.
Now let me be very clear, I am a full believer in peace! I believe that hate breeds more hate. I believe that violence breeds more violence. So, when these protests turn into looting and destruction of properties, it can feel like those people have lost the focus of the original task at hand. However, I also understand that when the pendulum has been so far on one side for so long, it is only natural for it to swing to the other side with brute force. Also, when the (very) peaceful protests of people like Colin Kaepernick are ignored, and in many ways punished, I can fully understand why stronger actions are felt justified and needed.
As Americans, we have the right to raise our voice when we see something needs to be corrected. So, when the peaceful, “indoor voice”, of the calm and collected Kaepernick doesn’t reach the ears of the giants in power ...or to put it more correctly, when it reaches the ears of the giants in power and yet, is completely ignored... it is only a matter of time before America feels like only a scream will suffice.
We must not forget that Kaepernick originally sat on the bench during the national anthem. It was only later that he decided it would be MORE respectful if he joined his team mates on the field and simply took a knee. I don’t know how he could have protested in a more peaceful (and respectful) way. That was like 4 or maybe 5 years ago, and yet, here we are. He tried. He gave peace a chance. Yet, here we are.
The cyclical tragedy of what happened to George Floyd is a real shame to the American powers that be. If only real measures and actions would’ve been taken from the lessons that should have been learned from Breonna Taylor or Freddie Gray or Eric Garner or Michael Brown or any of these people below (to name a few) with very similar scenarios.
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Now I don’t even claim to know how to instantly fix these problems, but there are a few basic things that sure seem like it would have at least helped. First of all, people should have been fired! I’m not just talking about the individuals directly dealing with the deaths, they should be in jail, but I’m talking about any and all police officers who had a history of racism or known violent tendencies, they should have been fired, all across the nation. Secondly, real actions should have been taken after these events. I understand that eventually things like body cameras etc. came into affect but what’s the point, if it’s okay to just turn them off whenever they feel like it, with no repercussions in doing so.
Side Note: Hey cops, if you feel the need to turn your cameras off, then you are doing something wrong. If you feel the need to cover up your badge in anyway, then you are doing something wrong. If you feel the need to force other people with cameras to leave the scene, then you are doing something wrong. And there should be deep and drastic consequences for any cops doing any of the above mentioned. Also, to be clear, I am not necessarily anti-cop (in theory). I know a few cops and in fact, I feel like some of our other issues of today’s police force might have been sorted or at least minimized if, a long time ago, we would have paid cops a whole lot more money. But that’s a topic for another time and not on social media. End of side note:
1991 is the first scenario I can personally remember of police brutality of an unarmed black man that became very publicized. If only dramatic measures would have been taken from the lessons that should have been learned from way back when Rodney King was in the spotlight. Imagine what nearly 30 years of progress would look like today if we would have started it back then. Our situation now, would be very different and I could assume many lives would have been spared and generally just an overall quality-of-life would be better. Shame on the powers that be, that nearly 30 years later we are still watching, shot for shot, the exact same movie unfold again and again. It blows my mind that we are still dealing with the vastness of this issue.
So where do we go from here? What are some productive steps towards ending police brutality on black people? Well, unfortunately, the quickest and most sustainable solutions would have to come from the top. If the police chiefs of the nation would fire all of the racist idiots, there would be an instant and obvious difference in the right direction. I have more thoughts on that but, assuming there is no Chief of police reading this, I’ll save you the time...
As civilians, there are still things that can be done to assist the steps to getting us further towards the right direction. Since the majority of the people reading this are most likely NOT the closed-minded-racists who are the problems, the solutions can seem less direct but every step (big or small) in the correct direction adds up.
In the short term, I think the most direct thing you can do is to donate money or protest if you are able. If you are someone in power then you should fire all the racist idiots. I’m not just talking about the police force. If you are an employer of any sort, you should remove the bad apples and do your best to never hire them in the first place.
In the long term I think the best actions are to vote! Or, to put it more correctly, study up on politicians, know where they stand on topics that are important to you, and then VOTE! Please, for the love of America, don’t JUST VOTE without the due diligence. Vote big, like the presidential candidates etc. Vote small, like local jurisdictions and authorities etc. Lastly, I think it is very important to mix and mingle with folks outside of your top 8. It will do you good, it will do our country good. As I mentioned before, if you are reading this then you’re likely already fairly open minded but just remember, it can be a subtle and steady danger to ONLY communicate with the same inner sanctum of people that believe the exact same intricacies as you do. Communicate with lots of people, with lots of backgrounds. Diversify, and remember, communication is a dialogue not a monologue.
