#and then I mostly forgot abiut it
the-algebra-thing · 5 months
bro that shot of inumaki with his arms off is CRAZY lmfao it's the funniest shit I ever seen. literally the entire rest of the show he's shuffling around in a baggy ass shirt or lolloping across the screen and falling on the ground with panda for the give it back ending in a big old overcoat or waving a megaphone and a peace sign around or spectating maki matches in his stupid stupid clunky keith kogane core boots. and I suppose this is all to contrast and thus heighten the impact of the tongue tattoo shit but genuinely I forgot. he is just a silly little nerd to me. and they were like hm I think we maybe went a little too hard on the silly little nerd thang let's kick everybody awake again ! quick before the season ends stick in a black bg pan up shirtless shot! make sure to draw in all his ribs and give him the sluttiest waist you've ever seen! I'm losing it guys it's so funny to me
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bor0wik · 8 months
Guys, i hate that moment when i randomly get inspired to make an OC
I mean, i like making them, but later, i have no idea what to do with them all or at all
Sometimes, i just get too attached to an OC i randomly created in my mind at a random moment, and i am like "fuck it, let's go" but i like that feeling and fucking hate in in the same time
But then, as you can see, i mostly forgot about few of them about which i didn't cared too much (like Jade for example) or just have no idea what to do, so they just exist there but i mostly don't jse them at all except when someone othee make something with them or ask abiut them and remind me that i fucking have them
I am thinking about... Like... Maybe 'deleting' few OCs...?
I mean, i just delete these which i never used and that i always forget about, as from an example up there -Jade- and maybe few other too
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
my brain is working today!! so!! i will put some ship names here.
like go off u pick whatever u want mwah
Hiii bestiiiie im glad your brain works okay lets go!
Sico - my beloved german twincest. Same person different fonts. Insane abiut them, only saw it done right once by the other C.
Valewis - the definition of meh and consolation prize and "you just want good things for lewis, and really, who wouldnt". Will only read niamh and nailas bcs i know their characterisations and theyre right.
Farawyn - my otp from when i first read lotr. I literally couldnt care less about aragorn and arwen when malewife girlboss pairing was right there. When he speaks to her in the hiuses of healing my heart weeps and so do my eyes.
Gigolas - oooh i love them! Didnt discover them till like 2020?? But i fell in love, and honeatly its mostly the fault of this amazing fic called Sansûkh. Damn i should reread lotr sometime when the mere thought doesnt make me wanna cry like a baby and miss my dad more than i need to breathe.
Sculder - i was hooked from the first episode. Absolute yes. Im teying not to spoiler the show for myself so im refraining feom reading fics but like. Absolute yes. Malewife girlboss. I... may have a type.
Darklina - ... i mean. :) yes. Honestly it makes more sense to me than Malina, which is just boring as fuck. Nobody cares. Go be the dark lady, Alina, maybe then i'd appreciate you more.
Edit: shit i forgot twinklaren! Okay so. I get annoyed by lando very frequently and hes somehow less annoying w oscar? Idk. I have a prompt and im thinking of making it a bit dark. Not sure yet. Im weird abt those twinks.
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iheartmyipod · 2 years
wat r ur thoughts on frontiers so far??? i havent been 2 invested in recent sonic stuff but im watching a live playthrough and the atmosphere is sooooo cool it def seems like a step in the right direction 4 the series XP
dont want 2 spoil someone accidentally:P VVV
OMG LITERALY ITS SOOOOO GOOOOD sum aspects kf it reminds me of unleashed which is awesome 2 me cus rhats one of my faves… i dont pay much attention to actual gameplay in sonic i mostly like the storys and characters but frontiers is supeeer fun and i love being able to explore and do the challenges and the stages are pretty cool too … im not the best at them thiugh…. Seriously ive been talking myselr so much about how much i adore it its like they made a game just for melina i never play video games but this is so so fun to me. I was kind of confused at first tho ill be honest it is overwhelming with how big the islands are (im on the second one right now i forgot its name:P) but ithink im getting the hang of it its SO FUN EXPLORING SOOOO FUN and i like how sonic even mentions he likes how muchcroom there is to explore … omg the characterization im not too sureabout for amy i dont know if its her voice or what but THAT IS NOT AMY ROSE! I always get sad when she is written as more mature i miss 12 year old amy…She is so sweet though i still love her forever.&knuckles is so silly i love seeing sonic knuckles interactions OMG jusy so happy to see sonic characters talking to eachother and being friends i LOVEEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also sage js so interesting i have no idea what is going on with her i didnt keep up with anything about the game before it released cus i didnt want spoilers but i like her. Very interedting veeeery interesting i like how they bring back phantom ruby stuff(i assume) along with lore established in sonic adventure i think it really ties the world together in a way i always craved im so hapoy they are building more on chaos and angel island and master emerald lore seriously … ALSO I LOVE THE DESIGNS FOR ALL THE CREATURES SO MACH OMG the koco are adorable i want keychains of them and in the second island the enemies are so sick oh mai god . … the little kocos true old form or whatever look like chaos mademe go nuts i got so