#and then customerd are like UHMMM IT WAS STOCKED IN THE WRONG PRICE LABEL
oflgtfol ยท 2 years
well this is shaping up to be the most fucking annoying shift i have ever worked
#these seasonal people are driving me fucking insane#i get that people are paid minimum wage and thus do minumum effort#but you peopel are actively making my own job worse bc you wont fucking do your own job#if you have overstock LOCATE IT#dont shove it in a random box and then make me spend ten fucking minutes breaking my back trying to open all these things of heavy ass paint#just to find one (1) painf item#and hell even i said fuck it i give up and just located it at some random box#which i wouldnt have to do if you people just did your fucking job in the first place#spent like 40 minutes down a single aisle locating all these random items that we had overstock of that hadnt been located#which makes it very obvious that the Individual who stocked that aisle didnt do shit#and ifs not even just the overtock im also noticing that the actual stock itself is looking worse for wear#bc people just stick it in the modt random places !#and then customerd are like UHMMM IT WAS STOCKED IN THE WRONG PRICE LABEL#so then we have to give it to them becsuse yeah it IS our bad for that#but its all bc these fucking people refuse to even put it the right spit#and the kicker is. the right spot is 90% of the time. literally right next to where they stocked it#so its like. literally what are you fucking doing#you make my job harder when im on register bc then i have angry customeds about wrong prices#and you make my job harder when i have to fix your overstock mistakes#literally. so fed up#brot posts#so this is a great start to my shift and then im going on fhcking register for the next four hours once im back from break#wboch is why i was annoyed when i saw that bc its already bad enouvh being on register during peak hours#now i already worked 4 hours before that. thats not a great start YIPPIE !!$ -_____-
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