There are so many other things that can be done. These are just the first few that popped in my head.
Last thing and then I’m out. I do believe we will come out on the other side of this better than when we went in. The death of George Floyd is a tragedy and it is compounded by all of the previous tragedies that took place before him, regardless if they got publicity or not. But, look around, we are not sitting idly by.
When we all share the same voice and sing the same song, the mountains can be moved.
I would love to, in my lifetime, live in a country where every human felt safe, respected and appreciated. I would love to, in my lifetime, live in a nation where we celebrated all of our extensive differences. I would love to, in my lifetime, live in a land where the police were there to protect and the police were there serve. And I would love to, in my lifetime, have all humans feel truly equal. Change is coming. Or, to put it more correctly, change is upon us.
Josh Scogin
“Your old road is rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin' “
-Bob Dylan
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sidharth-kumar · 3 years
Types of laptop you should have in 2021 according to your use
There are a lot of different types of laptop that you can have nowadays depended upon your work. Many types of laptops increase productivity accordingly.
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Laptops now come with many different features and are divided into different segments of laptops. There are laptops for content creation and editing, there are specific laptops for gaming and the main focus is on the performance of the system, not the portability. There are laptops for business work where the main focus is on portability and battery backup so that you can work remotely.
Usually, gaming laptops are very heavy and don’t have a good battery backup as there are meant to be performed at their best which takes a lot of power. And the business laptops are always sleek, lightweight, and portable that can be taken to your workplaces easily.
Types of OS
Before you choose what type of laptop you should buy you need to choose the Operating System that you are comfortable working with. There are many OS in the markets like Windows, macOS, Linux, and ChromeOS.
If you choose windows OS then you will have a lot of options as many companies use windows OS. Windows laptops come in a variety of shapes and sizes. A common clamshell design and a keyboard-mouse interface are easy to find. You can easily find touchscreen models of windows even at a lower price range. In hardware line-up also there is plenty of choices. Windows OS is more open-ended than any other OS many games and other software runs on windows, which helps for a larger software library.
This OS is only used in the Apple Ecosystem, as apple is very protective and prefers to use their software and hardware which makes MacOs Laptops very safe and can diagnose any problem that arises in the laptop. The Quality standard in apple is top-notch. They built and design the laptop to look elegant and feel premium, which leads to a much higher price tag than the windows or any other OS laptops.
Upgrading storage or installing third-party applications in macOS cannot be done the hardware given pre-built is what you will use and only the certified applications are installed in macOS that makes it very secure and protected. And there is still no touch screen model in MacOS.
ChromeOS laptops are known as Chrome books and are a little different from windows and macOS. It is based on the chrome browser and is more focused on the web-based application. Though it also supports so desktop software and mobile apps that other OS do. Most of the chrome books are touch screen and which perform very well and looks premium. And are also available at a medium price segment.
Budget or entry-level laptops
To be a good-performing laptop would be expensive but the manufacturer companies know that everyone could not afford a laptop that is priced more than 1lac. As the buyers who need laptops for most basic purposes will not spend 1lac for a laptop. So, there are great budget laptops that can perform the basic tasks and are price below 50k.
Budget laptops are for those who don’t have much knowledge about laptops and they just need it to do some standard task. These laptops are built with minimalistic design and ergonomics sensible keyboards and touchpads.
These laptops do not have heavy hardware on them like you will not have more GB of RAMs or high-performance graphics, and gaming also be cannot be done properly with these laptops.
Mainstream or the mid range laptops
These segment laptops are the best as they have a high processor and high-end graphics with a little spike in the price tag. Here you will get much better hardware than the budget laptop although the price will be increased it is worth it.
In these segments, you will get business as well as gaming laptops. You can get light and portable laptops which will be best for business purposes and you will also get a laptop with high-performance systems which will be best for gaming purposes. These laptops come with great displays, a powerful processor, and great battery life. These laptops are priced between 80k-1.5lac.
Premium or high segment laptops
This segment contains the best and the top-notch laptops of the company manufacturers. Everything in these laptops is the best or top-notch. Like it has the best display with high resolution, with heavy graphics like loads of memory like High gigs of RAM and Graphics card, the best processor in the market. These laptops can do many intense tasks like run high-end editing applications or Run the latest AAA title games that need a powerful system to run them which these laptops are.
Gamers and those who like premium things always prefer this segment as they need high-end systems as they run high-end software and they want zero lag or framerate drops while they are gaming or working whatever they do on their laptop should be butter smooth and lag-free.
