#and the whole thing is sort of run by my aunt (a professional piano accompanist) and her husband (a professional singer and piano player)
victory-cookies · 6 months
for the first year ever— my aunt played the 12 days of Christmas in a lower key at our annual carol sing, meaning that I (the lone person singing “five golden rings” bc I’m the only fucking may baby and that’s how we organize the verses at this thing) didn’t have to choose between “embarrassingly low so that you’re bottoming out your vocal range and can’t be heard” and “full falsetto that will inventively end up sharp, flat, or both”. Bc that’s been my reality for like 15 fucking years at this point and it sucks every time bc I get a big spotlight on me and have to decide if I should sing low and quiet or high and pitchy. It’s hell. She realized by the tenth day this year that something must change and started playing in a lower key for the rest of the song. It was still bad but. Not as bad
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