#and the meandering tale of the therapy bot is pure Steven Moffat emotional rollercoaster
seaweedstarshine · 2 months
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‘Is something funny?’ asked Swagger. ‘Did I miss a funny thing?’ Only then did I realise I was laughing — laughing so hard I had to use the wall to get to my feet. ‘What’s funny?’ he demanded again. ‘Tell me!’ ‘Look at us,’ I said. ‘Go on, look! You’re trying to tear me apart, he’s trying to pull us off each other, and now I’ve got the giggles.’ ‘Why the hell is any of that funny?’ he thundered, but his face was so hurt and confused I almost wanted to hug him. ‘Because,’ I told him, ‘this is what I’m like when I’m alone.’
—The Day of the Doctor: The Target Novelization, by Steven Moffat
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