Get laptops even at a cheaper rate
So, wonder how you get these laptops at a cheaper price than the market price, well the answer is from the classified sites here you will find great deals on second hand laptops and the prices are very low and all these are almost like a new one. All the second hand or used laptops are not good but it is that you need to check them properly before buying them but yes there are many good deals out there in the classified sites it is just that you need to find them.
Things you need to check before buying second-hand laptops
Before you purchase a second-hand laptop you would like to see the laptop thoroughly because the laptop could also be a defective one and you'll be in trouble afterward. The laptop should be checked very smartly because it may have some internal damage which will be difficult to work out. Whenever you purchase a laptop you would like to see every single detail of the laptop from the hardware to software everything. Here’s how you ought to check a second hand laptop before buying it.
 ·         Check the laptop body: Always check the laptop in-person to thoroughly check the body of the laptop. confirm there are no cracks on the laptop and no sign of an impression on the laptop. Check if the hinge is functioning properly or not and for any loose parts that occur thanks to missing screws or the other defects.
·         Check the screen: Properly check the screen for any black spots, discoloured areas, and bad pixels. Play some videos on the laptop and check carefully every angle of the screen and for better understanding, you'll keep another laptop beside to match between them.
·         Check the keyboard and Trackpad: These are the foremost used parts of and laptop and therefore the intensity of using them is extremely high. So check for any broken key parts. Type for a few time and check the key travel of the keyboard. Check whether there's any lag while using the trackpad and inspect all the gestures like 2 fingers and three fingers.
·         Test all the ports: Test all the ports like USB ports, headphone jack, Ethernet port, HDMI, and other available inputs. And replacing these ports would be very costly as they're directly attached to the motherboards. So consider before buying a laptop with ports not working.
·         Check the connectivity: Check the wifi and the Bluetooth and the wifi connectivity as a laptop without internet is nothing. Everybody wants internet on their laptop and without it, it is just not done. And Bluetooth is also very important for some devices to connect.
·         Check the speaker: Many of us buy a laptop for entertainment purpose like for watching moves or playing games therefore the sound is extremely important when it involves gaming so you ought to check the speaker of the laptop is it loud enough with none distortion.
·         Check the webcam and mic: The webcam of the laptop is additionally very necessary as nowadays meetings are one via video calling that you would like a laptop with an honest webcam in order that you're visible to others. Check the mic whether it's capturing your voice properly or not.
·         Check the battery health: This is often vital for a laptop as a laptop is for carry them anywhere in order that you'll work remotely anywhere and anytime so for that you simply need an honest battery life as you can't connect your power line everywhere. to see you ought to use it with the battery at full until it drains completely in order that you'll check for a way many hours it can run on the battery.
·         Check the OS: Check, whether the OS installed, is genuine or not as some install pirated OS which isn't good for the laptop. Check the license of the software given to you.
What is a classified website?
A classified website is one among the platforms for online advertising to market products or services connecting both buyers and sellers in one single entity. A classified portal is customized and distinguished to permit the users to look for relevant categories and sub-categories.
You can also say that classified sites are the buying and selling of used or second user products and during this platform you be the customer also and the seller also. it's sort of a hub for buyers and sellers where you'll find almost everything you would like and also sell anything that you simply don’t want anymore. it's not just like the e-commerce sites it is a little different in-fact you'll get more at a classified site as you'll also find jobs from the classified sites, and different services also.
What happens on a classified site?
On a classified site, people post ads of their mobile phones to sell them as they're up for purchasing a replacement phone. The ads were shown to the buyers who looked for second-hand phones. So on a classified site the buying and selling of second-hand products continue , not only second handphones every second-hand product is listed on classified site like vehicles, furniture, laptops, etc. you'll even find jobs and services at classified sites.
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How to buy used laptops from classified sites?
Buy used laptops online from classified sites as they are very secure nowadays and are the best way to buy used laptops. Buying from a classified site is not that ordered a laptop at it reached your place it a little different let us see how to buy from classified sites.
 ·         First thing sign-up on a classified site, the best one.
·         Select the category gadgets and then select the sub-category laptops.
·         Then a lot of ads from different sellers will be shown to you.
·         Then choose the ad which looks best to you and is all that you need.
·         Read the description of the ad check for the specification and contact the seller with the details given.
·         Meet with the seller check the laptop carefully and then finalize the deal.
What are the benefits to buy used laptops?
Despite being a used laptop there are many benefits of buying them buying and if you are buying a new laptop you are wasting money by spending a lot of extra money on unnecessary add-ons. But one thing you must keep in mind is you need to buy second hand laptops online smartly i.e., checking them thoroughly. The benefits of buying a used laptop are: -
·         Get the same specification laptop at a very low price compared to the market rate.