excited i wonder wat it allll meaaansss…. Hopefully i will FIND OUT! Also the msyic so badass im so hapy after i finish the game i know i will be listening all the time its just too good>< i love how huge the game is too and there is socmuch you can do in it if you want to. Also im super into the weather and time changes i think it is so cool but makes you think sonic is staying awake for days and in the rain so gross he needs a shower .. I HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO SAY THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS ASK I HAVE BARELY TALKED ABIUT IT TO ANYONE Nothing beats sonic adventure though🤷‍♀️lets be real.actually i miss sonics adventure attitude wah but i think in frontiers it is kind of saying they are older and not so much kids anymore which could explain why amy is like that… still not into it personally but i always think its interesting to hear them acknowledge past events.okay im done.okay. ITS JUST SO COOL before it came out i kind of thought i would not apply anything in the game to how i view the sonic world in my head (cus thats how i feel about sonic forces LOL i just ignore it) but its surpriseing me how much i like it i havent liked a sonic games  world building this much since sonic unleashed ... still i dont think frontiers will be like the basis of sonic for me but it gives super intruiging bits and pieces that i will hold on to forever in my brain. OKAY.i played at schol today in my math class its so hard playing in public cus i need to chill💆‍♀️OKAY IM DONE. okay but also like for me i usually dont really care much for new sonic stuff i like the old stuff wayyyy more but i agree this game is like a huge good step for the series GAH OKAY
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szmaciarz-pospolity · 2 years
Hi today we're talking abiut power level and my thoughts about certain gen rex characters being weaker than their peers in a way.
There's one thing I've been thinking about for a while and I just need to share ny thoughts. It's me wondering, if Rex when he was a part of Hong Kong gang, was the phisically weak one? Ofc now Rex is stronger than all of them but I've been thinking about how Tuck said that Rex back then couldn't do his builds, and only could steal money from ATMs. So Rex back then only had his technopathy and curring abilities, wich makes sense since in promises promises that was the only thing Rex could do aswell. These are awsome powers, don't get me wrong but like,,, they were street kids, they propably got into phisical fights a lot, and overall a power to pounch someone good would be useful back then. But technopathy and curring? I'm not sure how that would help, you can't pounch someone with technopathy. And his bare fists wouldn't propably do much eighter. Like he was propably 12-13 years old, skinny and short. And this leads me to think, he was propably phisically the weakest of the group back then. Like he has awsome useful powers, just not useful in combat. Honestly it's interesting to imagine Rex who's now so op, as the one who propably was left mostly helpless in phiscal fights since what would he do? Cure the attacker? And what if that attacker wasn't a currable evo but an adult man with a knife??? What are you going to do hack his phone??
Other thing kinda related to this topic, is how in current Hong Kong gang I can't help but feel like Skwyyd is now in this "weak in combat but useful as fuck regardless" position. Okay so like this might sound dumb and it propably does but hear me out. I'm not saying Skwyyd is weak, beacuse we saw him in fight and he can do it just fine BUT. Okay so Skwyyd's main abuility is that smoke ink thing wich is obviouslly really useful to distract the opponent. We also see him ONCE (I think correct me if I'm wrong) in his first apearance use like turrning his hands into tencales of sort that are great to pounch someone. But like we see him use that only once as far as I checked, and it makes me wonder if that wasn't retconed beacuse like?? Why wouldn't he use it more fr. Maybe it's beacuse around 3 years ago I was into Jojo and like it was so common there for character to be instoduced with some ability and then retcon it out of existance. But like I just can't help but feel like creators eighter didn't like that hand tencale smack thing and decided not to use it, or they just forgot since it wasn't that memorable to begin with. So of that's the case (wich if it's not, that means Skwyyd propably just thinks that power is lame and decided to not use it dhhdhdhd), we're left with a great distraction power and just regular fist combat skills wich Skwyyd definetley has!! Like just for this post I rewatched fights in that Hong Kong gang season 3 episode since that's the episode with him I memorised the least, and there's a moment where Skwyyd pounches the ground and OH MY GOD I WOULD CRY MY KNUCKLES WOULD HURT SO BAD and he was fine so he definetley has skill in that. But like I can't help but feel he would need some support while fighting other evos. Like he's phisicallt decently strong like I said, just not as strong as Cricket with her legs litearlly made for kicking or Tuck with whatever the fuck you call his bandage powers. But even if that doesn't convince you, I think we all can agree he's at least NOT THAT GREAT at parcour and jumping. Like for sure he's good enough since it was said Hong Kong gang did those parkour sessions everyday (besides the days they did arts and crafts ofcourse bruh), but also even durring one of these sessions, we see how he rides on the back of Rex Ride with Rex. Overall there's a pattern of Skwyyd being helped in some way while jumping. Like the way he gets on Tuck's back in that season 3 ep?? It all leads me to conclussion that even if Skwyyd is good and what he's doing, and not really "weak", he's still a bit weaker than his friends and he does need their help.