·         It saves a lot of money for you which you can save.
·         Can get you a good laptop even if your budget is low.
·         Some deals are too good to be true but are genuine deals as the seller has no idea how much the laptop is worth it.
·         In some deals, you will also have a warranty period for some months as they are almost new.
Choosing the right site
So, classified sites are the hub for Second-hand laptops, used laptops, and refurbished laptops, whether you want to buy or sell simply visit classified sites. There is a lot of classified site in the market and you have to choose the best site among the thousands of sites, as there are frauds in the market who can cheat on you by showing you fake deals and taking money from you in-fact there are many ways to cheat so you need to be aware of that and choose the best-classified site.
What do I mean when I say best-classified sites, the good classified sites are those sites that do not entertain fake profiles and crosscheck their users. Remove spams from their sites for better user experiences and warns you about the frauds and the scams, so that you will stay alert.
Buy or sell your laptop on the best-classified site to get the best deals on the laptop, it is very important to choose the right site on which you will buy or sell your laptop.
I would recommend Cifiyah, here you can post free ads and sell your laptops in no time. Here we do not entertain fake and unverified profiles so that every user should be genuine. All the latest gadgets like mobiles and laptops are available at Cifiyah. Best buying and selling is done with Cifiyah.
Buy or sell according to your city. If you are in Mumbai then get the best-used laptops in Mumbai. Or in Delhi then buy second-hand laptops in Delhi. Or in any city of India just set the region according to your city and get the latest gadgets at affordable prices.
0 notes
thejoshscogin · 4 years
In most tragic events, both global and regional, I typically like to do my part to assist or help, while remaining in the background. Whether it is donating money, protesting, physically building houses, traveling out to give food and water to people, or any other potential aid I am able to contribute...these are done as “under the radar” as possible. Because, I am not usually a fan of the “look at me“ spotlight mentality, while the issues of the world should be getting the spotlight.
Now, I understand it is 2020 and “If you didn’t Gram it, it didn’t happen!“ but as a very private-introvert with a very strong moral compass, I personally don’t need the verification from social media to affirm my actions. Or, to put it more correctly, I don’t need the verification of social media to stroke an ego. In short, social media can often (but not always) take advantage of the “Never let a good crisis go to waste“ dogma. It can feel more about gaining “LIKES” and followers and a general “look at what I did“ pat-on-the-back, than focusing on the real issue at hand.
With all of that being said, this time it feels different. I’m still contributing in areas that I’m able, but the overwhelming morality of making it clear where I stand, outweighs the morality of not seeking vanity/self-aggrandizement. Obviously I’m still NOT here for vanity/self-aggrandizement but keeping in the background doesn’t feel like the correct path to take on this particular event dealing with race and humanity. So let me be clear.
The short version goes like this…
- I support Black Lives Matter! (duh)
- I support peaceful protests of civilians.
- I don’t support the violent looting and destruction of properties, but I understand them. I’ll speak more on that later.
- I don’t support the riots brought on by the police.
- I don’t support any authoritarian/dictator/tyrant in office that tries to hinder or remove our freedom of speech.
The long version goes like this…
I love America, or to put it more correctly, I love the potential of America. I have been fortunate enough to travel around the world many, many times (sweet brag Josh 😑) and there are so many wonderful places on this planet I would love to live but I always return home, to America.
We are not perfect (duh, no country is) and the harsh truth is that we will probably never fully end racism. I reckon there will always be idiots who hate other humans for something as pointless as skin color or as trivial as “Your pants are too tight.” or (insert any other juvenile scenario) but as Americans, if we feel like those idiots have become the people in power (police, leaders, presidents etc etc.) we have the right to freedom of speech. We have the right to voice our feelings against authority, and make a change. We have the right to protest.
Now let me be very clear, I am a full believer in peace! I believe that hate breeds more hate. I believe that violence breeds more violence. So, when these protests turn into looting and destruction of properties, it can feel like those people have lost the focus of the original task at hand. However, I also understand that when the pendulum has been so far on one side for so long, it is only natural for it to swing to the other side with brute force. Also, when the (very) peaceful protests of people like Colin Kaepernick are ignored, and in many ways punished, I can fully understand why stronger actions are felt justified and needed.
As Americans, we have the right to raise our voice when we see something needs to be corrected. So, when the peaceful, “indoor voice”, of the calm and collected Kaepernick doesn’t reach the ears of the giants in power ...or to put it more correctly, when it reaches the ears of the giants in power and yet, is completely ignored... it is only a matter of time before America feels like only a scream will suffice.
We must not forget that Kaepernick originally sat on the bench during the national anthem. It was only later that he decided it would be MORE respectful if he joined his team mates on the field and simply took a knee. I don’t know how he could have protested in a more peaceful (and respectful) way. That was like 4 or maybe 5 years ago, and yet, here we are. He tried. He gave peace a chance. Yet, here we are.
The cyclical tragedy of what happened to George Floyd is a real shame to the American powers that be. If only real measures and actions would’ve been taken from the lessons that should have been learned from Breonna Taylor or Freddie Gray or Eric Garner or Michael Brown or any of these people below (to name a few) with very similar scenarios.
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Now I don’t even claim to know how to instantly fix these problems, but there are a few basic things that sure seem like it would have at least helped. First of all, people should have been fired! Not just those directly dealing with the deaths but any and all police officers who had a history of racism or known violent tendencies, they should have been fired, all across the nation. Secondly, real actions should have been taken after these events. I understand that eventually things like body cameras etc. came into affect but what’s the point, if it’s okay to just turn them off whenever they feel like it, with no repercussions in doing so.
Side Note: Hey cops, if you feel the need to turn your cameras off, then you are doing something wrong. If you feel the need to cover up your badge in anyway, then you are doing something wrong. If you feel the need to force other people with cameras to leave the scene, then you are doing something wrong. And there should be deep and drastic consequences for any cops doing any of the above mentioned. Also, to be clear, I am not necessarily anti-cop (in theory). I know a few cops and in fact, I feel like some of our other issues of today’s police force might have been sorted or at least minimized if, a long time ago, we would have paid cops a whole lot more money. But that’s a topic for another time and not on social media. End of side note:
1991 is the first scenario I can personally remember of police brutality of an unarmed black man that became very publicized. If only dramatic measures would have been taken from the lessons that should have been learned from way back when Rodney King was in the spotlight. Imagine what nearly 30 years of progress would look like today if we would have started it back then. Our situation now, would be very different and I could assume many lives would have been spared and generally just an overall quality-of-life would be better. Shame on the powers that be, that nearly 30 years later we are still watching, shot for shot, the exact same movie unfold again and again. It blows my mind that we are still dealing with the vastness of this issue.
So where do we go from here? What are some productive steps towards ending police brutality on black people? Well, unfortunately, the quickest and most sustainable solutions would have to come from the top. If the police chiefs of the nation would fire all of the racist idiots, there would be an instant and obvious difference in the right direction. I have more thoughts on that but, assuming there is no Chief of police reading this, I’ll save you the time...
As civilians, there are still things that can be done to assist the steps to getting us further towards the right direction. Since the majority of the people reading this are most likely NOT the closed-minded-racists who are the problems, the solutions can seem less direct but every step (big or small) in the correct direction adds up.
In the short term, I think the most direct thing you can do is to donate money or protest if you are able. If you are someone in power then you should fire all the racist idiots. I’m not just talking about the police force. If you are an employer of any sort, you should remove the bad apples and do your best to never hire them in the first place.
In the long term I think the best actions are to vote! Or, to put it more correctly, study up on politicians, know where they stand on topics that are important to you, and then VOTE! Please, for the love of America, don’t JUST VOTE without the due diligence. Vote big, like the presidential candidates etc. Vote small, like local jurisdictions and authorities etc. Lastly, I think it is very important to mix and mingle with folks outside of your top 8. It will do you good, it will do our country good. As I mentioned before, if you are reading this then you’re likely already fairly open minded but just remember, it can be a subtle and steady danger to ONLY communicate with the same inner sanctum of people that believe the exact same intricacies as you do. Communicate with lots of people, with lots of backgrounds. Diversify, and remember, communication is a dialogue not a monologue.
There are so many other things that can be done. These are just the first few that popped in my head.
Last thing and then I’m out. I do believe we will come out on the other side of this better than when we went in. The death of George Floyd is a tragedy and it is compounded by all of the previous tragedies that took place before him, regardless if they got publicity or not. But, look around, we are not sitting idly by.
When we all share the same voice and sing the same song, the mountains can be moved.
I would love to, in my lifetime, live in a country where every human felt safe, respected and appreciated. I would love to, in my lifetime, live in a nation where we celebrated all of our extensive differences. I would love to, in my lifetime, live in a land where the police were there to protect and the police were there serve. And I would love to, in my lifetime, have all humans feel truly equal. Change is coming. Or, to put it more correctly, change is upon us.
Josh Scogin
“Your old road is rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin' “
-Bob Dylan
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