Okay that was it sorry being both hiperfixated and a daydreamer leads me to have so much to talk about fr
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kurakurarisu · 7 years
i'm dizzy and sleep-deprived and ridig high on my first glasses of alchohol in like a year but i had dinner eith my real biological dad tongiht. it was the first time i've seen him in person in nine years and i have 
anywaje here's everything i can remember about this night so i can remember it fir all time
he was super late fot some reason, we talked about meeting at 9:30 and he ended up being an hour late
i was super nervous about meeting him so i didn't get any sleep the night before so by the time we were actually going to meet i was ready to drop dead i was so freakin sleepy
 when the taxi pulled up to the hotel we were meetig at he was standing waiting i got out and he immediately hugged me. he held me super tight
in the beginning we were obviously still fihuring out how to talk to each other so it was a little awkward but honestly not even half as awkward as i was fearing it would be
he took me to a french restaurant and he asked me i've ever eaten at one before and i said no so he said he would help me order 
he honestly looked like.. a mafia boss's relative or something. like he wasn't as imposing as a mafia boss but hedefinitely looked like h could've been part of the boss's family. he had salt n pepper hair, it was mostly white nesr the front, a tiny hit of belly and slim arms and legs. and he had a cigar
hr asked me how i was doing three times
he asked me what i wanted to know and i asked about my grandparents and appsrently my grandfather died last year :( on november 2016.  i was really fucking sad abiut that but apparently he made it to 94 years old which is pretty impressive
my grandmother is still alive. my dad is the 2nd oldest in a family of six, i have 3 unvles and 2 aunts and one of them has twins
my dad works as secind in command at a hotel, assistant general manager? he's been taking jobs in various coub0ntries trying to find a hotel where he can be promoted to general managef. he's worked in libya, ruwais, oman, saudi and here in the uae
he started as a busboy
he can speak fluent arabic and french!!! :( 
he used to swim a lot which is!! i've been wanting to learn how to swim for a while, i told him i didn't know how and that i could only float and he made a face and laughed
he ordered white wine, i forgot the name :( he thought me how to drink it, first you have to smell it, then you sip and keep in it in your tongue for a while
the food was.. delicious he ordered us both seafood bisque and i had the softest chicken breast of my life
what else. he asked about life at home cause i messaged him 2 weeks ago? asking if i coukd stay with hin cause i got kicked out. i couldn't really explain that very well, i didn't want to tell him what specifically we fought about that made them tell me to leave
he gave me a lot of life advice and advice on how to get a job and encouragement in general. he said it'd be easier to apply for custome service jobs in hotels and then work my way uo to admin by taking the hotel training courses
he said he wanted to become a general manager to secure a better future cause no one was going to take care of him in his old age :((( i have to do something about that
i told him i'm trying to kearn japanese cause i want to move to japan someday. he seemed really su4ptised cause i only ever talked about wanting to go to canada. i asked him where he wanted to retire and he daid he wants to open a restaurant in los angeles and then retire there cause he's been there before and one of his brothers lives there with his family?
he never had other kids and never thought about marrying anyone after splitting with my mom he said maybe because he was still in love with her
he likes to read history books and knows how to cook a littke
the restaurant he took me to is one he used to take my mom to when they were dating :(
nearing the end of the meal, he was sitting in his his seat turned a littke sideways and he lit uo his cigar, i was on my third glass of wine and the silence was very comfortabkr
we kept chatting til we finished the bottle, it was 12:30 and we were the only people left at the restaurant. 
before we left we hugged for a long time outside the hotel entrance, then he ealked me to the taxi stand
and that's it!! 
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